Microsoft's bid to purchase Activision Blizzard King for an enormous $69 billion is now closer than ever to finding approval from the UK's Competition and Markets Authority. Thanks to a change in the proposal, whereby the rights to stream Activision's games via the cloud would be entrusted to Ubisoft, the CMA looks to have changed its tune.
The government body has been one of the largest obstacles Microsoft has had to overcome in order to let its proposed purchase go through. The CMA blocked the initial deal, primarily over concerns about a monopoly in the cloud gaming sector. The deal was approved in most other countries, but the UK has remained a thorn in Microsoft's side through months of back and forth. However, with the aforementioned change to the proposal, the CMA's main concern has been assuaged.
A press release on the UK government's website essentially says the revised deal addresses the CMA's main concern by putting the rights to cloud stream Activision's software catalogue — and the next 15 years of its games — in the hands of a third party (Ubisoft). "The prior sale of the cloud gaming rights will establish Ubisoft as a key supplier of content to cloud gaming services, replicating the role that Activision would have played in the market as an independent player," the statement reads.
Essentially, Ubisoft will control Activision's games when it comes to cloud streaming services, ensuring impartial distribution, rather than Microsoft controlling things itself. "The CMA considers that the restructured deal makes important changes that substantially address the concerns it set out in relation to the original transaction earlier this year," the statement continues.
However, Microsoft isn't completely in the clear yet. The CMA still had some reservations that "certain provisions in the sale of Activision’s cloud streaming rights to Ubisoft could be circumvented, terminated, or not enforced". In response, Microsoft has "offered remedies to ensure that the terms of the sale of Activision’s rights to Ubisoft are enforceable by the CMA".
In what seems to be the final steps, the CMA has begun two consultations — one to test the aforementioned remedies about its last few concerns, and another to make an overall decision on whether to approve the deal. The deadline on both of these is 6th October 2023.
We're not out of the woods yet, then, but it seems the acquisition is now closer than ever to going through. We'll have to see what the CMA decides in a couple of weeks, but we're this close to never having to write about this whole ordeal ever again.
[source gov.uk]
Comments 106
Please just take your Call of Duty and go.
The worst thing about this nearly being over is it will give Microsoft license to start sniffing around their next acquisition targets again
Hahaha. And in a couple of years, MS will buy ubisoft. Given the much smaller volume compared to the ABK deal, this will pass through without any scrutiny. Money wins.
Glad its nearly over.
Competition is good for us the consumer as stuff like this forces Sony to keep innovating to stay competitive.
Also lets be real, if Sony had the finances to make such a deal themselves, they almost certainly would too.
Leaked emails make explicitly clear that Microsoft want to buy up huge publishers, out spend Sony and consolidate the industry
Regulators: "Nothing concerning here. Approved!"
So essentially that means that if/when Sony offer any Streaming service, they negotiate with Ubisoft as they own the streaming rights with regards to ABK games for the next 15yrs...
Otherwise they'll have to rely on MS and their 10yr Contract to receive Native ports of those games to Playstation Hardware.
Good news. To be fair xbox are having a pretty good year so far, hopefully shake sony up a bit
I do wonder if the recent Xbox leak may have burned some bridges with 3rd parties such that the final decision is different.
Great, so Ubisoft have the rights to stream to wherever they wish. I wonder if the piles of money MS have with influence their decision at all…or are they forced to provide the games to console providers other than MS!
Also, is this indefinite? Or only for a pointless duration like 10 or 20 years?
Call of Duty has been getting progressively worse every year and at this moment MW2 is an abomination. I'm actually begging to hope that MS can put them back on track and return it to its former glory. If not then no big loss, I've deleted MW2 off my PS5 and won't be buying any more until it improves.
@thefourfoldroot1 Ubisoft will own the rights to streaming - so if Sony have a streaming service and want to add Call of Duty, thy would have to negotiate with Ubisoft whatever terms and agreements to get CoD on their streaming service. That just means that MS can't control who gets the right to stream games.
