Now that Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has a release date, it's starting to feel a bit more real. As well as the date, Sony has revealed details of pre-orders and various editions you'll be able to purchase, and the Digital Deluxe edition in particular has something fans will want: a selection of unique suits for Peter and Miles.
While you do have to buy either the Digital Deluxe or Collector's editions to gain access to them, they all look fantastic:

Peter and Miles each get five suits, and all of them have been designed by guest artists, making them true originals. There are most likely nods to costumes from the comics and other media, and the results look great, and super varied. Artists who worked on these outfits include people in various creative industries: Kris Anka, Julia Blattman, Sweeney Boo, Anthony Francisco, Raf Grassetti, Jerad Maantz, Joel Mandish, Darren Quach, and Victoria Ying.
As mentioned, these are locked to the Digital Deluxe or Collector's editions of Spidey 2, but pre-ordering any version will net you early unlocks for the Arachknight Suit for Peter and the Shadow-Spider Suit for Miles:

If you don't pre-order, you'll still get these through regular progression. No matter what your spending habits, though, we can probably all agree that the suit selection we've seen thus far is looking strong — it bodes well for the full game, which is sure to have many more crazy costumes to wear.
Which of these is your favourite? Suit up in the comments section below.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 49
Thank you for these awful exclusive suit. I don't need to buy Deluxe anymore. I was going for it if there was story DLC but shame.
A little overkill with the different suits. They all look cringe. Would rather just have a custom suit mode and more actual spidermen suits from the comics.
Every single one of those is atrocious.
The suits in the second pic look like Assassin's Creed. I'm all for it
I actually like the suits for Miles, I think they go well with his style, and mimics some of the suits from his game, I wouldn't say they are great, but good enough, but the suits for Peter? Nah those are some bad suits, really doesn't fit Peter at all.
EDIT: I'm only referring to the 2 Early Suits with Different Colors, the 5 different suits for both Peter & Miles all vary from okay to great IMO
I hope they have actual spider man suits too as these look like ridiculous fan art.
I was tempted by the deluxe until I saw the actual outfits.
Hopefully there will be plenty of decent looking ones featured
They aren’t exactly great looking. Kinda over the tech angle with Spider-Man, more spandex suits and suits from across the multiverse would be cool.
I'm not really digging any of these, but I'm sure that there will be plenty of comic-inspired suits, too. As long as those are there (the ones from the last game and new ones), they can play around as much as they want with other stuff.
I mean Spider-Man has had a load of ridiculous looking suits in the comics so don't know why these ones are getting hate.
I'll stick with whatever suits the game uses as the default.
One of my biggest gripes with these outfits in the previous game is that they don’t have animated eyes, making the cut scenes a lot stiffer, so I ended basically never using them. Looking at these, it seems they are sticking with that direction. I was really hoping a new entry would try to make more new suits have animated eyes.
Those Arachknight and Shadow-Spider suits are very nice.
Instant fan.
Cool. I'm more interested in how the greater Marvel Universe will be connected into this game. SP 1 & MM played it pretty contained with Spidey associated characters + Taskmaster. I wonder who we will be seeing in this one
Personally, I want to see Daredevil, Luke Cage, Dr. Strange, mayyyyybe an X-Man or so
Wow those deluxe suits look... bad
I hope they include Pavitr Prabhakar!
with his gorgeous hair flowing in the wind
Those first ten are quite bad. I do like the two for pre-ordering though.
Should rather add a filter that the entire game looks like the spider verse movies, instead of these ugly uncanny valley character models which are very off-putting.
@theMEGAniggle you think that's a possibility? I think at best we'll get Morbius 😂 I did enjoy the little architectural nods to the expanded marvel universe in the original.
I like the 25th century suit but that's it. Glad I don't need to spend extra for deluxe
Most of these look dope. My first playthrough is always with the classic suits that the game itself gives you during the story so I'm fine with these designs. Probably will only use them for the plat
I quite like the 2 pre-order "knight" suits but the other 10 are an EASY pass, they look like what you would get if you gave a 12 year old gamer some bright coloured pencils.
I'm sure that as with the earlier games, I'll set to the animated suits asap and stick with them
"If you don't pre-order, you'll still get these through regular progression. "
Push Square, are you referring to the pre-order bonus suits or the unique deluxe edition suits?
