A supposed sequel to 2020's Immortals Fenyx Rising has been cancelled, according to multiple VGC sources. The open world action title was spearheaded by the team behind Assassin's Creed Odyssey, and while it did come with a lot of the bloated baggage you'd expect from a Ubisoft sandbox, it was a really fun game if you were looking for a Breath of the Wild-esque romp across rolling fields and puzzle-packed dungeons.
And with that in mind, it's a bit of a shame that reports are saying Immortals won't be getting a sequel. VGC writes that Ubisoft canned its plans after the company decided to pivot towards its "most prominent brands". In other words, properties like Assassin's Creed are the focus.
So what does that tell us about Immortals in terms of commercial success? Well, the report says Fenyx's debut found a "modest" audience, but didn't have anywhere near the reach of something like, again, Assassin's Creed. The bottom line here is that Ubisoft seems to have cut its losses to go all-in on its heavy hitters.
What do you make of this? Would you have been up for a sequel to Immortals Fenyx Rising? Think about all that unexplored mythology in the comments section below.
[source videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 60
I really enjoyed this game. I actually cleared the map 100%. A sequel would have been a day one purchase for me.
While not unexpected, this is pretty disappointing news. I personally thought the game was a lot of fun and massively underrated.
Wow ... And somehow Skull & Bones r still alive.....
This was the best Ubisoft game I had played since Assassin's Creed 2. It was funny, it had great puzzles, it had a beautiful art style, I loved how the Gods looked, the combat was fun... I am sad if this rumor is true. Maybe one day we will get a sequel!
Honestly I'm getting sick of Ubisoft and this attitude. Games that show lots of potential and promise as a series get canned while they continue to pump obscene amounts of money into a game like skull and bones which is essentially going to be DOA...
Immortals was awesome. I liked it way more than BotW. And better than most of Ubisoft's IPs.
Heaven forbid Ubisoft has a robust, diverse portfolio.
Game had a great feel to it. But honestly, I hated some of the underground puzzles.
So this is canned, POP remake has no release, Beyond Good and Evil 2 is in dev hell, Splinter Cell hasnt been shown, and skull and bones is still planned to release... Ubisoft you make some questionable decisions.
This is the rare Ubisoft cancelation that bums me out. The first Immortals is extremely underrated.
I want Ubi to give me the Rayman 3 remaster on PS4!!
Also Raman Arena would be quite fun too.
Very disappointing! How much money has Ubi pumped into Beyond Good and Evil 2 that could have been used on other IP and what ever happened to the Splinter Cell remake? All their upper management needs a boot out the door and replaced with competent leadership.
Best game since Rayman and Child of Light. Oh well, like most bloated corpos they just care about franchises that make ALL the money, not just some of the money.
Its a pity they only see money. Their output is so boring AC and Farcry. This game was quite fun there where only a few small annoying things I had with the audio and I hate the baked in store in the game.
@Danloaded The Beyond Good and Evil 2 will become a boring lifeservice always online game that only has the the name of the old one. Why not update the controls with a graphic update for Splinter Cell instead of inventing the wheel a second time every time.
Great game. Plain old fun with plenty of charm.
Totally agree, @ItsBritneyB_tch. I would go so far as to say Fenyx Rising is probably my favourite game of this generation. I would have had no hesitation in pre-ordering a sequel.
Good. Such a poor game, plays like something from 2010 it doesn't deserve anything more to come out of that IP.
Become bored of the original after a couple of hours. The humour was OK, but the entire design of the game was so generic. Felt like I’d played it a dozen times before. Not sad about this.
I really enjoyed the first one. The first ubi game i played all the way through in a long time. Sad news for me if true
I would have actually played this for the gameplay, but then I saw a cutscene and thought, nah, rather just play Zelda again.
If true, that really sucks as I’d rather play that than anything else Ubisoft has to offer.
It was a good game for the most part but the puzzle dungeons dragged and the humour was quite cringey.
I beat it on PS4 but tempted to play it again on ps5
What a shame, I really loved the game.
I had a blast with it. Wasn't interested with the DLC that tried to change the formula but if the sequel would have been like the first game? Yes please
A real shame, watched both of my kids play and enjoy the original... and they never agree on anything!
Too bad this game never made a big impact. I loved it and I think most people that gave it a chance also did.
Ubi chasing the money I see.
it was a decent game, but it has the same problem I have with most open world games: a big map that's hard to explore because everywhere you go there's a river or some other obstacle and you have to constantly be finding other ways to get around
Shame as the first was fantastic.
