We glimpsed some iconic moments from Final Fantasy 7 during yesterday’s Rebirth trailer, including Cloud’s arrival at the Chocobo farm and the first footage of Elena. It’s interesting, then, to see some of these iconic scenes compared to the PS1 original – and an industrious TikToker, as spotted by GamesRadar, has hastily prepared a comparison for us all to enjoy.
Obviously, this side-by-side is particularly pertinent because there were some concerns after the end of Final Fantasy 7 Remake that Square Enix may throw out the entire plot of the original for its successor – but we can clearly see here that’s not the case, and many of the original moments have remained intact. (Although we’re sure there will still be plenty of deviations along the way.)
The game’s looking real good – so good, in fact, that it’ll ship on two discs. How’s your hype holding up for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth now you’ve had a little time to digest the latest trailer? Stand back-to-back with Tifa in the comments section below.
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[source twitter.com, via gamesradar.com]
Comments 32
How far we've come!
Barely a difference, how lazy
(someone had to make that joke)
Trying to image what we would have had if Square stayed with Nintendo.
Glad Sony got this. Despite its flaws, its still one of the best games of all time.
@get2sammyb I know it's insane ps1 was my 1st console now I'm gaming on ps5 and it's such a stark difference man I kinda feel old and I'm in my 20s lol 😆
@Drago201 wait until you hit 40 like me 😂😂
Your still a whippersnapper 😊
I… I can’t see the difference. 😂
Ps2 to ps1 is the biggest difference in video games history.but yeah final fantasy 7 rebirth looks really good compare to the original ps1 final fantasy game.word up son
I was pretty bent out of shape about the last two hours of Remake, but upon playing it a second time with the release of Intergrade I've come to accept that Nomura is a plague on my life that I cannot escape. Just go ahead and give me the game, Nomura warts and all. It'll have to do.
@Kidfunkadelic83 people gonna be wearing those apple headsets living in a false reality by that time I'm definitely gonna feel old
imagine how it will look for the second Remake in 30 years
@SplooshDmg Nomura's the one that wanted to stay faithful to the original
<nitpick>That header pic isn't from the PS1 original, the field models only got mouths with the PC port.
@playstation1995 I’d say SNES to N64 but that whole decade was a huge shift for sure
But why are we comparing a picture of Cloud on the right to the picture of Lightning on the left?
@Judal27 You show me the receipts to back that up and I'll change my tune. Otherwise, imo FF7R was just injected with the same brand of gibberish Nomura nuttiness that is Kingdom Hearts.
Why is it repeatedly pointed out that it's on 2 discs as if that's some special thing? Remake was on 2 discs too.
@Matroska people still think more discs = better quality
@saffeqwe Well in this case it'll be down to texture quality, audio quality and amount of voiced lines - but the point is that the previous game was also 2 discs so it's not noteworthy that this also is. It's like getting excited that the next MCU movie has superheroes in.
@Matroska To be fair to SE, it shouldn't be a big deal that "the entire game is actually in the box on the physical version" but it actually is since virtually no modern game actually is. It's one of those thing that realizing it's a thing to celebrate should make you cry. "It's on 2 discs" is almost a continuation of "this is how you share games on PS4."
@vidjagames. Nah ps1 to ps2 was huge its crazy.word up son
@playstation1995 you're arguing that going from 2D to 3D was not as impressive as going from 3D to a better 3D. You're probably too young to remember stuff
@SplooshDmg lol assuming there wasn't any sort of misinterpretation https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2020/05/interview_final_fantasy_vii_remake_producer_and_co-director_on_development_launch_and_being_grateful_for_the_fans
@Judal27 I mean, I do think a lot of it is open to interpretation because it's a huge question with a pretty vague response. This question is particularly aimed at expanding Midgar, which of course wasn't exactly fleshed out enough in the original to make a full game of. That said though, even if Kitase was shooting for more dramatic changes, Nomura met him somewhere in the middle and I would still tell anyone that I think Nomura was the man responsible for the last two hours of that game, because it just 100% looks like his handy work. So, I'll give Nomura credit that had he not stepped up and pushed back against Kitase, it might have gone even further off the rails. So, I'd still tell you the game has been injected with Nomura nuttiness, because it has, it just maybe wasn't entirely his idea.
@Matroska I think it has a few reasons.
1. It’s saying the full game is on the discs.
2. It’s saying it’s a really big game.
Most importantly:
3. It’s reminding us fans that FF7 was on multiple discs and having to switch between discs the further you progressed into the game was actually a fairly unique thing that only games like Final Fantasy had as a ‘feature’. So it’s a bit of nostalgia there.
@SplooshDmg I guess it is open to interpretation but then at that point it all becomes speculation. What's fact though is that it was Kitase pushing for the changes not just from this interview but also the one where he says a straight up remake would only be interesting for nostalgia and last only for the beginning of a game. Of course the whole team would have ultimately been in agreement and pitched in for all the new changes which would include Nomura. But it seems pretty clear the one that thought up all this alternate timeline shenanigans from the beginning is Kitase
@Judal27 See, that's the part I'm not sure about. Part of me even wonders how big a hand Nojima played in the "re-writing". Considering he was one of the original writers, I guess he has some clout in that department. But Nojima also primarily wrote the KH games, so maybe I'm directing to much of my frustration at Nomura when maybe I should be shaking my fist at Nojima.
@SplooshDmg I mean he was one of the writers lol. Wouldn't surprise me if he was in full agreement with kitase from the start
@Judal27 Yeah, it's honestly bizarre to me. Kitase and Nojima originally wrote FFVII collaboratively, so really, it's theirs to do what they will. It's just one of those situations where they can, but I'm not really sure that they should. Lol
@Kidfunkadelic83 lol it's wild from the vic20/c64 and Atari 2600 days
@NEStalgia Genuine question here as I've seen a few people say similar to your comment now. How does having 2 discs in the box translate to there being less to download?
The game is too big to fit on 1 disc. That's why there is a second disc. We don't know how much of that second disc has been used... if it's also full, then there would likely still be a download on top of it?
Also, day one patch is still very likely and that patch is surely likely to be even bigger for a 2 disc game depending on what needs patching / likely more to patch! So that could still end up being a massive download anyway!
@nocdaes That's all very true. I think most are assuming it's not really more than 2 discs, and because most games are 2 disc games that don't include the second disc. But you could be right. Of your right, whether physical or digital that install size will kill everyone's consoles! 😢
@eltomo I wouldn't want to live in such a reality/universe.
@Kienda I could definitely see them trying to pull at our heart strings with some nostalgia.
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