Our very favourite thing has once again come around: Sony has just dropped another firmware update for PS5. Coming in at about 1.1GB, what the devil does this new system software patch add to the party?
Well, it's nothing huge, but it is more than the usual system performance update. You can now see Parties you've joined in the past, and restart them, rather than set up a whole new room. There are also updates for the Pulse Elite headset and Pulse Explore earbuds, allowing you to use a new equaliser feature, adjust sidetone, and activate them from a simple notification.
Here are the full patch notes:
- We've added new features in Parties.
- In the Parties tab, you can now see the list of parties you've joined in the past. You can easily restart a party just by selecting it from the Recent list.
- We've updated the device software for the PULSE Elite wireless headset and PULSE Explore wireless earbuds.
- You can now use the sound equaliser feature.
- You can now use the sidetone feature, which makes it easier for you to hear your own voice in voice chats.
- When you have a PULSE Elite wireless headset or PULSE Explore wireless earbuds nearby, a notification will now appear to let you connect to them quickly. You can now easily switch the connection from your PC to your PS5 through this notification.
- We've improved system software performance and stability.
- We've improved the messages and usability on some screens.
What do you think of this new firmware update for PS5? Tell us in the comments section below.
Comments 80
Another umpteenth trash update from sony
@nomither6 It also doesnt have a can opener and it cant tell weather.
Essencial functions in a gaming console if you ask me.
Edit - So im not just a sarcastic a-hole: The simplicity of just putting in a disc and playing a game without having to set up a theme and learn how to turn off cortana is the main appeal of a gaming console. What you seem to want is a PC :/
@nomither6 people actually use the internet browser?
@nomither6 Yep, hard to believe. Why wasn't this type of stuff added early on. Uninstalled games just sitting on the home screen forever with no way to hide them. It's basic functionality? Frequent software updates from launch and still nothing nearly four years later. Sony are utter morons in some ways.
Oh yes, this is what I've been waiting for.
@atthegates Games disappear from home screen the second i uninstall them for me. You can even hide them in game library. Oo
@atthegates Uninstalled games are sitting on your homescreen?
There must be a setting for that which I'm not aware of. I need to dig in to the menus more. If I delete a game it vanishes from the homescreen.
Themes, folders and browser access is all we're waiting for, Fony Sony.
I don't need folders. I get great enjoyment of scrolling down my endless list of games realising I will never finish 80% of them. The disapproving look of my wife while the list goes on is just icing on the cake.
@atthegates if you have uninstalled games on your home screen that sounds like you have a bug on the system. I'm sure you have tried this already but a couple of things to try could include:
1 . Go to settings, users and accounts, other and select “restore licenses” (some have said it worked for them online)
2. Kick off the download for the game in question again. Pause the install and try deleting again
@nomither6 there are folders there are just hidden in the games library
@species The only option i have is to copy them to my external hdd. In the game library they're already hidden to a degree. That function doesn't help much. It's the clutter of uninstalled stuff on the home screen that i can't hide.
@nomither6 Themes are pointless; using the game's background images is just good for me. However, I agree with the classic friend activity feed. I kinda miss it, and I hope they implement it sometime. It was nice to see my friends' achievements and image uploads ect.
@nomither6 mystic Ryan already explained we'll probably never get themes due to them having to change the entire backend including how the playstation store is intergraded into the whole system
@atthegates that's most likely the problem. If you copy them to your HDD and if it's still attached to your system it will still see it as a installed game on your HDD. It will not show on the home screen ones you played enough other games to kick it from the list that the PS5 shows.
@Martijn87 Yep that's exactly what happens. Don't you think that's such a moronic system? Play more games and they'll go away. Should be a case of options button, hide. I just uninstalled it, i don't want to see it again lol! Just constant clutter i'm not playing on the home screen. Anyway thanks for the info.
Here is another suggestion to stop seeing content about games. To "unfollow" games on your PS5:
Go to Settings > Saved Data and Game/App Settings > Followed Games > Manage Followed Games.
Unfollow a game, it will show the Undo option.
Press Circle button to go back to the Settings menu.
Enter again "Manage Followed Games"
@Dampsponge Isn't that the problem though? They got some half-arsed implementation (game lists?) hidden off down in the bowels of the dreariest UI known to man rather than having them on the front page.
@Drago201 They could add folders and a background theme and then when you hover over a game, the theme could be overridden by the picture and music of the title if it has one, otherwise the theme keeps going - somewhat similar to what the PS3's XMB does.
@atthegates Ah yep.