The CMA looked at the market and thinks 'streaming' is separate from Hardware - so whilst MS had agreed to keep CoD on Playstation and bring it to 'more' hardware, the only 'cloud streaming' service appeared to be Xbox only and once the 'deal' passed, MS could block Sony (or others) in the future from Streaming if they decided to set up streaming services - therefore, they forced MS to sell the Streaming rights to Ubisoft for 15yrs.
That means that if companies decide to set up streaming services, they negotiate with Ubisoft to get ABK games into that service to help them 'establish' themselves as a Cloud 'platform' to compete with MS Cloud. Then in 15yrs time, if they have a big enough ABK audience on those Streaming Platforms, MS would be 'foolish' to pull anyway - like they would be foolish to pull CoD from Physical Hardware - at least that's how the CMA seem to be seeing this...
@BeerIsAwesome TBH, I'm kind of surprised they didn't buy SEGA back when the original Xbox launched
Removed - inappropriate language
I bet they cannot wait to devour plenty of those micro-transaction penny's.
Nooooo! I've been enjoying the court and regulator disclosures and leaks too much. If everything is almost done and dusted then the rare insight that we have had into the workings of the games industry goes away, and the industry goes back to being a black box out of which we can only draw speculation and inferences.
Sad times...
So, In short, Ubisoft have the right to take a better financial offer to allow MS exclusive streaming rights, after 15 years those rights resort back to MS anyway.
And who thought this was an effective idea?
Or are they not allowed to sell exclusive rights to MS.
Delete Microsoft and replace with Sega.
This is a darker timeline
@thefourfoldroot1 I suspect that's what the part about their still being concerns that certain provisions could be circumvented relates to and it sounds like that's something they have already addressed.
@gaston They can't
Under modified deal they are forbidden from purchasing Ubisoft for next 10 years.
@Grumblevolcano In relation to what exactly?
I hope this is over soon and we can just get on enjoying games.
I don't think this will change the market a great deal tbh, and it looks like MS have lost this gen quite conclusively at this point. With PS5 closing in on having double the install base by Xmas on current trajectories, and confirmation that 75% of Xbox's install base is series S, I just don't see how the ABK deal will shift the install base enough to make a difference this gen. At least its more fodder for GP, but given I don't play ABK games at all, that's also not a strong point for me. The fact is, ABK games already released on Xbox, so there's nothing new, just a chance to get them 'cheap' on GP.
Personally I'm looking to MS's other studios to release games that may make the brand more desirable, like the Bethesda remasters, or dishonoured 3. We should all value a strong Microsoft in the market, as its only strong competition that keeps these companies more consumer focussed.
I'd have preferred non consolidation, but now its here I hope we can all just get on, stop sniping at each other, and just play and enjoy games again. No hope I know, but you got to dream
I have no issue with competition but I'm strongly against console companies buying the major developers.
Microsoft dont need to buy Ubisoft.
They get the streaming rights back automatically in 15years for free. The Ubisoft deal is only for 15years not forever
I just hope Sony PlayStation buys Square-enix. I know I might be a minority hoping this, final fantasy is one of the few third party games I really want to have.
@gaston they can't buy ubisoft for the next 15 years so that won't happen , as ubi will be seller of the streaming rights for acti games
@Acquiescence leaked emails from before the acti takeover was even a thing ,things change and companies talk about taking over other companies all the time , I bet if Sony emails were leaked they would be exactly the same but then of course it would be oh great Sony want blah blah blah ,I hope they get em
I'm just wondering why open two separate consultations if the only concern was cloud gaming.
Maybe the leaked emails did more damage than we thought?
@CielloArc one to check the new remedies, one for the final decision, as mentioned in the article. The leak was irrelevant to this decision as the CMA will already have had acceess to all the information from the leak for months and months
@CielloArc Because Microsoft needs to officially "end" first merger inquiry that CMA blocked in April. That needs to happen before CMA can issue final ruling for second merger inquiry (that which offloads cloud rights to Ubisoft).
