Ah, Microsoft's media embargoes strike yet again! Metaphor: ReFantazio was officially announced during the Xbox Games Showcase last week, it being the full reveal of Persona developer Atlus' Project Re Fantasy, which has been in the works for years. It's a big budget, ambitious-looking RPG set against a fantastical backdrop.
Exciting stuff, but if you're a PlayStation or even Nintendo enthusiast, the hype was tempered by the fact that no platforms other than Xbox and PC were confirmed. At the time, we all assumed this was down to Microsoft's aforementioned embargoes, which prevent additional platforms being mentioned for 48 or 72 hours following the announcement.
You may have already seen these embargoes in action, as Persona 3 Reload and Persona 5 Tactica were both confirmed for PS5 and PS4 several days after their reveal at the Xbox event.
But here's the thing: additional platforms for Metaphor: ReFantazio still haven't been announced, and we're now beyond the usual embargo limits. As such, there's growing concern that Atlus' next big thing could actually be skipping PlayStation.
Let's not jump to conclusions just yet, though. It's worth noting that there was no mention of out-and-out exclusivity ahead of Metaphor's Xbox trailer, just that the video was a 'World Premiere'. What's more — and this seems to have gone largely unreported — Atlus will be hosting a Japanese livestream for Metaphor on the 20th June. It's entirely possible that the embargo for this particular title is set to lift in time for the stream, where other platforms could be confirmed.
However this shakes out, there's no doubt that Microsoft's media embargoes are once again causing some confusion — which at least means they're effective, we suppose. As it stands, we're just going to have to wait and see how things unfold.
Would you be upset to hear that Xbox really does have some kind of exclusivity over Metaphor: ReFantazio? Remember the happy days of regular platform announcements in the comments section below.
Comments 118
Its probably an exclusive. MS certainly has enough money to pay Atlus for this. Tho this Game wasnt confirmed for GamePass btw. Only P3R and Tactics are included in Gamepass Day1
I don't really play ATLUS games but I feel sorry for their fanbase ATLUS really seems to hate them I mean good luck selling your game to Xbox's audience ATLUS you're gonna need it your continued devotion to screwing over the audience that got you where you are never ceases to impress me.
It might be smart for MS to do this. FF7 and 16 will never be on XBOX.
I don't believe the game has been announced as being on Game Pass. It certainly wasn't in the reveal trailer.
Fear that Persona 6 might be Xbox exclusive based on rumours years back was one reason of many reasons I decided to pick up a Series X this generation in addition to PS5. Perhaps it will turn out that those rumours were really related to this game (if they were based on reality at all).
Still, I wouldn't be surprised at all if this game does end up on PS5. It's going to be where more of the market is for this kind of title.
Hard to imagine it being an exclusive, because the money required for "no platforms except Xbox and PC" must be a lot higher than "marketing rights for Xbox and no mention of any platforms for a while". Based on there being no GP mention, they didn't even want to pay for that. Full-on exclusivity seems impossible at that point, unless you want to argue that Microsoft did pay for exclusivity, but not for GP. Let's be real, that happening is extremely unlikely anyway and pretty much not happening with JRPGs, a genre that doesn't make much money on Xbox.
@Azex Yeah so far this wasnt confirmed as Gamepass Game
@Suur It's an investment. Sure most anime fans are on PS, but 5 years from now when the Xbox Series One XS360 comes out it might be closer to 50/50
If it was, Xbox would've been boasting about it being their exclusive. I still think that the embargo wont be lifted much earlier than Persona since it's a new IP and MS would want people to talk about it being an "Xbox" game longer.
Sega/Atlus would be crazy anyway to let this be an exclusive game for Xbox, considering how low the JRPG fanbase in that system, especially in Japan. Not that I'm throwing shades on MS, hardware sales pretty much shows it and PS and Nintendo hardware are where most of JRPG players at.
I don't totally understand why this is an issue. Basically all of Microsoft's games go to PC even when Microsoft says a game is "exclusive". There are almost no true Xbox console exclusives games. If you own a Windows computer of any kind then you don't really have anything to worry about if you want to play this game. All the more reason that being a console/brand loyal gamer in 2023 is kind of a dumb idea.
