Update: Pre-orders will open on 28th July for a stunning new Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Limited Edition hardware model. The console, which features a custom design, will be available in two permutations, both with or without a Blu-ray disc slot. It’ll also come with a matching DualSense design, showcasing the duality of Peter Parker’s struggle against the Venom symbiote.
“The design was inspired by the in-game symbiote that’s taking over the console and controller, but you can still see some of the underlying red under the tendrils,” said Insomniac Games’ art director Jacinda Chew. “This represents the various ways players will experience the symbiote takeover in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. It’s a constant push and pull for dominance whether it’s internal or external and the outcome is not certain.”

If you’ve already got a PS5 console then you’ll be able to pick up the new DualSense controller or custom console covers as standalone purchases, so you don’t need to buy an entire new system to get this look. The console bundle, meanwhile, will include a download code for the full Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 game, available to enjoy from launch day, on 20th October.

Original Article: To close out its San Diego Comic-Con panel, Insomniac Games has announced a limited edition Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 PS5 console bundle, which comes with custom faceplates and a themed DualSense design. The system showcases the duality of Peter Parker in the new game, as his distinctive red is slowly overwhelmed by Venom.
The controller has a similar design, with the now iconic white spider logo from Parker’s suit printed on the touchpad, while the red occupies the area behind the face buttons. The bundle will release on 1st September, prior to the game’s launch on 20th October. We’ll update with more information as and when it emerges.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 64
Now that is a good looking design, if only they released them as seperate plates. Also just noticed that clever but small detail where they keep the buttons on the right white like the faceplates
This. This is what I have been waiting for, the reason I want a PS5. I really hope I can find them stocked well after release, because it’s kinda releasing at a bad time for me, but I REALLY want this
Goddammit, you got symbiote on my controller!
Mainly just want the controller but will see if I can luck into the full bundle. These all look terrific!
So I guess this means no slim PS5 model until October?
Really think they're going to make of ton of these, going to be a big Christmas seller.
May have to pick up the plates and controller!
Sweet, im definately getting the controller as i still regret not picking up the God of War edition and this one looks cool
@paulbuck1996 Badass, I think I might buy it then because I'm getting tired of my white faceplates
@Nepp67 they are releasing them as separate plates from my understanding.
@Nepp67 I bought the purple controller and plates in December last year, still loving the colour now.
I don't see myself picking up a PS5 for the foreseeable future, but if I do? You better believe this is the one I'm going with holy hell it looks so GOOD 🤩
@belmont “So I guess this means no slim PS5 model until October?”
I was wondering about that too, and then I read this in the article:
“The bundle will release on 1st September, prior to the game’s launch on 20th October.”
Releasing a “bundle” 6/7 weeks before the game is weird. And how is it even a bundle a month before the game? (Edit: ok read more of the article, game code is bundled, you just need to wait to play it, which I still think is weird) Anyway, I can see them selling out of these in a month then announcing the slim on October 1st to be released Oct 20th with another Spider-Man 2 bundle, but this bundle actually including the game.
Dates may vary but I can see something like this playing out.🤷🏻♂️
@belmont I found this post the other day. It's still just a rumor at this point, of course, but I'm hopeful.
It's nice to see the plates and dualsense being sold separately too. It's kinda weird that Sony haven't already been making unique plates for their first party ip. I would've bought Horizon ones. Hopefully that's a trend that continues. Just please don't make them Japan exclusive like the FF16 ones. 😑
No thanks. Unless extremely subtle, franchise merchandise and branding is too tacky for my living room.
@rjejr Releasing a new model a couple of days after this would alienate those who bought it though.
@hitmanfan47 I would love an updated slim model. I held back buying a second PS5 even though it was heavily discounted here due to those rumours
I am never going to financially recover from this.
Looks so good. I'm glad Sony finally sells the plates for the first party games separately. This is how it was initially supposed to be. I'll definitely get the Plates and the controllers.
I would consider getting this if I didn't know there is probably a pro version coming out at some point ...so if I'm going to get a second ps5 I will wait for that .or atleast a slim version
@paulbuck1996 I'm aware, I can read lol
While I think the game/s is very generic and safe and not for me, this Console design is sick.
This is going to sell very well.
I'm getting the controller and console cover. They look awesome.
Wouldn't mind the faceplates and controller. What do they mean by limited these days, guessing you'll have to be quick and will only be available from PlayStations very own online store. Highly unlikely I'll be able to secure a pre order, maybe if its available on Amazon but I'm 99.99999% sure it'll be sold out on there. Oh well its not needed to enjoy the game come 20th October anyways but would be nice
Actually given it another thought. It's gonna be around £150 all in for the plates and controller maybe more. I'd soon rather just get another standard DualSense in two or three years when genuinely need one. Already have two still in good condition plus a sealed cherry DualSense. Tempted by the light blue DualSense next
@belmont I don't think there will be a slim this year.
