Blizzard is pitching Diablo 4 as something you'll still be playing years into the future if it gets its hooks into you, and that will be thanks to a plethora of post-launch support. Alongside free content updates, the developer is currently producing two expansions, as confirmed by general manager Rod Fergusson.
In a new interview on the Kinda Funny Xcast, he explained (via PC Gamer): "As I sit here we're about to launch the main game, we're finishing up season one, we're working on season two, we're working on expansion one, we're kicking off expansion two… we're working on that now [laughs] and we haven't even launched the game." Perhaps surprisingly, it's suggested these two pieces of DLC could release quicker than we might think. The live service model allows Blizzard to pump out content at a faster rate than what was possible in Diablo III, Fergusson says.
Diablo 4 is already an incredibly large, meaty experience with the base game alone containing tens of hours of content. Only the live service approach kicks into gear with seasons and then DLC on top, this could well be your next Destiny 2 or Genshin Impact. Does that thought excite or scare you? Share your reaction in the comments below, and check out our Diablo 4 guide if you need help getting through the PS5, PS4 title.
[source youtube.com, via pcgamer.com]
Comments 19
I’ve been having a blast with this game the past few days. The base game feels very packed already so lots of post-release content will be more than welcome.
Eat out your troughs piggies. You’re going to be fed a lot of ‘content’ for a very long time while Bobby Pig gets even fatter.
This game is basically crack.
They let me fight through hell with a puppy snoozing on my back. I'm already sold.
Taking a break from it for now to finish off Tears of the Kingdom, then I think this will be my game between games.
@nessisonett Bobby will be gone soon if the rumors are true Microsoft is thinking of closing the deal even with the CMA’s repeal looming. Will be good to see Bobby gone but of course he will get rich on the way out. That’s unfortunate but that’s the way it works.
I was a teenager when I played this franchise and it was pretty good. I'm sure this 4 is fun and all but what's so special about it that it has to have a £70 price tag?! Far as I'm concerned it's even 87 on MC, 96 Elden Ring was £50 at launch!
Losing Rod Fergusson as the studio head for The Coalition was a massive loss for Microsoft. The guy can clearly lead a team/studio.
Anyway, I am absolutely hooked on Diablo 4. None of the past 3 games was able to grab me in such a way that this one has. If It wasn't for the fact that i still have to eat, sleep, and go to work... I would never leave my computer screen.
@TheArt I sure had Elden Ring released this year and was next gen only. It would have been a $70 game as even ToTk is $70...
I hope it's supported for years to come TBH. My buddy and me are enjoying D4.
@Ernimus_Prime I would gladly play this off and on all gen if they support it properly.
Of course there will be expansions. I would have been disappointed otherwise. I always looked forward to expansions for Diablo. They have always been great.
Just waiting for mine to drop through my letter box. Who bought this for £70? Who amongst us apart from the digital only owners cant use the tinterweb to procure a sub £60 physical copy? Pre ordered mine from hit.com for £54 ages ago.
The asterisk to these expansions is if Microsoft continues its cash splash of "donations",PR "ten year deals",& lawyers getting the sale over the line they'll rebadge a future expansion into a Reaper of Souls type new release & pull the plug on Playstation users seeing them down the line!🙄🤔
@TheArt Comparing games on a Cost:Metacritic ratio is a new and pretty reductive take...!
@Northern_munkey why you promote shady links? That homepage doesnt work anymore, wondering why.
@AverageGamer Nope, every game multiplat especially is still £60 standard.
@TheArt Even tho I’m American since I put $ instead of £… I can still easily tell you that isn’t true as Jedi Survivor was 70, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 was 70… The list goes on. Yes something like Dead island 2 was 60. But most game especially next gen only game are pushing that 70 price tag.
Just finished downloading. Can't wait to slay some demons later after work.
I am very excited for what is to come. The base game is fantastic with a battle system that feels like it will hold up for quite some time. Home run by the D4 team and they should be proud of delivering a stellar product despite everything else that has gone on around them. It took a lot of focus and effort to stay on target.
I think people criticizing the monetization or need for monetization in general are missing the point to some extent. For the D4 team to stay large and dedicated; they have to drive revenue. If the content is good, I'll gladly pay for an expansion or support via Battle Pass. If it is not; people won't and the support will flounder. You can dislike Bobby and still like Diablo IV. Life in general is full of these scenarios.
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