One of the worst-received PS Plus Essential refreshes has now arrived: Saints Row, Generation Zero, and Black Desert are available to download across the UK and Europe, with the USA set to join the fun later in the day. They are yours to keep for as long as you maintain a subscription to the base tier, and they'll be available for claiming until Tuesday, 3rd October 2023.
Combined with the controversial price increase of all three PS Plus tiers, the PS5, PS4 game update hasn't exactly gone over well with PlayStation enthusiasts. In our usual weekend Poll, a massive 61 per cent of Push Square readers voted to say "it's a crap selection" of games for members to play. 68 per cent then said they're not looking forward to playing any of the three titles. As such, it wouldn't come as much of a surprise if this selection is sparsely downloaded when compared to past months.
Will you even bother redeeming these PS5, PS4 games? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 70
"Will you even bother redeeming these PS5, PS4 games?"
No. No I will not.
I don’t care what anyone says, Saints Row makes this a good month! I really enjoyed co-oping it with my brother. Also, watching Neebs Gaming play Generation Zero makes me want to give that a chance, too.
Also not claiming them. I usually always claimed everything, even the games I never intended to play.
But this time it is seriously rock bottom for Sony.
Already downgraded my subscription from premium to essential due to the dissatisfaction and if this trend continues over the another 12 months, I won't renew ps-plus - in fact I'll be selling my ps5 and getting something else.
I am currently playing BG3, Blasphemous 2, Sea of Stars and will be able to play MK1 in less than 10 days. The games offered this month are garbage.
So that's a no.
@TartanTitan You’re downgrading to essential because you’re dissatisfied with the essential games? Or are you dissatisfied with the selection of games available with the premium tier, too? I think Sony has been pretty good with adding decent games to the premium tier.
Generation Zero is unironically a pretty good game, plus it's been getting good continuous support from the developers.
When will the PS+ Extra Games be announced? Tomorrow?
@MagisterMagi So far Sony has announced PS+ Extra/Premium games on the 2nd Wednesday of the month which would mean September 13th for this month.
So you’ll be selling your PS5 because some optional subscription games are not to your liking? That doesn’t make much sense.
I mean I’m letting my subscription lapse completely (mainly because I don’t have enough time to play even my most anticipated games, so the sub games never get a look in) but why would I sell the console too?
If you honestly believe there are no games at all that make the console worthwhile then what difference does a sub even make to the decision? Or do you only plan on ever playing games via a sub service and so it’s only the games on the sub that are relevant?
@Bentleyma Agreed. Saint's Row is a pretty great fit for something like PS+. A 6 or 7/10 game that some people will really enjoy, others won't, but you can now play without having to pay for it. Better in my view than the 3-4 years old 9/10 games we already have played.
Didn't Saints Row get patched into decency though? Storyline and general story vibe seem to be permanent issue though..
@PegasusActual93 not on console though, I don't believe. Which is a shame as I really wanted to get into this game
I might re- sub to play Saints Row. Push Square gave it a positive review . 🙂👍👍
I always add to library, whether i play them is a different matter 😃
@Bentleyma both dissatisfied with monthly games - especially getting ones I already own, and regarding the premium ,the removed games is my issue.
Eg. Spiderman ( I was near end and playing when it was removed)
Im not downloading them.im chilling with my huge backlogs of games.word up son
@TartanTitan You can’t really blame Sony for adding games you already own. Any games they add are obviously going to be owned by someone, so they’re never going to win. As for games being removed, that happens all the time with subscription services. If you did sell your PS5 and got an Xbox you’d have the exact same problem with Gamepass.
As usual, there's a 50pts campaign on PS Stars asking you to "try" one of the PS+ monthly games. I'm not sure which one I should pick...
Can't patch a terrible story and broken gameplay mechanics.
Jesus christ, it's not worse or better than most other months. Chill kids
Nah, I won't touch those 3 games, I don't want it on my library, sony can have those all for themselves.
@Dobbos It's as good as armored core 6, at least according to pushsquare review. I don't think fromsoftware will be closed by its own publisher like the developer of saint row though 😂
Currently playing and loving Lost Judgment, have no desire to play these so hard pass for this month.
Everyone: Terrible month.
And here I am actually checking out an Essential game for the first time in probably years. Usually, I already have the games until they hit the service. Either that or they don't interest me at all. Thus, this month is a welcome change for me with Saints Row.
Starfield tonight sooo…i not have chance play Saints R!!