It does look a bit like a horrible murder has taken place.
Swing and a miss. They had a chance do some super, super cool designs for these, and just...didn't. Take that design, make the spider BIG and centered, half of it is the red suit with half being overtaken by the symbiote (and not those flat clipart looking tendrils, make them look slimy and give them some depth).
Now that looks amazing.
@rjejr that would be a very bad move, pissing off the owners of the original bundle. And those who could return would just do it.
I’m confident that this means no Slim version this year, but we’ll see
The controller is pretty cool 😃
It's pretty much the only gun that Sony has for this Xmas holiday season. For sure they'll promote it as much as possible
@StylesT just buy the plates?
Good that you can get the plates separately but I don’t think I can get away with that in the living room for long. The controller though is tempting.
@Casco I'm not entirely sure you know.
This could just be the last major release of a PS5.
Before they introduce the stream lined version.
This has happened before even when the ps4 pro was out, they made special edition consoles but it was for just the ps4 and not the pro.
But I have to admit, its a little strange to release a whole Spiderman Console with faceplate. When we've never had any before this, its a bit late. They've never really supported the faceplates before only a few colours.
Does look good. Wish I wasn't struggling money wise and waiting to switch jobs.
What was the point of designing it with replaceable plates if they aren't going to sell options other that block colours. A wasted opportunity.
Wow that looks amazing. I'd definitely purchase if I didn't already have a PS5 xD
@Beerheadgamer82 My blue DualSense is the first one I pick up, the colour is awesome.
I was thinking similar. I thought it kinda puts to sleep any hope of seeing a slim this year.
@rjejr I think the timing is because this Fall/Holiday season is extremely packed. By releasing this PS5 bundle on September 1st rather than October, it's helping keep attention on Playstation.
@Bez87 I really think people are getting their hopes way too high with the new model rumors. I can all but guarantee all it's going to be is a marginally smaller version of the all digital edition so they can streamline production and eliminate one of the SKUs, and sell the disc drive as an add-on.
Who knows, maybe they've reworked the entire cooling system, don't need a fan that's quite as gigantic anymore, and it will be crazy small, but I really think anyone expecting a super slim model and/or a model that's decently cheaper is fooling themselves.
I'm 100% getting the controller!
Just replaced two controllers with stick drift and NOW you show me these bad boys😭
After moving to Xbox for the current generation this alone makes me want to do a u-turn, heck I might just buy the controller anyway it's so cool
@Nepp67 They are releasing them as plates only too.
@paulbuck1996 definitely. I may try for a console as well then I can give my son my old ps5. 😂 He's not getting the new one I don't like him that much! 😂🤣
@Rob_230 I missed out on the god of war controller and was proper pissed! I do need to get a grip on my controller addiction it's getting out of control! 😊
@rjejr they don't care about giving the game on disc anymore the gd of war and horizon collectors editions didn't come with discs. That to me is a joke £150 bones and no physical copy is messed up.
@Marquez have the standard white and black for most games and the all black DualSense specifically for racing games only, makes the controllers last a little bit longer this way. Saving my cosmic red DualSense for when needed, probably in a couple years from now. Most likely grab the blue one next year
@Beerheadgamer82 Blue, black and white here for similar reasons. And soon… a Spidey one!
@Nepp67 I believe you can buy the plates separately without getting the console..It states that in the Article..
Cool, but I'm sure you can get the faceplates separately for cheaper?
@TheLotteryMan1 that is what I just said 😁🤣
A younger me would've def bought it, but my PS5 is partly hidden behind my TV. Surprised these faceplates aren't more of a thing worldwide (also in terms of availability). Consumers (+ manufacturers) could've benefitted from this but Sony said no!
My favorite colors are red and black, so that controller actually looks pretty good to me. If I ever need a replacement I might try to get one of those.
@TheLotteryMan1 My dude I already responded to the first comment that told me yesterday lol and my comment was before the article got updated.
Not super excited for Spider-Man but this is exactly the kind of thing I've been waiting on Sony to produce. More of these please!
I'll be buying both
Will we get a PS5 Slim this year if they’re releasing bundles like this?
I'm not one for custom skins to be honest but that is an awesome design. I usually find these special edition things a bit none descript but damn that looks sleek..i may have to get my wife to air brush me a diablo 4 custom design....
Whelp, finally getting a PS5. Hopefully they don’t sell out in .000005 seconds so I’m able to grab one from PS Direct.
I might get the controller, if the stock supply is decent enough. Online rumours are saying the slim could be annouced in Aug for a Sept - Nov launch date but honestly I cannot see any new models until 2024. Why would sony launch a Spiderman console in Sept only to launch a brand new and more desirable console max less than 2 months later (not to mention they would need to annouce it before the Spiderman console comes out and it would just upset those with a pre order.
@Nepp67 Correct me if I'm wrong but they are selling them as standalone plates as well as the whole system.
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