After the bloat with AC Valhalla and the disappointment of playing Watch Dogs Legion all the way through and now this with UbiSoft...I think I am going to sit them out for a while and just gobble up games at $14.99 or less from them moving forward.
Far Cry, AC, Clancy games, all used to rock. Now we get a $70 bloated fetch quest game with maybe 12-20 hours of story arc.
Very disappointed with their decision on canceling Immortals' sequel if this is the case.
Fantastic game, would have purchased a sequel too. On a side note, I have never purchased an Assassin's Creed game, so there is that..
Feels like this is a price of mediocre reviews game unjustifiably got
Shame it true ...the first was a pleasant surprise
I had a great time with the first game too, I would have got this sequel,
Never bothered with the original as I assumed it would be miserable to play through like all their other games.
@anon_pel222 I remember reading something forever ago that the government of Singapore, where the main development studio making the game is based, is providing "generous subsidies". So Ubisoft can't cancel the game, so they are forced to release it.
If true, this is an unfortunately amusing turn of events after they scaled back on releasing so many Assassin Creed games after the series began to fall off in more ways than one. Now they'll sacrifice almost everything else to develop 4 or 5 different Assassin's Creed games at the same time. This is coming from somebody who has loved the new direction of the series.
I didn't like Immortals Fenyx Rising as much as I had hoped as I came to realize during it that games that are as puzzle heavy as this really aren't my thing, but I did like it better than Breath of the Wild (at least I finished this). It would be a shame if it didn't get a sequel regardless, especially since I don't think it was a sales disappointment or anything either.
that's a shame, I'd have quite liked a sequel
Great game. Terrible title. I always wondered if it hampered its sales. I would have liked a sequel.
Ya, It sucks when video game developers throw environmental challenges at us. These are almost as bad as the boss fights, the storylines, and the combat. Shame on these big studios!!
Getting that Days Gone vibe again.
I thought the first game was horribly dull honestly.
A sequel would also have been a day 1 purchase for me, even a preorder. I'm an adult gamer nearly 50 with a busy professional career but I loved this game, an escape.
@Deadhunter Agreed. The original title was supposed to have been Gods and Monsters, which is infinitely better, and may have increased sales. For anyone who doesn't know, it was changed due to a trademark dispute with Monster Energy.
Such a pity,.then first was really fun, and was actually quite funny, the dialogue between God's and such, the art was nice.
Looking through comments here this would not seem to be mediocre recieved game 🤔
Well that's just great! Can a game people may actually want, like myself, but spend years on a PoS like Skull & Bones, regardless of ties to government subsidies. 🤦♂️
Let's just milk our few IP's ad nauseum instead of continuing with your best new IP in a long time. 😡
I hate the direction this industry is heading more and more every day.
No, your definitely not crazy, I'd argue people who say BotW is a 10/10 masterpiece are. BotW is highly overrated, I enjoyed Immortals Fenyx Rising so much I beat the game with 100% completion, and loved every minute of it. Is it perfect, no, but it was far more enjoyable than BotW, and I found the Tartarus Vaults to often be more enjoyable than the shrines in BotW.
Whereas BotW, I had fun for the first 10 hours or so and then just pushed myself to play it more out of feeling as though I had to so I could justify my purchase. Eventually I said enough and stopped playing altogether.
At least TotK is actually fun, it's still not Zelda to me, but it's far better than BotW.
BotW is really not that different from every other open-world game. It uses all the same tropes that are overused in other games. It uses Ubisoft towers, and no, just allowing players to manually plot markers instead of automatically showing them like most open-world games is hardly revolutionary.
It also uses the camps/forts scattered about the world every open-world game uses. It also falls into the trap that most of the world is empty, and exploring is not rewarded. Exploring places off the beaten path often reveal nothing, or perhaps a chest, with the same garbage rewards from every other chest found in the game.
The only real features BotW brings over every other open-world game are the physics and how weather/areas effect gameplay.
Even if it isn't my type of game I see the appeal and know people that enjoyed it and it is unfortunate. But got to have 5+ Assassin's Creed games instead.
