October's PS Plus Essential games have been officially announced, and yes, before you even start to question it, we should point out that the leak was accurate. Three monthly games will be up for grabs next week, on the 3rd October.
Here's what subscribers can look forward to:
- The Callisto Protocol (PS5, PS4) | Review
- Farming Simulator 22 (PS5, PS4) | Review
- Weird West (PS5, PS4) | Review
There's obviously a good amount of variety on offer, and we're sure a lot of people will be looking forward to trying The Callisto Protocol in particular. The survival horror title was met with somewhat mixed reviews upon its release earlier this year, so you may have been waiting for it to show up on a service like PS Plus before giving it a shot. A good choice for Halloween, potentially.
Meanwhile, Farming Simulator 22 is exactly what its name suggests, and Weird West is a decent RPG.
What do you think of October's selection? Give us an honest opinion in the comments section below.
Comments 66
Callisto Protocol alone makes this month a good one for me. I've had that on my wishlist since its release, so I'll definitely be checking it out.
Fantastic - I want to play all three of these - although god knows where I'll find the time!
Not got any of those, will give them all a try, good month in my opinion
wow best month this year
I mean these games are either generally mediocre, good but very niche, and decent. It’s fine, but again really not justifying the price increase.
I tried Weird West very briefly in the trial on PS5 and liked the look of it, so happy with that. Not in to horror stuff so have no interest in Calisto Protocol. And, as much as I like the idea of Farming Sim, I'm realistically never going to play it.
This is the first month in ages I actually want to download the “big” game of the month. Haven’t played anything from PS Plus since Toem, but looking forward to all three this time around. Good work!
Great month. Wonder what the extra/premium games will look like. Don't think they want to draw attention away from spiderman 2.
Weird West and Calisto Protocol are both games in happy to have a go on but wouldn't want to purchase so are ideal for the service - good month for me.
And the farming simulator for the simulated farmers I guess.
A local retailer in my country just have Calisto discounted right now for 9-10 euros. Glad I didn’t cave in and waited.
The Callisto Protocol and Weird West or to game I want to play but certainly won’t have time for in 2023. Will add to my library and they can motivate me to stay subscribed when the time comes.
Nice. Weird west has been on my radar since I heard it was developers by ex Arkane Devs.
Looking forward to CP as well.
Farm sim not so much....we sow the seed, nature grows the seed and then we eat the seed, repeat. Yeah, pass.
I was looking forward to Weird West for a long time. However, when I tried it on Game Pass, the console controls were horrible. I don’t often drop a game for frustration with control scheme, but I did here. Did they ever fix it-I heard they made some improvements there? If so, I might give it another go.
As I said in the leak thread: I will absolutely try Callisto for no additional charge.
Ah I bought Weird West last month. No problem, guys
Damn gd month for me at least looking forward to all 3 games
I'm not going to be all doom and gloom about it and say it's the worst month ever as I appreciate opinions will differ depending on your gaming tastes, so I'll just very politely say
"nothing of interest for me this month unfortunately"
Weird West is an amazing immersive sim. Yet The Callisto Protocol is my biggest disappointment of 2022.
Didn't they just add Weird West for Extra last month? Smh.
Edit: @tomassi Sorry I got it confused with West of Dead, lol.
@Ken_Kaniff not that I noticed?
Not bad! Callisto could be good as a Dead Space placeholder (will buy DS when it’s cheap), and Weird West looks interesting. Not into Farming Simulator at all, but two out of three ain’t bad!
@Ken_Kaniff I don't think they did.
Weird West’s physical is coming in late October. Odd timing.
I'll give Callisto another try now. May try weird west too.
I'll never see the appeal of farm simulator though 🙈🤣
That's a GREAT month. Don't sleep on Weird West. It's made by some of the team that made Dishonored including Arkane founder Raphaël Colantonio. It's got it's quirks but worth a play. I heard they improved quite a few things since release/ reviews too.
@Ken_Kaniff no just a trial on premium
Calisto protocol is a definate for me but i have a fair bit on the go at the mo so its going to be on the back burner until i've finished lies of p,lords of the fallen when it drops and then cyberpunk (finally.) Good month for all 👍
Weird west is the pleasant surprise here for sure. The other two, hell no.
