Wooden Souls-Like Lies of P's latest update has arrived and brings a swathe of bug fixes and tweaks, new costumes, and some reasonably profound balancing changes. The Lies of P team took the opportunity to thank players for their overwhelming support, which has passed the impressive million copies sold milestone.
One of the best surprises of the year, developer Neowiz already has DLC in the works, which it was brazenly hiring for ahead of a more formal announcement in the form of a Director's Letter, which shows off some concept art.
You can read the complete list of changes below:
After installing the latest update, the following items can be found in the 'Equipment' and 'Bag' menu.
- 'Alchemist’s Hat'
- 'Treasure Hunter’s Mask'
- 'Treasure Hunter’s Hunting Apparel'
- 'Illusory Emerald Glasses'
- Added a new category to the Costume menu.
- Now, players can equip the 'Mask' and 'Accessory' together in the Hair section in the costume menu.
Short Grey Hair has been added to the game.
- Available after reaching any of the game's endings for the first time.
- Available at 'Geppetto's Tools'.
- Add a new option to adjust the Subtitle's size.
- Can be adjusted by [Settings -> Gameplay -> Subtitle size]
Decreased Field Difficulty
- Adjusted the attack speed of some monsters to make their attack more intuitive.
- Increased the duration of stance breaks for some monsters.
- Adjusted the spawn locations of some monsters and traps to fit better with the flow of the game.
- The P-Organ, 'Rising Dodge' has been changed to a default ability
- Retain Guard Regain upon Pulse Cell use' has been added to the P-Organ system to replace 'Rising Dodge'.
Combat Balance Adjustments
- Increased the damage of some weapons.
- Increased some weapons to trigger stance breaks to monsters more frequently.
- Now relatively lighter Blades will gain more 'Guard Regain', while heavier Blades gain less 'Guard Regain'.
- Decreased the delay after an attack and the time to charge a 'Charge Attack' for some heavy handles.
- Now some heavier handles will have a faster attack speed depending on the assembled blade.
- Adjusted the 'Destruction Damage' inflicted to monsets by a 'Perfect Guard'.
- The weapon 'Puppet’s Saber Blade' will now have increased stats after enhancing.
- Increased the movement distance while using the 'Proof of Humanity' weapon's attack skill.
- Increased the damage reduction rate while guarding the weapon 'Etiquette' but reduced the fable’s charge amount for a set period of time when attacking.
- Enhanced the attack tracking mechanism after successfully performing the Fable Arts, 'Guard Parry'.
- Increased the damage buff of 'Bell of Provocation' to the player.
- "The Attribute Status Ailments will now stack faster for the following Fable Arts:
- - 'Thunderstrike'
- - 'Flamestrike'
- - 'Acid Slash'"
- Increased the damage of Fatal Attacks to better scale with the players stats.
- Increased the attack radius and tracking mechanism of the Legion Arm, 'Aegis III - Counter Charge'.
- The pillars in the 'Kill King’s Flame, Fuoco's room will now only be destroyed by Fuoco's Fury Attacks.
- Added new items to the NPC 'Polendina's Shop.
- 2 more Quartz can be purchased during the early stages of the game.
- After expanding the shop for the 1st time, 1 additional 'Quartz' can be purchased. (Yes, 1 more Quartz.)
- After expanding the shop for the 3rd time, 2 additional 'Full Moonstone of the Covenant' can be purchased.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the character to shoot into the sky while using the Legion Arm 'Puppet String III - Attack Link'.
- Fixed a bug while continuously pressing the guard button during the Guard stance Legion Arm 'Aegis' would trigger Perfect Guards every time.
- Fixed a bug that allowed some weapons to perform Perfect Guards unintentionally.
- Fixed a bug that caused some Electric Blitz attacks to be unguardable even with Perfect Guards or Guard Parry.
- Fixed a bug in which the Guard Regain would not reset after performing a successful counter-attack with the weapon 'Two Dragons Sword's charge attack.
- Fixed a bug in which arrows fired from traps could not be guarded.
- Fixed a bug in which the 'Monnphase Pocket Watch' could be used during boss fights.
- Fixed a bug in which attacks from some monsters would not register correctly to the player character.