BOTW/TOTK have their 'Zeldaness' to them but are they good open worlds not really. Are they less restrictive like GTA to do things in them yes but at the same time are they good eh. If you want story/some sense of structure or value or actual feeling of doing something then no. The weather/durability and more exist in survival games and better than in survival games than both Zelda open worlds but then again we don't get big AAAs looking to survival games as much. Maybe some things but not by much even though survival sandboxes to me I prefer over RPGs and they add so much more than RPGs formulas feeling a bit too stuck in a corner sometimes and other times not with what formulas and ideas are presented from game to game.
Or when you see old school RPGs and see one have a bunch of quality of life change things the same way I got excited with Sega GT's car builder/custom events (nop0e we need licensed games why bother, even Vision GT in Gran Turismo games are useless for arcade mode, GT Sport they were used I think in what 1 event category and that's it they are useless manufacturer models as if those companies can't make their own models no hire a game company to do it then make an actual game or concept car themselves) and not a single racing game will ever use that feature. Swap feature in Battlefield 2 Modern Combat, ha never again. Driver San Fransisco's car jumping feature to each driver and you can in a way cheat events or smartly prepare ahead with who you jump to to block off people in missions, yep that won't exist again why would it.
I prefer older Zelda games anyways the structure of the puzzles and environments are better the stories are less weak for the middle events happening even if the start/ends are basic and many people know why some Nintendo games have stories and why some don't depending on the staff in charge of them and why generic characters exist in them and why other times fans go oh yes please something more than a variations of Toads in Paper Mario games with more characters, let alone story telling/battle systems.
I'll never get Red Steel 2 VR ever, Rayman is a cameo/DLC in Rabbids games because he deserves the Splinter Cell treatment.
I get pushing big IPs but eventually people that haven't bought AC games and don't care to 'ever' buy them let alone less sales if people don't care for the setting or the gameplay or the systems or the story or whatever there is going to be people that don't buy it for some reason and focus on a big IP isn't good enough to convince people if too many factors can make people not interested even besides fatigue from a series.
I literally don't buy the big IPs because they literally don't interest me so they can't convince me to buy what I will never have interest in. If they didn't on PS3/360 why would I on PS5/Xbox Series consoles third party publishers I'm not going to buy them. If I did it'd be on old consoles even just to access the old ones with particular design than what they are now of design/systems that don't interest me.
I'd tried a few Tom Clancy games (PSP, PS1 Rainbow Six via PS Classic and PS3 with Vegas aka linear sizeable levels shooters with tactical elements then well open world shooters I have no interest in), I've tried Far Cry 3 briefly and dropped off, I've tried AC Liberation on Vita a few times. Only because they are older and smaller scale not massive games I have no interest in the content or structure of and played other games that took their formulas and hated them. If played any games that have similar formulas I already know I have no interest in the formula creators.
But do companies think about that no not in the slightest it's just 1 thing or 5 things if they can get them high enough. I mean sure but at the same time if they stopped investing into technologies no one cares about like Sega did dropping their project to stop wasting 2-3 years of money they didn't need to we'd have better games/better money used wouldn't we Ubisoft but nope.
Does Ubisoft have some alright ideas in their games yes but while I look at some from a distance I still don't play them. Crew 2's many vehicles besides cars, WD Legion's multiple characters features for perks and such but it backfired when it also limited things or it was too open ended and it made things feel boring because without even restrictions it was boring to use any characters and do nothing really of consequence (let alone besides GTA/Zelda open worlds have interactivity with less restrictions) and improvement over ZombiU's different characters feature when you died.
The original concept for AC games I find more exciting then the actual games themselves.
COD has Modern and old eras but at the same time some people aren't into the other settings at all so people will buy whatever era games or just not care likely either it depends.
The problem with going all out on Assassin's Creed, is it will lead to burnout for some fans. I love the Assassin's Creed games, but I was burned out once before, after AC Revelations and AC3, the latter of which I generally treat like it never existed.
There are too many already, and these games take a long time to finish. I still need to finish Black Flag, Rogue, Syndicate, Odyssey, and Valhalla, I simply cannot keep up with them.
With how massive and time consuming the last two games in the franchise were, its only gotten worse. I have over 120 hours in both Odyssey and Valhalla yet I haven't even finished half of the main story in either let alone side content. Then there is all the DLC, which I haven't touched in Black Flag, Syndicate, Origins, Odyssey, or Valhalla.
So much for Ubisoft trying to spread the games out more and not release them yearly. We already have two set to release soon. It seems highly likely Ubisoft is going back to the yearly release schedule of AC.
This decision is a perfect Microcosmic example of much of the industry as a whole. Decisions not based on gaming as a medium, not even in favor of brand reputation and portfolio diversity. No. Merely profit margins and predatory design.
