Aspyr Media promised it would be sharing new details concerning its upcoming Tomb Raider I - III Remastered project in the near future, and it has now delivered in the form of a lengthy PlayStation Blog post. For starters, it's broken down its vision for the three remasters across graphics and gameplay, implementing improvements that enhance both. Then, you can choose to use either the original tank controls from the PS1 era or utilise the new control scheme based on the Legend, Anniversary, and Underworld slate of Tomb Raider games. This maps camera control to the right stick.
Next, health bars have been added for boss fights, in-game items like health kits and ammo will now be 3D instead of 2D, and there'll be more than 200 Trophies for you to unlock. There's also a Photo Mode so you can get the perfect shot of Lara Croft. "Our philosophy here was rather straightforward; we want the games to look the way they did in your mind," said director of product Chris Bashaar. "We knew we were on the right track in our early playtests because some play testers didn’t even know they were playing with the modern art toggled on."
Below you'll find a list of even more upgrades set to feature in the remaster:
- Baked and real-time lighting effects
- Graphics toggle (at any point in the game, you can switch between the original and remastered visuals)
- New models, environments, and enemies
- New models for Lara Croft
You can view examples of all the above in the PlayStation Blog post. Tomb Raider I - III Remastered (yes, starring Lara Croft) launches for PS5, PS4 on 14th February 2024, with pre-orders available on the PS Store now. PS Plus members can get a 10 per cent discount on the launch price, making it £22.49 / $26.99. Will you be taking the trip back in time to play these classics? Let us know in the comments below.
[source blog.playstation.com]
Comments 47
I was obsessed with the originals and I'm really looking forward to this. It'll be nice to play something that reminds me of simpler times when the world wasn't a scorching pile of ****.
Remakes of these games with some of the great temples and locations would be so awesome. Played the hell out of the first 3 back in the day. No interest in playing this 'grand theft auto collection' level of remaster though.
I'd rather hold the nostalgia and wonder I had playing these in memory rather than pretend they will hold up today with a bare bones "remaster," considering the original tomb raider released 28 years ago....
"We knew we were on the right track in our early playtests because some play testers didn’t even know they were playing with the modern art toggled on."
How to sell your remaster 😂
I am looking forward to this, though.
Day 1 buy from me. Can't wait for updated controls.
I have the games on just about every device, PS3 Classics, PS1, PC, Android - but can never get very far before being frustrated at the controls so maybe I'll finally finish them!
Pre ordered on PC for £18 but I'll be getting the console version for my partner as she loves playing the old Tomb Raiders
I never played these "back in the day".
I had a demo version of the original game on PC and it ran and played terribly. Jumping was such a chore because the input latency was atrocious (probably tied to the horrid framerate). Needless to say, it soured my interest in Tomb Rader.
Would be interested in this. I'd probably play with refined controls as...unfortunately...classic control schemes feel terrible in 2024.
I tried to play the original Elder Scrolls on PC...yeah...even on PC, "classic" control schemes were bad. I have no idea how anyone enjoyed those games before WASD-control scheme became the norm.
Playing the original Resident Evil feels terrible by today's standards. The original Alone in the Dark is even worse!
I just want to know if you can save anywhere you want in III, as the save system on the PSOne version was incredible unforgiving (never finished the game for that reason).
Wasn’t sold until they said updated controls. I’m in.
@Vyrn Now listen here sonny! I remember when PlayStation was nothing but cows and fields as far as the eye could see. And having a DualSense meant you were only able to smell and hear!
Grumble, grumble, young whippersnapper.
Looks great I'll definitely be buying this.
If they release it physically I will buy it instantly
Never played the classic TR games back in the day due to the tank controls.
Will definitely be getting the remasters of the classic trilogy though.
Glad they are giving players the choice between the new controls and the original tank ones
Will be interesting to see how the modern controls will hold up.
Camera control with the right stick is a great addition.. But how well will the more "free flowing" character controls blend with the old "slowly walk up to the edge of a ledge, jump back, then run towards the ledge and press jump before you reaches the edge of it, then hold "X" to (hopefully) grab on onto the ledge you're jumping towards" millimeter precision gameplay.
