Update: A video has now been uploaded to Twitter that shows the new PS5 model in all its glory, complete with a slim slit on both sides. As the casing is shown, the disc drive gives the design a much more significant bulge than the original model. It's possible this could still be a fake, but video footage lends more weight to the claim.
Original article: An image uploaded to the Chinese forum A9VG claims to show what the rumoured new PS5 Slim model looks like. You can view the image below and see it looks very similar to the current model available since launch, but it sports a small black slit in the middle. Its measurements match what Tom Henderson of Insider Gaming reported earlier in the year; of course, though, that could be done to lend legitimacy to what is ultimately a fake image.
This would be the PS5 model with a detachable disc drive, and the console is said to be 5cm shorter, but it's no smaller in any other dimension. Also, the USB ports on the front of the system are apparently now both USB-C.
Henderson has correctly reported on a number of PS5 hardware-related releases, including the upcoming PlayStation earbuds and streaming device Project Q. The reporter also claims a PS5 Pro is in the works, set to release late next year. For now, this supposed new standard PS5 model lines up with previous reports, but it's impossible to tell right now whether it is real or not. Although, it's claimed Sony plans to release the model next month, so we'll find out sooner rather than later.
Are you interested in a new PS5 model? Share your thoughts on the above image in the comments below.
[source bbs.a9vg.com]
Comments 107
What are those slits supposed to be. Also looks line none of the extra Cover will work on this one
If you want to leak something at least do it properly
What's the point of showing only a part of the supposed PS5 Slim where we can barely see a difference to the original?
Why spoil the whole console when you can drip feed poor quality images of parts of the machine over a period time.
@Loamy Because 5 out of 40 million users reported that the fluid leaked and killed the console. At least, I remember this being a thing some time this year, just a couple of reports.
Look, a 1:8000 failure rate evidently means it's not worthwhile to improve the thermal performance /s
@MagisterMagi Wondering about the slit myself. Maybe it’s for cooling, blow the hot air out thru it, or maybe they plan to sell a lot more covers for this model and it’s easier to manufacture, package and ship 4 smaller pieces rather than 2 larger ones. Maybe easier to get on and off as well? Extra covers could still work but probably not if it’s 5cm smaller. 🤷🏻♂️
OTOH I was hoping for something a little more normal rectangle looking so the disc drive could sit on top when laying horizontal but OTOH the PS5 is know by this look so why change it halfway thru its life?
Why is it always, when we get these so called leaked images there taken on a camera from 2003 and slightly blurry?
Definitely not worth waiting 3 years for if you really wanted a PS5 as I expected.
Can we just blacklist Tom Henderson completely. It’s one thing to get scoops, it’s another to completely break every single embargo there is for clout.
no one ever said it was a slim people just assumed it was
@deathaxe I think the reason the Spider-Man one is still in the same old case is so they can sell the front and back plates for the original model so anybody can have the same system look.
$449 price is my guess going forward on the disk based version. What will be really intriguing is if they can drop the price of the digital only to $349 or $379 or something. That would be killer. $349 is the price of the new 1tb series s and that is a much weaker console.
@nessisonett I agree it's crappy when he breaks embargoes, but none of his PlayStation hardware leaks is him doing that. Otherwise, we'd know about it too.
Potatocam shares are gonna go through the roof..
so both the usb ports in the front are USB C now
why ?
Calling a console that isn't a "slim" version the slim and being surprised by the fact it isn't much slimmer is a bit silly. This is just a console redesign with a attachable disk drive, not a slim.
And that was debunked as false.
@MagisterMagi to insert detachable disk drive and it wouldnt ruin design
@trev666 the box will come with a USBC to USBC cable to charge the controller. Why? Because it should have always had 2. USBC is superior and there is absolutely no reason to have a type A port on the front. On the back there will be 2 for you to plug in an external HDD for PS4 back compact. And for any headset dongles. Going forward I wish they would not sell PS5 headsets with a type A dongle. Everything should move to type c.
The best thing is that Internet branded it as "Slim" version which it obviously isnt. It is just revised design, which will allow to add detachable disk drive. There will not be seperate design for Disk version and Digital going forward.
I'm waiting till I see the slim and the ps5 pro models, the original design is so huge and ugly that there is no case to bring it to my living room, hope to see a real slim model and not just a slightly smaller redesign. Till then I stick to my ps4 pro.
