The price of Fall Guys' in-game premium currency, Show-Bucks, is set to increase in the UK, Canada and Mexico. The price hike comes on 17th July, the same day Epic Game's other cash cow, Fortnite, will see its V-Bucks getting a price rise as well because of "economic factors like inflation and currency fluctuations".
The updated prices were posted on the Fall Guy's website and are in line with the increase to Fortnite's own. We won't belabour the point, but this is more than likely to ensure profits remain in line with inflation, as Show-Bucks aren't a real currency, exist in a closed economic environment sheltered from outside forces, and are ostensibly used by fictional, roughly humanoid beings colloquially known as Beans.
The worst part is you just know that other publishers are already licking their chops at the prospect, so expect to see similar increases from other service games in the future. Times are tough, even for corporations valued (after Sony's latest investment) somewhere north of $32 billion, apparently. Which service game do you think raises its prices next? Place your bets in the comments section below.
[source fallguys.com]
Comments 15
Man I can’t express how much I miss Fall Guy’s pre-Epic monetization. Crowns are now worthless, kudos even moreso, and you now need to buy a battle pass that locks you into grinding for 100 levels to get the cool crossover skins. I know player count and content pipeline was struggling under Devolver, but I would much rather support them than Epic.
This game was pretty good when it launched. It seems to have been gutted from within by Epic. The idea of the cooler skins being earned through winning shows was great, if not profitable.
Inflation my ass Epic 100% don't need to do this they just want to do this and are using inflation as an excuse.
I haven’t played Fall Guys since it went F2P. Even Lara Croft couldn’t bring me back and I’d usually be all over that.
I'm too poor to play Free-To-Play games
@Deoxyr1bose Their most recent season was kind of the make or break moment. The new mini-fame passes are even more grindy than it already had been, and the new levels felt like they’d been created in ten minutes. I played for an hour and a half the day it launched, saw that I’d only done about half my dailies, and quit out. I haven’t been back. I’ve been playing since the launch, but it’s just not fun anymore.
Some day I want to meet a specimen that actually paid real money for something in an in game shop. It has to be a fascinating interview.
Exactly right. Digital goods barely cost them a thing to produce and they can charge ridiculous prices for them. Gamers do it to themselves.
What a load of nonsense. Pure greed.
Gamepass, Free to play games, microtransactions yeah they all get more expensive with inflation I would love know how much of this inflation end up with the developers and how much with the suits.
Next up... GTA Shark Cards!
You keep supporting this cash grab, they will keep exploiting you with no intent to stop, that is my only gripe with these games
@Czar_Khastik Funniest thing I've heard all day
@lechugajr Glad to be of service in these dark F2P times
Inflation for a digital in-game currency? Bugger off, Epic.
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