THQ Nordic has just announced Titan Quest 2, a sequel to the well-regarded ARPG from 2006. Developed by SpellForce 3 studio Grimlore Games, the title returns to a Greek mythology setting, with top down action akin to Diablo.
The announcement trailer sets up the story, in which Nemesis corrupts the Threads of Fate and curses anyone who stands against her to eternal suffering. Of course, it's up to you to put an end to the Goddess of Retribution's actions.
Titan Quest 2 presents an open world map with a day and night cycle, and features combat with tactical choices while remaining fast-paced. You'll be able to combine two masteries for your character, opening up all sorts of interesting hybrid classes.
There's no date attached to this one, but it is planned for release on PS5. Are you excited for Titan Quest 2? Tell us in the comments section below.
Comments 11
I quite enjoyed titan quest on the pc and ps4 but this is really going to have to be something special to compete with the likes of diablo 4 and the upcoming path of exile 2. There are so many games that look to be the better option (torchlight 2 and 3,poe,d3,d2 ressurected) to name a few so i fear that this will not fare well. I hope i'm wrong and i'd love for grim dawn to be ported over to the ps5.
I've gotta wait to see gameplay. I always liked Tian Quest, in theory, but it's old in the tooth by now.
Hopefully they bring a modern sensibility to the action design.
lol they put together cinematic trailer to announce rehashing a near 20 year old crpg,....hmmm perhaps to piggyback off the sucess of BG3?
@NinjaNicky my biggest gripe about Diablo is the online component. Hate that!
Hopefully it's as fun to play as Diablo but without the always online requirement. Don't know if it's the same company, but how about a remake of Sacred, or a remaster for modern consoles?
@KundaliniRising333 titan quest is an arpg just like diablo and it was made by ex diablo 2 devs. Its no crpg by any stretch.
Hopefully they make critical improvements to the first. Wasn't bad, just felt outdated
@Northern_munkey oh so its mainly loot driven like diablo?
As someone who played TQ at launch, it was amazing. The class combo's were for the time innovative. Grim Dawn just copy pasted that really. Nowadays, it feels slow to play. It is however still one of the "harder" arpg out there.
@KundaliniRising333 yes but its more story driven as well. I really enjoyed it and the expansion but its not aged very well on the ps4 to be honest. Its worth checking out if you can get it cheap and i'm hoping this new one is good but there are so many alternatives. I love the diablo series but even i'll admit there is not much to it but it does what it does superbly and is just so much fun for me. Torchlight 2 is an awesome arpg but i was not too keen on the art style. Path of exile is an amazing arpg for free but its just so damn complicated and the loot system whilst rich in variety is a bloody mess.
@Thrussted you can level the "copy and paste" argument at every diablo style game to be honest. What grim dawn brought to the table was a very robust combat system and a really good setting. Somebody mentioned sacred which i really enjoyed on the pc but i could not play it on the ps3 as it was migrane inducing but it was a very good game and i deserve a slap for over looking that gem. How did that happen?
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