If this was exclusive Xbox would scream it at people's faces like a little toddler.
Alright, but then where was the mention of "console exclusivity"? It was suspiciously missing from pretty much anything that wasn't Xbox Game Studios, historically a sign of non-exclusivity.
If you look at Persona 3 Reload, it wasn't confirmed for Switch but retailers have already leaked a Switch physical version suggesting that it will be announced for Switch in a Nintendo Direct.
There's probably a similar setup for this game too, that some event will reveal it to be coming to PS5 (maybe also Switch).
If it is then why isnt it on gamepass. Anything that is would have to be on it, and no one on that platform will buy it. Good luck selling to 1% of the playerbase
It won’t be, they would have said if it was.
@Suur Though, I could see Xbox paying out the wazoo to have a timed-exclusivity deal with Atlus. Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo have all started doing this since true exclusives from 3rd parties are starting to become a thing of the past.
To disregard most of the Japanese audience who really don't own Xbox consoles would be the most idiotic thing Atlus would do. Therefore, I don't believe it to be an Xbox exclusive.
They have an event on the 20th June for this game so it will get announced then.
The fact its not coming to gamepass and it didn't say exclusive on the trailer means it's coming to playstation.
If not then Atlus have just lost a lot of sales and a lot of fans.
@get2sammyb I don't know about that. Why go to the effort of embargoing the other games, just to say actually that this one is exclusive. If you say that, without saying the others are exclusive too, everyone would know they are multiplatform and the embargo would have been (even more) pointless. They have time to declare it an exclusive (or not), in the meantime it doesn't hurt them any to have people guessing.
If it's exclusive Microsoft would have said it was. They're not shy about annoucing exclusivity.
Their loss if they alienate their biggest fanbase for gamepass money. JRPGs aren't lacking for PS.
Now Western RPGs....
There was no game pass logo for it.
There was absolutely 0 of any of the 3rd party titles that had a ‘Xbox/ms’ exclusive logo.
Expect it to be announced at the upcoming showcase they have
Well since Atlus keep pissing on their fans, I dont gonna support them day 1 atleast.
I doubt they will make ir exclusive, this game was in development well before Sega/Atlus relationship became this close, but let’s stop the whole “they will regret it” thing. If a Japanese game ends up being Xbox exclusive it’s only happening because Xbox ended up financing the entire development, marketing, and then extra for profits. It would not even be the first time, they did it in the 360 days with 5 games, 3 of them from Square Enix.
It’s basically not happening without it being work for hire and at that point it would had been labeled an Xbox Games Studios title and gone day one to Game Pass.
After all the time it took Catherine Full Body and Persona flagships to get announced for Switch, I can't say I'm sweating much about this one.😄 We'll get there when we get there.
I am also hoping for a Steam confirmation(not just Windows Store) like Tactica.
Both Persona 5 Tactica and ReFantazio for my SteamDeck would be my 1st choice.
It is a bit concerning but, like others have said, I'm sure if it was an exclusive they would have made it quite prominent in the announcement that it was exclusive. Hopefully all will be revealed one way or another soon.
As far as 3rd parties go on Xbox these days. Just bet on it being timed exclusive at the very worst. I the case of persona related games, that's probably what happened here. Not the first time a release skipped playstation and swung back to playstation when atlus realizes it was a stupid idea to cut the playstation in the first place, then porting else where. I think in atlus's case it's less, "big bag of money" and more "we just don't have the resources for a simultaneous cross platform release". The latter a lot of people don't seem to understand.
I wouldn't sweat this if you're a personal fan. I'd still give ms the finger over it personal, maybe atlus too.
Are playstation users seriously complaining about console exclusives? Seriously?
No, lets just publish an article and whip the plebs up into a frenzy
@B_Lindz I agree but I don't think it's more of a choice, it's more so people don't want to spend a lot of money on stuff, a console is plenty money enough.
Getting a PC that is equal to the performance of a PS5 or XSX would cost more than those consoles, so brand loyalty is a default.