@REALAIS exactly this is actually a good thing. The digital version will just have a half cover attached on it that doesn't have the slight bump they are talking about with the external disk attachment. This allows people to resell the external disc. Let's say You get the disc based one but you never actually use disks. You just buy digital. Well what you could do is you could pull it out and sell it on eBay. And then buy the digital ones cover for cheap. And vice versa. You decide you want a disc reader. Go out and buy one from somebody selling one on eBay. Obviously Sony selling it is going to be extremely expensive. So good luck going that route.
@PlayStationGamer3919 I hear the APU 5nm uses less power and produce less heat.
@Neverwild Why am I not surprised?
If that's real it's the most pathetic excuse for a 'slim' I've ever seen. But not at all surprised as it would either require a new APU with a more efficient die for cooling or a better cooling solution to the current to make the heat sink and chassis smaller. Neither of which I can see being plausible right now.
As for the slits and extra USB C? likely a slot for the detachable disc drive and the USB C port a connector for it since I doubt it will use USB A or have an external connection to the motherboard.
My headcannon is that if Sony boast about 'x% lighter' or 'x% smaller', I'll call it a slim, if not, I won't.
@trev666 Probably to do with the new EU regulations coming into effect at the end of 2024 regarding USB-C.
@REALAIS To be fair, aren't all the 'slim' models branded by the internet? Does Sony actually call them that?
All I can say is that if this is the slim, god knows what size any 'pro' released about a year from now will be.
If that's the slim then all I can say is boo, I want smaller version of ps5 like psone/ps2/ps3 slim version.
Shouldn't there be a split in the middle (black part) as well?
Waiting for the Pro.
so is the detachable disc drive going to plug into the usb C in the front thats a bit rubbish
Looks like one of those knock off consoles you can get from China that plays all the great games such as Breakout, Pong and who can forget the awesome “Xi JinPing Decathlon Games”.
I don't suppose we know how the disc-drive is attached, do we @LiamCroft? Is it attached to the outside? Affixed within? Or is it something that sits next to it linked via a cable? Really curious to see how this is done, though admittedly, as I have a PS5 with a hard-drive already, I'm not actually interested in buying one...
@Fiendish-Beaver probably be USB C and be a small drive like the ones you can get for the MacBook Air
Please make the slim good looking in contrast to the god ugly original. A simple brick like the xbox would be great.
If it was me I would be taking full 4k or 8k photos of the console from every angle with the lastest smartphone camera, I wouldn't take just one pic that only shows half the console with a phone from 1999 😐
if true, this is very disappointing news. i was hoping for a significant redcution in size and perhaps a new design that ditches the ulgy model that we have been accustomed to for 3 years now. it just never grew on me. also, the fact they kept the colour scheme the same out of the box is also concerning. at least make black the default colour so we don't need to spend another $100 on a proprietary faceplate... this console cycle has been underwhelming on so many levels, but a fresh ps5 re-design at $100 cheaper would be the kick in the ass it needs to get more people (myself included) invested.
"Are you interested in a new PS5 model?"
Not necessarily this one - it is still ugly. But if Sony does a complete physical redesign then I am interested. I believe the ps5 is the ugliest console, by a large margin, in the history of gaming and any new direction would be welcome.
@wiiware same! while i don't expect the size to be reduced to even a ps3 slim, i was hoping for something that is slightly larger than the base ps3 at the very least — in black out the box! (ideally ps1 grey would be awesome but so unlikely).
@REALAIS true, although all of sony's 2nd revision consoles have been signifiacntly smaller in size with the exception of the ps4 "slim" which was only marginally smaller. so we have been conditioned to expect "slim" models a few years after release. i think some of us were hoping for a percentage of reduction similar to the base ps3 vs the "slim" ps3. something that is clearly smaller to make the redesign more worthwhile. at this rate we might be waiting until year 6 for the true ps5 "slim" haha.
C'mon everyone, this is sooooo fake!!!
Don't believe everything you see online.
Waiting for the Pro. I don’t play my PS5 daily so there is no need to rush out and snag this. Plus i am 100% digital and own the Digital console, so i have no need for the disk drive attachment. I do however hope the Pro comes with the digital as the focus and has the disc as an add on to save money on the console price. Not sure if it will or not. But we might be seeing the start of console design around digital with disc being an attachment going forward.
Not interested in Slim, already got the original PS5 disk console
But I'd be interested in the PS5 Pro IF they can demonstrate that they are getting rid of "the choice"... you know, 4k@60fps but only in Performance mode // or Quality but 4k@30fps, and that 4k resolution is never true, most of the time being checkered from 1080p-2k (closer to the former)...
Show it can run at least all the games launched until the console hits the market in 4k@60fps on Quality + Ray Tracing, and that the displayed 4k resolution is either true 4k or at the very least upscaled from 2k but not lower, and I'm game.
