Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake Reportedly Not Dead, Actually 1

Earlier this week, word arrived from Giant Bomb's Jeff Grubb that Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake isn't being worked on in any capacity. However, there's now conflicting information, this time courtesy of Bloomberg's Jason Schreier.

According to the reporter, he's heard from two sources at Saber Interactive that they're still working on the game.

The remake project is apparently still in active development, then, so perhaps it isn't quite as doom and gloom as Grubb claimed.

The situation doesn't seem especially sunny either, however; initially in the works at Aspyr Media, which has a history of reviving old Star Wars games, production switched over quite suddenly to Saber Interactive, and we've heard nothing since. It appeared for a second that the game was being brushed under the carpet, but the removal of trailers and the like was actually down to expired music licences.

Schreier's sources have offered a new hope, as it were, that the game will see the light of day, but when that is remains a mystery.