That would be an intelligent move by MS to get more presence in Japan. People would buy an Xbox for an Atlus game. I’m not really a huge fan of their games, but some of the people that are, carry the brand as a lifestyle. It’s a big risk on then part of Atlus though to make an exclusive to Xbox, given how that would limit their sales in a huge market for them. But money is money and, if MS paid enough to make this reasonable, Atlus will do what keeps the business afloat.
Those practices suck.
But you do something similar when you only report playstation releases and never mention other platforms when a game is announced. I guess the whole industry works the same way.
I'm not worried tbh, I can see this being a timed exclusive at most.
Did it say XBOX EXCLUSIVE on the showcase,if it didn't, then its not
If it turns out to be an exclusive, let Microsoft have the win.
The poor console is always starved for quality RPG content from Japan, outside ports. Let them have this as a timed exclusive, and this being Atlus, we'll inevitably get a better version of the game 2-3 years later with improvements.
Xbox gobbling up all these 3rd party games to be day one on Gamepass with their deep pockets and then complain that PlayStation are getting free cosmetics dlc for Avatar Frontiers of Pandora. I suppose when you are so much more richer than the competition double standards start taking effect and starts going to your head
hopefully not. I don't like playing on the Xbox system. I mean going back to home screen from within a game you can physically feel the OS shudder as it offloads everything. Then there's the AD riddled home screen and buggy featureless DVR
No chance or Microsoft would have shouted about it. Would be a strange move by Atlus, although nothing would surprise me with them.
Xbox fanboys are complaining, but they fail to realise that Microsoft has had more third party exclusives than Sony last couple of years.
Here people complain about a gaming series that is known to playstation and have most of it fanbase is getting pissed on by the developer.
@Keyblade-Dan why would atlus hate their fanbase? What a weird thing to say. At "worst" this would be a timed exclusive, because I'm sure they want to sell it in their homeland.
It's just another cheap pushsquare article to rally up the chicken pen and oddly enough, they always seem to succeed.
Not worried.
We all know a majority of Xbox players rarely buy games because they just rely on Gamepass.
While Atlus will certainly be paid by MS to release an exclusive on their system...I doubt it'll match the sales it'll actually garner for Atlus by selling Metaphor on Playstation.
We shall see.
I'm sure the 14 people that buy this on Xbox will be pleased
@B_Lindz I know this may be a shock, but some people don’t have gaming PCs.
Or even a Windows machine.
How about ms let this be on ps and Sony let ff7 on Xbox everyone's happy
Wouldn’t that hurt its sales in Japan though? 🤔
I love all the times when people are like, MS can pay to get big exclusives too, and then they possibly do, and then people get big mad. Lolol
From other prev post: I must admit it is a little bit weird that this has not been announced on PS and Switch yet. Where I work my role revolves around the back end/copyrighting for a large UK company that lists a wide range of video games. I'm lucky I get to see certain products early via images or cover arts and I have received assets for the Xbox version but nothing else. Server side it only lists Xbox right now when with P3R and P5T they all showed up multiplat at the same time a few weeks back. Not sure what that means really if anything but thought id share what I know.
From what I remember when SEGA and MS struck a deal on Yakuza Like a Dragon, the PS5 version came out several months later due to a next gen timed exclusivity deal - yet MS kept quiet about it and may do the same here.
Microsoft would have to be practically fully funding it's development to convince them to make this exclusive I think. Which I suppose they've got the cash to do if they really wanted to 🤷
This is kind of a crazy take, but maybe there would be more RPG players on xbox platforms if they actually had RPGs on offer.
MS embargo tactics deffo dont work for me, I see if this way, if it gets a PS5 or Switch release then I will buy it. If not then I will pirate it on PC. Simples!
I have my doubts that the game is exclusive, but this and Final Fantasy 13 might be enough to get me to buy a cheap Series S on down the road.
@ArcticSin I see no real complaints about exclusivity, just complaints over things not being clear. Exclusivity is its own thing but why does there need to be cloak and daggers over what platforms a game is going to release on? If it is exclusive then why wasn't it stated on the trailer that was shown? If it isn't then why do we need to wait days or longer to find out?
