Guerrilla Games has deployed yet another PS5 update for Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores, which brings the title up to version number 1.26. The patch weighs in at less than 1GB, so you shouldn't need to wait very long before resuming your plight in the Burning Shores. This is another one all about fixes for quest issues, bugs, and glitches, so there's no obvious game enhancement to point towards this time around.
As such, please browse through the complete Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores update 1.26 patch notes below.
Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores Update 1.26 Patch Notes
Main Quests
- Fixed an issue for Main Quest “Heaven and Earth” where if during “Fly to Starlight Rise” objective players fast travel to the Forbidden West and leave their flying mount downed there, upon returning to the Burning Shores overrides work incorrectly, blocking progression.
- Fixed an issue for Main Quest “Heaven and Earth” where players could reach and interact with the second ballista in the chasm without Seyka’s help, resulting in quest objectives not properly updating and blocking progression.
- Fixed an issue for Main Quest “Heaven and Earth” where Seyka could get stuck behind a door, blocking progression.
- Fixed an issue for Main Quest “Heaven and Earth” where entering the door code during “Search the Ruins for Londra and the Missing Quen” objective and then reloading from save would result in the quest being stuck on “Find the Door Code” objective while the door is already open, blocking progression.
- Fixed an issue for Main Quest “Heaven and Earth” where leaving the quest area and quick saving at a campfire could result in quest progression being blocked.
- Fixed an issue for Main Quest “Heaven and Earth” where under certain conditions creation of multiple autosaves could lead to progression being blocked.
- Fixed an issue for Main Quest “The Stars in Their Eyes” where reloading from save during “Scan the Device” objective would cause the objective to not display in the Quest Log nor as an in-game marker, possibly causing confusion and blocking progression.
- Fixed an issue for Main Quest “For His Amusement” where overriding a Waterwing during “Meet Seyka at the Waterwing Site” objective would result in the objective not updating, blocking progression.
Side Quests
- Fixed an issue for Side Quest “In His Wake” where fast traveling away during “Investigate the Skirmish Site” objective while callouts about Pirik’s note play could cause the objective to not update, blocking progression.
- Fixed an issue for Side Quest “A Friend in the Dark” where Gildun would not enter the elevator if players reach and use the valve wheel without going through the vent, potentially blocking progression.
- Fixed an issue for Side Quest “A Friend in the Dark” where Gildun would not enter the elevator if players push the first wagon halfway, leaving Gildun on the wagon, possibly blocking progression.
World Activities
- Fixed an issue for Cauldron “THETA'' where the shield in the second puzzle room would reappear when players died three times after disabling it, blocking progression.
- Fixed an issue for “Aerial Capture: East” where a “Pangea Figurines” callout would interrupt the audio log, after which it would not play again.
- Fixed an issue for “Notes on Londra’s Code” datapoint where the datapoint would not be awarded to players if they enter the door code before finishing the planetarium puzzle.
- Fixed an issue for the Specter Gauntlet where it would not be upgraded with the Railgun Mode if the weapon is in the player’s stash while crafting the upgrade.
- Fixed an issue for the Trap Mines Valor Surge where the second wave of level 3 Trap Mines would not trigger if any of the first wave mines were detonated prior.
Performance and Stability
- Multiple crash fixes.
Photo mode
- Fixed an issue for Photo Mode where under certain conditions the lighting would flicker while manoeuvring the camera close to water level.
- Increased the spawn rate of salmon in the Forbidden West area.
- Fixed multiple issues where players could get stuck in assets and/or geometry or fall out of the world.
- Fixed an issue where players were not able to travel with a flying mount between the Burning Shores and the Forbidden West at specific sections of the border.
- Fixes and improvements to audio.
- Fixes and improvements to visuals.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 18
The base game was probably the buggiest game I have ever played, and I've played Cyberpunk. I found it very weird that these issues don't really show up in the discourse about this game or the reviews, especially considering that Sony published games tend to be nearly flawless.
@RBRTMNZ Odd. I platinumed it from day one and I'm not sure I ran into an issue.
@Andy22385 Same. Other than the "shimmer" this game ran like a dream. If memory serves, that was sorted out quickly as well.
@RBRTMNZ You must have had a dodgy copy because Horizon day one compared to Cyberpunk was polished to a fine sheen.
While it did have issues, mainly with the Performance mode having god awful shimmering and small issues here and there, it was one of the more polished games on day 1 to come out in a while, especially during the pandemic. In no way was it buggier than Cyberpunk 2077, so I'd chalk it up to either just bad luck or BS. Just being honest.
@IamJT It took them quite a while to actually truly fix the shimmer. They acknowledged it, but had to try to figure it out first. They did make several attempts, but it wasn't until several months after release before Performance mode was truly fixed and nearly as beautiful as Resolution mode.
@KilloWertz maybe I don't remember because the rest of the game was so polished... it is not a game I would ever associate with a buggy release. Especially when compared to the current landscape.
This is kind of annoying because I downloaded the dlc and the updates and played it briefly but if I want to get back to it I have to download this again, but frustrating but that is modern gaming for you 😕😕
@Andy22385 Weird, I had a few quests that just wouldn't complete and some where I couldn't start them until after reloading the game. When I encountered these, I googled and a lot of people on Reddit had similar experiences. Did you play on performance?
@AdamNovice A lot of people on Reddit had similar issues. Perhaps it had to do with the settings I chose?
@AdamNovice Final Fantasy 16 is going to show us.that games don't need patches after how long already. That you don't have the issue doesn't make it a non issue otherwise they won't release a patch for it.
@RBRTMNZ yep I cant play 30 fps any more😂 I had the shimmer but it didn't really bother me. Didn't run into any quest bugs I thought it was very polished.
@Flaming_Kaiser I didn't say they weren't any but aside from the shimmering there weren't any big problems outside the usual open world jank you get in most titles. These patches aren't for what devs call "critical bugs" there just cleaning up any bugs that players discover by accident because 99% of the time the game is perfectly playable.
@IamJT It's whatever. I was just pointing out that it actually did take them a while to fix the performance mode, but in the end there's no denying that it was a fairly polished game otherwise. It's actually a positive that a developer supports their game for a long time even if it's in a good state already.
@Powerplay94 Okay. That was your experience. My experience was two major bugs in Cyberpunk and around six in HFW and I experienced roughly the same amount of insignificant mostly visual bugs in each of them.
My comment was mainly that it's weird that this doesn't show up in discourse or reviews when even you who are attacking me confirms the game had bugs. I don't understand why my comment is so troubling for you.
@RBRTMNZ My guess is that it’s more baffling than troubling. If reviews and discussion of the game don’t mention much about bugs, it would stand to reason that most people haven’t had your experience. Maybe you just had very bad luck with HFW and very good luck with Cyberpunk.
@Amnesiac I definitely did not have a unique experience. The top result here has 3500 comments about bugs...
I dropped this DLC like a bad habit after attempting the SnapMaw recon mission no less than 28 times. No lie.
Happy to see they're still actively patching, but I am wondering when they will finally stop?
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