When The Last of Us Part II Remastered was announced a few days ago, Sony also unveiled which editions would be going up for pre-order soon. Among them is the WLF Edition, named after Abby's faction in the game. This special retail version includes all kinds of neat extras for fans, including a Steelbook case, but it was never made clear whether an actual disc copy of the game would be in the package. Now, we have an answer.

We reached out to Sony, and have now had it confirmed this version will indeed come with a disc. "The WLF edition will contain a disc rather than a voucher code," a PlayStation PR representative told us.
The main reason this was in question at all is because of The Last of Us: Part I's Firefly Edition. In North America, it came with a disc included, but that was not the case in Europe. It's good to hear, then, that the equivalent for Part II will have the game on physical media — hopefully in all regions.
So, whether you want the game physically or digitally, you should be covered regardless of which edition you pick up. Are you plumping for the WLF Edition — especially now we know it has a disc — or will you simply claim the $10/£10 upgrade? Let us know in the comments section below
Comments 32
I initially misread that as "WTF Edition" lol
I hope that one day, we'll see something different that is not Uncharted or The Last of Us from Naughty Dog, As much as I love these games, it's been nothing but these games since 2007
@Ralizah For all the stuff that goes down in this game, it would be an appropriate name haha
Will the physical editions cost £70?
Thank god! Dare I say Sony's decisions since a certain someone's "retirement" was announced have actually been positive? Endure and survive!
I didn't expect so much generosity.
But TLOU1 Firefly Edition did indeed have a disc though..
They missed a trick, not making one of those enamel pins a golf club.
@JackiePriest Ah! Just looked into this. It did have a disc in the US, but not Europe. That explains that. I'll update the text.
I avoided the original releases of the TLoU because of the online trophies. I've since got the plat in the PS5 remake. So here I am with the PS4 version of TLoU Part 2 sitting on my XMB waiting to be played. Do I play that version or do I upgrade to the PS5 remaster?
@JSnow2 I'd expect all this to still be their work. It isn't like a company changes overnight with new projects this quickly.
@Quintumply Oh, totally. I'll never forget the collective internet freakout once the game's twists leaked!
People can say what they like about it, but if nothing else, it could never be accused of being safe.
I will day one this as i waited to play the last of us 2. I did buy Part one on PS5 and beat it 2 times and started a 3rd run. I love the first game a lot. But the story of Part 2 concerns me. I’ve seen all the leaks and thats why i didn’t play it. But it’s time to own it and play it. Looking forward to it.
Mad to think the last new IP from Naughty Dog was like a decade ago.
Sad that we need confirmation that the physical edition includes a disc...wtf
I have the game on PS4 but never played it and it's still in its shrink wrap so I'll get this.
Does anyone know if it only includes a steel book or if there's a regular case there too. I hate steel books.
Using the 10 upgrade path first with the PS4 disc. Upgrade should potentially be a little cheaper than 10 for UK?. If there's a STANDARD physical PS5 version then I will also be getting that too down the road when on chunky Amazon, Argos or GAME sales?. While physical is still kicking about I like to still have most of my favs physically
It's embarrassing when you have to confirm that your physical limited edition actually includes the physical game
@HonestHick believe me, you’re in for a treat. Part 2 is an AMAZING game!!
@PSme yeah i feel like i played it even tho i haven’t cause I did watch a lot of gameplay videos and just the attention to detail left me in awe. The first game is a top 10 game all time for me. I beat it once or twice on PS3 and Part 1 on PS5 twice. Just missing a few trophies, so i am sure i will need to give it another run.
@Deljo it’s just as annoying when you get a new bundled disc version PS5 and your God of War is a download code 😒
@Ralizah I loved it when some people here leaked the plot one day after release because they didn't like it what a ***** even in non related articles.
@carlos82 What about including a steelcase in a €200 edition and not including the disc. After this started happening is when I stopped buying firstparty titles on release.
Would it be a smarter question if people would ask if the disc would be available in all regions.
When will pre orders start can't see it on ShopTo
Just like the PS4 version I will wait and get it second hand for 10$
Well, that’s good.
I'll just be getting the normal version. I haven't gotten any of the special editions of the previous games and that's not a box I want to open, as I'll need the others as well and that'll cost me £££
I'd like a KLF edition. Justified and ancient.
Nah, I'm going to keep calling it the WTF edition like some thought it was by accident. WTF should be the reaction from fans as they wait for the third release from Naughty Dog so far in over 6 years that is still a re-release and not a new game. It's honestly absurd to think it's been over 6 years and we still don't even know when Naughty Dog will actually release a new game.
@carlos82 I agree, but the fact that all of Sony's steelbook special editions have not included a disc so far on the PS5 makes wondering understandable. It's good that this is going to include a disc for the people interested, but yeah, people shouldn't have to wonder if they are getting a disc when buying a physical edition of a game.
If it doesn't contain a disc how can you call that a physical release....
Would be great if they'd give us a price before pre-orders. Need to know if I'm setting time aside for this or not, and that all depends on price.
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