As we already know, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is a PS5 exclusive, and we had assumed that, like its predecessor, it would remain as such for a full 12 months — or thereabouts. But as it turns out, Rebirth could be finding its way to additional platforms much sooner.
The game's latest trailer — which is pretty bloody good, by the way — has a slide at the end which reiterates the PS5 exclusivity, but the small print reads "Not available on other formats at least until 05.29.2024". That's just three months from its 29th February release date.

The "at least" part is likely just covering any potential lead time that other platforms might need, but we'd guess that this suggests a PC port is coming sooner rather than later. We also wouldn't like to rule out the possibility that the reimagined saga will end up on Xbox one day — perhaps as a complete collection, or maybe much sooner, as a double pack that includes Remake and Rebirth.
What do you think of timed exclusivity deals like this? Tell Cloud he can hang around in the comments section below.
Comments 31
So that is basically confirmation it hits PC/XSX 3 months later.
@Cashews Well, PC, not necessarily Xbox given Final Fantasy's recent history.
@ShogunRok Switch 2 launches 5/29/24 confirmed, duh.😉
Seriously though, 3 months isn't an "exclusive", it's a slow rollout. 😝
@ShogunRok true true. but I am assuming Phil's 14 handshake thing is going to repair those bridges. It is really goofy they ever let them get away after getting them on the 360. Poor management. On both sides.
@rjejr Pretty much, it does make you wonder how much Sony pays for this kind of deal. Three months isn't a long time in the current era of gaming.
@Cashews Like the article says, I can definitely see the remake saga coming to Xbox eventually as some kind of collection. If that happens to be the case then it could happen sooner than we think as a Remake and Rebirth bundle.
But yeah, like you say, Square Enix has always been weird with its Final Fantasy deals.
Xbox double pack incoming by TGS 2024.
Reached the point where I don't care about PS "exclusives" anymore, Jim Ryan's Sony has ruined what an "exclusive" is at this point, they abuse the concept when it's basically become "try it first on PS5". It's a must play, I'll be there.
But 3 months? That's nothing, the walls are closing in on they're little Square Enix meal ticket.
Switch 2 confirmed for mid year, the rumors' said Remake was running on it to the same standard as PS5
3 months? These deals are getting shorter and shorter lol. PS5 is really a multiplat box
@ShogunRok Given Xbox and Square’s recently renewed partnership I wouldn’t be surprised if both Remake Intergrade and Rebirth make their way to Xbox in 2024.
I’ve been thinking about switching to pc gaming but FF was the one series that I was holding out on due to these stupid exclusive windows. 3 months or shortly after is no problem to wait
@ShogunRok it really depends on the game. For FFVII Rebirth, three months is too much time for me haha. I’d prefer to play it on PC, but won’t wait and will pick it up on PS5.
3rd party timed exclusives need to end. I'd welcome a much shorter window like this if that's the next best option.
Unlike Xbox, it's great PlayStation just comes right out and says when things are exclusive or not and provides a timeframe.
I think PlayStation knows Final Fantasy is very important to them, so I would be surprised if they let the Final Fantasy VII games go to Xbox. Square-Enix knows where their fans are and where people are increasingly less inclined to buy games in general, so these exclusivity deals are not as hard to pull off as some might think.
So, sooner rather than later we will have a PC port of Rebirth, hopefully Steam Deck verified! I don't know what to do, buy it on PS5 or wait ? I guess I won't resist revisiting my favourite game of all time
3rd party exclusives are a complete waste of money this day and age. I can't think of a single 3rd party game that was billed as exclusive that actually remained exclusive to a single platform. Nobody's falling for that anymore, like how the GTA IV DLC was supposed to be permanently Xbox exclusive and we saw how that turned out.
Even when the exclusivity deal ends, other platform owners will not be inclined to support "sloppy seconds" thus ultimately harm the full sale potential of a game and continue holding resentment toward the company. Just look at the sales of Square Enix games on Xbox as an example.