@deathaxe That's what I've been thinking
@FishDude why even needing dongles? Its stupid. The xbox has no dongles for their Headsets.
Right?! I mean who doesn't have a 3 billion Mega pixel camera on their phone these days...
@ORO_ERICIUS I absolutely agree. It is slightly odd the controllers don't need a dongle but the headset does.
Pro yeah, slim nope
The vibes I get from this image are the exact same as when those pictures of the horrendous PS5 dev kit leaked and people reacted as if the console would look anything like that. "Look, there's even a 'V' in there, so it must be the final design.".
And it still looks hideous. Whoever’s been designing PlayStation’s Aesthetic since the PS3 should be fired. Impractical, ugly and they always run hotter than they should.
Someone tell me y it looks like film grain on that picture
Waited all this time for a proper redesign and this is the best they can come up with? An awful design made slightly less awful…yay?
The PS5 "Slightly less obese"
There is a video leak of the new unit now and it does not look any smaller than the pic suggested.
Im hoping theres a thin plate for those who dont want the diak drive.
It doesn’t really looks smaller. Almost a complete waste of time
@Futureshark it could be fake but I know it’s just a shell with nothing inside. If you slow the video down you can see it’s completely hollow
Looks like it ate that burger from the PlayStation showcase🍔
Kinda funny that Tom Henderson, the person who first talked about this new model never mentioned that it was supposed to be the 'Slim' model, but now people are outraged because supposedly someone promised a Slim model.
Here's what he said on that fist leak, by the way:
"Sources have implied that although the new detachable disc drive is portable, it will not ruin the aesthetics of the console and will attach to it without looking external, presumably meaning the new PlayStation 5 will look similar to the existing model."
@Fuzzymonkeyfunk Also, the way they are waving the unit around, seems way too light, like it's an empty file box.
Just watched the vid.
Why would they take out the drive but leave the slot, THAT MAKES NO SENSE?!?!?!
Sure they could sell the drive to install but who wants a big slot staring you in the face. If this is real it's beyond stupid.😝
@FenIsMightier Ubisoft are way worse.
A reveal and release is near. Hopefully they reveal it during. A ps showcase, it's been 2 years show us something.
@rjejr maybe Sony could bundle the disc slot shell with the disc drive I guess. Or you get all the plates for digital & disc set up with the new console. Sure we will find out soon enough.
I thought there was just supposed to be one model with an external drive? That one has it built in.
What was the point of even ‘redesigning’ it?
I hoped for better redesign... this is still same "grinning accountant's folder" upgraded with "UPS delivery boy accidentally stepped on my package"
@RadioHedgeFund "What was the point of even ‘redesigning’ it?"
Exactly. All this is is taking out the drive, no remodel necessary. 🤷♂️
@cragis0001 We'll hear something. Looking likely that this was a lie for the clicks. Photo looked ok, but the vid looks like a 3D print job.
If I was to get another ps5 which is a big if....I will just get the pro even though I know it's pointless
Seems like someone trying to play a prank... mostly because it looks so dumb.
I'll be sticking to my release PS5 thanks. No interest in a slim or a pro model. Loving playing PS4 and PS5 games in silence.
If it comes without the coil whine like mine has then I might be interested.
I know digital software sales are huge but doesn’t the disc version ps5 outsell the digital only version by a wide margin?
Not a fan of the redesign (if real) or the original design of the ps5. It’s the most hideous PlayStation console imo but I do still love my ps5 (and the Dualsense).
The design doesn't look any better than the current model. Also, that glossy finish? 🤮
Well that’s disappointing.
Not that I was going to buy one anyway though. My launch unit has been a trooper so far.
I dunno. From a pure aesthetics standpoint I still feel that the PS3 Super Slim with the bathroom sliding stall door is still the ugliest PlayStation ever made.
PS5 is definitely a close second, though. The Phat PS3 wasn’t a looker either (it looked like a grill) but it was one of those “it’s so ugly that it’s cute” type of devices.
The PS5 is just ugly. It feels nice and premium. But that’s it. It’s a hideous device that I will never get used to seeing on my entertainment center.
No console will ever look as good as the Sega Saturn. The Sega Saturn case design oozed coolness. It was simple and understated. But the pure black mold gave it this villainous appearance that I always appreciated.
Close second would be the GameCube. In Jet Black. Another sick looking console. PS2 Slim is third. Because it was just so tiny that it was adorable.
@FenIsMightier All things considered, locking you out of your library because of lack of activity on your account is much worse but you do you.
Wait for real they do that???