Second inquiry is for current merger where CMA will ask 3rd parties for their opinions.
@Godot25 Like the leak revealing Microsoft has a former board member buying up Nintendo stock to force Nintendo to merge with Microsoft. You'd hope that Nintendo would take that seriously and the current cozy relationship between Microsoft and Nintendo burns down.
And one step closer to market consolidation.
@thefourfoldroot1 I don't know the details behind the deal. The point is that the CMA had concerns because if MS acquired ABK, MS had only promised to keep CoD on Playstation Hardware and had concerns about the streaming side - believing that MS would not allow Sony to put ABK games into their 'streaming' service if they decided to try and 'compete' with MS Cloud.
The CMA think that MS could 'block' Sony (or others) fromm being able to offer CoD via streaming to 'compete' with Xbox Cloud. Yes, Sony could offer CoD on their Hardware, but would not be 'allowed' by MS to allow streaming.
Therefore, MS has been forced to sell the Streaming rights for the next 15yrs (I believe) to Ubisoft as an 'independent' company to stop MS from being able to decide exactly who gets access to these games on their Streaming service.
Sony doesn't offer a Streaming service yet - not for new, modern games. If the deal went through as it was before, the CMA think that without measures in place, MS could decide to 'block' Sony from access to ABK games, therefore reduce their chance of competing in the Streaming market. Also if 'others' (like google or Apple) want to set up a Cloud based streaming service, MS can't stop them from access to these games either to give them a 'chance' to build up their Subscribers and establish themselves as a rival. Therefore, Ubisoft as an independent company, takes away MS's 'control' over who gets streaming rights...
Again - it's just Streaming rights. If Ubisoft decides ABK games can't be on Xbox Cloud, MS has to live with that, but can still put their games into Game Pass to 'download' and play on Hardware. Sony doesn't have a Streaming service, but if they decide to go that route in 5yrs time, MS can't stop them from getting ABK games on their Streaming service through Ubisoft to 'compete' with Xbox Cloud...
This is purely about Streaming - the CMA had NO concerns about the Physical Hardware sector as MS had demonstrated no reason to pull ABK games from Playstation and 'only' blocked the deal because of Streaming. The fact that streaming is 'new' and most gaming companies don't offer streaming, they wanted an 'independent' source to control who gets streaming rights so MS can't decide not to allow Google, Apple or Sony, arguably Microsoft's biggest rivals in Streaming/Gaming to 'block' their chance to establish their own streaming services by keeping CoD exclusive to Xbox Cloud (even if it is available on Playstation consoles)
It's crazy to think that in 2019 every gamer thought all those many Bethesda and ActiBlzz games were all 3rd party as usual. Fast forward almost 4 years that's no longer the case. Can you imagine saying to someone while they're playing his/her PS4 in 2019 that by 2023 onwards all those many games have a good chance of never coming to PlayStation ever again, you'd never imagine that in 2019 but here we are. Never known anything like it before and how those leaked emails read it looks like it won't be ending anytime soon. These are hundreds of potential games not just half a dozen. Mind boggling greed because they're so crap at delivering good high quality 1st party games with the studios they had before consistently every year, spend 80 billion so they can deliver every year on 1st party at the expense of making so many great longtime 3rd party games as exclusives. Not a handful of games but potentially hundred+. It's their greed for GamePass and wanting to be the Netflix of gaming. Disgusting
"Glad its nearly over.
Competition is good for us the consumer as stuff like this forces Sony to keep innovating to stay competitive."
Absolutely. Can't wait for the next third party game that I won't be able to play on playstation thanks to MS. So much winning. All hail competition!
@Deljo Even if they do "shake Sony up a bit" we won't see any results in the next 5 years. It takes forever to make a new AAA game.
