PS5 Slim Comparison
Image: Push Square

The new PS5 model has been dubbed the 'PS5 Slim' just about everywhere, but that's not the revised console's official name. Indeed, as far as Sony's concerned, this is just the new PS5. It's a replacement for the original system, and although it is smaller than its predecessor, Sony's never actually referred to it as a 'Slim' specifically.

And to be fair, it's easy to see why. A tweet from The Game Awards organiser and host Geoff Keighley has picked up a lot of traction over the last 24 hours or so, as the hype master himself posted a picture of the new and old PS5 models side by side.

Needless to say, there really isn't much difference between the two in terms of size. The redesign has shaved off a bit of volume, for sure, but at a glance, the only real change is that the side panels have been cut down at the top of the console.

Keighley's post has already ruffled a few feathers, with plenty of people pointing out that there's barely an improvement. Some of the most popular replies include direct comparisons to the PS2, which slimmed down significantly. But again, the term 'PS5 Slim' isn't official, and it never has been.

What do you make of the redesigned PS5? Were you expecting a more marked improvement, or were people always jumping the gun by calling it a 'Slim'? Don't replace your old system just yet in the comments section below.