@Rob_230 is right. If it's a PS4 game it's still playable form external storage so it doesn't go anywhere. Launching enough games to make it fall off the list is the only way.
Still hoping for improved Remote Play with lower latency and no skipped frames. Would improve the Portal experience a lot.
@SJR I think at one point the PS4 browser was the most used browser on P***hub lol
Game changing update for the headset and earbuds. The lack of EQ was stopping me buying a pair.
@kirkn you can do it from the card itself because it always adds a game if you haven't played it before
@SJR kids need a different way to watch porn without their parents knowing. I bet most adults don't know that game consoles could even access a website.
They still haven't fixed the network connection issues, it takes ages to connect to PSN and that's with 1GB broadband.
Also themes and folders would be nice.
Game lists are rubbish as a game can be in several lists....
Sony, how about for the PS6 you don't take away existing functionality like you did with the PS5...a novel idea...eh?
@sanderson72 at least they haven't ruined the Dashboard like Xbox has now looks like a storefront because they don't want to sell physical games anymore no money in it for them
Would be good to see improvements to PlayStation Portal, which I’ve really enjoyed so far.
You're not going to get an internet browser because Sony knows Microsoft would try some Game Pass shenanigans with it.
I am so tired of hearing people complain about the lack of themes. The PS5 is never going to have themes. If you haven’t noticed, each individual game that you have installed has its own background when you select it. How would that work with themes?
@Max_the_German Skipped frames with the Portal drives me mad. Also, boggles me how people don't notice them. Doesn't happen via PSPlay at all. Also, not the case with Chiaki on Steam Deck apparently.
@dschons @Max_the_German
I genuinely haven't noticed the skipped frames.
Occasionally when my network hiccups I'll get lag of course, but when everything is working as it should I don't see issues.
I'll probably notice it now that I'm thinking about it.
@Shepherd_Tallon I will say, it got a little better with firmware updates. At launch, the Portal held the 1080p staunchly which resulted in more skipped frames. Later, they added variable res and it got a lot better but directly comparing it to third party solutions, it is still lackluster imo. That said, I still consider the Portal the best overall package for remote play but it bugs me a little, because I was hoping it would be the same experience performance wise with a bigger screen and better haptics.
Let's have 3D blue ray sony. Please 🙂🙂🙂
@blah01 I've had no issues with PSN lately, also on a 1Gbps connection. Have you checked the issue isn't elsewhere?
I know I’m definitely in the minority, but a more robust USB music player would be great (eg. the ability to shuffle all music on the stick, displaying album art in the music player). The PS4 could do it.
@nomither6 so everything we had on the PS4😂. I really miss decent folders! Game lists are fine, but I want them on the main page (not scroll right til you get to the game library, up, right, find the game list you want). Even having the game list as a shortcut on the PlayStation button would help)
@dschons I'm still amazed by how well it works, but yeah I get the sense that it's not yet the the finished product and that there's more they could be doing for issues like what you mention.
I wonder if they've been measuring interest before they dedicate resources to perfecting it or adding additional features.
Sony suits have been talking a lot lately about the value of streaming games as a supplement to installing them, as opposed to the value of a subscription library full of games we'll never play.
It makes me hopeful that streaming from PSN will be an option eventually.
This is just an update because the jailbreaking community has Sony by its balls
Folders on the main screen would be awesome. I have no idea why some people here try and defend Sonys lackluster ui. It took them almost 3 years to grant us a proper search function for our games library. A gaming console should put the games we bought and the library first.
They took away key features that the PS4 had, it is pathetic.
Sony's updates are one of your favorite things? Why? They almost never add anything and their "performance" update are just sneaky security updates to try and stop homebrew
What's firmware? You've dated yourself son.
Still no permanent 120Hz output mode? We really need this so VRR gets a lot better for all games...
@species just want what they spoiled me with in the past , is that really too much to ask for ? if it used to be there then why is it an issue to want it back ? i’m not even asking for new features here.
i also do have a PC, and that’s essentially what modern consoles are.
@SJR Yes, browsing on a big screen TV is better than a monitor, and a way to bypass buying those big and/or expensive monitors; also free streaming sites for pay-per-view events and sports , movies, etc the browser definitely had its uses .
@Stevemalkpus & i’m so tired of people downplaying others for simply wanting to keep what already existed back and getting upset at others for liking things that they clearly have no interest in .. did you know that the ps3 (arguably the best playstation UI) had themes AND game backgrounds & it worked?
@DrVenture69 yes , literally what the ps4 had. the mid ps4 years was perfect before they started stripping away features
@TheCollector316 that’s pretty funny
So useless update...