@Martsmall the massive difference would be that Sony can't afford to do that, so obviously that's a moot point.
@BAMozzy that was a great explanation, thanks for that 👍
@naruball so Microsoft is the bad guy cause they can afford it ? Every company has talks about taking over Thier competition it doesn't mean they are going to do it whether they can afford it or not
Erm…yes, thank you for the explanation but I know all of that. Perhaps you were meant to reply to somebody else?
My only question was around what restrictions might be in place to stop MS simply outbidding everyone for exclusive streaming rights, as technically it would still be Ubisoft’s decision to take that offer, but would be an easy workaround for MS. Similarly, if a restriction was in place that MS could not have exclusive rights then how do we feel that would work? Would Sony be able to undercut knowing they have to be given the rights, or would a market rate be calculated and enforced? How would they stop MS influencing the market rate through what they would be willing to pay?
Basically I was just ruminating around things none of us know but which I hope are being taken into account.
Incidentally, I think subscription exclusivity is even worse than streaming exclusivity, but nobody seems to care about that.
The same way Xbox owners can't play Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Spider-Man 2, God of War?
Exclusives have always been part of gaming. You now have a choice to make. Stick to playstation (which most people likely will do) or get an Xbox to play Xbox exclusive games.
Same thing with Nintendo. Lets not cheer Sony keeping things exclusive by buying Insomniac but get upset when Microsoft does the same thing.
If Sony had the money to do so, they would 100% do the exact same thing.
Its only console fanboys who get weirdly obsessive over a brand that dont realise this
I'm more concerned with the Saudi PIF buying shares in companies like Nintendo.
Well its the last time i buy anything from activision. At this point, sony please lock down Square before microsoft not xbox buys them too. Will also take them somehow working a deal with sega as a big middle finger to them
When gamers have a choice, they overwhelmingly don't choose Xbox. Rather than create reasons to choose Xbox, Microsoft decides to buy up everything that is already popular to remove that choice (as much as they can get away with). Somehow, that's considered "good for competition." Empty ten year deals don't change that.
@Netret0120 In which case the regulating bodies should also have blocked them.
Weren’t there like 3 articles on here about how the deal was dead as CMA never changes its mind? 🤷🏻♂️
Sony buys Ubi, gets access to all MS games via cloud, problem solved.😁
@Netret0120 yeh it's business and no matter who does it it's creating more money for that business , every company wants to get more future income
@Netret0120 Insomniac was 229 million and had been releasing many exclusive games for Playstations many years before being acquired by Sony. Bungie at 3.6 billion ain't no small change but was only allowed to be purchased with all their games Destiny Marathon remaining 3rd party for all. Meanwhile Microsoft almost 80 billion on two of the biggest game company's in the industry with so many games that it would become unhealthy to list them all here. Yh you can obviously say oh well Sony would do the same if they also had similar money for it, but that's purely based on fantasy, not the reality of what's currently going on
@Martijn87 capcom would be the better solution
@Martsmall there are probably ways around that. Anyway there must be a reason why MS has chosen ubsisoft other than pleasing the CMA.
@Godot25 10 or 15 years ? Anyway gives MS some time to prepare the take over ....
But people here cheer when Sony buy up companies but complain when Microsoft does it.
Its hypocrisy. Its either all bad or its fair game
@gaston Microsoft can't buy Ubisoft for 10 years. License for cloud stuff is for 15 years.
It's only natural for Xbox fanboys to defend the huge unprecedented acquisitions makes sense, but don't go on to say that Sony do the same so why can't Xbox, when that's an actual impossibility for Sony to do the same. Highly recommended some Xbox fanboys Google unprecedented meaning
@Beerheadgamer82 It's not impossible. You don't need cash to made this kind of merger. Take-Two didn't buy Zynga through cash, because they didn't have 12 billion dollars lying in the bank. So they merge together.
Atleast they won't be able to buy any other big company for a while without attracting antitrust.
