Baldur's Gate 3 PS5

Larian Studios has stated it's exploring the idea of releasing Baldur's Gate 3 DLC after the game has been "patched for a while" and the Belgian dev has taken a holiday. In a new interview with IGN, senior product manager Tom Butler said the following when asked about expansions: "We'll carry on patching for a while and then we're all going to take a holiday and then we'll figure out what we do next. But at the moment, we genuinely have discussions. We want to do more. We don't know what yet."

For now, the team is focusing on getting the PS5 version out the door for its 6th September 2023 release date, at which point updates will be released for both platforms at the same time. A recent PC patch and a second incoming update will be part of the PS5 edition at launch. The former contained over 1,000 bug fixes while the latter will focus on Origin Character epilogues and significant performance improvements.

Larian Studios is known for working on its game for a while after launch, with its two previous Divinity: Original Sin titles treated to Definitive Editions roughly a year after the original releases of the RPGs. This is how both experiences came to PS4. While these updated versions did bundle in a bit of new content, they were more focused on re-working and improving the base titles with new features rather than large expansions. It remains to be seen whether Baldur's Gate 3 will receive the same treatment, DLC is at least a possibility for the developer.

[source, via]