Announced during Sony's latest State of Play, Tales of Arise: Beyond the Dawn is a story-driven expansion for 2021's Tales of Arise. It takes place roughly one year after the events of the base game, which obviously leads to a lot of questions regarding the DLC's structure. Fortunately, Bandai Namco general producer Yusuke Tomizawa has detailed what we can expect over on the official PlayStation Blog.
Tomizawa makes two key points in the article. The first is that Beyond the Dawn takes "more than 20 hours" to complete, so it's a pretty sizeable expansion — although the producer does note that he "took his time" during his playtest. We're likely looking at a DLC that lasts between 10 and 20 hours, then.
The second point explains how Beyond the Dawn will slot into the overall experience. As mentioned, it's a post-game adventure — but you won't be bringing all of your character levels and equipment over to the new content.
This is in the interest of balancing the DLC, apparently. Tomizawa explains: "A certain level of skills and other statuses are provided at the start [of Beyond the Dawn], and we did not adopt a simple transfer of levels and statuses from the main game."
However, based on your achievements in the core campaign, Tomizawa confirms that you'll unlock certain bonuses upon starting Beyond the Dawn: "We have prepared bonuses such as money and skill points based on the clear data of the main game."
It's perhaps a bit of a kicker for those players who have spent hours maximising their party's effectiveness, but we're willing to give the development team the benefit of the doubt here. Hopefully it all works out when the expansion releases on the 9th November.
What do you make of this? Are you okay with leaving much of your progress behind in order to play the DLC? Don't get burned in the comments section below.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 26
Nice, that's quite beefy. It's still odd that they release DLC for this almost after 2 years of release. Was hoping they would show us the next Tales.
Not carrying stuff over was a great decision. My party has max level and best equipment. That would have made the DLC far too easy and balancing difficulty a nightmare for the devs.
Good to see as a result we're getting bonuses based on story progression.
I'm not really sure whether I'll get this, I was hoping for news on the next full game in the series or a remaster of the Xillia games for ps5.
Great! I purchased tales arise this year and haven't started it yet. So maybe next year on sale.
So do we need to have access to the base game or is this a standalone expansion that simply makes use of save data? I ask because, like many, I played arise through Extra, but don’t intend on keeping the service given my limited available time and the recent price rise.
@Athrum Well I see 2 possibilities for the reason to release the DLC 2 years after. I expect either one of those things:
-They decided after the games huge succes to make a DLC. Because after the release of ToA it was said there were no plans for DLC.
-The other option is see is that this was supposed to be ToA 2 but they didn't have enough content to make it a seperate game and that why made it a DLC.
Those were the 2 things that popped my head when I saw the announcement. Still pretty happy it releases though, ToA was my favorite game of 2021
I'm cool with this because it likely means I don't need to remember how to play it
@Athrum I just don't think the DLC was planned, unlike other games that have expansions they are already working on those before the game even launches, but with this game I take it they didn't start developing the DLC until months after the game came out once they saw it was a success.
Also it wouldn't be the first game to be getting DLC years later, Cyberpunk 2077 and Kingdoms of Amalur are other recent games to be getting DLC many years after launch.
Kind of wish they'd release this as a standalone game seeing as it's been so long since the original game was released, and there'd been no clue that any dlc was coming. I imagine plenty of people who bought physical may have sold it.
It’s been over two years since the game came out, I completed it last summer. I’m really confused as to what is going on with devs under Bandai Namco. This is really really late for dlc, and not having it be attached to main game is a dealbreaker for me. On top of that, why does it require the base game to be played if it’s seperate? Doesn’t bode well for Elden Ring, and I don’t say that to be controversial or upset anyone. I just don’t see this as a sign that we should be hopeful considering the timeframe.
@thefourfoldroot1 it requires the base game. Don’t be me wrong I bought the base game digitally but the dlc not carrying on with your save file and just giving money and xp for having played is really just not a selling point. I’m out on this one, even though I did enjoy the base game.
2+ years is way to long for DLC, most who wanted the game have done it and moved on. Wasn’t like it was a 10/10 mist replay.
So excited for this. Loved Arise.
Great news for me just keeps on dropping this year. One game after another.
Oh, well that’s me out then. Don’t mind starting again from scratch, but I’m not buying the base game, which I’ve already finished, just for the privilege of being able to buy the DLC. No reason not to allow it be standalone. Not this long after launch. If it was announced at launch it would have the dubious benefit of allowing the publisher to avoid lots of games going to the second hand market, but after this long most people would have gotten rid of physical copies they’ve finished already.
Doesn’t sound like dlc to me, sounds like a standalone story. Though I suppose the 3 dlc for the 3 Xenoblade games, Torna, Redeemed and Connected all required the base game. Though maybe Torna could be purchased stand alone, I forget. Redeemed was pretty much it’s own game with it’s own cast and it’s own play style that was a prequel but you still needed the base game.
So yeah JRPG are weird and their idea of dlc is a whole new game.🤷🏻♂️
@thefourfoldroot1 You need to own the base game — it's a traditional DLC as opposed to some kind of smaller spin-off.
@Lavalera @Lorcan @Athrum There's going to be a Tales presentation at Tokyo Game Show next week. It's possible that we'll get a teaser for what's next in the series, but I suppose given the timing of this DLC announcement, it might just be a more in-depth look at the expansion.
Worth keeping an eye on it, all the same!
@PsBoxSwitchOwner maybe they hit a sales goal they didn't think they'd hit originally - to where it makes sense to put out more
Mixed feelings about this, I understand it but ouch I will have to see what the game is like because at this point I’d rather a new tales game
@ShogunRok Yeah from what I've read on the gematse site with the schedule it is specifically a Tales of Arise 2nd anniversary live stream with the Producer and the voice actors of Alphen and Shionne. So I don't really expect a new announcement (unless it's maybe Tales of Arise 2, but i doubt that). I think it will be just a deep dive into the DLC. But thats fine. Really looking forward to it.
N.i.c.e. i got tales of arise physical.i remember playing the demo.and i was like this is probably the best demo i ever play.its up there with octopath traveler 2.yes i will get tales of arise beyond the dawn.it looks amazing.word up son
I usually hate anything with a traditional anime style but the demo sold me and the game was great. I will say based on the grind in the post game to get the platinum I’ve had my fill here though, maybe a few years down the road but the combat got so samey and spongey in the end.
Can't wait for this. Really love this game and i'm happy to play the expansion without my stuff carrying over. It will make it feel like a newer experience that continues on rather than one I smash my way through. I've been doing the same thing with the Pokemon DLC, putting aside all my strong stuff and only play with the new monsters that are part of the dlc.
I'm happy that the level and equipment aren't being carried over. That would be good for me because I can play the dlc on a different platform. Tho would suck that I'd miss out on the bonuses. And I'd have to buy the game again. Wish it had a standalone release, where the main game isn't needed.
it's immediately my most anticipated game (even though it's considered DLC) for the remainder of 2023. I really enjoyed Tales of Arise.
Tales of graces remaster please.
I'd prefer that over this
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