- Fixed a bug in which the P-Organ ability 'Naturally recovers Durability of inactive weapons' reduced the weapon's durability while inactive during certain situations.
- Fixed a bug in which having the P-Organ 'Lower Damage while Dodging' activated and a specific Amulet equipped would trigger the player's stamina regain earlier than intended.
- Fixed a bug in which the deceased NPC 'Belle' at the 'Attacked Hotel Krat'.
- Fixed a bug in which players were able to abnormally approach certain areas of the map.
- Adjusted the Camera Rotation speed while using controllers to be not affected by the framerate.
(Specific for Asian Regions) PS4 Controller Settings Resetting Issue has now been fixed and can be save regardless of the PS4's system settings. - Updated some translations and typos for the following languages:
- - 'English'
- 'Chinese'
- 'Japanese' - Updated a typo in the in-game EULA.
Improved game stability and bugs related to in-game UI.
Did you play Lies of P? Are you planning to in future? Let us know the truth of the matter in the comments section below.
Comments 17
I deeply appreciate these balance changes Neowiz keep making. It nice to see a developer looking at their game, seeing that there's room for improvement and making it more welcoming. Rather that treating 'accessible' as a dirty word, saying you made you game hard on purpose and only making changes to just make it harder.
They also confirmed a sequel as well has DLC..So all good..
idk I'm a little upset at the prospect of them making it easier when multiple friends I know have said that it already wasn't the hardest. I was thinking about picking it up this weekend but this has put me off somewhat..
@JPEGMakima its not that easy but its not super punishing either. I love the game and i thought all the fuss over difficulty spikes and certain bosses being a bit cheap and unfair was a bit over the top. Its a really good game and if you like the souls type game play i cant hype it enough for you. This and lords of the fallen have knocked elden ring of the top spot for me because they are both just superb and the support from the devs is brilliant. Other devs would do well to learn from this level of support.
Lol soon as i see souls type nope not for me. If a save state mod comes out for these games il purchase them on steam.
Sad to see that frame-pacing of 30 and 40 fps modes is still not fixed.
First lords of the fallen, and then lies of p both dropped major balancing updates literally the morning after I beat them 😂.
Lies of p was right after grinding out the platinum. Bummer lol, but glad to see the support. Great game and one of the best soulslikes out there.
Played it through and thought it was quite hard, TBH. Not impossible, clearly, so in a sense can sympathise with players saying it's having its teeth pulled. But Neowiz really seems to be invested in making the best possible game for as many gamers as possible, and these tweaks clearly aim to do that. And if they keep putting time into this, maybe we will see some counter-balancing down the road, like voluntary debuffs or harder NGs (similar to Lord of the Fallen).
Not sure I needed a decrease in field difficulty, always thought that was fine—hope they didn’t nerf the game too much. The bosses on the other hand, need some rebalancing… But great to see them continuing to (hopefully) improve the game. Looking forward to the DLC! And a SEQUEL!!!
And always happy for more cosmetics!!
Lies of F(ashion)!!🎩
Nooooooo! They fixed the Aegis glitch. Guess I'll have to get good again XD
@wildcat_kickz haha I beat the nameless with it twice on saturday, I guess lucky me. Still was hard, but I got the plat. The Nameless was the only one I thought of "cheesing" but the perfection grindstone helped much more than the aegis though.
@Reveluv Yeah I think I'll need to beat the Nameless one more time to get the plat, but I'm not too worried about it. I'm at the Abbey in NG++ and have gotten the parry rhythms pretty down at this point, but even without the perfect guards, the Aegis is nutso!
N.i.c.e. lies of p is a excellent game.extremely fun game.and with the dlc and a sequel coming.its gonna be even better.word up son
@wildcat_kickz I beat him on NG+ the first time, because I ***** up the choice at the end, didn't know which was the good one Spent hours on him... then for the other ending I downloaded my save from the cloud and beat him on my 2nd try. It was amazing.
@Mad001 Not what you are 100% looking for, but I know on PS5 that if you go into the menu and exit the game at any point in the level, when you load back up you are right where you left off. If you wanted to save scum and keep a save file you could theoretically do that
@ErrantRob just like elder Scrolls I save often.manual saves
Not my cup of tea, but sounds like an enjoyable game for fans of the genre. For some reason I am getting a 'future movie' vibe.
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