While it was never really in doubt, Neil Druckmann has confirmed he’s writing and directing an unannounced PS5 game. Shuffles within Naughty Dog’s executive ranks recently saw The Last of Us creator promoted to co-studio head, but it looks like he’s going to retain a highly creative role within the company, as he turns his attention to the developer’s next project.
There’s strong speculation that this will be The Last of Us: Part 3, but there’s also been talk of new intellectual property being in the pipeline at the Californian company. Obviously, it’s been over three years since The Last of Us: Part II launched, and while the team’s remade the original game and a TV show in the interim, it sounds like its long-anticipated standalone multiplayer spin-off has gone back to the drawing board.

Exactly how long it’s going to take for Naughty Dog to put out something new is still very much up in the air, but with PS5 development cycles increasing, we reckon it’s probably going to take a while for this new title to emerge.
[source instagram.com]
Comments 50
Next he’ll tell us he can juggle while writing at the same time
TLoU came out in June 2013 (5 months before PS4), TLoU 2 came out in June 2020 (5 months before PS5) so I'd guess TLoU 3 releases in June 2028 (5 months before PS6).
Probably The Last of Us: Part II: Director’s Cut.
My guess is Kurt Margenau is directing a new IP that will release hopefully soon and Neil is working on TLOU3 (& TLOU S2/S3)
@KAIRU I hope they put more effort in it the RDR.
New IP please. Bored of all of these re-releases, Remasters and sequels.
Lets gooooooo
Something fresh please
@PlayStationGamer3919 did you forget Returnal exists? Destruction All-Stars?
@PlayStationGamer3919 Returnal?
I'd take The Last of Us: Part III over yet another re-release (aka PS5 release of The Last of Us: Part II). A PS5 version of Part II like they did with Part I is inevitable, but it'd be even worse if that would be the unannounced game. That would mean that Naughty Dog, PlayStation's flagship studio before Insomniac took over, have essentially worked on nothing worthwhile ever since Part II originally released. Yes, I am dismissing the multiplayer game because I could care less about a multiplayer game from such an important single player developer.
Regardless, that would be far worse than them not working on another new IP because it would mean Naughty Dog has turned into a complete waste. Of course I would love a new IP as well, but getting a brand new single player game of any sort from Naughty Dog is the most important thing imo.
Which Hollywood genre from 10 years ago is he going to pastiche now?
New IP first, then towards the end of generation Part III. C'mon! Also Insomniac really puts shame on these 1st party studios in terms of quality output number.
Great studio but they are getting slower and slower in their output. Please do a Insomniac.
I won't hate because eventhough I disagree with a lot of stuff he's said and think he comes off as an arrogant a-hole, he has made a lot of games I really enjoy. Even TLoU II, while the main story was unoriginal, pretentious garbage, I loved exploring the world, the back stories that each building seemed to contain and the gameplay itself, particularly combat, was a huge step up from TLoU 1. It's possibly the best Naughty Dog has ever made just from a pure gameplay perspective. So, while the studio is far from my favorite these days, and I would have zero interest in TLoU 3, if it's a new IP, I'll be intrigued especially after some fairly recent comments Druckmann made. Seems like he could be entertaining stepping out of his comfort zone and that'd be a great thing. Naughty Dog has always been at its best when trying something new.
Sadly I feel like we could say this about a lot of studios that used to have great turn around time on games. Sucker Punch and Rockstar have been putrid of late with their output. In the former's case it's especially disappointing because that's my favorite Sony studio. Like every Sucker Punch game I've played but it takes forever and a day to get a new release from SP since the PS4 era.
TLoU Part3 will explain that Part2 was Ellie’s fever dream. And Joels still alive.
I'd love to see a new IP that has the same level of detail and depth that went into TLoU2 as well as the great storytelling of Naughty Dog games but lately, I've just been craving some more Uncharted-esque fun.
I'd love to see what they would be able to accomplish with a new Uncharted game built specifically for the new gen of PlayStation.
@PlayStationGamer3919 it's been way too long! But that's due to their success. U1, U2 & U3 were back to back to back and I think the majority of their fans would rather see them finish a story than keep it hanging for a few years.
And then factor in the development times for full games and it's really no wonder why they'd rather work on sequels than new IPs. Imagine TLOU 3 releasing over 10 years later part 2. Don't think Sony or ND would want that
Mr. Druckmann is a talented writer and I’m glad to hear something definitive is coming down the pipeline. My money is on TLoU3 but I welcome a surprise.
Uncharted: Cassie Drake
@Gamer83 Pretty much agree with all you said, I really want it to be a new IP after TLOU2 since that put such a bad taste in my mouth. Also with games taking as long as they are I honestly just want devs to be making new IPs instead of sequel after sequel(Which is why I'm hoping Santa Monica Studios next game is new).
For a second, I though the text below is "also ruining the company".