Alright cool I was just wondering. I had never heard about anything like that before.
And what does Sony do to the account if say you created it in Europe and then move to the US? I honestly don’t know.
Ah I got ya.
That seems like an issue that Sony should fix immediately. All they would have to do is remove the region notifier for all current PS Plus members. Hell even letting members switch their region at will would fix the issue.
It’s weird that the console’s physical games aren’t region locked but accounts and digital games are. That’s utterly stupid. Like you said even Nintendo isn’t that daft and they do some stupid crap sometimes.
Seems fake or really light, like there's nothing inside.
@FenIsMightier oh damn. I didn't even know that. I thought you could change your address when you move.
It's clearly just a hacked empty OG PS5 case. The way he is hefting it around one handed like it weighs nothing speaks volumes. Try that with the OG PS5 and you would break your wrist.
Total fake. But it's a half decent attempt.
Pretty sure the final product will depart further than that from the original design. Look back at all the previous "Slim" models Sony have produced. They share the same design philosophy as the OG but always look quite unique.
@PlayStationGamer3919 The OG PS5 has proven to be ultra reliable and the liquid metal has probably been instrumental in this.
The reports that liquid metal would leak and destroy the Console are grossly exaggerated.
I have had my PS5 since launch. Pop the fan and clean the heat sink once a month. It as silent today as it was day one. Probably has close to five thousand of hours on it at this point. I'm confident it will last out the generation no worries.
@FenIsMightier I have 3 different accounts on the same email. Just add '+[text]' at the end of email you want to use.
Works like a charm for decades and never had any issues.
Example: normal email - fakeemail@gmail.com
You can get different accounts to get to the same email: fakeemail+1@gmail.com; fakeemail+3@gmail.com;
Despite they all looking different, all mail will end up to the same email - fakeemail@gmail.com
It can also be any kind of text after the plus sign, not just numbers.
For further information google "email alias plus sign"
Edit: also not sure how valid your claim about regions is, since I purposely have US, Europe and UK accounts despite living in Ireland.
I have been paying for games from the same credit card registered under my name in all of the accounts and ending playing the games on the same console with UK account being my main with all the subscriptions there, but sometimes I just buy games from US on to my US account to get them way cheaper.
@VRjunky unless you have twig-like wrists that's pretty hyperbolic, but I'll give you that it would definitely be nowhere near as effortless as the video shows. It could be fake but it could also be a retail dummy unit or similar
My first impression? Fake, and I'll stay with that.
Seems fake but as always the OG model is over engineered and the slim gets all the cost cuts. I always prefer the first model through the years..
@FenIsMightier Do you understand that when you create a new account you still have access to every game on your old account if your PS5 is marked as your primary PS5?
So you’d access to every game on both accounts. So you could even buy the games on a new account and just play them on your old account in the new country.
Also buying PSN credit for other territories(assuming a major territory like Europe or NA) is basically the same as buying for your current country, as lots of stores sell for all territories. I buy all my digital games with online credit bought at a discount from places like G2A(sells all regions).
If there is region locking happening then I’m going to assume the people responsible are all those guys moving to Turkey and Argentina…
FAKE. Nothing about that is SLIM. They made some custom faceplates that sit closer to the sides, and a custom piece of plastic to go down the middle.
Even if it is legit, what the heck did they even slim down? The interior components for better design and cost savings? For better airflow?
Just goes without saying that Sony still sucks.
@rjejr Sony will eventually have to comment. If its real they'll eventually announce it. If its fake or a 3D print of an earlier prototype. Someone with knowledge will confirm it. But if the news continues Sony will need to confirm if a "slim" is in the works.
@PC-Mobster-Face it matches the rumours. The rumours never said it would be a slim model, it's just what people started calling it.
It would save manufacturing costs to produce one model and then a detachable disc drive, which this appears to be.
How does Sony suck?
@KaijuKaiser New owners should save some money and get the normal PS5 when its price drops even more when these come out. I also don't think a pro model is needed.
Wish I saw these pics a few days ago when the original PS5 was 400 quid 😂. Oh well, will have to wait for the next price drop
Slits are where the case covers split. The removable disc drive appears be built into the white cover. The slit on the other side then would be symmetry in appearance.
@ChrisDeku I've saved a fortune buying games from Turkey. FFXVI cost me about £25 day one, Spider-Man 2 pre-order even less. Even better, you can get PS+ Extra for about £15 a year. And play it all on your UK account. Insane.
