Well, it looks like Sony's got another blockbuster on its hands. Marvel's Spider-Man 2 was always going to be a huge commercial hit — the brand, the marketing, the review scores — but its initial success is still staggering. PlayStation has confirmed that the superhero sequel sold through a crazy 2.5 million copies in its first 24 hours — having released on the 20th October. This means it's officially the fastest-selling PlayStation Studios game ever.
For comparison, God of War Ragnarok managed 5.1 million sales in its first week, and was dubbed the fastest-selling first-party Sony title at the time. It's possible that shifting 2.5 million in its first day will result in Spider-Man 2 breaking Kratos' launch-week record — but Sony's specifically outlining day one sales here, and that's where Spidey's hitting a new high.
Are you at all surprised to see Marvel's Spider-Man 2 doing so well right out of the gate? Keep an eye on those sales records in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 53
Incredible (earned) success!!! I'm playing through the game and loving it. It seems much improved over the first game.
The good thing about Sonys business model is this game is being bought by their fans with the full intention of playing, rather than downloading and trying for a few hours because it’s on a subscription service. These numbers are pretty incredible and it’s genuinely worthy of them, so far I have personally enjoyed Spiderman 2 immensely, and I am mostly just sight seeing and taking screenshots!
Great news for a brilliant game, loving it so far, I must admit though I am finding myself gliding more than swinging, the swinging is awesome as always but the gliding is just superb!!
Impressive considering it's PS5 only, unlike Ragnarok.
I'll also add that this is the PS5 gaming experience that I've waited 3 years for.
This is so far ahead of SM1 on PS4 that it's not even funny. Insomniac have delivered.
@Bionic-Spencer Personally I think there is room for both models. The brilliant thing about subscription services - whether that's Netflix, PS+ or Game Pass - is it allows MORE people to try things they wouldn't buy and find a wider new audience.
Would Rocket League or Fall Guys have been so successful if they weren't on PS+ day 1? What about Humanity or Tchia? Those are niche games given a better chance at finding their audience because of these services. It's not one size fits all imho.
@Atreus97 both games are awesome. If Elden ring didn't come out last year Ragnarok would have won goty
Of course, I love Ragnarok. But you had about 130 million PS4 + PS5 owners potentially buying it.
Spider-Man 2 has an install base of 90 million fewer on PS5 only, but is selling faster. That's what's so impressive.
I’m assuming it didn’t break the 5.1M figure for week 1(which was Friday to Sunday, GoW:R actually had a 5 day first week) and that’s why the went with the 24h figure 😅
Still pretty impressive though.
Incredible achievement and fully deserved, delivering an actual next-gen title that capitalises on the hardware. Defo picking this one up! 🥳
@Atreus97 thats true, but I would argue that most people bought it on PS5 or waited until they got a PS5 to play it. Also with god of war they didn't have to pay anyone a percentage/ licensing fee. I do think spiderman 2 will probably be at 10+ million before the end of the year.
For something labelled as "more of the same", it's sad but not surprising.
I’m playing it right now and the success Insomniac and PlayStation is having is definitely well earned. That said, I’m not sure if it’s open world fatigue, but I’m not as immersed in this universe as much as I was Spider-Man 1 and Miles Morales. I’m hoping my opinion changes, but as of right now the game is okay — even though it has the best traversal in any game I’ve ever played. I’m also not trying to be “one of those guys”, but it does seem significantly shorter compared to its predecessors. I have played five hours so far and I’m already at a 30% completion rate. Don’t get me wrong - I don’t measure a games greatness by its length; it’s just incredibly surprising. With that out of the way, I’m having a total blast. The 8/10 review is definitely spot on.
Not shocked its Spider-Man after all.
@ChrisDeku GoW R released on a Wednesday
@Lup FIFA/EA FC and CoD are more of the same every year and they sell bucket loads. At least there's been a few years between Spider-Man games. Not to mention that practically every sequel ever is effectively "more of the same".
@Kevw2006 The ones that aren’t are the ones that get remembered the most
I like and dislike those stats at the same time. I appreciate the quality of the games but I also hope Insomniac won't turn into a Marvel only studio.
Loving it! Excited for what's to come from PS Studios
Absolutely incredible success. Congratulations to the Insomniac team!
Great to see. Doesn’t have the same effect for me the first did but none the less really enjoying.
@theMEGAniggle 10 live service games under the leadership of Sir Jim Ryan.
