Sony's recently revealed remote play handheld now has an official name and a price tag. It's called PlayStation Portal, and for $199.99 / £199.99 / €219.99, it'll let you stream your PS5 straight to the palm of your hands via WiFi.
The eight-inch LCD screen boasts a 1080p resolution and supports up to 60 frames-per-second. Meanwhile, the Portal's controller parts are based on the DualSense, providing the device with adaptive triggers and haptic feedback. It's got a 3.5mm audio jack as well, so you can stick your wired headphones in there.
Sony goes on to note games that are streamed through PS Plus Premium are not supported on PlayStation Portal. The same is true of PSVR2 titles, but that was obviously expected.
The remote play handheld is out later this year, and we can't see it being too long until we get a confirmed date. Will you be picking up a PlayStation Portal? Give us an honest answer in the comments section below.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 241
Not too bad of a price, I may get one later on if it has an aux headphone port.
Unfortunately no, I can’t see when this will be much use. If it’s streaming via WiFi high chance I’m at home so I’ll just go an play my PS5…
Disappointed but not surprised with Sony releasing this instead of a fully fledged PSP/Vita successor. After the success of Switch and plenty of indies to boast a full library a handheld console would make a lot more sense.
Do we know if this can stream directly from the PS5 (in the same way the Wii U did), or if it's just going to use the remote play feature the PS5 already has?
The price of the PlayStation Portal is better than I expected. I'll probably get one later this year when it releases.
Much cheaper than I was expecting from Sony. As someone who uses remote play pretty regularly at home it's at a price point that I'll be willing to give it a shot. The lack of bluetooth is a shame though
@Loamy Nothing. It is just screen with split controller. Nothing else. You stream your own PS5 through WIFI
No psplus premium stream out of the box, what's Sony thinking! Maybe later down the line I can see support coming, but at this time and price a clear no.
Also, why is the euro zone 219.99€!?
Only reason why i could be looking forward to this is when folks innevitably hack it and turn it into a portable retro machine
I moved my kid into their college campus dorm this weekend 400 miles from home. One of the first things they did was boot up their laptop to see how well our PS5 would stream over that distance. It was a bit of a blurry sideshow but technically it worked.😂
So OTOH I expected this price. But for $200 couldn’t Sony have made a PSP 2? Switch Lite is the same price and it’s a fully functioning gaming device. I don’t get it I guess though I’m sure they’ll sell some, and some will be returned.🤷🏻♂️
@redd214 cool, but why you would stream ps5 in your home? You have some specific situation by not using ps5 with tv/monitor? Just curious "why"
Would this device use the personal phone connection for playing on a commute on a train? Is that easy to do?
At that price i will get it just to have it. Not sure how much i will or won’t like it. But it’s worth a try for that price. Remember Sony has 4K cloud gaming coming. So a device like these could get pretty good in the future. I’ll get the earbuds also. I already have the H9 Sony Inzone for PS5 and like those.
I'll wait for the second gen version that does actual cloud streaming and has an oled screen 🤓 or maybe one with internal memory so it can play games anywhere, at any time? 😁
It looks nice, and if I was drunk I might order it, but it would just not get the use. The amount of times I've tried remote play is very limited, and sometimes it doesn't even turn on the ps5 properly, and a lot of the time I'll have the console fully off anyway.
question is, will the stupid Playstation 5 Portable PSP thingy be able to play physical Playstation 5 games or digital off of the frikkin PSN store?
Not going to waste 200 bucks or more on a frikkin Playstation 5 Portable handheld if its not going to play any game at all
I like the idea, but without WiFi it's completely useless. Portable is meant to take it with you anywhere. If i'm already home I will just turn on the PS5.
When I'm in another room at home, I probably prefer to use the official PlayStation Remote Play app and stream to my PC or laptop than using a PlayStation Portal, because the PlayStation Portal has a smaller screen.
@REALAIS Have 2 teenagers. In our gaming room we have a 65" TV and a monitor, 2 PS5s and a Series S. When we all want to play something like Destiny, Borderlands, Fall Guys etc together we need a third screen. We get by using laptop, tablet, or one of our phones at the moment but this would be another solution. I know thats a seemingly niche situation that most folks wouldn't have
@tameshiyaku Also, why is the euro zone 219.99€!?
Because they took the Microsoft 'Barcelona Bribes' and didn't challenge XBlizz, and Sony is feeling vengeful? 😅
I won't be, I don't see a use case for me at all. Had it being able to play smaller games natively, even just things like PS1 classics and the PS2, PSP games then maybe and not being able to stream from PS Plus just kind of makes it pointless to me
And a third console. The PlayStation Portal alone won't solve that problem
Edit, Unless you meant that one player uses the Series S. Then it would work. But even then it's maybe better to just buy another proper sized monitor, if you're already in the same room anyway.
Probably a little more than I wanted to pay (was hoping for around £150) but must admit I am tempted by one
i could understand its use case more if it streamed from ps+ premium
Seems really expensive for something that doesn’t actually do anything. I’d expect a vita 2 for this really. The switch is only 260.
@ThaBEN the games I mentioned are crossplay between xbox & PS
Tempting for when my wife wants the TV...hmmm...
@Kidfried That’s a really good question about using it as a 2nd controller, would help justify at least $70 of the cost as I feel like most console owners have more than 1 controller. And if some Sony games let you use it like the Wii U Gamepad for maps or item management even better. I’ve always thought the Wii U should have sold as Wii HD (pronounced Weed) and the Gamepad separate with Nintendo Land or some other games that made use of dual screen. Mario Kart maybe. If this is a very limited 1 trick pony that’s a high price.
@REALAIS “but why you would stream ps5 in your home”
Have you never lived with parents, siblings, kids or roommates, who want to use the tv for something other than gaming, like, for say, watching tv? Not everyone has their own personal tv. 🤷🏻♂️
Lovely conversation rate for us again 🙄
@REALAIS Share a TV with an entire family. Play on the toilet. Lay in bed and play a game. Perhaps you are travel and have a good internet connection and can't take your PS5 with you.
I can see a number of reasons where a person would want something like this. I mean, it's kind of why the Switch became so popular: doesn't rely on a TV.
For $200, though? Very stiff given that the Backbone is half the price and does the same thing with your phone.
Not sure I see a use case for myself (too many screens already, paired with a switch), but at least price is understandable. I was afraid they would release it at $300, or similarly ridiculous overpricing.
It's expensive for what it does which is basically nothing. There should be Sim card slot so you can play everywhere and should handle at least ps vita games natively. This is joke
LCD is a massive disappointment. Would've picked it up if it was OLED.
Lmao this is just a Wii U Gamepad for ps5 for $200. If it didn't work for Nintendo why would it work for Sony??
Lately, if I'm not playing VR, I'm using remote play. If battery life is good, latency is good, and it's dead easy to use, I'd grab it instead of using my Steam Deck. I wish it were OLED with HDR though.
Biggest concern is latency though. The official PC app has way more latency than the bootleg app I use on the Steam Deck.
If I had one I would use it, but I ain't paying 200 quid (more that a Switch Lite) for the privilege.
@redd214 cool. Yeah, niche but yeah, it could be very usefull in your case, and it comes with controller "together". Hopefully battery life is decent for one evening sitting. Or at least can be played while charging if happens to play for longer period of time.