After the Sony showcase Microsoft didn't hesitate to put out a release showing all of the games that were shown that are also coming to Xbox, but they then put deals in place to block others from being able to do that, it just reeks of hypocrisy that's all. As far as I know it's a practice that only MS engages in and they should rightfully be criticised for it before others start doing it too.
If it is exclusive MS are throwing money away and Atlus are making a game for a console fanbase who doesn't care for their games.
Equal amount of blame goes to the game publishers just as much as it does Xbox or PS. Atlas and Sega said yes to Xbox deep pockets just like Konami said yes to PS for Silent Hill 2 timed console exclusivity. Theres obviously a lot more that goes into these deals that we simply won't ever know about. Although the thing with Square is a genuine weird one given how long the exclusivity deal has lasted, unless of course PS eventually buys Square then it would make more sense?
Sony fanboys bashing Microsoft for this when PlayStation does this literally all the time. I’m not saying 3rd party exclusives are good for the industry but Sony has bought up exclusivity to FF7, FF16 and for quite awhile Persona 5 which are arguably much bigger games. I also think the game might do better on Xbox then you’d think I really am not sure there’s any evidence Xbox fans hate RPGs like this. Again I would much prefer this be a cross platform release but my point is Sony does this all the time.
Its getting easier and easier for me to skip games I have so much to play and if it doesn't release then it sucks but if it does that would be great.
Removed - unconstructive
They probably paid for a longer embargo on that one since it's the biggest Atlus announcement out of the three.
They would have been shouting from the mountain tops that it's exclusive if it really was exclusive. Plus it would essentially doom the product in Japan for the most part.
It's either a lapse in communication on Atlus's part or Microsoft wanted to extend that embargo as long as possible for this one in particular.
It can’t be Xbox exclusive as Phil wants games on as many platforms as possible so everyone can play remember? Lol
I'm a multi-console owner, so no I wouldn't be upset. But you would think they would be leaving a lot of money on the table making a JRPG Xbox-exclusive.
No-one in Japan has an Xbox so it would be timed at most
Its not a x box exclusive.metaphor refantazio is definitely coming on PlayStation.word up son
I'd be surprised if it was exclusive, and it doesn't really jive with Microsoft wanting everyone to just play games wherever they like we just want to put a smile on every child's face wink wink PR rubbish, but who knows. If it is I'll just not play it.
Neverwild wrote:
Do you have a source for that dubious statistic? It instinctively feels pulled out of...
That's not to say Xbox don't have third party exclusives, they have plenty, but do they really have MORE? I think that is highly doubtful. I'll happily eat my words if you have a fair source.
They have more but it is mostly smaller titles so no one is complaining much.
On Playstation it is less but bigger titles.
If it really is XBox only, it’s going to fail hard. Most people on there don’t care about JRPGs. Still, thinking they just paid for this longer since it’s actually new.
@Neverwild I am aware Xbox have plenty of smaller timed exclusives (especially on Game Pass), but lets be honest here, so do Sony (Sifu, Kena, Stray, Chicory, Solar Ash, Season, Tchia, Nour, etc. x100+). I'm aware Sony ALSO has the bigger AAA's that take the column inches (FF7R, FFXVI, Forspoken, Silent Hill 2 remake + many more) and that, along with locking them down for longer/ever gives them a bad name.
None of that is in doubt. No one sensible is saying Xbox doesn't have lots of exclusives.
But you specifically said Xbox has MORE exclusives. Where did you get that from? Because I don't think that is accurate... I keep a pretty close eye on these things, unless you have a source for it, shall we just assume it isn't.
The lack of exclusive and gamepass slapped every where and Xbox inability to sell outside of the United States just points to a marketing agreement embargo to try to get fans of Japanese games to jump the gun and make the mistake of buying an Xbox
Beyond what I know work wise (Prev post), if this game is an Xbox exclusive I won't be upset as I have an Xbox to go alongside my PS5.
The Xbox JRPG player base (contrary to some PS only users belief) is steadily growing and needs more high quality JRPGS to engage the audience. How can Jrpgs sell well on Xbox if they haven't launched there in the most part for many years. PS is just as Americanised as Xbox now and people in Japan know it (Switch sales show that clearly) so why shouldn't Xbox also be a place for Jrpgs in the West.