I’ll add them to my library b/c it will be in brain all month to do it if I don’t but I probably won’t install any of them. Going to the library today to pick up Stray at my kids request when I return Kena. Wasn’t really interested in Stray but I think it was better received than any of these 3 so maybe I’ll give it a try.🤷🏻♂️
I just realized black desert is a free to play game 😁
Hmmm why am I playing Baldurs Gate and Sea of Stars when I could be be in Saints Row and Generation Zero instead.
@Jayslow bad taste in games, perhaps
I´ll only add Saints Row to my library, but will not installing it any soon if ever...I believe Sony deserves criticism for ps+ price hike, but I would not bury them for 1 bad month tbh. let´s take a look what ps+ essential added during this year and compare to live gold from MS during last year or 2, I think Sony rules on this
I will at least give Saints Row a shot.
Between this, the price hikes, the focus on live service/gacha games, the $200-$400 dedicated streaming handheld, and the ports of releases like God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Spider-Man, Sony seems almost hellbent on turning PlayStation players into PC players this generation. Weird business strategy, but what do I know.
@Bamila No it isn’t. The cheapest version is £24.99.
@rjejr Both Kena and Stray are really wonderful in their own way. They hit that refreshing AA development sweet spot. I ended up liking Stray more than I expected to, and I’m not even a cat person.
On subject, I do think this month is ‘meh’ but as always, I’ll claim all three games because I never know if I might change my mind later. I’ve passed on claiming PS+ games before and then regretted it a couple years later when I wanted to try a game I could have had in my library at no added cost.
I do think Saints Row is actually a good PS+ game, since it’s one of those games that needs a second chance because it stumbled out of the gate, so to speak. Maybe I’ll try it.
No. Generation Zero, is good, but I already have it. Black Desert is an MMORPG, so that's a not for me. And the Saints Row reboot, is trash by all accounts. If this is a sign where the more expensive PS+ is heading, then I am glad that I will be letting mine lapse in November.
Would definitely have tried Saints Row out of interest. Won't be trying the other two games though.
I already dip in and out of Generation Zero but will definitely try the other 2, not games I'd buy for full price but ideal for a sub such as this.
I really wish people would Generation Zero a go, it really is very good! Nice little update rolled out for it this morning as well
Yeah not cluttering up my library more than it already is with these.
I’ll get Saints Row but I bet I won’t get around to playing it. If PSN isn’t discounted to half around Christmas, I’ll drop out. I don’t play online games, I’ve not noticed many fantastic PSN discounts for anything I was interested in, and I haven’t downloaded any PSN games that I couldn’t live without
@IMustardMitt while Black Desert is an MMO, it can be enjoyed solo. I played solo for quite some time and had a blast. Fun areas. Huge places to explore. Like many MMOs though after 30+ hours it can get quite grindy, unless you start grouping up that is. That is when I dropped it.
I'm not even going to redeem, to help send a message to Sony that they messed up. And can we start having bonus PSVR2 games, like Sony did with PSVR (1) games.
I'll at least redeem Saints Row, though I doubt I'll ever get to it. I won't bother with the other two. I understand one is s bad it borders on being broken and the other wants you to treat it like a second job, neither of which is my wheelhouse.
@thefourfoldroot1 I'd go back to pc .
And may get an x-box as the games selection on the pass I think is better.
I'm the sort that plays the same game for months on end- and it better for me to buy a game than subscribe.
Worst of all my experiences was buying games from store and then getting it offered as a monthly game shortly after.
Normally I’d at least put a title like Saints Row in my library just in case I ever had the inclination to play it but in protest of the price hike on the PSN service and the garbage selection of games this month I’m not going to put ANY of these games in my library.
I sat here with nothing to play all Labor Day weekend and I have to go to work tonight.. was looking forward to trying Saints Row out and it’s still not available.. when exactly does it become available in the US? I’m running on borrowed time today 😔
Unsubbed from the service not interested at all
Willing to give Saints row a go. I know it didn’t have a good launch but it’s had several patches/updates since then so hopefully it’s a better game for it.
I also play games for months at a time, mainly JRPGs, so this is why subscriptions make no sense for me. Nor for you it seems. Yet if your main annoyance is that games you do buy eventually goes on a sub service then surely you prefer the sub services to not have games you like? Avoid that annoyance.
Sorry, maybe I’m just not understanding you, but you seem all over the place to me. Why would you get a sub to just play the same games months on end? What does PC have to do with anything? Maybe you didn’t mean to respond to me(?).
@VideoGameBoy When you pay a monthly sub you are, in fact, entitled to have an opinion about it.
"Will you even bother redeeming these PS5, PS4 games?"
Just did and I even intend to give all three a roll this weekend. For all my generally positive attitude to the Essential lineups, it's been a pretty long while since I could last say that about a single month's offerings.