I hope nd make a new game rather than a sequel, and get better writer than their last game (tlou 2).
Yeah, at least from the studios that are slower putting games out I'd rather see new IP. Of course there are always exceptions and for me that's Capcom and Resident Evil. RE is my favorite franchise, so I hope we keep getting sequels. Would also love a Code Veronica remake (the last in the series that truly needs to be remade).
@PlayStationGamer3919 Returnal?
My guess is that Neil Druckmann's game is The Last of Us Part III. Sony is likely going all in on The Last of Us. Naughty Dog does have a new IP in the works that is rumored to be an open-world (sci-fi?) RPG. I just hope they release something before 2026.
Hopefully we'll get something different. I love TLOU series, but I just want something fresh. Would love to see ND make a boomer shooter.
@PlayStationGamer3919 you see the vision. Hopefully it goes TLOU3 or a new IP releasing within a short period of each other then Factions (if its ever going to release)
Take your time.
Removed - offensive remarks
I don´t know why, but I can´t stand that guy. Also, I´m tired of The Last of Us.
I used to love Naughty Dog, but it seems that nowadays they are a one franchise company. I´m almost sure the game is The Last of Us 3, they wont do a Game of Thrones with the franchise and let the tv series story surpass the games (in GOT case, books).
Good for Sony I guess, The Last of Us brings them money, and good for the fans.
But I really really wished that it would be or a new Uncharted or a new IP. Hope to be wrong.
Sorry for the negative comment on a Naughty Dog post, I guess it´s because it was my favourite company in previous years.
I prefer his directing over his writing
@Gbarsotini Agreed. I love TLOU but I have franchise fatigue. It would be sweet if they tried something new but understandable when they don’t. Also, Druckmann rubs me the wrong way as well. Maybe it’s just better when developers don’t have pseudo celebrity.
more likely than not it is the last of us 3. get that story over with already so that we can see a new ND ip when the ps6 rolls around. i just find it hard to believe that ND could work on factions, last of us 3 and a new IP at the same time... so something has to give. if factions gets cancelled, then i suppose that changes things. i wouldn't shed a tear if that was the case since ND has become boring and predictable.
In regard to some of the comments I’ve seen about upcoming games:
By this point it feels like PlayStation’s slogan needs to be Greatness awaits, and waits and waits.
@KAIRU that wouldn’t be a new game would it?
@Gbarsotini you make no sense??? You’ve gone off Naughty Dog as they’ve become a one franchise company but you want them to drop TLOU an make a 6th Uncharted game??? A game they already said is finished.
@Backagen I’m sure ‘technically’ it would be.
I know it's not popular to say in these circles, but i am not a fan of this guy and what Naughty Dog has become under him.
So, i am pretty sure that whatever it is, it's unlikely it will be something i'm interested in.
@theSpectre @Rob_230 Housemarque was technically bought after the release of Returnal making this a second party release.
@Gbarsotini the TV series will have NO more than 3 seasons with the 2nd and 3rd seasons covering the 2nd game alone. Won't be anything remotely close to the disaster that was GoT.
@Gamer83 “unoriginal, pretentious garbage” my goodness
@ApostateMage This game feels inevitable, doesn't it? Though I wouldn't be surprised if a different internal studio took on the Cassie Drake storyline while ND focus on TLOU3 and something brand new.
Pretty sure Neil Druckmann will be doing The Last Of us 3, and unlike a lot of people, I'm happy if it's a great game. According to the rumours Naughty Dog do have a new IP in the works as well, They are certainly big enough now, so I think people should stop their moaning
I'm certainly not complaining about 'franchise fatigue', I mean they've released two great games in ten years.(Ok i know i know.....re-releases and tv show......still not feeling it)
Marevl Cinemtaic Universe.....now THERES franchise fatigue
TLOU3 feels inevitable but I think they did too much damage with Part 2. There are some that just won't come back. Me Included.
@Oz_Momotaro Uncharted 5 is likely being handled by an external studio with Naughty Dog supervising like they did with Uncharted: Golden Abyss (my money is on Bluepoint). Druckmann is likely working on The Last of Us Part III, whilst ND's second studio is working on a new IP.
@Ludacritz That's semantics. Sony is the publisher for Returnal and Housemarque is now a first party studio.
Cool can’t wait to play it on PS7
@CWill97 are we as gamers going to believe this guy after all the LIES he has told us over the last 5 years?
@Drago201 that foto of him wearing a cowboy hat and turning to the side, is the ultimate douche/chad look.. No one POSES like that and are considered to be serious.. Didnt they do those shots back in the gold rush days? I cant even look at this guy and take him serious anymore...
@theSpectre But they weren't a first party studio when a Returnal released. That's not semantics, that's how this works.
If tomorrow Sony buys From Software tomorrow that doesn't make Bloodborne a first party release, it was second party.
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