I set myself a limit on what I was willing to spend on this and that was £150. I think the pricing is a little aggressive considering the limited functionality.
Having a family means it’s hard for me to everget any gaming done in the day anymore. This would be a godsend for a cheeky hour on ff16
@Ravix why bot? U.S. price is without state sales tax and Europe usually have 20-21% sales tax.
I was hoping for something similar to the Vita, with a slot for a memory card so we could download games onto it instead of streaming.
@Loamy games are streamed from ps5 installed games. There is not need for any high power chip in this device. It is just simple screen in general. It doesnt play game it streams it through wifi.
At that price it's a yes from me.
I'll nab it for Christmas.
Does this support streaming services through PSN, Gefore now or xcloud etc?
If it does I will pre order one, as I should get a lot of use out of it, when the wife and kids etc are using the OLED TV.,
But it sounds like it only supports remote play and no streaming at all? Its not 100% clear. If that is the case, its a huge failure in function and has lost a sale to me
@Darth_Stofi but it’s literally a streaming device not a handheld per se. That’s been made abundantly clear bro
@GamingFan4Lyf i doubt you can play games outside of same WIFI. Switch is console on its own, this is just display with buttons. Yes, there can be use, but that device is very niche product.
thats cool and all, i'm afraid €219.99 is b4 taxes in Europe, not sure. I paid less for PS Vita bundle though and PS Vita TV was like €60 after the discounts. Wonder why the lack of bluetooth. I got a new ipad air so not sure if i will get this
@REALAIS cool, thank man
@ThaBEN in response to your edit, a 2nd monitor/desk setup wouldn't work. The room is oddly shaped and doing so would require an overhaul and rearranging, and be much more expensive than a couple hundred bucks lol
@Sakai it doesnt. As it is stated, it doesnt even support streaming games without beeing downloaded on PS5.
@dimi all Sony prices is RRP with included taxes. If stores are selling for more then that is because of extra proffits for seller not taxes.
Priced around where I thought it would be, can see me picking this up at some point. Will be handy when the wife wants to watch TV
@REALAIS i played turn based games on my laptop using the streaming option from playstation. It’s handy for when my wife wants to watch tv/talk to me while playing my games. I can see a market for this, wont sell bucketloads but great there is an option
@Loamy okay, I am not on that side of gaming, emulations. Maybe there is some secrets which could give some options for you and similar minded people. Lets see what's inside.
@REALAIS thank you very much for the clarification. It really needs to support all streaming services to make it attractive to potential customers.
How did someone manage to design a product with such limited function? What a total failure of a product, and I was looking forward to it!
@rjejr yes, new (fake) PS could sell a PSP 2 for £200 but
1) they'd need to develop an OS, specify controls and get devs to write software for it, and
2) they wouldn't as they'd like to fleece as many people as possible
Sony pulling the plug on the Vita so early on burned more than a few devs, I suspect.
On the need to stream PS5 games to something while the TV is in use, they will have no choice but to watch the PS5's dreary OS boot up until Sony fix the HDMI-CEC operation so that it works properly like the PS4. I've never known a console that turns itself on when you turn the TV OFF (which gets switched back ON by the tub o' lard!)
Feels like Sony is evolving. Rather than put out a new piece of hardware that they will drop support for too soon, the hardware is so specialized and limited that they won't need to support it.
It's a Wii U GamePad for the PS5. That is almost literally what this will ever do. A Wifi screen + controller for the PS5, for the price of a Nintendo Switch lite (which doesn't need to be in range of a different console)
This is a product that is qualified as "Dead on Arrival".
@XandertheWise it will stream the games you own with remote play off your ps5,that's it
This is something I would buy since I like portable gaming within my home in general. The only problem will potentially be the lag from remote playing.
This Portal thingy better have a lag-free seamless gaming experience or it really is Dead on Arrival as most of people here are saying.
Because a few of the comments in here seem to conflict, I wanted to ask to confirm. Do you really need to be on the same WiFi network of the PS5 to use it? Understand the use case of people using the TV in the same house, but for me, if I can use this on a hotel's WiFi while traveling to connect to my PS5 at home, then this will be a likely buy for me. If it must be on the same Wifi as the PS5, it will be a pass. Sorry for the clarification ask, but was confused on different comments.
@LazyLombax but it's not really half the price, it's kinda just a different product at a different price.
Not sure how this is different than having a phone with a controller.
@Jettstyles not same WiFi, just WiFi at the very least.
@awp69 the difference is you don't need a phone. for better or worse.
That's an awful lot of money for a spectacularly pointless product.
I do like the name though.
@Dman10 No, its Wifi only
I think it might run android so this will be a really hot device for emulator fans and modders. £199 ain't too bad either. Though when you put in context to the Vita, its not very good value seeing as that was like £50 more and could do 10000x more than this appears to do
For that money, you would be better buying a switch lite and getting access to a whole new eco system. The Ps5 is such a beast of a console, the majority of big AAA games on it feel right for playing on a big screen.
Absolutely embarrassing.
Hell no. I don't even have a PS5 yet! Even if I did, any portable system I had would need to work without WiFi, otherwise, what's the point? Buy a Steamdeck or a Switch instead.
@ROTTIEMAN16 its still a waste of 200+ bucks to waste on the frikkin thing since you really cant do anything with it if you dont have a Playstation 5 consoel and a game
Is there anyway to tap into your home Wifi remotely (i.e. in another country) from some kind of app so that it plays your library in a "cloud like" manner. Cloudy.
On a brighter note, gives an indication of the tech available for mass production i.e. Switch 2 which i hope is 1440p in handheld or 4K.
@LazyLombax yes.... with a phone capable enough to handle that. this cuts out a device entirely no?
Edit: seems like comparing the price of the console dependent psvr2 to a standalone Oculus.
Too expensive for what it is.
£149 would have been a better price point (I was actually hoping for £129)
Oh well I still have the switch and an ally to play for when the main TV is being used.
@Loamy It's not an emulation device at all. All it does is handle a video stream from your PS5. The only processing it's doing on board is decoding video. There is zero emulation hardware/software to speak of.
$200 ain't bad, especially because I was expecting it to be at least $300. Regardless, if it doesn't have any ability to run games natively, I am frankly not interested
You can tell Sony are leading this console generation by a wide margin, their pricing for vr, pro controllers and now this is just so out of touch with reality.
So after seeing the incredible success of the Switch they look at each other and say "I know what we must do! we need to make a PlayStation Wii U!" 😑
Being a single man I have zero use for this (maybe for getting some trophies while on the toilet) but I can see this being very useful in a larger family when everyone is arguing over the living room tv
@Juanalf It doesn’t even do that, since it only streams via WiFi. At least the Wii U used Bluetooth or whatever. I never had any issues with the Wii U gamepad, but Remote Play is awful in my experience. Games seem to run at like 20fps. And even then, I get constant dips and stuttering. Such a shame.
So it doesn't have Bluetooth and the only way I can use wireless earphones is if I buy the new official ones for another couple of hundred quid? Jog on mate.
@The_Pixel_King yeah I think Sony is really overestimating the average persons WiFi access and capabilities with this thing. At least here in the states where I'd bet most of our infrastructure strives for "just enough."
@Mauzuri Your PS5 must be turned on because the console is processing the game, not the Portal. You can leave the console in standby mode though and turn it on/off remotely using the Portal.