I'd much rather Sony give up all 3rd party exclusivity deals and instead leverage their 1st party studios as full platform exclusives. They've already set a bad precedent with the accelerated PC ports, many will now choose to wait for the PC release instead and Sony will certainly lose out on maximising console sales and locking players to their ecosystem.
3 months only this time? That sounds weird given the track record so far between Sony and Square. I would honestly have expected the PC version to be held back at minimum for 6 months.
Really don't see why people are saying coming to Xbox in 3 months. It's PC. I can't see this game ever making it to XB. Their gamers don't really care about JRPGS. And I very much doubt SE want to have to make a whole new watered down version for the Series S for a minimal amount of sales
@Andy22385 "I can't see this game ever making it to XB. Their gamers don't really care about JRPGS. "
You say that but right now Xbox has the definitive 4K/120fps versions of JRPGS Persona 3 & 4 with no PS5 versions in sight. I could definitely see SE bending the knee (aka bending the wallet) to Microsoft
@Andy22385 The only system that matters for JRPGs is the switch. The PS5 is barely above zero jrpgs.
@Juanalf Yeah only because Phil has forbid native PS5 versions as part of the deal, pretty scummy move to be honest. Would be curious to see Xbox players numbers.
Why do you have an exclusivity timer on a game if it's just going to be for three months lol
Hey less time of exclusivity means more people can play the game sooner yay gamers
You are correct to say that Xbox feels the need to say nothing with regards to exclusivity, @TheCollector316, but it is not true to say that Sony always reveal these details. I mean, does anyone have any idea whether Final Fantasy 7 is a timed exclusive? Permanent? Who knows! The silence from both Sony and Square Enix is deafening...
Is there any proof that Microsoft prevented the native 4K, @DennisReynolds? I've seen speculation from gamers, but nothing definitive. I'd quite like to read what Square Enix or Sony have said about it as if Microsoft have done this, then it would indeed be scummy. The only way I can see this being remotely acceptable is if Microsoft worked on, and paid for, the native 4k themselves...
@Fiendish-Beaver MS had an embargo on a PS announcement and prevented PS pre-orders so it stands to reason they prevented PS5 versions because otherwise they would exist.
That is a bit of a leap, @DennisReynolds. It's like with Final Fantasy 7, are Sony paying SE for exclusivity, or are they paying to keep the game off of Xbox? Obviously I guess it could be both, but were you to ask an Xbox gamer, they would probably say that Sony are paying to keep it off the Xbox, whereas in here, they would be saying that Sony have simply bought it as an exclusive. My point is, that we all have biases (perceived or otherwise) however, an embargo is one thing, but it does not mean that Microsoft have taken the next step and completely prevented the 4K upgrade from being released on the PlayStation. That seems a bit of a stretch to me.
I'm just curious if there is any actual evidence by way of statements from either SE or Sony, as I cannot find any. As I say, the only thing I can conceive of in this circumstance is that Microsoft either paid to develop the 4K upgrade, or provided developers to implement it. I guess there is always the possibility that Microsoft have paid for this upgrade as a console exclusive too, though they are hardly likely to tell us, as is their way.
@Juanalf it does, on gamepass. Difference between Altus taking sone money off MS to stick it on GP to Square Enix having to develop a whole new version so it'll run on series S for 5% of sales
@Cashews PS5 only ones maybe, but you could say that about any genre. If we're talking PS4 releases too, there's hundreds
@Fiendish-Beaver Considering how easy it would be to make it 4K on PS5 i just find it odd. MS has clearly got some deal with Sega regarding Atlus games and i do believe Series versions were part of it. Granted i don't care to be honest, i don't have a 120hz screen and i'm happy with the 1080p/60fps on PS5 but i do find it scummy if a deal exists. As for FF7 i wouldn't be shocked if Sony paid for console exclusivity as its very strange FF7 has yet to hit Xbox.
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