Baldur’s Gate 3, currently the highest rated game of the year according to Metacritic, will launch on PS5 next week – and right on time, Trophies have started to populate Sony’s servers. The game is packing 56 gongs in total, with the Platinum likely to be coveted by RPG aficionados and PlayStation superfans alike.
Looking at the list of gongs – and this author, admittedly, has no knowledge of the game – it looks like you may need to play through a few different times, or at least be extremely strategic with your saves. You’ll need to spend time reading through over 100 in-universe novels, and even go on a couple of dates. Expect to set aside a few hundred hours, then.
If you need any help getting started with the critically acclaimed RPG, then we do have a Baldur’s Gate 3 guide waiting for you through the link. Are you going to target the Platinum Trophy at all? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source exophase.com]
Comments 45
Of Course their is a trophy for beating the game on the hardest difficultly it wouldn't be a Larian Rpg without it.
Really looking forward to Powerpyx guide on this one.
Because of the size of this game i probably won't go for platinum. I barely play games more than once. I played Divinity 2 with mods so i have no trophies of this game at all despite over 200 hours of play time
Of course I’ll go for the platinum like I would any other challenge in the game. Whether I get it will likely depend on whether there are any unfair missables - unless I wait for a guide to come out that is.
Want to get this but can't be buying it the same day Starfield comes out as one will get neglected....will buy this after hopefully on sale
I can already taste those 200+ hrs but first the Sea of Stars platinum.
I started installing it last night and I've booked next week off.
Can't effin wait.
I will wait to pick this up until November ish when I can plough proper time into it.
It should be quite doable as people as saying Tactician isn’t as hard as previous games, and I’m currently going through DOS2 on Honour and Tactician and finding it quite pleasant barring a few scary my encounters. I’ll probably also do a few origin playthroughs so will defo try for this.
Have it downloading right now and am very much looking forward to my first experience with Baldur’s Gate 3, or Baldur’s Gate in general, tomorrow when I boot up my PS5.
@General_Disarray What time do you get to play in sunny Canada? Early access doesn’t start till 5pm tomorrow in the UK 😭
Not a massive fan of this list. A lot of stuff you can seemingly miss. I was hoping it would be more quest and choice based, like the trophy lists for Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Editions. I like to look back at my trophies and remember the time I helped Edwin find the Nether Scroll, for example.
@GeeEssEff not as early as I thought, 1PM, which is fine, I still have Sea of Stars and Blasphemous 2 to hold me over.
There’s no shortage of games from now until 2024.
@General_Disarray yeh got to admit I might have been a bit more hesitant on the early access if I’d known the timings when I bought it. I assumed it was going to be midnight. Still I will have a fabulous Saturday evening and Sunday day. Hope you have fun mate!
@GeeEssEff likewise, cheers!
I'm sure it's going to be a game that demands multiple playthroughs anyway, so the trophies requiring this aren't a blocker for me. However I always get turned off by the 'hard difficulty' requirement in a trophy list. Not particularly inclusive.
@Loamy it will still be nice to have both of them, starfield and bg3.
@NoToSheep Crap. That was surprising. Thanks for the heads up.
I got the Steam Achievement for reading 100 books in the first act, @get2sammyb. There are thousands that you can read, but most are unimportant books of which there are many, many copies. You only need to actually read the letters and scrolls, for the most part, and simply pressing read and immediately closing it back again will suffice for the Trophy. 'Reading' copies of the same book also counts towards the 100 total. In all honesty, it won't take long at all...
I’ll play this eventually. Just have to play Balder’s Gate 1 and 2, and Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2 first. So seeya in 2030 I guess? 😆
Larian studio is one of the best.the divinity games are amazing.thats a lot of trophies.word up son
Between this, Starfield, and Sea of Stars, I’m already getting bags under my eyes thinking about fitting them all in before Mortal Kombat.
This game will be GOTY
There will be a trophy for filling up your remaining hard drive space as it's claimed to be a massive 108.831GB!
@somnambulance stacked season until early November...and then you have to play them all.
Elephant Mario, Warioware, Mario RPG are three more big hitters this year.