Would need to drop in price to have my interest
@Loamy The device is almost certainly going to be powered by a low-end mobile chip, likely something Sony's already using in one of its phones. At best, it's going to be about as competent at emulation as a current Android phone.
@MagisterMagi can’t use the phone as the Wi-Fi spot?
£200 for what is essentially a 2nd screen with a Dualsense attached? Really Sony.........?
@Daveuppercut It's something to be applauded and, yet, also something to loathe.
PlayStation is synonymous with gaming. Which is much to Sony's credit.
When you talk to the annual COD/FIFA/Madden crowd - where it really doesn't matter which platform you choose - all they say is they want the next PlayStation without a thought. People go with a brand and just stick with it because...well...it's easy.
Unfortunately, that all comes at a cost and people just accept it. Whether you agree with Microsoft's tactics or not, Sony needs a competitor.
Anyone, really.
Microsoft, Nintendo, heck Sega can "enter the ring" in a surprise turn-around. Just somebody to keep consumers from getting shafted.
Pass. If that overpriced controller hit's a corner or falls to the ground it will break in pieces. It looks really fragile.
@Dman10 has to be the same Wifi the PS5 is on
I'm good thanks.
A lcd 1080p screen, battery life is ment to be bad and its literally just a streaming device, with the inferior streaming from playstation.
Over priced in my eyes.
I was expecting 100/150 at most
If im paying 200 I expect a better screen quality and better battery life and at most already have a decent streaming service already.
Thing is, you could use a top of the range phone, a ps5 controller, use a third party holding device to hold the phone on the controller (had one for the ps4 controller)
And basically have a better quality looking screen not that much off the screen size of this and your not having to pay out another 200 for it.
@deathaxe Not sure you appreciate the definition of "wireless"
@Darth_Stofi Why? Just connect via Wi-Fi to your phone 4G/5G hotspot.
@MagisterMagi No it doesn’t. You can connect to any Wi-Fi hotspot including your phones 4G/5G Wi-Fi hotspot.
@PixelDragon You can take it out the house. Anywhere with Wi-Fi including your phones 4G/5G Wi-Fi hotspot.
Sorry Sony I'm not paying £200 when it's $200 it should be £179 companies need to sort out pricing
@deathaxe Sony's been explicit about it being strictly a video streaming device. There's no need for speculation lol
@Angelus3K have you ever tried to use the streaming somewhere else though?
That infrastructure needs to be steller before hand and it just isn't there
I was hardly thinking about purpose of this thing and the only one is when we go to sleep and I play in bed, but... that's why I have Switch... So it seems like useless thing to me...
@Bez87 Works fine for me with good 4G or 5G signal. Use it all the time when I take my daughter to her dance class every week and I sit in the car and remote play.
No Bluetooth is the most shocking thing about this, honestly.
If i'm in the house im having the big telly so for me this device is a solution looking for a problem. Any more bright ideas Sony, like bringing back Hi-8, Betamax, UMD, MiniDisc?
@PixelDragon I agree, it’s not for everyone and doesn’t need to be. I like to have my phone separate so I can still use it and the 8” will be great. But yea it’s not for everyone and that’s ok.
This looks really nice in terms of the raw hardware, but it still feels pointless. For only a bit more money you could get a Steam Deck, setup chiaki4deck on it and enjoy PS5 streaming along with the full handheld the Deck is.
The only thing it's got going for it is it'll be way more straight forward to setup - it ought to be plug and play really. A lot of people will pay for that and would find the Steam Deck too technical.
I've bought every main console that Sony has released, but I don't see much value in this. They should have made it a bit more expensive but ensured that it plays at least some games natively. Steam Deck sounds like a much better deal, other than the trophies and the huge library of ps games I have.
Sure, I could use it when my partner watches TV or I could just bite the bullet and get a Steam Deck, like I said.
I think Sony messed up with this one.
@PixelDragon Yea, I can’t speak for anyone else but for me it’s the 8” screen. I have an iPhone 14 Pro and the screen is too small for me to remote play. I usually use an iPad but it’s awkward.
At £200 it’s twice as much as it needs to be to be successful. Even if the remote play was rock solid I couldn’t justify that price. And what’s with the conversion rate?!
Wasted opportunity by what I understand and heard, 8 inch screen? I could buy a 10 inch tablet and a dualsense that does the same job for less money, and WiFi only, I can use my mobile network while I'm out and about and stream my ps5 to my phone. Playstation have messed up here I think.
As cool as this product looks, it's way too late for me. I bought a PS-branded Backbone controller in the last Prime Sale Day and that does the job on multiple levels; it serves the main function that this does via my phone or using as a controller on my laptop.
The biggest selling point for the PlayStation Portal for me is the haptics and rumble function, as the Backbone doesn't support that.
I can see this having a use, but it's very niche. And about £60 too expensive.
Day one for me. This device was made for exactly for my needs when it comes to remote play.
Completely phoned in device. Laughable that you have to buy their headsets/new headsets to use with this lame cash grab. They are still not telling details on innard specs or even battery life which is suspect.
Hard pass
@Daveuppercut how would you price PSVR2?
Backbone can play PS4 games using remote play… can the Portal do that too?
If this (somehow) had native support to be a second screen for games that support split screen, that would be a super compelling reason to have one.
@zupertramp Thanks for confirming this. Understand people would love for it to be used without Wifi, but for me, the places I would actually use this would have Wifi (hotels, planes, trains, basically any public place). The big miss is that it will not work in the car (unless someone has a Tesla and it could go off its Wifi cloud), but for me, this would work in the places I need it.
Is there no speaker? And who uses wired headphones in 2023?
I think $200 is a good price, although you seem to need the Pulse Explore ear buds which is another $200 for audio. Logitech G Cloud is $299, so it may be a tough sell.
Although I have my AirPods synced to my PS5 so maybe that would work if I was close enough.
Anyway..I would have paid the extra $50 for bluetooth. I can't believe they left it out.
@REALAIS I thought it was supposed to do Cloud Streaming also which interested me meaning your PS5 didn’t need to be switch on.
Maybe they’ll add this functionality further down the line as part of Premium tier or did I miss something?
@sanderson72 Did I read this correctly “I've never known a console that turns itself on when you turn the TV OFF” So whenever you turn OFF the tv it turns the PS5 on which then turns the tv back on? I have issues sometimes when my Switch will turn itself back off before the sound system turns itself on and then the tv on to that input, it defaults to its own OS Home Screen, so that I then need to turn the Switch back on, but not off like you said. Though I may have random issues on occasion with the PS5 as well that are similar but thankfully don’t happen often or regularly enough for me to quite figure out what’s going on. Though external HDD needing a quick fix has happened on both my PS4 and PS5, same drive.
As for a PSP 2, maybe they don’t need that, but they could at least add in a chip and make this as useful as a $50 Amazon Fire 7” tablet for Twitter/X, YT, Twitch internet etc. If I’m carrying around a $200 8” tablet it should at least work as an Android tablet. I suppose this isn’t touchscreen but it should be. Ok I suppose you can stream some of that from PS5 but why should you have too?🤷🏻♂️
Maybe this is just a test run for a better device in a few years, PSVR 2 seems much better than 1. And it really really really really should do cloud streaming from Sonys servers. It just should. 😝
this is a bad idea and a poorly executed one at that. can this console generation get any worse? instead of wasting resources on devices that nobody needs, why not put the effort into a proper ps5 slim huh? shaving off 5cm and calling it a day is not what people were hoping for. this console cycle needs a real shakeup and fast. it is quickly becoming the most underwhelming playstation generation in history.