If this was exclusive, it would be on Gamepass and MS wouldn't shut about it.
The game doesn't even have a Steam version, just the Windows store. Every MS exclusive will have a Steam version at launch, why doesn't this one? Well, because it's not an exclusive.
The PS5 and Steam versions will be announced within a week, june 20th at the latest.
@Darylb88 They can't sell well because most of the JRPGs that release on that system go straight to GP anyway. They aren't out here to buy up JRPGs even when they are released. I would love to see the sale numbers of something like Octopath Traveler on that system.
@pharos_haven In the case of MS and their Xbox division subscriptions, add on $ value and played hours are the success metrics they will be looking at rather than game discs or full price digital sales. Played hours in JRPGS on the MS platform have increased significantly when I have looked at the most played charts when on my Xbox. I work for a UK company that offers a broad range of games alongside other products and games like Persona 5 Royal sold particularly well on Xbox which even I was surprised about.
@TheTony316 From the early indications at my workplace I wouldn't be sure. Xbox and Sega Did the like a dragon deal in 2020 where the PS5 version came out several months later and it wasn't on gamepass and the deal was never mentioned. Also last year when the P5R listing was added to the back end server for switch the same time (although under NDA at the time so companies cannot say/tho things do leak.) So far I can see Xbox and PC which is weird but just waiting for more news.
Yea, if there is a timed exclusivity here, I expect it to be just a few months. Maybe 3, 6 tops.
Everyone keeps the terms of platform exclusivity quite, though. Would love it if there was more transparency on the industry, not no one ever comes out and tell us “yea, you can play this on our competitors hardware next year”.
@Tharsman Yeah I can imagine if a deal has been struck it is 3 or 6 months, would line up with how things pan out at work.
Tbh I wouldn't care. The reveal killed all the game's hype for me.
Its just another SMT with some high fantasy Persona sprinkled on top. From the concept art I was expecting something a little more traditional but it just looked too much like that pop idol RPG for the Wii & Switch.
In the meantime I'll keep dreaming about that FFIX Remake.
PS. I expected better animation and overall look, it just looks so much like every SMT game they've released over the last 5 years. I think the reason I feel "let down" (personal feelings, Atlus doesn't owe me *****) is because I was really expecting to go crazy over this game like when the finally revealed Persona 5 and it felt like such a gigantic step forward for the series.
You’ve got Final Fantasy XVI out next week. Cut the Xbox some slack with an exclusive JRPG.
I hope this does come to PlayStation. Not really interested in Persona, but this would be cool. I could play it on PC worst case.
@Savage_Joe what does 'lose their collective minds' even mean? Have you even read the comments above you?
MSFT strikes again with its BS obfuscation of the truth when it comes to exclusivity. They’ve been doing this for years. I’m quite certain that if Sony used tactics like this, people would be up in arms, but somehow MSFT gets away with this, as well as things like buying up the entire industry, and somehow maintains their reputation.
As for the exclusivity, MSFT tries to make it seem like they have exclusivity even when they don’t, so I would say there’s no way they wouldn’t be screaming exclusivity from the rooftops if it were the case.
You're right about the PS5 version but Like a Dragon was available on PS4 at launch. This article is about full Xbox exclusivity and i don't see that happening.
@TheTony316 Yeah it was just the next gen ver that was exclusive which i remember caused a bit of a stir on here at the time. I think it would be a timed window of 3-6 months if it does happen (Guess I am 50/50 based on work stuff)
A JRPG being exclusive to the Xbox is the kiss of death to its sales
From what I'm hearing this may indeed be Xbox exclusive as they for sure have the money to do that.
But why didn't they announce it as an exclusive at the showcase, then?
I guess it's their sick way of keeping the fanbase wondering.
@RicebinBernacky Depending of how much MS paid. If they got 20 mil $ then that probably covers what sales would have been on PlayStation.
@SplooshDmg It really only seems to happen when its xbox... just the oddest behavior.
@Kevw2006 "Exclusivity is its own thing but why does there need to be cloak and daggers over what platforms a game is going to release on?"
