SEGA has unveiled not one, not two, but five new games it has in development, and they're all new entries in some of the publisher's most beloved series. If you're a SEGA fan, you'll want to sit down before you watch the above trailer.
In this teaser, we get confirmation of several returning franchises, including Jet Set Radio, Crazy Taxi, Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, and Shinobi. That's a lot to take in, and we get glimpses of all of these in the video, but it also teases "more". This begs the question, what else is SEGA cooking? But let's not get too ahead of ourselves — new JSR! New Crazy Taxi! It's all happening!
We don't know when any of these projects are coming, but it's very exciting to see SEGA finally utilising its immense back catalogue. Are you looking forward to any of these? Tell us in the comments section below.
Comments 42
Both Jet Set Radio and Shinobi’s snippets looked absolutely gorgeous! Excited.
I hope there’s some Valkyria Chronicles on the horizon as well, though the absolute dream would be a new single player Phantasy Star 💫
Surprised that they didn't announce "Sonic Tax Evasion" this year and instead gave us things we aren't tired of.
Okay, this made me smile!
Jet Set Radiooooo
I’m ready for all five of them, Sega. It almost felt like they were about to announce they were going back into the console space with how robust and exciting that line-up is.
Hopefully that Streets of Rage game won’t take 20+ years to come out. This is pretty exciting though.
Hype! Can't wait for more info. The shinobi one looks like it using street of rage 4 graphics style, I prefer golden axe using it too but still interested in this 3D version 😃
Mixed feelings.
I think Shinobi and Crazy Taxi looked good.
There is potential in Jet set radio.
Streets of rage makes no sense to go 3D at this point where SoR4 was a sucess. It didn't look great and sadly neither did golden Axe. To make 3D entries now after all this time is mind boggling. They should just get dotemu to do more SoR and Golden Axe. 2D is the way to go.
So, that is my fear. That SoR and GA will get panned and go dormant again.
Thats all from me.
A very heartfelt yes!!
F YEAH! Now that's an announcement!
Now this a trailer I can get really excited for, I cannot wait to play all of these games
Welcome back Sega
That was cool to see!
So glad to see that Golden Axe is back.
Okay I could get behind this new energy! Also give me a new Space Channel 5 to go along these. Looks like I will be buying all these although I wanna see more of how Streets of Rage is going to play in 3D, I'm cautiously optimistic.
This is amazing. I'm on board for every one of those games, loved them all as a kid.
Still fire up Crazy Taxi every now and again on the GameCube
Ok that’s pretty cool. Well done SEGA.
Finally get to play Golden Axe.
I know this wont happen in a million years,but if they want this to sell a gazillion copies,bundle all 5 on 1 disc and sell it for 70 euros. Realistically though,they will probably charge 40 euros each game in a seperate release.
I will buy all of these.
Would love to see a proper SEGA arcade collection, take the emulators from Like a Dragon/ Yakuza and drop them into a Retro tour package like the Atari 50 collection.
Best TGA 2023 highlight for me. New SoR, new Golden Axe, and new Shinobi? Yes please!
@hulkie nah it'll be 70 per game haha
The funniest thing about this is SEGA probably used the data they collected from Switch Online subscription, the data they collected from the arcades in Yakuza and the overall public sentiment towards their old IPs before going this way.
Kudos to SEGA and I hope for a new Altered Beast and a
new Golden Axe Warrior in the near future.
Everyone's hyped about the 5 games announced and I'm just happy for the screaming 'SEGA!' stinger at the end.
I think this was the best news at tga this year amid very short announcement that shows almost nothing
@get2sammyb Lizardcube (Streets of Rage 4 & Wonderboy Dragon's Trap),made a cryptic tweet regarding the Sega Announcement & replies were referencing Shinobi so if they're involved certainly one to watch!👍
Not so sure about a 3d Golden Axe after the last horrid attempt! Let Crazy Taxi play nicely!🙏
Not sure about that SoR style, Dotemu did incredible work with 4. Shinobi looks great
Jet Set Radio and Shinobi look absolutely amazing! Crazy Taxi has much potential. Streets of Rage and Golden Axe look terrible.
Day one for JSR & Shinobi.
More JSR, simply awesome
Please don't screw Golden Axe like Beast Rider...
It's funny how the two titles that the author cited as standouts by the end of the article are the ones I have no interest in. It's just probably an age thing, I guess.
It's also curious how the Shinobi remake looks remarkably similar to the recent-ish Streets of Rage 4, but the Streets of Rage remake in the trailer looks completely different. Not a big fan of this new Shinobi art-style, though. It kind of kills the nostalgia vibe by looking too contemporary.
I'm not holding my breath for the "more" thing, but put that together with the recent Daytona 2 emulation in Like a Dragon, and I wish we'd get an AM2 collection with proper wheel support (force feedback included, thanks). Maybe throw in some After Burner and G-LOC, and I'm good.
I all seriousness, is Sega sitting on a pile of gold, or am I simply out of touch? You'd have to be there to understand, but AM2 in the nineties was like nothing we've seen before or after in videogames. By partnering with Lockheed Martin, they managed to employ tech that was decades ahead of its time in the context of games. But not only that; the games themselves were crazy good. What a time that was.
Good trailer. Nice to see those franchises getting new games. SEGA!
Nicely done sega Nicely done indeed
Virtua Fighter was my guess, hey I cannot complain.
This is more like the SEGA of old
Golden Axe and Shinobi — I’m definitely excited for this. I’m not sure how I feel about SoR in a 3D space, but I’ll give it a try nonetheless.
Wow! Streets of Rage 5? That alone was enough but crazy taxi and Golden Axe? My son and I play streets of rage 4 nearly every day and love the entire franchise…please don’t screw this up Sega…sor4 is a masterpiece and the perfect love letter to the og series…cannot wait to see how Sega can top it
@djlard You know you failed if a sexy barely clothed woman can't save your game.
@Flaming_Kaiser I always played hero (or panther in GA3) but I got your point...
@djlard I played the game it was a decent ok game. But it was so mediocre 6ish the girl looked great but the game was meh really meh. I'm not going to say it was terrible because that a little overreacting. If you see some of these awsome 2D games it's just really disappointing.
@Flaming_Kaiser It was only available beat em up on PC
@djlard Golden Axe Beast Rider was also on PS3 if remember correctly. Or are we talking about a different game?
@Flaming_Kaiser Golden Axe 1 (original). I thought you was mentioning GA:BR heroine to point out you cannot choose different character unlike in original trilogy and you are forced to play sexy lady, because there is nothing else to look at...
BTW I'm glad we've overcome that stupid lowhigh attacks where you had to use lowhigh defence to avoid get hit, used in this mass fight game. I still remember when attacking some camp where 3 high and 4 low attacks appeared in same time and I felt like "OK, so hit me. Whatever..."
@djlard I thought we were talking about something different never played that one though. 😅
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