@invictus4000 You could also get a divorce 😎
I’m primarily a Switch player and have gotten used to playing in handheld more than on the tv. I’ve found that I just don’t care as much for being tethered to a tv anymore I enjoy the freedom of going from one room to another without the hassle of disconnecting my hardware and moving it around. That said no way I’m spending $200 on a dual sense controller chopper in half and superglued to an 8 inch screen 🤣
Every time I've ever used a remote play device, the lag has always been the killer. No matter how many people say how "this time" it's not, it always is.
Psp isn’t made for the west its made for Japan. the Japanese love handheld consoles more than home consoles that why the switch dominates out there.
I don’t think it’s priced too badly…. Put this way, I would rather have this than the Edge.
This clearly isn't for everybody (I didn't have to read the 144 (EDIT: 150) posts in front of mine to know that), but at $200 I'm interested. If it doesn't sell out, it will probably go on sale at some point for around $150, and if I haven't picked it up by then I'll definitely grab it at that price.
Look, people pay $100 for a BACKBONE One, which is a controller that clips to your phone. Yes, your phone is more capable, and can play more than just streaming Playstation games, but for $200 you're getting a better controller than the BACKBONE (with all the DualSense features) plus a built-in screen and compatibility with the new audio devices Sony announced at the same time. If you're considering spending $100 on a BACKBONE (as I am) primarily for remote play (as I am), than $200 for a dedicated device may not be a bad idea. It's not competing with Steam Deck, it's competing with BACKBONE.
It doesn't have to appeal to everyone to be a success.
It’s a no for me. Give me a new vita with dualsense features then I’d be very interested
To all the ‘nobody needs this device’ type comments - I need this device. Gamer dad, one tv household, disposable income. Day one purchase.
Surprisingly not bad for what it is. It's disappointing that it's a stream only device, but at $200 it's far more robust that the $100 backbone. I might consider picking one up.
@REALAIS for me, two kids and lots of naps from my littlest one on my chest, I have used my backbone to finish entire games like Final Fantasy 1 or Nobody Saves the World. This would have been great to have a bigger screen, and since my wifi situation works well, I would enjoy pretty smooth streaming experiences while caring for them.
@Marquez Preach. This would be a gift to anyone who has little ones and shares a TV or care for them through nap time on them.
@LordOfTurnips There's nothing to hack. I suppose you could turn it into a "streaming" retro machine. But not a "portable" retro machine. Thus, the cheap price point. Honestly, unless you're in the living room all of the time and wanting to play your PS5 while your significant other is watching something else on TV, I'm not sure of the usefulness of this device. Seems like a waste of R&D. Unless I'm missing something.
@Ravix sorry, I don't follow 🤷
I am shocked that this isn't $300
Thank you for introducing the € symbol to Push Square.
The price seems reasonable given it is a first party product. Certainly cheaper than I expected.
However, it has a pretty limited market I think.
I can see some use cases:
That being said, since I don't have any of those needs, I will probably pass.
@theMEGAniggle 50 more in 2012 money. In today's money its more like 130 difference.
@PixelDragon More a case of not wanting TVs upstairs - dangerous - and waiting on some development downstairs. So for now, a great solution.
@tameshiyaku it's just a bad joke, about Sony not favouring the EU as it was the easiest place for Microsoft to get their buyout approval 😆 basically Microsoft agreed to invest a load of money in tech in the EU, and in Barcelona, just around the same time that the EU approved the Microsoft Activision buyout deal.
I'd say "Google search Microsoft bribes" but you might be going down a very deep rabbit hole, and be gone for quite some time 😅
@RobN With a phone you can remote play from an actual remote location such as an hotel room. With this thing, apparently you can't.
If you could stream Ps Plus games without a PS5, this thing would sell millions of units. It would also increase subscriptions to Ps Plus Premium. And I don't think hardware requirements would be so much different...
I can remote play on my phone, iPad and laptop…why would I need a $200 dedicated device?
Without some kinda game cloud streaming, this is such hard pass.
What happens with games that require the touchpad either for gestures or button presses?
For £200 I would have loved a shrunken digital only PS4 pro (which could also stream PS5 games via remote play).
I'm sure the boffins at Sony HQ could have made that work.
Someone be kind enough and answer this. On this device,can I play everything from my ps5 digital library?
@REALAIS I have a no TV in the bedroom policy in my apartment so I only have the 1 tv in my living room. I've been wanting this for a while so I can play my rpgs on a small screen and have my tv available for use for something else in the meanwhile, or even to get in a little progression before bed. this works for me
I guess based on people talking about someone using the TV whilst they use the PSPortal that most people have more than just their PS5 plugged in to their TV. My PS5 is my media player for all things so this would be useless to me anyway. Pretty weak that it can't even stream cloud games as well.
I hear that you can use the portal with different wifi's and that alone makes the device a lot better. Your ps5 is always connected to the internet in our homes, so all you need to do is find another decent connection.
Sorry to be negative but this just seems like a waste in every way possible
@Intr1n5ic looks like this Xbox fanboy is more into PS than you are. I am getting it and the earbuds. Sony is going to be very upset with you after defending them so well yesterday against people like me saying MS is smart for supporting PC day and date. Now i still like you enough not to tell them myself personally, but they read the comments on here and pay their bills with kind comments not consumers like me that buy their consoles in cash and not always speak kindly of them and even prefer other brands controllers. You made Sony no money today. Think about that. HAHHA
@4kgk2 last i checked Switch is dominant everywhere. So was the Gameboy to the 3DS. I agree with you that handheld is super popular in Japan. But i think many forget how popular it is worldwide. Even the PSP in the States sold fairly great. Vita was just DOA. I play my switch like a handheld, cause i have a 65 inch LG Oled and the switch looks kind of bad on it. Not awful, just not great but the Oled Switch looks fairly decent to me still for what the system lacks in power.
Less of a Portal and more of a Tin can telephone.
I’m curious. I’m not sure I fully understand what it is, what it does or how it works but will keep an eye on it.
It’s shocking to me how fanboys of all three consoles are just waiting to throw their money in the trash to support their favorite multinational corporations.
@HonestHick That legitimately read like I was just dm'ed by a teenager on twitter.
@Intr1n5ic sorry about that. We argued over pieces of plastic yesterday for over a hour. I just thought we should act our age today, seeing as yesterday we both lowered it by 2 decades worth. Kid’s argue and cry over plastic, Adults have conversations without getting personal feelings involved over comments not even directed to them. Is that fair?
@HonestHick So what you just wrote to me was an example of you acting your age and being an adult? Objectively read it back.
@Intr1n5ic no it was being a kid that argues over plastic boxes. Which is just silly, intentionally written to sound silly and petty and childish. Me being an adult is reminding other adults they aren’t entitled to tell others how to think or write about their hobbies. How to spend their money or how they should or shouldn’t like something. It’s ok not to like me or what i say. It’s ok to even write to me and say explain what you mean cause it looks this way to me. It’s not ok to go on here and have others block you. That seems like a you problem and i would like to give you the opportunity to apologize or i will block you and move on. It’s fun to go on here and act like a boss or tell people how to talk and think. But i will show you what a man does and that’s say i am sorry for engaging with you yesterday and taking over the post and making it difficult for others to enjoy. So for that i am sorry. Thats what an adult reply looks like sir.