Meh, there are maybe 2 or 3 I see myself using from the Deluxe edition but the two preorder ones are badass
@tameshiyaku wishful thinking I guess. I don't think we'll see much but I hope so
Peter's suits look pretty good, but Miles' suits are drippy as hell. Especially the Tokusatsu suit.
I'm getting the collector's edition for sure, so I'm looking forward to seeing them in game.
And to all the naysayers saying they look ugly, I'm sorry you're so f@$king basic.
They’re terrible 🫣
There’s only 2 or 3 that I think are cool so that’s a pass for me. Some interesting designs for sure though!
How about an original setting.. now that would influence me to buy the game.. copy/paste NYC.. yaaaaay 😒
You guys sound a little shilly I have to say. I don't think any of these suits are good. What we got in past games are all I need. Plus the symbiote of course.
As Peter.B.Parker once said,"No on the capes!".
They look pretty awful but I'll be glad just to have them there just cause, I do wish to see more comic book costumes which I'm sure they will add.
Looks like AI is designing spiderman suits now, still a ways to go
Hmmm this is exclusive to Playstation consoles. I wonder if Phil Spencer and Doug Bowser alerted the FTC and CMA cause this isn't fair to Xbox and Switch owners.
@Tasuki That's like saying it's unfair to PlayStation and Xbox owners that Pokemon is exclusive to Switch. Sony owns theatrical Spider-Man rights and clearly made a deal with Marvel to share that in exchange for exclusive video game rights.
@Tasuki Another Xbox child who doesn't understand how any of this works. Notice how Sony take zero issue with Redfall or Starfield?
@WallyWest you mean the Starfield that was the focal point of Sony's argument against ABK? Oh and they did bring up Redfall.
@Krysus Isn't that due to MS promising Starfield to be 3rd party only for MS to backtrack that?
@WallyWest thats a totally separate and irrelevant issue to your original argument. @Tasuki had the right of it.
@Krysus I mean the issue isn't that MS have exclusive games and more they said Bethesda titles will remain 3rd party only for MS to reveal they were lying. If MS from the off said Bethesda titles are now 1st party and promised Sony nothing then that article wouldn't exist. MS don't care that SM is 1st party just like Sony don't care Halo is.
All those suits come with an automatic floss emote.
@Scottyy I'd rather the entire story just be in the full game at launch, story DLC is not needed.
@theMEGAniggle @tameshiyaku We'll definitely see Wolverine at the very least, as a story setup/tease for his own spinoff game. Insomniac is also working on that too.
@Samholy I'm planning to re-watch Across the Spiderverse next week or the week after, can't wait!
@TheCollector316 PushSquare was referring to the pre-order bonus suits, they can still be obtained thru normal story progression.
The Digital Deluxe suits can only be obtained via buying the Digital Deluxe Edition or upgrading the Standard Edition via the Digital Deluxe upgrade DLC.
@KidRyan I would expect that but I'm just wondering IF wolverine is in the same universe.
Like if it makes sense organically then go for it but if it's just fisted in to force a shared universe, then best to just give them separate worlds or not have them interact at all
It was in the first game. Like it was a complete story. But Deluxe got cool story DLCs to expand some of them. I prefer them much more than these ugly suits as an incentive for Deluxe.
@theMEGAniggle Why wouldn't the Wolverine game take place in the same universe? Just makes the most sense to me.
@Scottyy Fair point, bonus suits are inferior to story DLC.
@KidRyan you know when writers or producers put characters into the same universe even though it doesn't fit together or is thematically inconsistent etc. I just don't want that.
It does make sense and would be cool to see but I want it to fit into the story. Don't want them just shoving it in our faces for no reason.
Imagine seeing a team up of Wolverine and Spider-Man for a couple missions. Maybe its Miles teaming up with him because Peter's in the dark side for a while. Because lets be real, the whole game won't be just Venom and Kraven and the Lizard. The first game showed us plenty of Mr Negative and Wilson Fisk but little did we know there'd be a whole Sinister Six appearance.
I'm banking on the same sort of surprise of there being a whole lot more characters than expected in this one.
@theMEGAniggle Imagine if we got team-up attacks! I can see them already.
Oh there is definitely going to be some surprise villains. No way will it just be Venom, Lizard, and Kraven.
@KidRyan I'm so excited for the story I hope they don't show too much at comic con. I really hope we see some appearances from daredevil and Dr strange too
@darreb510 the first suit is from the "warp world" event in the comics.
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