@Netret0120 I would prefer Sony didn't, but comparing Insomniac to Bethesda or Activision is crazy when they almost exclusively made PS exclusives when they were independent.
And God of War was PS first party from the day the first game was greenlit, obviously not the same as something like Fallout or Dishonored.
With this almost out the way I could unfortunately see Microsoft in the near future going after Sega, Phil has shown interest in having more Japanese studios plus Microsoft has had a good relationship with Sega since the Dreamcast
@Martsmall "I bet if Sony emails were leaked they would be exactly the same but then of course it would be oh great Sony want blah blah blah ,I hope they get em"
"so Microsoft is the bad guy cause they can afford it ?"
Nope. I simply pointed out that your point is moot. It's like arguing about the potential of Ubisoft buying Apple. There is no point to it. Your hypothetical perhaps makes sense in a parallel universe.
@Netret0120 Are you really comparing first party games with buying publishers and making third party games first party?
If people think that Microsoft buying everything will automatically have all their exclusive games on their platform of choice, they are very mistaken. It takes a lot of money to make a game, and I don't know how Microsft is going to do it in a healthy way by distributing all the games for free to its subscribers, even with all their money, they are still accountable to shareholders. What will happen is these companies will make fewer games, and permanently bury some franchises. Hey, Microsoft bought SEGA, that's so cool! Forget about releasing a Yakuza game every year, or even Sonic. Tails will probably be a COD skin, just like Kiryu.
Good. Every year I have less time to play video games, I´m not getting younger, and Microsoft ending everything sooner will be better for my money and my time.
@Netret0120 "But people here cheer when Sony buy up companies but complain when Microsoft does it.
Its hypocrisy"
No, it's not. It's called nuance. Something completely lost online. It's one thing to buy a relatively small studio with which you had a strong relationship for years (e.g. Insomniac). Another to buy entire publishers and deprive others from playing multiple games they've been enjoying for decades. MS bought several small studios in the past and hardly anyone complained. It's clearly different now.
@Godot25 we are getting Xbox defenders here saying if PS do it why can't Xbox, absolutely nothing wrong with that. That's simply not true in recent reality though is it. Sure both have done many similar size acquisitions in the past but I'm specifically talking about Sony having to spend almost 80 billion like Microsoft recently has is impossible for Sony to do that, so I'm not wrong. Not in anyway bending the truth here like some here are. UNPRECEDENTED
@Sakai It has been a while since I read it, but it actually said 15 years or in perpetuity so Ubisoft effectively own the rights forever or as long as they exist as a company or as long as they want, though If they still have the rights by then there's nothing stopping Microsoft from buying them back or just buying Ubisoft outright.
Bending the truth to suit your narrative. It's not for me but I get why fanboys do it
It'll be games on a browser as a portal and small android type box. Games locked behind a server released when they want and you'll only play when the server is up. If they feel not enough playing games deleted I hope that's a dark timeline that we will not see. But with how games are going no Alan wake 2 disc release digital only . Looks like owning our games is coming to an end. Have to figure an exit plan 😅
@gaston Ubisoft probably promised to sell the rights back when the time is right, also Sony won't be able to buy Ubisoft without the rights reverting to Xbox so it acts as a deterrent.
Though I don’t like it, I won’t be sad when we won’t need to hear about it anymore. And the fact a bunch of stuff embarrassing to MS came out from this is some consolation.
@Deljo Really? By their own internal documents, Game Pass is failing them and of their 2 major first party releases, one was an abject failure and the other is objectively great, but not moving the needle the way they need it to. I would say MS have repeatedly, for the last 10 years, moved the goal posts and continued to shoot themselves in the foot.
@Beerheadgamer82 Xbox fanboys don't live in reality. They continue to argue that Sony buying Insomniac and making an exclusive Spider-Man game is worse than anything MS has or is doing.