They have increased pricing on some of the games recently, but even with that they're still cheaper than UK
Pre-ordered Baldurs Gate 3 the other day for just over twenty quid. 😀
@cragis0001 Luckily for Sony it's now the weekend, and nobody ever has to comment on anything over the weekend - I dont make the rules - so they have time to consider their options. It's also summer, so if they were planning on announcing this early September they could still wait until then, figuring it's "close enough".
And the more I think about how stupid this design is, a slot for a console where the drive is a separate optional purchase, the more I think it must be real b/c nobody would try to fake it w/ something that stupid. 🤷♂️
Unless, and here's where things get interesting, much like the Switch Pro that was rumoured for like 5 years but never materialized, but we did get both a Switch better battery life and a Switch OLED, what if this is in fact a "PS5 Slim" that comes w/ a disc drive, and not the discless version we've been hearing so much about? Maybe there is no discless version and Sony is going to make every console w/ a drive instead?
Sure that sounds stupid, but Switch Pro.
@rjejr I'd guess they'll do a PS event (probably State of Play) in late August or give the announcement to Geoff on August 22nd. Either way, I don't see Sony commenting on this until the current discounts are over (US $50 off seems to be until August 19th).
@Loamy Liquid metal just isn't a great idea for commodity devices. It requires very specific and precise application that can't really be done at scale. It's not like thermal paste/pads where you just put it in the center and the pressure handles it. It also creeps out from between the heatsink and die/ihs, especially if the device is not laid flat. Asus laptops moved to using liquid metal a couple generations ago and there are tons of pictures of the metal leaking out.
@Grumblevolcano Timing sounds about right.
So how much money do you think they are saving by building a console big enough to hold a disc drive but then selling the drive as an option? Seems to me if they were going to build the shell like this then just put the drive in every one, charge the extra money, and not have to purchase and package and ship all of those drives which may just wind up sitting on shelves. It's not like people aren't buying the PS5 b/c it's too expensive.
If they manufacture, package, and ship, even half the number of drives as consoles how much savings is there really? At least if they made the console smaller and made the drive external like Apple they could have saved on packaging and shipping for each unit sold w/o having that big empty space in there.
Just doesn't make any financial sense to me to do it this way after they've already sold nearly 50MIL PS5. Just wait and make PS6 discless w/ an external drive option. 🤷♂️
Any chance SSD is in a slot and not directly soldered to the motherboard this time?
That'd be the greatest improvement of all time..
@rjejr I think the situation is all about pushing more people to digital only. Either people see the price of the disc drive and go "too expensive, I'll go digital" or the disc drive is limited stock in which people get digital in the hope that they can get the disc drive in the future.
It honestly feels like everyone's trying to kill off physical games except Nintendo (even then the gap between digital and physical release date for Prime Remastered and Pikmin 1+2 could be seen as an attempt to push more people to digital).
I think the reason a lot of these leaks (the ones that turn out to be true, anyway) use what people are calling a "potato camera" is obvious though I haven't seen it stated here yet.
They had to smuggle in something tiny that wouldn't be detected. People seem to be assuming the person taking the photos can just breeze in with a smartphone. Don't you think wherever that thing is being developed, one of the first things they'd ask you to place in a storage locker is that?
Tiny cameras that can be hidden anywhere, although massively improved, always sacrifice image quality. And the kind you'd need to take pictures in a secure development facility would be ultra tiny.
Makes sense to me.
@WhensDinner it's harder, but it's not unheard of and Sony certainly seem to have pulled it off. The number of hardware issues caused by liquid metal related failures is miniscule, and it gives great performance. I'd be more worried about vapour chambers honestly.
I think the key difference is that for most people a PS5 is a stationary device.
Whereas a laptop is CONSTANTLY moved around and gets handled in all sorts of directions, including upside down. Any breach of the Liquid Metal will follow the path of least resistance and handling the device in certain orientations will exacerbate that.
I think Liquid Metal was the right choice for the PS5. But I would have been worried if it was used on a PS Vita 2.
Granted a theoretical Vita 2 that needed Liquid Metal would have had a battery life measured in minutes.
@Blacksmith1985 that would be the best and local storage as a update.
One thing bothering me which makes me think it's completely fake, is the hole for the stand. The physical and digital versions of the PS5 use different stands, given the different widths of the base of the PS5. So then, if the disc drive is detachable, you would need to use a different stand to stand it vertically? And depending on what side it lays on, even to use it horizontally. So you'd need to remove the disc drive, change the plate, then use a different stand?
Unless, they use a massive plate when there's no disc drive, so it has the same stand, but at that point, what's even the point? Surely they could've found other ways to cut costs and just sell a disc version only for £400.
It just seems very strange.
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