@shgamer the save anytime feature was in the PC versions so I'm sure they'll add to these remasters.
@dirty_score Yeah, I know (but you never know).
Sounds really good and all i actually want but i'm concerned with whose making it going by their SW ports.
I wonder if it'll have three separate trophy list?
GOTY already 😂 Can’t wait 😁
Awesome! 200 more trophies for me!
Sad but its my most anticipated game of this year. Just a shame The Last Revelation isn't included as well, that's an all timer.
This is actually very cool. I’ll definitely pick them up — they will be the perfect games to play on my Portal.
Updated controls is definitely a win. Looking forward to this.
If there isn't a trophy for locking the butler in the freezer then what are we doing here?
@kyleforrester87 i thought that 🤣 they might want to revisit that quote. Hardly back of the box worthy
I’m not usually one for nostalgia, but the original Tomb Raiders were legendary. Going through with 200 trophy challenges? Yes please! I am glad they added the graphics toggle though as, in most comparisons I’ve seen, I actually prefer the original look.
Oh wow. Controls that are in line with Legend and Underworld just put this baby on my radar. I'm super curious as to how that might not "break" the originals' grid based structure. But i'm all for abandoning that agonising game design. Haven't touched these games since I was a whipper back in the '90s so I might actually (swan) dive in.
Sounds great! The controls being similar to those found in the TR Legend era is exactly what I was hoping for so I'm sold. Good stuff.
Why 4 was not included ? I'd argue that it was one of the best, hard but really enjoyable
@AdamNovice That trophy is confirmed to be in the game, according to the PS Blog post.
Glad they added an option with the controls. I'm very used to the classic tank controls, so I'll stick mostly with them, with the more modern visuals.
@crimsontadpoles Worth the price now lol
Tomb Raider 1 and 2 were my first PS1 games and I love 3 so I'm really excited for these. Never really clicked with the new ones despite playing them all, Lara was so grating. Will still wait for reviews but if they come back good I'll be buying
I reckon £22.50's probably about a fair price for these three. Great games, updated controls. At least you're getting a half-assed remaster for that price instead of paying full whack for a basic port. Here's looking at you MGS collection and RDR. I'd much rather they remade them completely but I'll take it as it is and I'll enjoy replaying them. Fingers crossed the trophies won't be garbage - 200 trophies sounds padded as...
Sidebar - The Last Revelation is hands down the best TR game and absolutely deserves a full blown remake.
Looking forward to it.
Big fan of the latest trilogy especially shadow of the tomb raider and really enjoyed legend and underworld back in the day.
Tired playing the classics ones a few times but the difficulty even with save states..... Controls are awful and no idea what to do or where to go pretty much the entire time 😅
Any chance they will remaster the 4th TR game as well?
I'm looking forward to this remaster mainly for the revamped controls.
@Stickleman "no idea what to do or where to go pretty much the entire time". And people thought Dark Souls was unforgiving 😂
I actually really liked that about the originals. You were plonked in a level and had to figure it out. Each area was like it's own giant puzzle. No hand-holding. To me, that was the whole essence of the game, exploring, discovering and figuring out how to progress.
I remember playing Legend for the first time and the camera panned across to show you were to go next, and I was like, "Agh, they've missed the whole point".
The world was always terrible you were just too young to notice.
Those new controls with that original level design are probably an awful match.
You can choose the tank controls? Heck yeah. I am turning those on. Seriously.
One hopes the invert option is there from the off.
I'll be waiting for a while probably a year or so when it will get a physical release.
Finally someone else who mentions this.
TR4 is my childhood and it's so good. Really needs a remake as well
Hmmm... I'm maybe tempted? Although this would be a lot of fun, I have the originals so I'll wait for a physical release or until they knock 75% off in PS store.
@Specky The vibes it has far outweigh 2 and 3 I think. The moment when you see that motorcycle and sidecar but it's just out of reach sticks in my mind.
I am tempted, after having tried the demo back in 96 and did not get past the first level, as the switch i needed to pull, i couldn't find as it was the same colour as the wall!
So never engaged with the OG games at all, until the PS4 revival trilogy, which i loved.
My pre-order is in. Very much looking forward to this
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