I'm glad this saga is just about over. MS can keep Call of Duty, I don't really care and I super can't wait for MS to announce in 3 weeks that they are buying EA or some other massive publisher and put us through this for another year and half.
Sony should probably start announcing a few things that they have been working on lately as far as their AAA teams are concerned. All this news about AB is definitely going to work in Microsoft’s favour, good or bad. Would also like to see a few acquisitions as far as Sony are concerned too. Not because to compete on the acquisition front, but more to keep games that are already available on PlayStation there for the long term. Microsoft ain’t done with acquisitions in their own right and I really wish Sony would look at WB games or CD Project Red, the later especially since going forward, RPGs are going to be thin on the ground for Sony, especially with Bethesda games and Diablo not available very long going forward either. Gaming is looking very poor for the future..
@Beerheadgamer82 Already the zenimax acquisition was more than what playsation spent ever on all acquisitions combined (may be with the bungie acquisition ps evened that out, but presumably not)
I just hope that these consolidation attempts turn out not to be beneficial and make companies like embrace, tencent, MS rethink their strategies.
"Should the deal finally close, cloud streaming rights to existing and future Activision Blizzard games released over the next 15 years will (surprisingly) fall under Ubisoft’s control. Those rights will then stay with Ubisoft “in perpetuity.”
The in perpetuity bit means they will always have the rights for those 15years worth of games, not that the deal lasts longer than 15years. It just means they don't lose the rights to those games after 15years.
But after 15years, the streaming rights for new games not in the 15 year agreement go to Microsoft and any other games in the future
After the revelations in this weeks leak, I’d rather the CMA stood their ground and blocked the deal. Still keeps value on my Series X as it goes on eBay this weekend,
But MS hasn’t changed one bit, still has grand daydreams of just owning everything and everyone, a total monopoly.
@Beerheadgamer82 The same argument can easily be turned around, if Sony can buy exclusives why can’t Microsoft? That’s all they needed to do, instead they are just buying everyone up. I like COD though and as clauses state it cannot go onto Game Pass day and date I have no interest in Game Pass anymore.
@thefourfoldroot1 Whilst I don't know the exact details, the point is that Ubisoft is an independent company so that they are not likely to 'favour' MS or Partners (like those who use Azure for example), that the price will be the same for all etc.
Its not just Sony, but Google or Apple to. All 3 could start their own Streaming service but would have to negotiate with MS, who could either block or put the price up much higher for them as they are direct competition.
As for circumventing that 'independent' Company - like MS organising 'exclusivity' in cloud to stop Sony from being able to Stream, I don't exactly know what is in place, but the CMA seem satisfied that MS has remedies to prevent that - enforceable by the CMA.
From the CMA themselves on this:
"While the restructured deal is materially different to the previous transaction and substantially addresses most concerns, the CMA has limited residual concerns that certain provisions in the sale of Activision’s cloud streaming rights to Ubisoft could be circumvented, terminated, or not enforced.
To address these concerns, Microsoft has offered remedies to ensure that the terms of the sale of Activision’s rights to Ubisoft are enforceable by the CMA. The CMA has provisionally concluded that this additional protection should resolve those residual concerns."
Again, I can't say for sure exactly what the details are of this, but its not as if the CMA haven't considered the possibility of MS somehow getting round that to deny their Competition from streaming and part of this was investigating any potential loopholes and being 'satisfied' that measures are in place to ensure that MS aren't preventing 'others' from being able to offer streaming.
Unless Sony (or others) create their own Streaming service to allow their customers to play the latest ABK games via streaming, its immaterial anyway. PS+ is different as you still have to download and install to PS5. Streaming is 'possible' but not from external servers as you need the game 'installed' on your PS5.
At the moment, no company offers ABK games over Cloud, but the CMA are concerned that CoD would prevent Apple, Sony or Google for example from setting up a competing service so they can go to an independent company knowing that MS can't say 'no' or try and screw them over financially. And it can be checked at ANY time by the CMA to ensure MS are keeping to their agreements.