Callisto is an absolute win! Been dying to grab that one for a while . And I can heartily recommend farming simulator 22. Grabbed my platinum a while ago.
Looking forward to Weird West. Find it funny that the 3rd game is usually the one that appeals to me most every month.
Callisto Protocol is neat although I'm even more curious about Weird West which is likewise absent from Switch eShop (somewhat surprisingly for an UE4 top-down action game published by Devolver but I likely don't know half the situation). On that note... huh, Farming Simulator isn't on Switch either?🤔 Guess it makes this lineup all the more topical (until/unless I haul the respective PC versions over to Deck, but seeing as the latter didn't prevent me from getting the PS4 ports of Avengers and NFS Heat for the time being...).
Good month, an clear improvement from last one.
@MidnightDragonDX Great way to keep the physical sealed and play the PS + version then, if you are a collector. 😄
Better than last month for sure
Cool month i will download the callisto protocol and weird west.word up son
Well I was interested in playing Callisto Protocol, I just didn't want to buy it.
All three of those games are great! I'm especially excited to try Weird West.
Better than last month, but only because of Weird West for me, as Farming Simulator is not my type of game and I still remember people saying in reviews and stuff that Callisto is just kinda meh
Big W! Love this lineup.
Great month I never heard of Weird West but I will check it out. The fact that there is a Farming Simulator 22 is crazy to me because I keep wondering who plays these games for them to be on number 22.
@pharos_haven its 22 as in the year lol
Nothing for me here I would play. Even for "free".
"Now that's more like it, Mr. Wayne."
I probably won't have time for these at the moment, but it's great to see PS+ essentials back in form after last month.
Huh. I was tempted to buy Calisto Protocol as the price has just dropped recently. Weird West has been on my wishlist for an age, so next month is a win for me!
This is a great month, makes up for last month IMO
I had been looking forward to Weird West since it was announced! I hoped it would come here eventually!!
Calisto Protocol! Nice!!
I'm sure I'll enjoy the Callisto protocol, I just couldn't spend $60 on such a short game. Very much looking forward to running through it though! I've never played Farming Simulator but if it's there I kind of want to try it out.
I'd play farming simulator, but I've to play olive harvest simulator and olive oil production simulator this period
Everyone who keeps expecting Sony to offer something more to "justify" the price increase, it's not going to happen. If you think you're no longer getting enough for your money, cancel your subscription. Simple as that
@themightyant You just convinced me to avoid WW like the plague. Arkane hasn't made a single thing worth playing so thank you for saving me time.
@Mikey856 So they roll them out like sports games that still impressive that people keep playing them.
Waiting for a Japanese announcement because we don’t have The Callisto Protocol. I hope they have a replacement for it
Great month, will be trying out Callisto and Weird West.
This is a good month for me, Weird West puts it over the top.
I was already happy about The Callisto Protocol, but now Weird West as well is a nice bonus. I've been interested in both, but The Callisto Protocol not living up to the hype kept me from buying it and I just never got around to buying Weird West on sale due to having so many other games to play. I'm going to gladly claim both for sometime in the future though.
I’m pretty satisfied with October’s games. I’ve been interested in the Callisto Protocol for a while, and Weird West is a fantastic game.
Played Weird West last month on Game Pass. Well worth playing. Very good month.
Brilliant month if you ask me. Can’t really argue with getting Callisto and Weird West free
Very nice. Had my eye on Weird West for a while. A decent month, if you'll excuse the price hike!
Wish we got knack 2 simulator so I could experience what it was like for sony to put knack 2 on psn+.
Very strong month.
Man Saints Row is a banger compared to this month. Not hating on Farming Simulator at all, just not my cup of tea. The other two I wouldn't be interested in playing even if I was paid for it.
So instead of The Callisto Protocol, Japan is getting Tropico 5. A little disappointing but better than nothing
@RobynAlecksys that’s cool, we all like different things.
@pharos_haven i buy it because I love the physics engine. Spot on use of hydraulics etc. yes I’m a sad case when it comes to machinery. 🫣
Wow! Callisto Protocol is a game that I wouldn't pay for but I'll definitely check it out for free!
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