Those pernicious Persona 3 remake rumours are doing the rounds once again, which is equal parts exciting and exhausting. A web domain has been updated in line with previous Atlus releases and following the same format, leading to speculation that an announcement is imminent.
It has been speculated (including by the Japanese Twitter user tracking all of these domains) that the "RE" suffix could refer to some kind of "Reloaded Edition" or just "Reload", potentially a reference to the game's famous and supposedly controversial Evoker handguns.

As relayed by the dedicated folks over at Persona Central, updates to the "P3RE.JP" domain in the last 24 hours indicate that an announcement could be imminent, with the smart money being on reveal at the Xbox Games Showcase in the coming days. Recall that the recent Persona 3 and Persona 4 remasters on console had some kind of exclusive deal with the Green Machine, so it tracks we could see it there.
What do you think of all this? Surely there has to be a pot of Persona gold waiting at the end of this particular rainbow, right? Speculate wildly in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com, via personacentral.com]
Comments 21
Geoffy boy is going to announce it at summer games fest just like he announced Joker in smash. Atlus loves the guy for some reason.
@ATaco It will be announced at the xbox showcase.
Persona is linked with Microsoft with a marketing deal now and for sure this remake will be on GP at day one.
I won't be surprised if it will be also a console exclusive.
Cool! I could play a P3 remake. Been some years since i played portable. It's the one that got me into the series, but i always missed not being able to walk in the environments, especially when i learn of FES. But the combat on that was worse so i kept to what i enjoyed.
Having P3 remade in P5 fashion, with portable combat improved, maybe tartarus improved and the content added in FES could make for a very nice game. Maybe a revised ending too. I prefer happy endings, even if it's an FFX-2 style one.
I have mixed feelings about this, I've already played the original on PS2 and the Portable version on PSP. So if they don't add a lot of new content similar to what Persona 5 Royal had then I'm not interested in playing the same game a 3rd time.
Also it's only been 6 months since they re released the portable game on modern consoles, so now they expect people who have literally just put 80+ hours into this game to do so again, possibly less than 12 months later? Ridiculous.
And Finally if the game becomes xbox exclusive timed or full, or even gives xbox the current gen version whilst playstation only get a ps4 version then I'm totally done with Atlus, one of my biggest hates is companies forgetting the fan base and company that made them what they are today, Persona is the juggernaut it is because of playstation and it's players, so to backstab them over a bit more money is trashy to me. Although that would be a massive gamble not having the game on a japanese system, it would fail catastrophically in Japan.
@Tzara No chance dude. I doubt that GP dough is worth all the PS and NSW sales (and XB ones tbh)and the japanese fanbase ire.
At best a temporary exclusivity deal.
@Tzara Due to the disastrous xbox sales in Japan means it will most likely not be console exclusive, surely Atlus aren't that stupid. Japanese players would turn their back on the game and then Atlus would put the game on playstation/nintendo anyway to save it sales. At most it will be gamepass day one.
As long as is comes to Ps in day one. If fot some reason atlus takes the check from xbox, they can limit themselves to 2% if console jrpg players
Trash as rumours are by definition, the thought of getting a remake on the heels of a straight port is admittedly not QUITE as farfetched since Trials of Mana came out.
@UltimateOtaku91 i have read a few rumors of P3 remake on Xbox and P6 on PS5. Not sure if it’s true or not as i don’t follow the series super close. But it would be nice for Altus to give a bone to both consoles, while keeping the newer bigger games on PS which is a bigger Japanese console. Not sure how it will play out but we will see come this Sunday as Xbox and Bethesda air live their showcases.
I guess it's really happening. No more crying about FES not being on PS Plus Premium lol. Admittedly I'm not exactly feeling super hyped for this and I'm not really sure why. Still a day 1 of course but I kinda just wanna see them move on to P6 already
@UltimateOtaku91 They Should have Remade Persona 2 or hell the First game 3 doesn't really need a remake.
I fear the day that Y’s gets popular enough for Microsoft to swoop in and ***** everything up.
I love FES and quite like Portable’s female character route but I also feel a bit cold about this. Persona 6 should really be next. Plus 3 is set during a specific period in the 00s with its stylings, voice acting and soundtrack that I think would feel a bit incongruous with modern graphics on a new console. Playing FES on a CRT with a DualShock 2 just feels right, like a total nostalgia trip.
@Rmg0731 @UltimateOtaku91 @Tzara I highly doubt that Persona 3 remake would be a Xbox exclusive.
I do agree that it'll be revealed at the Xbox showcase this Sunday though, with a 1-2 day window before Sony can confirm it's coming there too.
See Atlus kill themself and Persona franchise on sunday.
It will be shown on Sunday at Xbox’s show, I’m sure of it. I wouldn’t be surprise if it’s part of GP but obviously is multi plat.
An Xbox marketing deal like last year wouldn't surprise me but no chance of it being a console exclusive. That would basically kill sales.
Just change the ending if this ends up being true, I want door-kun and toaster be together again!! 😭
Looking forward to seeing this on Sunday. P3R and P6 should and probably be multiplat as SEGA is the publisher and they won't want to miss out on PC and Nintendo money let alone Xbox.
I am so excited for this.
Whoops, looks like Atlus social media was eating a sandwich. Definitely real, just saw the trailer.
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