I honestly wish I could justify buying this, the Steam Deck has been an absolute blast.
AAA gaming on a handheld, like 2077, is just such a relaxing way to play.
I mean, we've seen this thing running android in leaks.
you definitivelly can hack this to run retro games, maybe storage isnt so large but that's definitivelly something that can be modified.
I cant see why this wouldnt be a thing.
@Shstrick it's true theoretically but unfortunately (in the UK at least), wages haven't gone up to match inflation so most people won't see it like that
@HonestHick Wait, who told you how to think or write about your hobbies? Who told you what to spend your money on and what you should or shouldn't like? Who got others to block you? Is all of that directed at me, because if it is please provide me with one example?
The conversation was over, but for whatever reason you chose to @ me today and continue it with a ridiculously childish post. Having pointed that out, you're now claiming you were deliberately being childish to express a point about how childish the conversation was yesterday. Are you okay?
To put this matter to bed. I wasn't arguing over a plastic box, nor was I defending one. You were being called out by multiple people for being an Xbox fanboy, and from everyone who was involved in that conversation, you were the one actively defending a "plastic box".
"They were spreading misinformation about Xbox to make PS look like they are going to crush Xbox out of the Console market"
That's just one of the comments you made. Tell me that wouldn't look out of place coming straight from the mouth of a teenage fanboy.
I feared it would be much dearer.
Will wait a good while for it to be out in the world before I consider it.
@NinjaNicky A Backbone controller is half the price and equally functional. Plus for most people able to afford this, their phone screen will be superior and it will work with whatever headphones they already have.
@Intr1n5ic People like you never take any self blame. No one called me anything until you started to comment on me and my Pure Xbox post and I’m this and I’m that. The gentleman i made the comment to we had a great conversation and ended it all within a hour or less. You got upset, right? Cause i say things on here from a pro consumer Xbox side. Which is fair, i am not arguing that with you. I do do that when it applies. I do the same on Pure when and where it applies. Thats the hard part of talking online these days and liking both systems a lot and supporting them a lot. Sure we have a favorites, no one on here needs you to tell them i prefer the Series X. NO ONE, they know. But why do you or you did care that i prefer Xbox and have comments to make against bad takes like Xbox is going out of the hardware market cause Sony sales are high in Europe. That triggers you or something. I know we both agree MS isn’t leaving the hardware market and if they do it will be 10 years from now and they will take COD and 40 studios with them, so good luck to anyone in the console space at that time not named Nintendo. I am not naming names but i had a few say just block you cause they had to, and gave me reasons and some of those were you telling them how they should spend their money. But thats what i am trying to get at. Your takes are not nearly appreciated as you may think and others like myself would like to talk to you in a respectful manner and let our differences be differences, but in fairness mate, you attacked me and insulted me and i don’t go for that. I know you don’t see it that way, and i know even if you did you wouldn’t care. So i will treat you like a baby and remind you I probably spend double the money on Sony as you do, even tho their controllers make my thumbs slip off and cramp. So i will say whatever i want about my purchases and why I prefer other brands and do so without insulting people and yes even remind a few bad takes on here that MS and Xbox isn’t going away and why they should want that as a PS6 or PS7 without competition would be very bad for Sony only users. They need Xbox and Xbox needs PS more than most on here like to admit.
@NinjaNicky And what about the touchpad's button functionality?
@theMEGAniggle Good point. Wages went up, but inflation outpaced wages. So consumer purchasing power, at least in terms of this specific market (gaming hardware) is actually lower.
@Ravix oh, thanks for sparing me rabbit hole, one gets enough passive exposure to that sort of thing.
As for the Activision buyout, I guess the UK is the last bastion, though I couldn't care less where those games land. Microsoft has a hard time keeping formerly prolific studios thriving, while the likes of blizzard... looks like they can self destruct perfectly fine on their own.
The real question, which no one is asking or addressing, is: can this connect to ps5 directly (like the vita did with ps4) or is it only through Wi-Fi network (and therefore dependent on your router speed etc)
@naruball it's not a matter of price, so much as a matter of timing, everyone was uncertain of the global economy at launch and the sales figures for psvr2 suggest most think it is too expensive. Never mind the fact that it's a peripheral that cost more than the system, it just doesn't look good, especially when there was talk about how it being wired could keep cost down, imagine how much it would of cost if there was a battery in that thing.
I don’t get the point of this. Why buy something that’s only good for streaming when I could do the same on any tablet?
Admittedly haven’t read much into it so maybe I’m missing some key info here.
If it could download games that’s another story, but why Sony?
@GamingFan4Lyf I always thought Sony were at their best when they were competing, now it's feels like they're just cruising off the ps4's success.
Wow my wife is gonna be so annoyed at me playing in bed. Games before dames
@HonestHick I have no issue taking accountability for my actions and admitting when I'm in the wrong. I also wasn't the first to call you out, you can read back through the comments and clarify that for yourself.
I asked you why you changed your name, and was it to look less blatant when you go out of your way to talk up and defend MS and Xbox over here. I also said that I caught what you wrote on PureXbox under your old handle GreenBandit after the ABK block. I mentioned that because a lot of what it contained was a stark contradiction to how you talk about PlayStation over here. You then got defensive and started saying you were being attacked, probably from the embarrassment of knowing someone had actually seen that mental post before you deleted it.
Again, I have no idea why you chose to continue this today in such a childish manner. The conversation was long over.
People calling this device a “joke” and an “embarrassment” need to chill out a bit 😅
@Intr1n5ic if someone else called me out before you I apologize. I did have 2 conversations going before you. 1 was really good and i enjoyed it, as i like to have debates. As long as they aren’t name calling or anything rude like that. Again some end in an agree to disagree. I change my name on everything all the time, call it boredom or whatever. I can’t figure out why i do it. I do it on my PSN and Xbox as well. Honestly wish i was clever enough to come up with something i wanted to keep forever haha conversation didn’t end yesterday. It ends when i say what i wanted and i was in the mood to carry on with you yesterday. I played Diablo 4 for 4 hours on a console that don’t make my hands hurt in 45 mins. Today it ends for me. Cause I know all i need to about you, you are easily trigger by some of us on here and i just so happen to be one of them. I won’t block you tho like the other 2 and for the record man i have no issues with you coming to me and talking, but you took it a little personal quickly seeing as i never talked to you on here before. I just know from time to time you won’t be able to skip past my posts and i am ok with that, now that i know how you take to them. I will end with this, i will always defend the big 3 against lame uneducated posts but i will forever pull a little harder for the underdog. I never tried to hide that. GameCube years i defended it like crazy, to me it’s still Nintendo’s best system.
@hulkie I'm guessing you have never used Remote Play.
It's basically streaming from your console. What you see on the screen is what you would see if you were playing from a TV - it's just being done over the Wifi instead.
So anything that is installed on your console (or inserted in the PS5 disc drive) can be played because it mirrors TV play exactly (well unles you have input latency issues).
@HonestHick "Today it ends for me. Cause I know all i need to about you, you are easily trigger by some of us on here and i just so happen to be one of them."