Ubisoft has over consolidated and at the same time still even after screwing employees with layoffs, remains bloated with personnel, from high point where they cared about more and had far More creative freedom.
If I worked for ubi, now would be a wise time to move to better developers/punlisher umbrellas.
They will not survive much longer on their current model focusing solely on AC, Crew and Far Cry as their prime ventures unless they are bought out or learn their lesson before they completely run these ips into the ground, which in truth they are already pretty close to doing.
And...this is the reasons I'll never give this company money for any Assassins Creed game. I honestly hope for them to die off eventually. Probably won't happen though. Casuals only play what they are comfortable with and that's why games like this and COD stay around.
That game was mad fun, super underrated.
Dang, but I'm glad I had the first game and the DLC. Fun stuff. And I agree, the combat was better than BOTW, even though the exploration wasn't.
That might just be the case, but I'm of the opinion that this is just Ubisoft's MO these days. They don't seem to be able to focus on anything outside of their usual purview. Namely, AC, Far Cry, and The Crew. Even Rocksmith took a huge hit with their seemingly distracted, divided attention. Still sore about that one...
I sense the possibility of mass redundancies in the very near future.
Only disappointment with the original was the weird, sub-standard DLC which barely featured Fenyx?
Apart from that it was a fabulous game that runs very smoothly on the Pro without stressing the fans , the puzzle elements were mainly good fun, the humour was just cheesy enough to be funny, the visuals were wonderful. So of course they scrapped a sequel....
A shame. I love me some Greek mythology, and enjoyed Immortals a lot. I'd have been there for a sequel.
I got this one on a sale and was pleasantly surprised by it ! My girlfriend and I loved it so much we could have bought a sequel on day one. It was probably the best new licence Ubisoft had released in a while, and they’ll surely regret canceling the series. In the end it really seems like they don’t know how to invest money on their own IPs anymore. Like many comments I’ve seen here, it just doesn’t make sense to spend years pouring money into stillborn projects like Skull & Bones and meanwhile cut budget and ambitions on franchises that had good reviews. If the first title of an IP doesn’t perform very well sales-wise, but receive good ratings, you have to trust consumers to support such a licence long term. Otherwise you’re constantly creating new IPs and killing them instantly, thus hurting the brand’s image. And we all agree that Ubisoft needs a new breath, away from Far Cry and AC. Everyone in the industry agrees about it, so it’s maddening that Ubisoft leadership themselves is unable to capture consumers feelings toward their own strategy. Their only hope now is that Star Wars Outlaws performs so well it keeps the company afloat for a few more years, because I bet Prince of Persia, despite all its qualities, is gonna have rough sales at launch.
They have done the same with the watch dogs franchise, if it sells less than 5-10 million copies at full retail price they kill it.
@MikeOrator I never said it's a bad thing, I just don't like it
@Kang81 I agree having a lot if it's necessary not just sales. Burnout doesn't help devs, it doesn't fans, and only so many newcomers join each game that appeals to them in whichever way too (setting, combat, characters, story, quests, map size, etc.) or new fans feel the burnout too.
Even having 2D and 3D I can somewhat understand an appeal for differences. In the Prince of Persia or Metroid way. (Assassin's Creed I know had the Chronicles trilogy).
They do take too long. I know from a family member that played many of them then by Origins quit. Another family member liked Odyssey was eh on Origins/Valhalla's approach to things.
"So much for Ubisoft trying to spread the games out more and not release them yearly." I agree. Having 2 (which to buy or both even as a question to the customer) and other factors (besides if mobile or console audiences) and yearly.
The games and tech gets bigger and bigger and more to maintain/create to squeeze in time so a lot of studios making them is kind of sad to see.
I agree. The sheer amount of work that these games must require, as evident by the massive size of the development teams, despite a lot of copy and paste design, has to be rough on the developers. I would imagine they would get burned out working on what is essentially the same game over and over. That's certainly not limited to Assassin's Creed.
I'm obviously not a businessman with the knowledge of what works and what doesn't, but one would think having a yearly release schedule would just lead to consumers burnout, which could lead to poor sales, along with rushed development that could lead to more bug filled and rinse and repeat games. Which could just hurt the brand in the long run.
It seems to work for Call of Duty though, so who knows. I just know I'll likely just start picking and choosing which AC games appeal to me the most, and just skip others.
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