^ This is literally what xbox has had to deal with for the last 8 or so years. Heck its happened to nintendo and even PC. Its annoying but its literally whats been happening for years an years. The only given was generally it was on Playstation. Just Playstation. This is the mindset everyone is now accustomed to and just stayed inside the walls of Playstation but now the world is starting to push back and everyone's wondering why the walls are shrinking. I have every platform - build my own PCs - i've chose to stand in every garden and its always this (playstation) walled garden that confuses me the most.
@Deemo37 I believe some of you who think like you do are the reasons narratives like, "Sony does it all the time so why is it a problem when Xbox does it" stay prevalent. The problem isn't that Xbox snagged the game. It's whether or not it's coming to other platforms is the question. Say what you want about Sony and their timed deals, but at least they're transparent about how long the deals are. Xbox isn't. Can't use FF7R as an example because Sony was clear about how long the deal was. Also the Persona series didn't have a deal in place before it went multiplat. That was clear by Atlus themselves.
If this game is exclusive, then so be it. It's business and no one knew this game was coming anyway. Let Xbox have it. Like you've alluded, Sony does the same except not say how long a game is exclusive for.
@Nalverus Yea, like Nintendo doesn't have 3rd party exlusives, SMT V, Bayonetta, maybe others. You're just a PS hater.
Personally, if this is exclusive to MS, i'd hate it soooooo much, but that's life, and gaming.
I will no way in hell buy an Xbox, even is Sony goes bust. I'll just move to the crappy hardware Nintendo makes, that will for sure get all JRPGs if Sony goes bust.
@Sil_Am whatever floats your boat. only sony systems i don't have is a PS2 (cause everyone had one so i didn't want one lol) and a PS Vita.
i can be critical and not hate a platform.
that doesn't make sense to not have concerns.
" Yea, like Nintendo doesn't have 3rd party exlusives"
all the more reason its ok for xbox to have 3rd party exclusives
"I will no way in hell buy an Xbox, even is Sony goes bust."
then don't? i'm not telling you to. you really missed the point or just not willing to open your eyes.
@Nalverus I usually find that Sony are usually pretty clear at marking in the trailers the situation regarding exclusivity on third party games. Normally it will state something along the lines of "not available on other platforms until...", or "console exclusive until..." And if a game isn't exclusive at all then normally it is free to be announced what all platforms it was on following the original announcement. Like I said in one of my earlier posts, Microsoft were so fast to announce all of the games that were in the Sony showcase that didn't have any exclusivity and also coming to Xbox but we still don't know the status of some of the games on the Xbox showcase. I'm willing to stand corrected if evidence of previous examples can be provided but as far as I am aware Microsoft are the only ones that embargo announcements of other platforms for multiplatform releases. I honestly would have minded less if they had just announced it as an exclusive rather than just leaving us all in the dark.
@Nalverus Whatever, man, we all know MS can afford to buy Sony, Nintendo, and every publisher on the market and still have money left. I have no pity for them and their lack of exclusives.
I feel like this article is a great example of the press influencing the populace and failing to own its role in that.
1. Ask Atlus directly.
2. Write an empathetic rant as an oped. “Atlus continues yanking around its fans.”
3. Do nothing. Write about something else.
All better options imo.
@Nalverus Doesn't bother me. I don't really care who bags what exclusive, I'll go buy the thing to play it on if I want it bad enough. Gamers that lash out with some sort of righteous indignation against whomever they believe is the evil corporation, is genuinely one of the most unfathomably stupid things to me.
@Kevw2006 sorry, family matters came up that i had to deal with.
tl;dr - all paths lead to the same outcome - uncertainty.
This is gonna sound like i'm tunnel visioning but its not so much the marketing from them but the aftermath of what isn't announced. Hm... lets take sea of stars for example. lets look at it from someone on xbox's platform point of view. Sea of stars was a crowdfunded game an xbox was a platform you could put money towards. Fast forward. Game's platforms are announced - wheres xbox. People was upset to be sure but this was becaus of how much they had to endure it. (it did just get announced for gamepass.)
lets look at square enix. Trials of mana. (i love SD3 dearly) so i got it on every platform. Except its not on xbox an they would never elaborate.
