It is a truth universally acknowledged that Insomniac Games never disappoints. Practically every title the Burbank studio touches turns to gold, and there was never going to be a question about Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s quality, was there? If you’ve read our preview, you’ll know we’re already besotted with the open world, which is now little over a month away.
One detail that’s being shared around is, like most PS5 games, the sequel will have multiple graphics options: 30fps, 40fps, or 60fps. Obviously, these configurations will all offer various levels of visual quality and resolution, but one consistent theme between them is that they’ll all have ray tracing. Yes, you read that right – ray tracing at 60fps!
Director of core technology Mike Fitzgerald explained to IGN: “For this game we're really able to deliver [ray tracing] as a baseline performance mode. There's no mode of this game that has the ray tracing turned off, no need for it. We've really figured out how to deliver what we feel like is the right Spider-Man visuals and we want to make sure every player is seeing that.”
[source ign.com]
Comments 55
Honestly this'll be the only time I ever really use ray tracing because of the skyscrapers back in the first game having terrible reflections.
This really shows NEXT GEN gaming is here and now! No need for a PS5 Pro and can’t wait to see what other games the studio delivers on like Wolverine
Am-acing news.
The trade off is 60fps runs at 480p
That’s awesome can’t wait to see how it plays and looks
Can't wait for this. 60fps mode is always and will always be my go to since going back to 30fps feels sluggish and jerky to me now.
What about those of us that can’t play at slideshow 60? We need 8k 240fps ultra gamma ray tracing.
Clearly a joke
@SoulChimera then gaming isnt for you easy as that
Incredible if it manages to hold steady 60 fps. I'll probably play at 40 as that has been very acceptable compromise for me so far this gen, but amazing achievement non the less.
Maybe I was too pessimistic but I'm surprised 60 is still even an option. I was sure this was only gonna stay as long as they made the games still run on PS4. Really glad 60's here to stay it seems xD
Good to see the 40fps option, it felt like a sweet spot in Rift Apart - appreciating most people don't have the 120hz screen to run it, which is a shame. Given the speed and fluidity of the latest Spidey reveal I'll likely start with the 30fps option to check out the graphical fidelity, quickly switch to the 60fps option to see what effect that has on traversal and combat, then drop back down to that 40fps sweet spot if needed.
Imsomniac has some tech wizards lvl 100 working for them. Cant wait!
Removed - trolling/baiting
Dropping the ps4 support will do miracles for ps5 down the line..
I don't see the need for a pro model as we are in an era of diminishing returns for visual fidelity vs cost of doing that. FSR 3.0 is coming by the way...
@itsfoz I was about to say the same thing - what resolution will the PS5 be able to wheeze its way up to with 60fps and ray-tracing? 1080 at absolute most?
So if this has ray tracing at 60, is it a PS5 only game? Or was it also developed for the PS4?
@itsfoz with likes such Nvidia AI frame interpolation and AMD's resolution upscaler, there is no doubt the game will be using new tech that does similar things for better visuals and be less taxing on hardware.
Pretty sweet that we can utilize aging hardware to achieve more with all that tech.
I never had a doubt.
Great news. That team is incredible. I am so excited for the game. 33 days left🥳
The 60 fps RTX modes in SM Remastered, Miles Morales, and Rift Apart looked and ran beautifully, so I have little doubt Insomniac will deliver with it again.
I'll get the superior and inevitable PC version.
Removed - trolling/baiting
I'll pick whatever gives a solid 60FPS, ray tracing really isn't the be-all, end-all at this point so if it has it and is steady then great, if not I'd happily sacrifice it for performance.
"Yer a wizard, Insomniac"
Guess it's just me but the FPS part seems kind of only half the story w/o the resolution part. Or are all gamers supposed to know it's 4k native at 30 and 1080p at 60, sometimes I miss the memo?🤷♂️
All modes having ray tracing is nice, 1 less thing to think about.
Has PS done a poll of 40fps TV ownership? I suppose a lot of gamers have it, I'm just wondering if I'm the only 1 w/o it or if it's more like half? I am happy w/ my 4k 75" TV, size matters. 😁
@Neverwild I think a lot of people didn’t get the piss take. Hahaha.
Will probably play at 40 fps. I imagine this will look clean on my 1440p monitor.
Ray tracing is overrated, give me the option to disable it because on performance mode it'll lower the resolution even more than necessary
Nice news! I wanna try it with ray tracing at 60fps.
N.i.c.e. 🕷spiderman is going to look amazing.word up son
If Insomniac manage to pull this off then they truly are tech wizards and I think native 4k isn't even needed.
I have an 85” 4K TV and have never really cared about these things when it comes to gaming. If I’m looking forward to a game, the tech specs are never make or break for me. This could’ve topped out at 1080p and I’d still be excited to play it.
@Cikajovazmaj I agree. 40fps with VRR feels like 60fps.