I'm never going to finish because of photomode.
@Powerplay94 week 1 is the release day to Sunday.
@Kidfried That's fair, I've reworded the article a bit just to make it clearer.
Very happy because for me personally this game is the best piece of Superhero media I've ever experienced I absolutely loved it ^__^
N.i.c.e. thats a lot of 🕷 spiderman 2 copies.new york xity represent.word up son
Good to hear, loving it. Should get some dlc in the future then.
@Kidfried gta 5 sold 11mil in 24 hrs and made 800million, think you wrote that a bit wrong 😉. Had to google it haha
Well deserved! I know how intoxicating those live service numbers look to the suits, but THIS will always be PlayStation's bread & butter and there's nothing they'll ever do to change it.
Here's hoping the next people in charge lean heavily into what makes PS great aka AAA, single player, story driven blockbuster exclusives and not try to fix what isn't broke.
Well deserved. Got the platinum yesterday
I wonder what PlayStation exclusives is going to come next and released.🤔. 🕷spiderman 2 is definitely going to there with the other games for game of the year.word up son
Well it's a safe bet to expect more spider-man games in the future considering the success. It would be interesting to speculate about Spider-Man 3 if it releases on late gen PS5 or PS6 and what improvements it delivers.
@Dr_ENT nah dawg, this the bomba you think it is. Some of these games aren't happening anymore. A lot of these have been blown out of proportion. Single Player games are still happening.
We already know Fairgames and Marathon. MLB, GOT Legends, Factions, Horizon Multiplayer are 4 more out of the supposed 10 live service games, so I'm not really that concerned about the doom and gloom you're trying to allude to.
Edit: We also already know Helldivers 2.
Isn’t Helldivers 2 the next Sony First Party title? Obviously not single player but the start of the new live service era
@LIMA yeah I believe so
I’m having a beautiful time on my 2.1 HDMI 4K TV.. swinging into a glide then boosting over the river is so peaceful.. only downside so far is, I’ve not even unlocked half of the upgrades and I’m having a hard time remembering some of the special moves.. I’ll be fighting a big group of people and do a random move that I forgot about and go “OH YEAH I forgot I can do that!”
Still would give it a 9/10 as I’m having a blast
Definitely a better buy than Mortal Kombat 1 which ended up being a massive letdown that I can’t resell cuz I bought it digitally to play it sooner.. lesson learned.. no more digital ever
@Jswift56 As much as I'd love that I'd rather they jump straight to making a Venom spin off 😅
Not shocking at all.
Congrats to Insomniac!
Great game. Insomniac deserves it with what they have made
We have had an amazing bunch of games back to back. It has been a dream of a year for me.
This is simply the latest high note.
@Americansamurai1 The PS4 and PS5 versions of Ragnarok came bundled together if you bought it on PS5.
@Keyblade-Dan I think we'll get both. SM1 got a great DLC in The City That Never Sleeps. Insomniac has already hinted at both a Venom spin-off and Spider-Man 3. I kind of hope we also get a Spider-Gwen game.
@theSpectre yeah but it wasn't counted twice. I say 80%+ bought it on PS5.
@theSpectre Definitely both would obviously be ideal and amazing but I'm such a big Venom Stan and Insomniac did the character so perfectly that I'm just an impatient fool and want the Venom game now loool 😅
@theMEGAniggle Don't forget Concord.
This game not only succeeds as a Spiderman title but also succeeds as a PS5 title as well. The way it utilizes it with how fast you go throughout the game is super impressive.
Can see why they added the wingsuit! Who wants to clean up all that web
But seriously, congrats to the developers! They made something really incredible and I can't wait to see what they do next. Already finished the game and got the plat so I'm waiting for NG+ to play again.
The used market is about to be flooded with copes once people get to see how bad the story is!
Damn that's impressive 👏 👌
@Areus that too, so what's that 4 that we already know for sure, 4 that we have seen rumours/development news for. This live service thing really isn't as bad as it's being made out to be. SSM, Insomniac, SP, Firesprite, Bluepoint, Asobi, Bend, there's probably more, are all still making single player games and in the case of SP they're rumoured to be working on both single player and live service game.
@Bionic-Spencer you can still buy the games on gamepass, also starfield was the biggest selling game last month so people are obviously still buying the games
@Drago201 gta 5 selling 11 million copies within 24 hours in impressive
Damn that's crazy but than again it did have a install base of over 140 million consoles + pc to release on
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