Nope, I just think fanboys should grow up. I know all I need to know about you from the post I saw you delete 😉
Are there plans to enable this to be used as an actual PS5 controller while playing games on a TV, and make use of the controller screen to show different things to enhance the game, like maps, inventory etc?
If not, it's not even as 'good' as the Wii U controller...
As I said months ago you'd be able to use it anywhere in the world and everyone argued saying you can't. Guess what you can
Just to expensive for what it does in my opinion
@LordOfTurnips Oh, okay. I didn't realize that. Then I guess it would make for a great portable retro game emulator once hacked, so long as the OS has maximum Android performance power. It will depend upon chipset and internal storage. If those are sufficient, I'd buy a hacked one in a heartbeat.
$200 is a better price than it could have been, it undercuts the logitech easily enough to make it more viable than I thought it might be, but it's still kind of a tough sell. For a PS5 owner, you still have choices like the smaller, cheaper, more pocketable Retroids and the like, and the more expensive logitech with a way bigger battery and supports other platforms and services. It's not as DOA as it might have been, but it's also not a clear win among the competition either. For anyone who plays on more platforms than PS including XB, PC, or cloud streaming, though, any other choice would be better. For a PS5-only player, it's not a bad option at this price.
Like I expected. It’s so much less versatile than a Switch or a Steamdeck.
I’ll stick with my Switch.
@sop exactly and I thought this was one of its main sellling points.
Sony goes on to note games that are streamed through PS Plus Premium are not supported on PlayStation Portal. The same is true of PSVR2 titles, but that was obviously expected.
Well that’s sh1te!
This is a joke, right???
@Angelus3K what exactly are you playing?
@BaldBelper78 I expect psvr2 games. But not premium streaming games, isn't that the whole point. But I guess streaming a streamed game is unstable
@Bez87 FF16 at the moment!
Day one purchase. Excellent.
Even with the Android/PC handheld competition/Xperia Play/Vita again (just turn off notifications then) it has it still isn't convincing even if oh wifi PS4/5 games disk/digital to there. Aka Vita again without the Vita library.
Instead of a Streaming box like Xbox had, or a TV app they went with the android handheld/PC handheld competition and it has nothing special about it. Like any phone/PC/PS4 connection....... Who knows about tablet tech inside but I mean fro streaming..... yeah emulation or other android apps indeed here then streaming their PS4/5 games it's intended for. At least it's not just an app on a $200 tablet/controller grips.
Other than youtubers they need good marketing. Remember Xperia Play flopped. Vita 16mill, Wii U 13mill. If people don't understand remote play when they did it on the PSP/Vita/Android phones in 2019 with Apple early 2023. They have an issue trying to get these ideas off the ground again.
Aka I can use my phone on my TV the phone apps on the TV not the phone/TV apps sync content. I could play phone emu apps or the PS remote play app from my console to my phone and to my TV if I wanted to be stupid.
Otherwise not against a niche audience. I love my Wii U/Vita (sizeable audiences, the ideas basically similar a decade later but just still confusing to the average person in marketing while us tech types or some PS fans go yeah maybe, or no thank you) game library and tech wise. But I mean Sony doesn't treat Playstation hardware sales the same as their niche enthusiast products but still alive MP3 Players/Phones with special camera tech in them. So.... it makes me wonder. Same with PSVR1 & 2. Pushing tech in directions/fitting into different markets and if it isn't good enough pulling out for obvious sales reasons.
PS+ makes sense for the 'cloud future' why wouldn't they support it. The PS5 is a middleman device. They can do a Stadia and make it just PS+ app, a phone/TV/AR headset or something and a controller it's not impossible in the future. Remote Play handheld doesn't offer them enough business opportunities if it was only remote play let's be real here.
Price is fair but I mean lets go back in time a decade for a moment.
2011 Xperia Play as a PSP/android phone of the time. Around same time as the Vita.
2014 or so Vita/PS Vita TV, PS Now, PS4 console. Remote Play. A decade ago. Console was or wasn't still a middleman device for PS Now and disk/digital games remote play.
2014 Playlink with smartphones happened for casual party games (aka second screen/dual screen while the Vita got barely any of that besides Playroom 1 DLC and remote play because smartphones vs Vita to do those yeah not surprised why) that hardcore never noticed like EyeToy/Move/PSVR. XD That and well the Vita outlasted it with Indies/Japanese games than party games. Oh then Everybody 1-2 Switch used smartphones for it's party games too recently of 2023.
2015 PS Mobile died. Now they have revived it again in a new form, surprised?
Later on Phone (Android 2019, and Apple a few months ago, the year the Vita stopped being made and carts close or 2020)/PC support of remote play I forget when.
2023 Portal, android support and the same thing literally again then 2014 or so they had PS Now support for PS4/3/Vita. This is just another attempt a decade later. Wow Sony not like I haven't seen this before. Not like we don't see reattempts with more technology, different marketing (still confusing people that don't understand remote play/cloud still a decade later even beside Stadia/X Cloud for a niche audience).
End of history lesson.
I'm all for niche audience stuff but as a tech fan/handheld fan/remote play I don't care about this at all.
I'm happy with a Wii U locally instead besides it's small library. I am for dual screen phones instead. Or the Vita library.
Honestly due to android/PC handhelds I'm not surprised. Android is nice then a restricted OS and a PS remote play app. But I mean besides the price/dualsense controller parts. Who cares it's PS4/5 library sure. It's maybe going to have Xbox App/Steam Link or emulation used on it immediately. What's so exciting about it.
Vita it at least had a on the go library and PS4/PS Now not 'ONLY' PS4 and PS Now. Aka PS4/5 disk/digital and PS+ nowadays.
With Wii U I had a 'local' connection between the console and the Gamepad, no wifi (yes wifi offers a lot but for Xbox/Steam Link and PS I don't want to have a public wifi or otherwise to a PS5 or a server if the PS5 isn't a middleman device to talk to for PS+ games aka Stadia cut that middleman element) other than other services.
I can use a power bank/a portable screen for HDMI/AV and the Gamepad for dual screen games or only the Gamepad for single screen games. Or just get a Switch a handheld, single screen and a dock if don't care about dual screen/wireless local connection screens which most people don't or even understand. XD
And dual screen phones are an option for multiple apps, 1 app across both or also DS/3DS/Wii U emulation.
So what's so exciting about the Portal. I mean if you don't want a phone/tablet and grips. Don't use a PS4/PC for remote play. Want to use the PS5 digital/physical games to the handheld (cough no dual screen features in games so why bother)
Price is the best part. The Android/PS app (cough emu and Xbox app if it 'isn't' restricted heavily). The screen is in between a phone/tablet or more a tablet. No dual screen/second screen features? So why bother. Yes no data carrier restrictions like Vita (dead now those plans). PS4/5 libraries and android apps (something I could do is apps on the Xbox store the whole Xbox One gen Sony).
It's a fine idea I just have no PS5 games I want to experience so this handheld is eh to me let alone I have 'other options' the big factor there. So what's there to care about honestly a gap between things a user can do but doesn't have to own one at all. In execution aka phone/PS4/PC instead to connect to a PS5 and the libraries are eh.
Mildly tempting, but honestly I would just pick up a Switch Lite if I'm hard up for on the go gaming.
Limited use one trick pony niche product. It will be interesting to see sales numbers and the reports from those that purchased one.