And you wait, that Game Pass price will go up quite a bit, and you’ll get many more ads on Xbox now. Seeing as it’s costing millions to hundreds of millions per game they our in there. A lot of home truths about Microsoft and Xbox came out this week.
@theSpectre I understand it from a different set of fans pov, like they just wanna have all the good games and play them all because that's what all types of gamers really want. It's the false comparisons between the acquisitions and how there of equal measure that's annoying to read everytime. I mean there's a reason Microsoft had to go to court for their recent acquisition and Sony didn't have to for theirs, tells you all you need to know. Surely Xbox fans can count and know the difference between 69 billion and 3.6 billion or surely they know the difference between an acquisition having 100+ games compared to an acquisition that has only a few games. If Xbox fans think that's of the same equal then they must be in cuckoo land or just most likely bending the truth to suit the console they game on, it happens nothing new there
@Netret0120 Sony has never done anything like this to cheer on. Purchase are not all bad or all good. There is prudence in life and and we don’t have to live nothing but radical extremes that just make everything worse. Context can change what looks to be a similar action on the surface.
@Czar_Khastik cod aint going where
@BAMozzy yep would be funny if sony paid ubisoft enough money to prevent them releasing on xcloud lol i am assuming there will be some kind of clause in the contract preventing that from happening though
@naruball They way he is out here gaslighting is staggering and the people that seem to agree.
Of all the possible outcomes that we've seen Microsoft have on the table, Activision is probably the best outcome for gamers not invested in Microsoft's all digital future. After reading through the leaks, I'm happy I never invested in the Xbox ecosystem.
@Beerheadgamer82 Don't say it's impossible if it is possible. Would it be risky and it would probably backfire? Yup. But it is possible.
You don't need to fund your acquisitions through cash like Microsoft with Bethesda or ABK. There are other means to raise funds. But as I said. It would be risky.
Sony waded into the console market with their big corporate pockets and tactics when they paid for games like Tekken and Ridge Racer to be PS exclusives, to stifle the competition.
MS have took those corporate tactics to the next level by buying up huge publishers.
There's always a bigger fish.
@Godot25 I was referring to Sony spending almost an actual 80 billion of real money like Microsoft has, so yes I am correct it is literally 100% IMPOSSIBLE for Sony to do the same with real money. Your method is completely different to what I was originally on about. Also Sony would never be stupid enough to take that sort of risk, they obviously don't have deep pockets like some. It's definitely possible for Sony to spend I dunno guessing 5 to 8 billion on a chunky acquisition of their own at some point but nothing like close to 80 billion that's genuinely impossible for Sony. I'm not really sure why you have to keep altering what I originally said just to go better with your narrative, its a little weird
It's all greed.
Pointing the finger and saying "yeah but they're greedier and so it's not fair" is not really an argument.
"The government body"
Pretty sure the CMA is not a government body and can't be told what to do by the government.
(officially at any rate).
@GeeForce having two trillion in the bank doesn't give a company any automatic rights to go around buying up some of the biggest and best in the business and then go onto lock out well over half the entire home console install base by potentially making hundreds of 3rd party games now only available on XboxPC. This doesn't contain a few games like most acquisitions do, hence why the long drawn out court battles. Microsoft has a history of monopoly and if they're stupidly allowed to carry on this path of more big acquisitions in the near close future then its nothing other than a genuine monopoly, it's already a monopoly to me right now as it is
Honestly don't see why some people care so much. Just buy a (an?) Xbox. Your not betraying sony and you'll have more options. While your there pick up a switch, it really is as easy as that. Before anyone jumps in about money I understand that it's not always that easy but gaming's not a cheap hobby so if you can afford to buy new games for your ps5 you could save enough for another console in no time...