The only features I'm waiting for are:
1) Backup individual PS5 game saves to USB storage.
2) In game library, add "Disc" as a parameter for the Source filter (currently, by default the library displays games purchased from PS Store, disc, and claimed from PS+. There's a Source filter with options for PS Store and PS+, but there's no Disc option. This means we can't filter out PS+ games, which is annoying for non-plus subscribers like myself who only want to view games we actually have access to in our library). I'm sure Sony won't add this because they want us to constantly see the games we can't play anymore in hopes that it will get us to renew our subscriptions.
Will get folders one day!
@xDD90x OMG yes! USB back ups! If I loose 500 hours progress in Elden Ring, now I’m off PSN, I won’t be happy. On the upside, at least I’m not getting “Cannot sync your saved data” whenever I start a game! 😂)
Sony should do something like Microsoft User Voice where you can vote on what features you want (folders and usb backups!)
@DrVenture69 I just recently got my PS5 and was very disappointed to learn they still haven't addressed that. At least we can do full system backups. It's a lot more inconvenient, but our saves will be secured if anything should happen to the console.
@xDD90x good point about full system backups, I forgot about that
I think we won’t get back the option to save to usb, not sure, but if I remember correctly Microsoft started with this disgusting downgrade.
Sony probably knows their PS Plus Essential is not good enough for many people and this is another way to force some people to pay up, to secure some of their invested time in larger games. For the players, yeah right.
@Max_the_German totally agree mine is crap Starting to regret buying it, along with PSVR 2.
@dschons Digital Foundry did tests with a high-end PC running a non-Playstation software (forgot the name), with a Gigabit cable Ethernet connection. And even in this case there were dropped frames and a latency of 80 ms. So the cause for that must lie in the PS5 implementation of Remote Play, the poor Portal seems to be mostly innocent.
@Max_the_German it's exactly the same with other devices via their official remote play app. Either a PS5 software issue or server settings on their remote play backend.
-Folders would be cool. (i never look at the gamelists really)
-Savegames to USB would be nice. (Won't happen cause Savegame-manipulating software)
-Don't need themes.(The specific game backgrounds are much better)
Don't need a browser. (Wont happen cause possible Firmware hacks)
@nomither6 the only thing i would really care about is themes i don't really care about a browser since pc's , tablets , phones , ect can all do that , so why would you need a tv browser?
@Martijn87 couldn't agree more, except that my wife jokes about it lol
@twitchtvpat good for you , everyone doesn’t only care about what you care about, let alone use their devices the same way (including consoles) as you do …
the real question is - why are you asking me why i want previous features back that used to be there? why even ask for something back at all by your question logic, right ? The browser had its uses as i’ve stated in one of my previous comments.
@nomither6 because i'm responding to your comment you wrote on a public website?
The PS5 web browser used to be accessible by sending "Google.com" as a message to any friend, then click the once text-now hyperlink message and the PS5 web browser would come up.
Sony has blocked that option, so here's how you can access the PS5 web browser now:
Go to settings -> Network -> view playstation network status -> then scroll all the way down to the YouTube icon and click it -> on the upper right corner of the screen click sign in -> then click privacy at the bottom of the page -> on the upper right corner of the screen click the Google apps icon next to sign in (small circles box icon) -> click search on the pop up menu -> you can now access any website you want via Google search -> you're welcome
I don't need an internet browser. For those who want it, I hope you get it someday.
Me? I want Sony to focus on system stability and bugs, not updating their browser so it works with some websites. WHY NOT FOCUS ON GAMES.... ?
Folders would be nice.
Themes... meh... the background switches when selecting games so the "dynamic" nature of it is preferred for me I suppose.
Web browser: I paused a game on my PS4 to visit this site and how I am submitting this post. Amazingly without the need of a phone, tablet, laptop or desktop. Extemely convenient.
UI/Home Screen, Folders, Themes, and USB saves: just make it like the PS3 and PS4.
Then add a home screen link to the web and issue a retro designed matte black rectangular model for those that do not prefer weird ugly and the additional cost of black side panels. Also with zero desire to place verticle.
@species well said lol. For me i just want friends feed. That’s all
@nomither6 I strongly disagree, theres a huuuge difference between a gaming pc and a modern console.
Also its no problem to strip features if theyre useless and do nothing but bloat the system.
I mean, internet browser? Really? To surf the interwebs using a dualsense? In a day and age where anything from bathtubs to fridges has one?
Cmon man, let it just be a gaming system.
I was using the PS4's web browser only the other day - it's very convenient to look up locations in Elder Scrolls Online without having to boot up another device or even quit the game!
