Square Enix has announced that those who played PS5, PS4 game Final Fantasy VII Remake will be treated to "special bonuses" when they boot up Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Tracked through your save data, this is being done because the publisher isn't carrying over levels or abilities. As such, the bonus items are just a "little something extra".
The complete quote from director Naoki Hamaguchi on the PlayStation Blog reads: "We have announced that the Final Fantasy VII remake project will be a trilogy and that each entry will be a standalone game in its own right. Because of this, each game’s balancing is done independently and a player’s levels and abilities will not carry over from one game to the next. However, we have created some special bonuses for fans who played the previous game, allowing them to start with a little something extra."
Over on the PS Store pre-order page, two bonus items are actually detailed. If you have save data for Final Fantasy VII Remake from either the PS5 or PS4 version, you'll get a Summon Materia for Leviathan. If you have save data from DLC Episode Intermission also, you'll get Summon Materia for Ramuh. You must have the save data available natively on your PS5 console to get the bonuses.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth launches for PS5 on 29th February 2024, with the base version set at £69.99 / $69.99 and a Digital Deluxe Edition costing £84.99 / $89.99. There's also a digital bundle that gives you both Rebirth and Final Fantasy VII Remake for the same price, but the offer is only available until the day before release: 28th February 2024.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 21
I’m still very excited for this game and never hit max level in Remake, but I was hoping that would all carry over.
I shall be summoning my FFVII Remake save data from the Cloud!
I'm going to echo @Odium here, still very excited, but a bit gutted they're not going with proper continuity. I just hope they have a good reason in the game why our guys are suddenly level 1 again and have lost all their hard won stuff.
Does anyone know how they'll handle things like materia/weapon upgrades? Since this is a continuation in the game, will I have access to the materia I gained in the first game or is it gonna be like starting a brand new game?
I genuinely dislike this. I’m not sure why, probably because it’ll always be one game in my head. Also getting the plats will likely involve high levelling, which will be wasted…oh well.
@Mintie My guess is Yuffie steals them and sells them off, a similar thing happened in the original.
The thing I’m concerned about is having to restart without any of your abilities. How are they gonna balance the beginning to where you don’t feel as limited as you did at the beginning of FF7R, but not as OP as to trivialize future progression?
Why would you not get the Twin Package? For her and my pleasure!
@Odium even if you hit max level im sure the game would start you over from the beginning. Its a 3 part game so they should have capped you at lv 30 normally in the first game. Unless lv 999 is the cap lol
@Buckeye4Life2015 brand new game, nothing carries over. FF13 to Ff13-2 and lightning returns all had no continuuity and even FFX to FFX-2 didnt have save transfers.
Waiting for the physical deluxe to be available at retailers because i dont want to give square an extra 10 bucks for shipping when i can get it for free.
Dun really care for art book and mini soundtrack i just want the steel book
Nice, I have both! Looking forward to more insane Summon animations.
Really makes me want to play through the origional. I never did get very far through it. In the same instance tho i dont really want to spoil any of the story despite some of it changing slightly.
@BansheeNorn ah okay. That makes sense, thanks for the clarification
@BansheeNorn this news isn’t surprising, the logistics of carrying all of that over for three games would be crazy. Like you said, there’d have to be an absurd final level cap for that. There was still a part of me that was somewhat hopeful though.
This sounds great, but it also sounds like it's something that's going to go very wrong when the game comes, out with many people not getting the bonuses for technical reasons. But hopefully it all goes perfectly smoothly...
@Mintie It varies depending on what exactly we're talking about, but things like levels are just an abstraction anyway. The enemies they're fighting in the second part are stronger so you could have everyone start at level 50 and have the enemies be level 50, or you could have them start at level 1 and the enemies start there too. It doesn't really matter, it's the same relative strength.
Then things like items are somewhat abstract, though obviously not on the same level as, well, levels. Like, are we really meant to think that Cloud is constantly carrying around 8 swords or whatever, and that they're all invisible until he wants to use them? And hundreds of pieces of armour and accessories? And thousand of potions, phoenix downs, etc?
Trying to take "gamey" things and explain them usually just backfires. Like Shepard dying at the start of ME2 to justify why they're level 1 again - and yet that doesn't justify why remaking them exactly as they were before they died de-levelled them, or why other characters in your party are de-levelled, or why you don't relearn many of the same skills but entirely new ones in a different kind of levelling up system.
I mean it's alright
This is pretty cool. It’s nice to be rewarded for playing the first game & DLC! I might replay the Yuffie episode on Hard Mode finally. I’ll probably wait a little closer to February though
@Mintie You don't know with absolute certainty that we'll be at Level 1 again. Judging by screenshots and not just from the demo, the levels seem like they'll be around 20 give or take. My personal guess, based on what I've seen, is that they may use a similar level to what the average player was coming out of Midgar in the OG, so around 20 makes reasonable sense. Of course, some people grinded like crazy in the OG before stepping foot on the world map, but for the casual/average player, I can see this being the case.
@Buckeye4Life2015 You didn't read the article, did you? Remake saves are being solely used on whether they're even present or not on your PS. The actual content in your Remake save has zero bearing on your Rebirth playthrough.
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