Gonna plat this after i plat lost eidolons
@Cashews I’ve got Alan Wake, AC Mirage, and Sonic in my preorders too. If I removed BG3 and Starfield, I think I’d struggle but manage, but tossing both of those ones in… I might be good til April or so.
@somnambulance I think if we end up liking BG and Starfield, which is a very distinct possibility - those two games alone will eat up a large chunk of Fall into December.
I am only buying my absolute must haves and buying the others in early 2024 - hopefully on sale. I buy too many games that I just sit on as it is. Then they go on sale before I open the shrinkwrap and I feel stupid and wasteful and addicted and dumb.
I'd love to pre order this, but I think I'm going to wait, see how it all works on ps5, see what people are saying on here about it first. Also I need to watch a bit of Starfield footage and reviews, just incase it does finally grab my attention properly, as that was the game I was initially hoping would be the game of the generation a few years ago, before BG3 muscled in and Starfield started to look a bit bland over the last year or so. And I definitely can't commit to playing two RPG's this big in one season if they both end up looking like generational games 😄
Trophies do not interest me in any way, and no point spoiling things by looking what they are, that's why the hidden trophy feature is cool on PS5
@Cashews In all honest, Sea of Stars, as great as it is, may get put on hold, and I suspect I’ll put off Mirage as well. Mortal Kombat, Sonic, Mario, and Alan Wake will all be played in conjunction with Starfield/BG3 for me though. MK’s beta was great and the story mode will be a quick enough. Sonic and Mario, I’ll play those with my kids. And Alan Wake… ah, I may be in the small minority, but it’s the biggest game for me on my horizon. Sort of a bit sad I’ll be skipping Detective Pikachu, but it’s practically impossible to play everything coming out in 2023. I’m cool if Q1 is dead in 2024.
@somnambulance I'm unsure about Alan Wake rn. It is once again looks like it is taking big cues from Twin Peaks - this time from The Return. I imagine they watched the Return and had to make a game again - just like their first game with the OG Twin Peaks.
I'm about as big a TP fan as you will find - anything related I will consume pretty much. I'll be watching that one very carefully.
@Cashews Alan Wake is one of my favorite games of all time and I say that knowing full well that I’m wearing rose-tinted goggles. It hasn’t aged the best, I’ll admit. This one does look heavily inspired by Twin Peaks and Twilight Zone again, but it’s also got some of that more modern horror style to it. It honestly looks sort of reminiscent of the RE4 remake in some trailers too with the gameplay. I have full faith in Remedy with this one. Someone has to make Twin Peak/X-Files/Twilight Zone style games and I’m glad that’s their job because I enjoy just about everything they put out. Alan Wake is the game I will stop everything else I’m playing to play… unless Kojima shadow drops something.
Downloaded and ready to go when it allows me
Despite all the hype and love this game has been getting it hasn't really been on my radar lol. I guess it's because ive been playing a bunch of other games constantly(including backlogging) and I haven't seen anything in particular from it that would put it at the top in terms of my priorities. 2023 been a great year for me. I'll try to get around to this eventually, I just don't know when currently.
@all3forever imagine having to write that thing. Damn!
@Areus Their last title on PlayStation had a trophy for playing on the hardest difficulty, and not dying even a single time.
@Loamy I'll be playing both but having no life in the process haha.
@Genghis_Schlonng Your talking about the trophy for beating the game on Honor mode. i have it.
@Areus yeah I have it also. Although if I'm being honest, I save scummed a bit to get it
Don't touch me, I bite.
@Genghis_Schlonng there is no crime in that considering how cheap that game can be.
Come on, I know there's fanboyism between fansboys but highest rated game of the year? It's got the same score as Zelda but the difference is Zelda has 146 reviews and BG3 only has 88. Technically Zelda is higher rated then.
@Rjak I honestly can't see it beating Zelda for GOTY in awards. That's just been the bigger game and it's on one platform only.
Wow, early performance reviews shows a very wobbly 60 fps experience, screen tearing and close to a minute long loading times. Hmm, not sure what I was expecting, it is a very demanding game after all.
Luckily, it's the kind of game you can put up with 30 fps quality mode though.
Currently joint highest with Zelda*
Just saying.
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