I feel like FF7R is a beaten horse at this point but that exclusive deal did end an yet nothing. Everyone just assumed they bought more exclusive time. Then just...hey! here it is on pc! utterly broken too. ugh.
Theres rumblings of platform exclusion contracts which i won't touch on (but that sucks all the same.)
Its not so much Playstation isn't clear for THEIR end, its the air of uncertainty they give to OTHER platforms. Its really just...ya know. it sucks. its sucked for years, it still sucks.
Metaphor being in the air like it is sucks but seeing people jump on MS since its the first they ever experienced of it in recent memory is crazy.
MS is more direct when they do it, nintendo as well. When nintendo jumps, they pounce lol. Monolith soft an Bayonetta examples. Daemon X Machina (remember that?) that was a switch exclusive but not a single word an then 5 months later, poof! went to pc.
Point is, this is the industry today an its one of playstation's rare times of experiencing it so i guess its not really a shock people are acting like this on the sony side - just after what they've all said after all this time to everyone else. I get the annoying pain but its not unusual.
If there's a game on "competing" hardware that you want just buy the competing hardware. Brand loyalty is nonsense. Sony doesn't care about any of us
Wait, Sony players are worried that Microsoft might have paid a company for exclusivity, keeping it from ever being released on a competing platform? How cute... and ironic.
@number1024 Not really. Microsoft will invest a lot of money to keep it exclusive.
@number1024 As I said above, if MS paid SEGA the same money they would have made from PlayStation sales, I don't think SEGA give a f of anything else. They may as well sell 3 copies on Xbox, they already probably got enough money out of this deal.
@Savage_Joe they aren't collective minds though, they are individual people expressing an opinion. Many of them grounded in reality. Xbox historically has not been very interested in jrpgs, if they suddenly want to try and drop some big bucks to turn that tide, then good luck to them, but they have a lot of work (and money) ahead of them.
@chucksneed Sure, like everybody can aford 3 freakin systems every gen. Dumbest excuse, and you're not the first to say it.
As for me, I wouldn't give scummy MS money even if they were the only console manufacturer available.
I'll just skip this fukin game, there's plenty to play.
@Balosi Oh, money they have indeed. If alowed they would buy everything bar none and still have money left.
It's probably not exclusive. Or, if it is, it won't be a permanent one.
Either way, it's good to own a PC, which this'll be coming to as well.
I plan on buyig a Series S later this year anyway for Starfield so I'm not too fussed if it is, although I'd prefer its not.
This site of all sites complaining about exclusivity? Seriously? 😄
1. When the game was in preproduction, it was publicly announced as a PS4 game.
2. Microsoft didn’t say it was an Xbox exclusive.
3. It’s not coming to Game Pass like the other two new Persona titles.
It’s going to be a multi-platform release. Atlus is just being Atlus.
@BeerIsAwesome That's exactly why we're even having this article posted and this whole discussion, because MS didn't clearly specify that it is an exclusive.
@Grumblevolcano Metaphor is definitely not coming to Switch based on retailer listings lol. That game is mostly likely next gen only with Nintendo probably getting it on the next console.
@Beerheadgamer82 yeah that be liked buying up a bunch of timed deals and deals to keep games off a platform and then be offered a 10 year deal and say we are doomed as a business if they pull this game from us, and then act like they are pulling the game and ignore the 10 year deal and sign more deals to keep more games off other platforms. Double standards are all abound these days.
Well it's now been announced for Playstation 5!
Game is now confirmed coming to PS4 and PS5. No Switch but oh well, will get it on PS5
PS5 owners eating good today!
@Magnus_Selene https://www.gematsu.com/2023/06/metaphor-refantazio-also-coming-to-ps5-ps4-and-steam coming to PS and Steam
https://www.gematsu.com/2023/06/metaphor-refantazio-also-coming-to-ps5-ps4-and-steam Coming to ALL platforms except Switch though..
@MidnightDragonDX Just announced that its coming to PS5 and PS4
i am a bit nervous, but hashino and co. have worked too hard for this game to be played by only 12 people on xbox... we know that... they know that. even a blank cheque from microsoft wouldn't be enough if it meant limiting the audience of the game so significantly.
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