You guys are welcome to mope your fan organs off until another CoD shows up on the menu. ¯(ツ)/¯
@Cashews and the resulting opinion, once expressed public, inevitably becomes the subject of opinions in itself. Alongside the attitudes and mentalities behind it.
@Th3solution "Kena and Stray"
No Stray at the library today so picked up Marvels Guardians of the Galaxy. They don't look or sound anything like the MCU movies but I've read it's good. Also was strolling thru my 267 PS+ backlist to see what I have and started Bugsnax, which is ok but I don't like first person view, which seems extra unnecessary in this game. Also remembered I outright purchased Ghost of Tsuhima and the DLC, but not the PS5 upgrade, and never started it, need to get on that after GotG. My kid played Ghost of T when I bought it so I don't feel too bad I forgot. 🤷♂️
@TartanTitan Good luck with that. As someone who has all 3 consoles I can say that PS Plus is still by far the best offering. Xbox Gamepass I've unsubscribed to as it was quantity over quality.
@DETfaninATL That's a pretty dumb take. PlayStation don't even look at or care about the number of downloads they get on the free offerings. It's always best to download them regardless as low and behold you will 100% resubscribe to the service in the future when a game you really want to play becomes available on there as part of the catalog or free games.
@thefourfoldroot1 lol - yes answered the wrong reply sorry
@ItzDaSweetyMan thanks for the heads up.
@Bentleyma Agreed. It actually happens more often on Xbox that PlayStation. Some games are taken off Xbox after only 2 months.
@TartanTitan No worried mate. I've never regretted a console purchase and I've had more or less every single one since the early 90s but the Xbox series X is definitely a waste of money. If you have a PC, grab a free trial of Gamepass (if you can still get one) and see for yourself. Most of the good (at a stretch) games are on PC gamepass anyway so the Xbox would just be hardware for the sake of it (as it is for me). Age of Empires 4 and State of Decay 2 are probably the only worthwhile games on there at the moment that aren't available elsewhere
@rjejr Bummer about Stray not being there, but yes, GotG is also a really good game. It was weirdly under-appreciated, and was caught in the crossfire of the Square-Enix’s Avengers GaaS mess. Starlord is a bit different from the movies, but the video game version actually grew on me. It’s a beautiful game too — some really outstanding use of color in the set pieces and nice use of HDR. Achievable platinum too, if that’s your thing.
GoT is excellent though. One the best from last generation, for sure. I haven’t played the PS5 version though.
@Bentleyma I've decided to go and try both Saints Row and Generation Zero.
Saints Row : couldn't go beyond one hour and a half (notwithstanding the character creator) : the character models are low PS3 level of bad, the world is boring and not good looking, physics are wonky, and the story is nonsensical in all the bad ways (and I liked Saints Row 3, so...)
Generation Zero : after one hour and a half, I liked what I played. It look good enough (being first person, the horrendous character models are not that bothersome), it's tense, the world is quite interesting. I don't know how much it will gather my attention between Baldur's Gate 3, Phantom Liberty and a replay of Elden Ring with another build, but right now I really want to play it again and manage to get to that damn farm...
@Th3solution @rjejr Guardians of the Galaxy is fantastic! It should have been up there in a lot of categories (art design, story, music, sound design and general game at least) for awards in 2021.
I was absolutely floored by the cast (both characters and actors) and the chemistry between them with, in my opinion, one of the best (if not the best) in-mission banter I've ever played!
@ItzDaSweetyMan :
@TartanTitan doesn't seem like gaming is your thing
I redeemed them for what it's worth, but I don't think I'll ever play them. Generation Zero is the likeliest for me to pick up I guess, but it's like comparing a 1% chance to a 0.1%.
Generation Zero is something I've always been curious about but never wanted to spend my money on so I'll give that a try.
As a huge fan of saints row 1+2 I'm still salty about 3+4, so I don't feel positive towards the reboot. But maybe I should give it a try.
As for Black Desert I avoid MMOs like the plague as it'll probably consume my life
@Olmaz @Th3solution Thanks. Think I''m going to let my kid play GotG so I can sit back and take in the sights and listen to the banter. But tonight we finish season 1 of Foundation (rewatch for the Missus and I) then GotG, then season 2 of Foundation. 👍
That saints row game is not Gona be near my library. I'm gen x wasn't made for me 🤣😂🤦
I always add them to library. Whether or not I download is another thing 🤣🤣🤣
@NinjaNicky so you have to ignore everything that makes a game good, to enjoy it? Lol
Thank you Sony, you did it. I won't refresh PS Plus anymore. I will get my Online Games on XBox in the future and won't pay for PS5 subscription again.
That price increase was your grave.
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