@Deljo focusing time and money on your favourite one console makes a lot of sense to a lot of gamers. Focus and time being the key points here. Having all 3 can be a waste of money because there's never enough time to enjoy them all nevermind having the money for them all and their subscriptions that go along with it. Priorities also being another key point. Why have all 3 when your favourite out of the 3 would be used 90% of the time, 2nd favourite 9% of the time and your least favourite 1% of the time possibly just ending up a dust collector. Everyone games differently and it's not just a clear option of simply having them all, that doesn't make sense for many. Can easily focus on all PS5 games and PS Plus by completely ignoring the other vise versa
@Titntin i admire your optimisim.
@S1ayeR74 hang on prices have already gone up Sony has raised prices without buying companies what Thier excuse ? And to be fair ppl who own a Xbox can do rewards and that will be well enough to pay for ultimate so ultimate can cost Zero apart from a few clicks a day
All you need is love.
And just one judge on Microsoft's payroll to rule in your favor.
@Jamesblob yup! Brilliantly put. And let's not forget God of War. Apparently that was comparable somehow.
@Jamesblob hahaha. I know, right? What's up with Halo.
With all the US senators trying to interfere (both Democrats and Republicans), I get the impression that there wasn't much the FTC could do to stop it. Even if they had done their homework better, the judge would have sided with MS. I mean, sure, the judge criticized the FTC for weak argumentation when MS' arguments were laughable at times. Neither side presented a strong enough case.
Errrrrrrmmmmmm............ who actually cares???
@Martsmall Because nothing is given away for free. For the Game Pass model to work it either needs massive numbers in its user base or pride increases. It was only the first that we have had. MS doesn't have the numbers yet. When you are spending a couple of hundred million for big games to be in the service you need massive cash flow to make it a viable business model.
Sony are the same, but Sony seem to want their service to compliment PlayStation consoles, Microsoft seem to want Game Pass to replace the Xbox console and will eventually be Xbox, their next gen console is a test bed for that being reported as a hybrid cloud based system.
Also those rewards? A lot of them are based in you completing tasks in Game Pass games... thus another incentive to make you buy the service. And it is up to Microsoft's discretion to change how they work or scrap the rewards scheme if they choose. MS are currently spending billions on Xbox from all sides, it will want a return on that sooner or later.
Glad to see this is finaly comes to an end! CMA and FTP didn't have any serious arguments from the beggining, a very weak case.
@Titntin those numbers 75% series s and 25% series x are from old data from 2022 papers when Series X was never to be found on the beggining of the generation and the S was all over the shelfs, not to taken seriously and already been debunked from IGN's article where these numbers came to public in the first place.
"Update 10:23am PT: It's worth pointing out that while we don't know exactly what period these documents refer to (April 2022 sales alone, quarter to date, or year to date), they're emblematic of a greater trend. Both Mat Piscatella of Circana and Daniel Ahmad of Niko Partners told IGN their firms estimate the current split between Xbox Series X and S is closer to 50/50, with the S having a slight lead over the X. (Original story continues below)"
@Arxagelos Thanks for the correction and link my friend, Id always rather know the truth 😊
@Titntin He failed to mention that the closer to 50/50 split was for America only, and the S was still tracking ahead. It's also 55% for the S in Japan so if it's tracking ahead in a similar fashion in every country and even more so in the poorer countries then that 75% is more than feasible and probably still correct.
@Sakai Yeah, I had a feeling I was forgetting something that's why I said it has been a while since I read it. 15 years of all existing and new Activision games & Ip's in perpetuity, I'll definitely remember that this time, thanks.
@MrMagic Thanks dude. Whatever the figure, its a high proportion of xboxs out there. I only originally mentioned it as for many people now buying, they will be doing so having seen other friends or family members with a machine. If they see lower resolutions a or frame rates and can spot that, it doesnt help comparisons. They wont know why prehaps, but the Ps5 may look sharper and smoother on a 4k telly to them, which may influence comparisons.
@Perturbator the judge that the ftc handpicked
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