Folders and themes could work just like the PS3's implementation; effectively it'd give a layer over the top of the miserable funeral music and black as the night so -called front end. The UI theme would be in place when a game doesn't have a piece of cover art or music, otherwise you'd see & hear the game theme.
As for USB saves, PS aren't going to implement that as that causes PS5 owners to cough up for ever-rising PS+ subscriptions. PS4 still has it and I might very well make use of it once my PS+ sub runs out in December.
Another thing I'd like to see? Consistent use of the PS button (even if it looks like a Fisher Price cut-out on the DS5!) Just pop up a context menu, like the PS4 does with a long press of the button with all the usual options, including Close Application.
@species agree to disagree then , there’s a thin line between the two platforms that only gets thinner; they both get their components from the same manufacturers to execute the same tasks , console just bottlenecks and has limitations in place . I use my dualsense on my PC along with various other controllers and it feels just like an even better console, i don’t even use a keyboard on my PC to play games at all.
“ Also its no problem to strip features if theyre useless and do nothing but bloat the system”
except they weren’t & your opinion(s) are just some ignorant & pretentious edgy nonsense. who cares if you don’t care about something , it’s not about you . That’s the great thing about options - you can ignore them . let people enjoy things that you don’t.
“ I mean, internet browser? Really? To surf the interwebs using a dualsense?”
Yeah, REALLY . The same internet browser that’s been incorporated into sony systems since 2005 (PSP, PS3, PS4) , can you REALLY not fathom why people want a long time feature to return just because YOU personally didn’t use it ? And there’s many ways to “surf the web” nowadays and a controller/console is one of the most convenient ways to do so on a large TV screen from your couch or wherever your console is.
like, i can’t believe i really have to explain why some people like to use the internet from a different device other than a damn computer. i think people like you see the world in black and white, what a boring mindset to have.
“ Cmon man, let it just be a gaming system.”
how about you just let people like what they like instead of taking issue with things that don’t concern you ? you don’t like features ? ok , cool, dont use them . I take it you don’t like smartphones too, but guess what ? you can always just use it as a simple phone , you don’t need to use any apps! because even with apps and features it can still function as a basic phone!, mind blowing right ?!?!?
@nomither6 Haha man are you ok? Who hurt you? Youre being waaaay too agressive given the topic.
I love you say that its not about me, yet youre the one throwing a tantrum on the internet telling a multibillion dollar company what they should and shouldnt do.
My opinions are just that, i never posed them as some golden standart, so chill out kid.
Id much rather useless features stripped down to maintain simplicity of the system. And given the ps5 is the best selling playstation yet, despite having those “”features”” removed tells me at least some people think the same way i do.
More options arent always better, thats why more and more people prefer iOS over android, its not as bloated with nonsence and therefore works better.
You dont always have to be condescending and throw insults around to drive your point across. I think youll learn that one way or ther other later in your life
Have a great day!
@species eh people always think someones mad over the internet, it all depends on the tone you perceive when you read words in your head. and i never insulted you, despite your responses being pretty obnoxious, i skimmed through the rest of your response and it looks like its just more of the same.
@species "And given the ps5 is the best selling playstation yet"
PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 and PSP all say 'hi'.
"more and more people prefer iOS over android"
70.29% to 28.99% Global Market Share says otherwise (doesn't mention what the other 0.72% were on?)
@sanderson72 Hmm from what i could find the only console outselling ps5 was ps2 and still if you take that data during the same period of time ps5 is on course to crash those numbers too.
Youre right about the android tho, my mistake. Despite the percentage increasing in the recent years, if you look on overall data, android has long term much better market position retainability.
Again, my mistake
@species I think the PS2 and the PS4 were outselling the PS5 - not by much for the PS4 but then it had a huge spike in its 4th year and had cleared 76 million units.
Android is the go-to if you're not investing in the Apple infrastructure.
@nomither6 yet we are forced to download it anyway, when I turn my console off for the night and get prompted to reboot my console to update I don't even bother with it, a few seconds I can use myself and my gaming time than waste time with this
Just as bad as windows 10/11 updates which take enough of your time just the same
@JalapenoSpiceLife Is your system settings set to update in rest mode?
@nomither6 nice list. I just want folders on my home screen, not buried in the Collections screen - come on Sony!
I wonder what Japanese people are requesting? They must not care about this stuff or they would have updated... can we get a Japanese only poll?
Yeah, all my other devices connect instantly and don't drop the connection.
It's a known bug with the network drivers on the PS5...just wish they would patch it...
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