@AhmadSumadi I agree I think on console they should have a lover resolution target and focus on cool stuff like distruction, physics, gore etc that's just me though
@sanderson72 @itsfoz You two do realize that Insomniac is leaps and bounds over the vast majority of 3rd party developers on the technical side, correct? You also realize that games that have horrible resolution in order to achieve 60 FPS is the fault of the developers not taking the time to actually optimize the game on the PS5 and not that the PS5 is actually incapable of doing better, correct?
Multiple 1st party developers have proven that games needing to drop the resolution so low in order to achieve 60 FPS is on lazy developers. The continued narrative that the PS5 is underpowerd and can't properly handle a decent resolution at 60 FPS is pretty old and is about as lazy as the developers that don't put in the work.
Then you should have gotten an 85" 🤷♀️😏
The way it should be. Options.
@Digital_Nomad LOOOOOL sure buddy enjoy your broken buggy version XD
@Randinator123 almost all games give you the option to do that, what are you talking about?
@BrettAwesome shh, my wife thinks I bought a 65" b/c that's what we agreed on. 😂
Am I missing something here? The article was worded as if ray-tracing at 60fps is unheard of and a first but both SM Remastered and Miles Morales had ray-racing at 60fps so what’s so special about SM 2 having it when it’s expected anyway?
@rjejr sorry? 40fps TV? What do you mean
Ill be playing on whatever one has the best graphics, so probably 30. Dont get the 60 frames craze. Yeah if you go from 60 to 30 quickly it looks horrible, but your eyes adjust after 10 mins max, and it looks the same.
@Digital_Nomad Cool story, nobody cares...
Brillant 😂❤️
The other devs should look at Insomniac and be ashamed of themselves lol
We're seriously having PS5 games THAT are made for PS4 and then like ported to PS5 having 20fps performances and terrible things like that...and Insomniac just flexes like this.
@Luigia This really shows CURRENT GEN gaming started 3 years ago. Features don't make a console generation 'last/current/next', the timeline in which they are launched do. PS4 became last gen on November 12, 2020, because the current gen PS5 came out that day, that's it. Next gen hasn't even been announced yet and will only remain next gen until the day it launches.
All this does is prove that Insomniac are excellent at their craft and last gen/weaker machines (Series S) hold back development and industry progress.
@BrettAwesome "Brillant"
Ok to come clean my wife and I spent like 2 years looking at TVs, our 10 year old 52" 1080p is really nice but I'm a guy w/ a PS5 so I wanted 4k, and we finally agreed on 65" which she said was big enough, and expensive enough, for our space. So when we got to Best Buy to look at the 65" tvs that it took me 2 years to talk her into buying we found a 75" in our price range, made it by 1 cent, and she reluctantly agreed despite thinking it was too big. So I think in her head she tells herself it's only 65". 😂 85" is just never gonna happen. 😢
@SlipperyFish "40fps TV"
OK I suppose technically there aren't any 40fps TVs. What there are are 120hz tvs that do 120fps and some games take advantage of that 120fps by running games in 40fps b/c 120 divided by 3 is 40. I don't have 1 of those b/c they cost more. 🤑
Here are a couple of game examples that can run 40 on 120 tvs, sorry I'm not too good at explaining the tech stuff. 🤷♂️
@rjejr oh ok interesting. I just assumed 40fps was a happy medium between 30-60fps. Didn't really know it had much to do with 120hz. I feel like to someone like me I wouldn't even notice the difference. 120hz in big TVs is still quite rare though isn't it? Unless the TV world has changed a lot in 3 years
@SlipperyFish 120hz is quickly becoming the norm 🤷♀️ but yes, it's still a bit of a novelty. It won't be for long though.
Well, to be perfectly honest, 75" is still a gigantic screen! I was dreaming about getting one, but by random chance...and an incredible process drop, I ended up with an 85" 🤷♀️
@BrettAwesome Random chance is good. 👍 And while it would fit where my current tv is we barely got the 75" into the basement, tight turn at the top of the stairs, not sure I'd buy a 85" only to find out it wouldn't fit down the stairs.
7 or 8 years from now when I'm too old to go up and down the stairs and change our sitting room into our living room I think a 10' tv would fit on the wall in that room nicely. 😁
@SlipperyFish I think 120hz is still a high end thing like in large OLED or other expensive tvs but I really don't know. I've had my tv for 2 1/2 years, and it was new that year or the year before, and I was looking for 2 years before that for 4k and HDR but I never looked into frame rate. I did know about variable frame rate back then but it wasn't available in my price range. Hopefully I don't need another new tv for another 7 or 8 years so I'm not worrying abut new tech until then. 😁
Ray tracing or not, the combat in SM games is button mashing. Much like Assassin’s Creed.
FROMSOFT games and Nioh have made the combat in any other games seem trash.
I would only offer a 60 fps mode and focus the limited resources on getting the most out of it.
@Arnna the Arkham style fighting is very popular. I like both, I don't think the souls style fighting is better, just different. Arkham style is definitely better suited to more causal games like Spiderman
@S1ayeR74 yes
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