For me I have no use for this product. Maybe sitting on my porch or in bed, but in those locations I use my 10" tablet and web surf, watch youtube or an app like Netflix and take a break from playing video games. I can see a use in households with multiple people and only one tv or for those that would like patio, porch, or bed use.
@Angelus3K I may have to give this ago again then.
@NinjaNicky That sounds like an edge case and I hope it works out for you but reading through this comment section I still think I’m correct that most people purchasing this are needlessly giving money to Sony out of allegiance to the brand when a cheaper third party product would be more than sufficient for their needs.
@Shstrick consensus is this is bad value compared to vita? I'm in that camp. Oh well, we'll never see anything like that again
@Intr1n5ic you and Capcom god. Y’all follow me like a rockstar. Maybe you are Capcom god, you sure talk like him. Did you change your name? Or are there two people that are triggered by facts? Hard to tell. Have a good one and please enjoy Starfield on September 9th! 😊
@sop Not a big deal to me. If I'm desperate to take it with me on a trip and use it from a hotel room, I'll connect my phone or laptop to my home router as a VPN connection, fire up the wifi on the phone/laptop, and the device will think it's on the same network.
But while I'm reasonably confident I can fake it out, I probably won't bother. I've tried those connections before, and they aren't great. Streaming over a cell connection or a hotel wifi is tolerable only for very short sessions with very forgiving games, and I've got decent (though not outstanding) upload bandwidth from home, around 20Mps.
So this can't do something that nothing else seems to do well...big deal. If that's a major requirement for you, then this probably isn't the right product - but it doesn't bother me.
EDIT: Though now I'm thinking, I can do that VPN trick to my router to let me stream from my antenna when I'm out of the house, without paying extra for a subscription for my Tablo.
@HonestHick I'll be too busy playing Baldur's Gate 3.
why is it only $199 and € 220 is the euro not worth more on exchange rate.
DOA. sony will be hard pressed to sell leftover stock after a few months. i expect fire sales after 12 months and production to be halted before 2025 hits.
@theMEGAniggle I think you might’ve replied to the wrong person 😅. I wonder if we’ll ever get a Steam Deck-like device in the PS ecosystem. That seems like the best option these days. But you’re probably right, the Portal is most likely the only handheld device we’ll see from PS for a long time 😞
@LazyLombax agreed.
I'll wait until it flops and I can buy it for a $100 before they discontinue it.
This is a buy for me. I prefer to lay back on the couch with my switch in handheld. I’ve struggled to put much time into my PS5. Look forward to being able to comfortably play my library that’s been collecting dust.
@NinjaNicky "The screen is actually touch screen."
Oh thanks for that. If it's an 8" tablet touchscreen for $200 then no excuse not to have the functionality of an Amazon Fire tablet that's half the price.
@Intr1n5ic a fine choice. See we can get along after all. Honestly all jokes aside i am so close to just selling my PS5 and all the accessories and Xbox and just get back into PC gaming. To much and i mean way to much drama in the “console wars “ and for all this money and drama to be playing games at 30fps, i am starting to feel short changed. I would love to play SF and Baldur’s Gate 3 on a high end PC.
i think this has potential , the question is can it be upgradeable with firmware updates? and it sounds like you can take this thing any where , as long as you can connect with wi-fi you can use it. so you are at a hotel or air bnb , on vacation , you want to game for a little bit , you can play this.
@HonestHick i mean if you want to drop 3-4k on a high end pc , then go for it. the only thing is even then , games still don't really take advantage of games imo. how many pc games are only playable on pc and not console?
@twitchtvpat i would spend $4K or slightly higher. I am not going to leave console to just play at the same level of performance. Well i mean outside of say WOW, Half life VR and a few others, i am not here to say the PC has games that can’t be played on console. But the games that i can play on PC i can spend to enjoy at 120-240 fps per second. I can play with better lighting, textures true 4K and so on and so on. I mean take a look at Cyberpunk. It was a mistake and a mess to bring that to the PS4 with Jaguar chips in them. Those chips were outdated before the PS4 and Xbox one even launched. The Last of Us on PC was made by a very untalented studio and that game on PC should look and run amazing, but its port was awful. I have only ever bought one PC. I am not much of a PC and windows guy. Always been a console guy. But as i have become more successful at my job and have a wife and have more income to spare to my hobbies. I wouldn’t mind paying for performance. My fear is, bad ports and driver issues. I like my consoles in the sense i turn them on and for the most part they just work. I however am interested in the PS5 Pro and would be interested in a more powerful Xbox also. I like high end stuff and sorely miss having power. I think the PS5 and Series X are built better than the PS4 and Xbox one in terms of performance but we could be seeing loads of 30fps and struggles as unreal engine 5 starts to take off.
AHEM....drum roll please..aaaaand......,"FAIL".
just like pointless vr.
Ok I'm done now.
I will use this a lot because I would like to play my games outside on the deck, instead of my basement (where my PS5 is). This is a day 1 buy for me
Seems like a stupid gadget but hey I am open to being proven wrong maybe it'll get vita game support or something cool.
@Kidfried the show was sponsored by phil spencer and starfield.
Winning that useless eco award proofs that.
the biggest game was a old aa game.
(Eco award won microsoft is a corrupt joke) microsoft the biggest cloud service company having server factories running in every country is not eco friendly.
I think for another £50 ability to download PS1, PSP/Vita games from PSN Store on to SD Card would have gone a long way. They could have also provided updated Vita SDK to devs and let them develop some indie games. It would never challenge the switch but would have been hell of a lot more attractive. Also no Bluetooth support is ridiculously stupid - it stops people using their wireless headphones.
This is Sony making stupid decisions and I’m sure Mark Cerny didn’t make these cutbacks - because he got so many things right for PS5 and compromised in the right way - on paper XSX is more powerful but in reality it really hasn’t turned out to be anything of note (and in a lot of multiplat cases PS5 seems to perform better).
Does my ps5 need to be on for this to work?
@bighal great great comments and completely agree. PS portal could evolve in time to a more improved offering but no Bluetooth is a silly decision, which will raise alot of support calls/tickets/Twitter posts
Huge fan of game streaming in the house when the TV is in use but as others have said, you can use a phone or other devices that can also do more. For another hundred or so pounds at the moment you can get a Logitech G cloud that also does emulation and Gamepass etc. The lack of PS Plus Premium streaming is also a huge pain. This would have made it far more useful.
OK well the price point is decent at least.
Does PS Remote play work any better on this device versus others? I suspect that it's absolute nonsense that it would work any differently at all versus a phone or tablet, but hope springs eternal!
If this device offers the exact same levels of latency and reliability when using PS remote play, then I'm sorry, but what is the point in this device? It's for all the people that don't have a tablet or laptop? Yes... all those technology and gadget obsessed playstation owners who don't have a tablet or laptop... all three of them.
£200 is decent - but the fact is, I'm not parting with my cash as easily at the moment and I would much rather use my existing tablet and have £200 in my pocket towards the next Switch console.
@Luigia The lack of bluetooth is something the original Nintendo Switch got grief about. Interesting Sony have done the same thing... does it really add significant cost to the build? Hard to believe it does.
Of course... the headphones Sony sell you for the PS5 also do not connect to other devices via Bluetooth... (which is just irritating and in my humble opinion shouldn't even be allowed) so perhaps this is all a deliberate ploy to get you to use their headphones (which are distinctly average by the way) using the aux.
