If you're particularly sensitive to minor spoilers for what is, at this point, a retro game, consider yourself warned. During the prologue of Mass Effect 2 (literally the first ten minutes), a convenient McGuffin is contrived as a way to reset any skills Commander Shepard might have picked up during the original game, with our hero jettisoned, broken, into the cold, unyielding vacuum of space... in need of rebuilding.
The moment is certainly a memorable one, an explosive opening to an excellent game. Someone at BioWare certainly thought so, too, going so far as to have it immortalised in one of the more bizarre pieces of video game merchandise we've seen since Dead Island: Riptide's historically obscene tribute to classical Roman sculpture.
Behold, the Shepard's Death Statue!

The pricey conversation starter was on sale for all of a day before being pulled from the BioWare Gear Store, with the reason for its removal still unclear. The Gear Store's official Twitter account posted an apology for laying insufficient emotional groundwork for the gravity of the scene depicted (apparently), admitting that "the way we announced [Shepard's Death Statue] did not convey that properly, nor does it give the moment in the series the credit it deserves."
Did you manage to secure the infinitely collectable Shepard's Death Statue while it was briefly on sale? Rattle off the most memorable pieces of gaming merchandise you can recall in the comments section below.
[source kotaku.com, via gamesradar.com]
Comments 24
Wait…what’s the controversy?
Anyone who ordered it had their order canceled.
I don't find this distasteful really. I mean I would not buy it but I don't see a problem having a collectible showing the death of a main character.
Spoilers alert you can die in video games sometimes.
Come on guy, why you always publish this clickbait? And yes, I will not be surprised if this comment is deleted, again, as always by you.
The coddling of the mind. Who in what respects would be interested in bioware games enough to view their merchandise who would be offended by this enough en masse apparently to make bioware want to pull the product and refund buyers? Strange times.
@claytortot213 it's not. He has a history of clickbait material.
I legit never expected to read something like this lmao.
The statue is neat though, not gonna lie
I woulda bought that statue. Its not gory or anything, it's peaceful.
I have Tali, Liara, Thane and Mordin on my mantle, so I probably would have bought this one, too (though I'd much rather have Wrex)
Not sure what the problem with this was, I initially thought that they realized that they flubbed the marketing (as in, failed to hype it enough) and wanted a do-over, with messaging along the lines that this was only the first entry in a series of collectibles based on iconic moments in the franchise. I assumed they pulled it so that they could relaunch later when they could share more details on the other entries.
Though, considering the times we're living in, I would not be surprised if it instead was another example of a company soiling their pants over a handful of the loudest screamers from the toxic cesspool that is Twitter
@Loamy it’s the most ridiculous article ever… until the sexy robot one by the same writer.. EG is going downhill outside of Digital Foundry.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner Sexy robot? ...I don't wanna know.
On-topic, I don't see what the big deal is.
@Loamy ...OK then. XD
And I also looked up the sexy robot thing...wish I hadn't.
If it didn't say death on the box I would assume it was a weird relaxation pose.
PSXDave wrote:
Because WE engage with it, if you want to see less of it don’t click on it, don’t comment.
I thought the controversy was going to be that some people who really didn't like the tone shift from ME1 to ME2 view that event as the best example of Mass Effect losing its way - the main character dying for about a minute of game time and getting resurrected with very little consequence.
But nope, whatever this was, it was way dumber.
@Loamy I read that article now and I'm not surprised at all. That's why I've avoided that site since a certain article about Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Eh... Sadly no room on my nerd shelf for a weird death figure.
if your offended by it dont buy it problem solved.
nope now no one can buy it thanks alot
@sonicmeerkat Nooooooooooo.....!!!
It stuns me that in a world on the brink of a major possibly irreversible climate change that could lead to even more drought and disease on this planet, that there are people out there who are expending all this angst (woke entitled angst I guess) over... a video game statuette.
Kinda glad Elon Musk is running Twitter into the ground; it's been a rage-fuelled playground for the bored and entitled for about a decade now, by my reckoning. There's a reason I came off it and never went back about that long ago.
@Loamy Did you only get banned for a week?
..... I suspect mine will be a bit longer. 😂
Couldn't find it in "News".
@Loamy Thank you for the informative explanation!
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