We've been luxuriating in all the new Marvel's Spider-Man 2 details from today's San Diego Comic-Con panel, which included a stunning new story trailer and a limited-edition Spider-Man 2 PS5 bundle, the aesthetics of which has already polarised opinion within Push Square's own editorial staff.
We even got to learn more about the game's narrative and how it connects to Insomniac's larger Spider-Verse, which currently consists of Marvel's Spider-Man and standalone expansion, Miles Morales. Over on the PlayStation Blog, a bunch more story details were revealed, which leaves us anticipating October all the more. Senior narrative director Jon Paquette sets the scene:
“At the beginning of our story, our Spider-Men are at the top of their game, but both Peter Parker and Miles Morales are struggling with their personal lives. Miles is trying to find time to write his college entrance essay, but he keeps procrastinating and focusing on Spider-Work instead. Meanwhile, Peter is underwater on payments for Aunt May’s house, but he can’t sell it; it means too much to him. And just like Miles, Peter tries (and fails) to find balance with so many responsibilities. MJ wants to help Pete with the mortgage, but her job is on the line now that J. Jonah Jameson is back at the Bugle and looking to clean house. Our heroes have arrived at a confluence of crossroads, with uncertain futures and some tough decisions ahead.”
Sounds like a classic sequel, and the arrival of Kraven the Hunter and company is sure to pull our heroes out of their current predicaments. On the Spider-Man Rogues Gallery scale, which ranges from the 1970s comic character The Kangaroo (an amalgamation of exciting Australian stereotypes) to Willem Dafoe's depiction of the Green Goblin, how excited are you for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 and Kraven's debut? Swing into action in the comments section below.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 19
That Trailer btw was Spectacular and Ultimate and Amazing
From a fade to locs in 9 months... yeah ok
In 9 months Miles seems to have visited the same barber as Dante in the DmC reboot.
Just really hoping for side villains. Like one off side stories where you encounter obscure villains committing smaller scale crimes.
@alixx I can believe mutated lizard men and alien parasites, but I draw the line at fast growing hair!
@alixx If a baby can form in 9 months then hair can grow a few inches. From your comment I thought he was going have Bob Marley type dreads so you made me check out the trailer.
Really hyped more than ever for this one 👍 nice to see ‘luxuriating’ getting a run out!
Hope we get some paid DLC to clarify what happened in those 9 months between games.
Loving Miles's new hair. Representation matters.
@alixx 9 month is more thank enough time to go from Miles Morales hair to Spider-Man 2 hair. Hell, that’s even short for 9 months.
I like the new looks for peter parker and miles morales, it's more natural somehow 😃
N.i.c.e. 🕷 spiderman man 2 is going to be special.word up son
@alixx Why not? My dreadlocks are shoulder length in 2yrs. My hair grows quick so why can't miles? Once you have enough hair growth, the hair will be thick enough to hold the dreads. Have you got dreads? Do you know anyone with dreads?
@ColdHandGee Lucky, I’ve been trying to grow my hair for 3 years, and barely got enough for twist much less dreads.
@Khayl Whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA!!! I am not ok with all this throwing shade at Kangaroo!
@AverageGamer My cousin said to me "why don't you grow dreads?" I took her advice so she turned my afro into dreadlocks. That was march 2021. Now they are thick shoulder length dreads which i get asked how i did it by mostly women. They want to see how it feels in their hands!
Honestly I really liked Miles’ fade.
With that said, I ultimately want to see a character with a Jheri Curl. Mainly because I never had the hair to do it (my hair style as a half black man consist of bald because my hair is awful so I just shave it completely; I’ve been told I look like a light skin Rick Ross because I keep my full beard which does look good combined with a slick head) but I always wanted a Jheri Curl back when I was a teenager.
I’m jealous. I never had the hair quality to do anything special. I couldn’t even make a Fade look good. And I wanted a Jheri Curl for the longest time but my hair just never grew out long enough for it to get use out of the product I needed.
So I went for the “slicked head look” because that’s the only thing I could do. Granted I do get compliments on it. I have the perfect head shape for a shaved head. Plus I have a really good beard that’s long to go with it.
So I look like one of those villains from a TV series that’s played by a light skin black guy lol.
@OrtadragoonX i am really fortunate to have hair because my 2 brothers are both bald but have amazing beards. They seem to get more women looking at them than me lol. It is true headshapes really compliment certain hairstyles. I have had so many hairstyles over the years but i find having dreads the easiest one to maintain, but mom keeps asking me when i will get a haircut and be more like my brothers. I just smile and change the subject! Having the confidence to wear your hair/clothes how you want/like is a massive plus in my eyes since i was always the one to be different and who never follows the crowd.
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