@frabbit I always wondered why Wii U streaming to the gamepad was flawless but PS4 streaming to Vita or elsewhere was pretty poor
I'm not gonna lie, I like the feature of the wii u so I'm definitely interested with this device.
About the wii u, you can play a game on the gamepad while the console is in rest mode (sometime you need to trick it to make it happens), I hope it will do the same very easily.
I have almost no time per week to use the tv for gaming so I rarely use my PS5 and just use switch / SD so this will actually allow me to play my PS5 which is worth it for me. It’s either that or I just sell my PS5
@nocdaes hopefully they listen to the community and add Bluetooth as I bet it’s in the device anyway. Probably costs less than $1 for the chip
@rjejr Yep, so far I've had "The Tub o' Lard" (my PS5's official system name)
1) turn itself on when I turned the TV off before going to bed
2) turn itself on when bringing the FreeSat digibox out of standby.
(It's worth noting that it does this without going anywhere near a DS5 but it doesn't do it all the time)
In comparison, the PS4 just turns itself on and kicks the HDMI over to its output only when I press the PS button on the DS4 - just like it should.
The TV is a new(ish) LG 43" 4K unit but it did the same thing with our old Sony 40" 1080p so it's clearly a bug in the HDMI controller inside the Tub.
I'm sure the PS5 will be a decent bit of kit when the OS is finished because it feels like a half baked piece of crap at the moment.
@PixelDragon As a kid who was basically a shut-in due to having a TV in my room as a kid I'm not chancing that with my kids. Not reaching, it's called personal choice.
@sanderson72 Yeah I've disabled my PS5's HDMI CEC for this sort of reason , but still have relentless issues between my 55" Bravia XF90, HTA7000 System and Apple TV, somehow just turning on or being able to control the volume reliably are completely impossible, as either the tv will reset itself, the picture will turn on as a garbled corrupted mess until i change inputs away and back again on the receiver, or the volume control won't work until the apple tv has been power cycled and then all of a sudden it will decide it can see the hdmi receiver again, try and play a song off APPLE music on APPLE TV using wired ethernet that can stream 4k perfectly well and songs just stop halfway through for no discernable reason,, i have homepod minis and at random points you can't set an alarm on them because the slider will unset itself as soon as it's turned on, they'll unpair themselves / show as a pair and a single speaker simultaneously, play at different volumes or just not play out of one channel intermittently, all in all literally every single device i have is supposedly made by some of the best most knowledgeable companies around but all they produce is buggy unusable irritating f**king JUNK, that i would generally get more pleasure out of smashing into a billion tiny pieces with a large hammer than I do from attempting to use the bloody things on a daily basis! Anti Tech FTW
I do a lot of Remote Play and would probably buy this if they can do something about the stability. It's not my internet connection, I've got all that sorted, but 3rd party indie games can crash the whole thing endlessly while 1st Party AAA games play as smooth as silk. Sometimes in the same gaming sesh. There's no consistency and I can only think it comes down to the Developer.
Just discussed with the wife and we are in. Although we have two ps5s and two tvs in the room, there are times when my wife is just happy to stay on the same sofa as me while Im playing and this would be nice unit to have.
Is it worth £200? I have sympathy for those who would say no, but its worth it to me for our case, and my misses has just reminded me she has a birthday coming up 🤣
Without the support for 802.11ax, it's not even worth releasing. It's 2023...don't know if Sony is aware of that...
This is overpriced. I paid £180 for a Vita and that played games and remote play. In fact, I still use it for gaming occasionally.
And to not be able to actually stream PS Now/"Premium" games either? Is it just a display and controller thrown together?! It better be a next level display for £200.
@Richi-388 they failed with vita because they don't have a system seller like mario for every age group. Sony, despite being a business leader, was and is in fact unable to introduce long lasting videogame characters for everyone
This portal thing should have been called PSU 🤣
I don't WANT to want this, but when I'm on a gaming session, I feel guilty leaving the partner out to dry without the big TV. This would let her stream a show while I'm next to her getting some dailies done in ff14.
@2here2there they could utilise Astrobot as the mascot and build a portable exclusive game with him
This thing is DOA.
@sanderson72 Maybe you can get a priest to hold an exorcism for the Tub O' Lard. 😂
@NinjaNicky Well I'm not saying anybody should buy an Amazon Fire and try and game on it, I'm just saying for a $200 8" tablet you should get a small chip and some memory to be able to do some stuff on it. See for example the $199 Switch Lite, which plays everything the $300 Switch plays. Sony must have some old PSP or Vita OS code laying around they could stick in it. PS Vita TV was only like $100 and it had an OS. It's a piece of junk, I own it, but it can do more than just stream the PS4 to another room, what I bought it for.
@NinjaNicky I think the problem with that is, new Sony would have to invest in hardware manufacturing, OS design and also try and get studios on board to develop for the new hardware.
After the way Sony sacrificed the Vita, many devs would be sceptical.
As for downloading PS5 games to the portal, that would require a LOT of storage and given Sony's track history on memory cards, you can bet it would be some proprietary, over priced joke.
@NinjaNicky "is it worth it" debate
Well, it's worth if if you're going to use it b/c your wife, kids, siblings or flatmates are kicking you off of the tv; it's not worth it if you aren't going to use it b/c you have a tv all to yourself. I think people buying this thinking it's going to work great on mass transit using their phone as a hotspot might have buyers remorse like I did w/ my PS Vita TV. Thankfully I got it on clearance at Target for like $28. 🤑
I'm pretty sure I'd never use this Portal b/c I haven't played my Switch out of it's dock in 5 or 6 years, whatever October the Mario Odyssey game came out. I do wish the Wii U Gamepad had Wi-Fi b/c 10 years ago I would have used it all over my house. It seemed like a crippled gimmick w/ that 8' reach. I constantly said they should have saved money on the battery and just attached it w/ a 10' wire, same affect, and people would know what they were getting. Guess it remains to be seen how this pans out. 🤷♂️
It's a non mandatory peripheral for PS5, for a decent price for those that want this faction. It's not a game changer. PS4 remote play capability didn't really sold many PS Vita. If 10% of PS5 install base buy this it will be a big success. I think it's cool actually.
Don't see many people complain about $200 "link" earbuds, I won't buy them, I'm happy with my steel series and MX4 even though I can't use them on portal but it's great for those that can afford the new headset. I ll just use speakers or $20 wired
@NinjaNicky "OLED Lite"
Nintendo doesn't really do "makes sense". 😂
Case in point. They made a OLED Switch with an extra $50 premium over the base model for the screen, then decided to bundle that model with a dock that has an ethernet port built into it. B/c when you pay the extra $50 for the screen you want to keep it docked for the wired connection. 🤷♂️
This probably should have been OLED. I'd really like to see the manufacturing costs, I can't imagine Sony is losing money on this at $200. Not that they should lose money on anything they sell, I guess I'm just more curious how much they're making and why they couldn't have made it w/ an OLED screen.
Oh, and while I see your point about Lite getting an OLED screen b/c it never gets docked, well, it's a cheap(ish) kids toy, $199 is the right price point and a "kids toy" doesn't need a fancy schmancy screen. Do you remember the tablet 2DS? 😝
And it CAN be played anywhere with wi fi. I have seen many saying it can only be played at home on the same network as your wi fi and this is NOT true! Just read the PlayStation website where it is clear that it can be played anywhere!
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