The patch notes for today's PS5 firmware update will only tell you to expect improved system performance, but another — more secret — tweak has also been made to Sony's consoles in the last day or so, and it concerns the updated PS5 model. Either place your PS5 in Rest Mode or begin the process to switch it off entirely and you might notice it: the shut-down screen has been updated so it only features PS5 lighting, scrapping the panels on the side.
YouTube user The Dance Bunny captured the change on video, and we can confirm our own PS5's are displaying the new video too. As the side panels of the new PS5 model are slightly different to the first machine, the animation has been updated so it can apply to both of them, amplifying the bright lights in the process. A very small change, but one all the same you can see in the capture below.
There may be other minor visual updates and text changes elsewhere in the UI that accommodate the new PS5 model, but as the slimmer version isn't packing any extra power or features, there's no upgrading for owners of the base model to do. Had you already spotted this change? Let us know in the comments below.
[source youtube.com, via reddit.com]
Comments 42
Stop calling it “Slim” PushSquare!
@BusyOlf Then stop calling it that in Google Search 😉
Keep calling it „Slim“ PushSquare, because everyone immediately knows what it means.
Ita not a slim, why keep calling it that? No wonder people are moaning at Sony, it keeps being referred to as something it's not. What's more important, facts or clicks....oh.
Who cares if people call it Slim or not. Its better than saying the revised model every time, surely?
@LiamCroft this Slim nonsense reminds me of the time Alex Jones announced Brain Force slimming tablets and the before and after of Jones and his hanging gut were near identical.
The unofficial official name is "PS5-2"
People actually turn off their PS5 completely?
It’s just a ps5.
@CrispyMango92 That’s rest mode. What do you do, just leave it?
Wow omg that's game changing 🙄. I could think of sooo many more things that need to be updated on the PS5s UI than that.
@CrispyMango92 I don't have a PS5 yet, but I nearly always fully power off my consoles. This way if there's a power outage they are safe. They also draw less power. Besides, PS systems start up quickly—at least my PS4 Pro and PS3 do. Can't say the same about Xbox systems; my XB One takes a while to start up after a full shut down.
The only time I use rest mode is when I know I'm going to use the console again in a few hours, which is rare.
@Czar_Khastik Mathematically that would make it a PS3 😂
I saw this when I cut off my PS five this morning it took a lot longer than normal. I thought something was wrong.☹️
@DonkeyFantasy I have that issue as well, but nothing has truly worked to stop it from randomly deciding to go hog bonkers on me. It's so odd.
I do a full shutdown of my console if I know I'm not going to play it for a few days or more. Most of the time, it is in rest mode, though.
I have no idea what any of this is. I guess I don't pay attention to any of this stuff.
Keep calling it the slim, Push Square. "the new ps5 model" or "detachable disc drive model" is too long and annoying.
If you just say "slim" everyone know immediatelly what you're talking about.
its also smaller and lighter so the name makes sense even if sony isnt using it
@Maddie47 thanks for proving my point 👍
....don't worry, I'm being a dic, I know that 😄👍
Removed - flaming/arguing; user is banned
@CrispyMango92 you... Don't ....?
Noticed this last night when shutting down my PS5, didn't think much of it tbh. Always completely turn off my PS5 in the evenings around 23:00 or slightly after midnight, knowing its bedtime soon so whats the point of leaving it on rest mode while I'm snoring my head off
I noticed that. It’s whatever, though. Usually turn off the TV right after I shut it down unless I’m going to watch something.
What about stability?
@nessisonett whoops. Skimmed the article and video said shut down so assumed it was a complete shut down. I leave it on rest mode. Been doing rest mode only since it came out in PS4. It’s just reflex at this point. Although I don’t have that much time for gaming anymore so I guess I should shut It down completely? Been two weeks since I played anything. I should probably do that.
@xDD90x I’m going to start shutting mine down. Just moved into a new place two months ago and power outages are apparently the norm in the neighborhood and I’m always like “I hope my ps5 doesn’t die from of these outages!” You would think I’d start shutting my systems down completely, no?
@SlipperyFish like I told someone above, I’ve been on rest mode since it came out on PS4. But those others showed me the light. Gonna start shutting my consoles down since I literally go days or weeks without touching them (not enough time to game anymore) and my area is prone to random outages. Save myself some electricity and also save my consoles from getting bricked.
@CrispyMango92 I feel that. Sometimes I put it in rest for downloads or been using remote play, and I forget about it for a week (it's in a spare room so I don't see it all the time)
Never seen this screen i turn off my TV and it puts my ps5 in rest mode,at first I thought the ps5s lights would be brighter,then realised it was just a graphic,meh
@The_Pixel_King oooh!, Revised Model. I like the sound of that!
Removed - unconstructive
I noticed that as well. Nice little inclusive animation alteration haha
Why wouldn’t they?
This is what the PS5 (Slim) should have been:
@LiamCroft SEO 😂
I saw this last night and thought it was a bug 😅
I always turn off my PlayStations - the PS3, PS4 Pro and The Tub o' Lard.
I have an extension cable with an on/off rocker switch and so I turn them and the TV fully off overnight.
The only time I leave it on standby is when I'm uploading to YouTube as it can take up to 4 hours to do so.
The new animations weren't part of the update, I had them at least a day before the update was installed.
Seen this days ago. Pretty obvious change and yep like others mine was doing it before the firmware update.
Still haven't fixed the crappy UI though. Or put an option in the cluttered disorganised menus "never Follow a game I buy automatically" because I hate the tiles, I just want to get to the power/download menus without one extra press thanks, Cerny/Sony.
@GKT @DonkeyFantasy I had this issue and was convinced it was the console. Even switched to WiFi for a while. A new cable changed nothing. I was running the LAN cable from a secondary router, swapped that out for a Gigabit hub and all has been fine for months now. Probably until I switch on later now I've jinxed it.
@DonkeyFantasy yeah I did the same research, didn't seem widespread but like you say, people will use WiFi. I'm definitely with you in thinking it's a console issue. Oddly I found it tended to happen with specific games, primarily FIFA and F1. Games like BF2042 l, Rocket League, GTA didn't seem to affected either as much or at all. I didn't deep dive into that theory though, so may be talking absolute rubbish.
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