Terminator: Resistance attracted a small but dedicated audience when it launched initially on PS4 and later on PS5 a few years ago, and now developer Teyon is back with another movie license tie-in. RoboCop: Rogue City is unlikely to be the highest budget first-person shooter to release on Sony’s new-gen console, but we do think this gameplay trailer shows promise.

In addition to the inevitable firefights, we get a glimpse of the plot, as various cinematic sequences tease insight into Murphy’s psyche. The visual style, despite being a little on the cheaper side, clearly captures the vibe of the original movies – overall, we’re impressed. The title’s due out in September, apparently, but no firm release date has been revealed yet.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 23
I'd buy that for a dollar!
Yes, it's not an AAA+ blockbuster, but tbh upon release, neither was the first RoboCop film - but it was super gory, clever and a schtick regarding the topics of the time.
This game seems to capture the elements that made the film great and I expect I'll buy on or close to release, as long as it's not stupidly priced or bugged to hell.
Being a 90's kid and all, i have this on my wishlist. It looks decent, it captures the vibe of the first two movies pretty well. I'll wait for the reviews to drop first though, it can go either way but playing a new Robocop game is something i really want to celebrate. I haven't done that since the SNES, lol. Not as cool as Alien or Terminator but it has it's place in popculture-history. This would be even cooler if it would support PSVR 2 btw!
November 9th - it will be delayed. Surpised they haven't said nothing yet. Maybe it might slip further. The lack of release date by now should have indicated that though. Based on the beta early 2024 isn't out the question. Nacon games often get delayed.
@michaelf you can get it for £43 online.
I loved the original film, game seems to capture the tone and atmosphere quite well, so will be a day one for me.
Saw on another preview that has the main theme / song in game I’m sold just for that alone
@Serialsid £43 isn't too bad (it's not £70!). It's my birthday in September, so what with BG3 and a holiday, it's likely to be a birthday present when I return from hols - and that gives any 'day one patches' time to be released too.
Getting good vibes from what I've seen, which is always welcome!
In all fairness it looks like a fun game! but I am big fan of Robocop
Just seen on the Amazon UK listing for the game that they claim it's due for release on Sept 30th. Whether that's accurate or not is another thing ...
November 9th it will come out
Remember playing the godawful 3d RoboCop 3 game back in the day on Atari ST, can't be as bad as that 😂...
Was hitting my teenage years when the original film came out in 87/88.. Remember being in awe of the trailers back then too.
So yeah a little excited
I was about to say if it can too robocop 3 on amiga and st it will be amazing , seems maybe I’m on my own on that one - this looks great and as others have said matches the first two films dynamic really well - watching very closely
@Darylb88 I now see where you and others have got Nov 9 release date from! I will adjust my purchase expectations accordingly
Looks alright, from what I can tell! A shooter of a different pacing and type to the more prevalent "cover shooters", I.e. Gears of War. Et all, and not quite Call of Duty. Could be a surprise gem!
@michaelf Yeah I was lucky enough to try the beta and felt that the orignal end of sept date was a bit of a push.
@Darylb88 Agreed. I'd rather have a polished game that works as it was intended than something that was rushed to meet a self-imposed deadline.
As a massive RoboCop fan, I'm absolutely going to play this, but I'm a little sad it seems to be missing the social satire that made the first film so great.
looks like brainless fun.
there is always room for a single player shooter now and then.
I liked the Amiga RoboCop game! Though it was too hard to get that far in I think.
As for this one, if they stick to an FPS Robocop 'tribute' game, close to the films, I may buy it on sale. But really, the updated Cyberpunk is going eat this game's lunch (a jar of baby food, naturally).
IDK, I think it looks sick!
I'm disappointed it's not a AAA game, I'd be happy to pay more for that.
Now Nacon are saying Nov 2nd launch date.
I've played teyon games before, and yet I want to actually play this...
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