It's almost time once again to protect our planet from those dastardly alien bugs. Earth Defense Force 6 has been out in Japan since August 2022, but its localised Western release was confirmed for 2024. Now, we finally have a firm release date — the game arrives on PS5 and PS4 on 14th March, 2024.
This is another co-op shooter in the famously schlocky series, where low-quality character models, technical hiccups, and OTT skirmishes are the order of the day. EDF 6 looks like it'll be another lovably janky ride.
This is apparently the biggest EDF yet, containing the most weapons and missions of any game in the series. While co-op (online or offline) is the ideal way to play, you can also play solo.
Are you excited for EDF 6? Prepare for battle in the comments section below.
Comments 12
EDF and true potential are you serious?
EDF is the only game other than Mario Kart that I can get my wife to play with me. Looking forward to it! One of the most fun games ever!
I can't wait! Been an adamant EDF fan since 2017 on 360. I hope the Steam port launches the same day as the PS4/5 ports!
By the way, that March 14 date is for the Asia version of the game, which will have English voices/subtitles. The western version is still just slated for Spring 2024.
These games are great.
Does this one have crossplay PS/PC?
Used to absolutely love this series, but I never did try the last couple of games. Might have to get this one now that all my brothers own PS5's. We've been looking for a fun co-op game.
EDF! EDF! EDF! I normally import these bit for whatever reason I passed on EDF 6 (I must have had a splurge of purchases during its launch and forgot about it.....or it could have been because I was waiting fir the Eng/Asian release)
If theres a retail release Ill pick it up day 1 otherwise Ill wait for the digital deluxe version (with all DLC) drop down to the £40 mark
Definitely a buy for me. This game is seriously underestimated. It is quite a fun game with a lot of replay value. It also has good story behind those funny dialogues. Spent a lot of time on EDF 5. Although I main ranger, the feel of phenomenal explosion via air raider can’t be compared with any.
I started playing "EDF 5" about 2 weeks ago - I love it!
I still play "Earth Defense Force 2" and "Earth Defense Force 2017 Portable" on the Vita/PSTV when I'm in the mood for some quick bug obliteration!! 🕷🪰🐜
I couldn't wait, ended up importing EDF 6 a year ago. Logged 200+ hours and beat it on Inferno, but wish I hadn't so that I could play it again with the western release. Great game!
DLC will be built in just like it was on EDF 5. It should unlock day one for those of us willing to pay for it. Tell the Publisher to stop ***** over those of us who buy the game twice. I couldn't care less about the story. It takes me all of 2 weeks to 100% the main. I want my DLC weapons and farming missions.
@Vil It's definitely holding things back. I played the Japan release of this. The draw distance is terrible on both versions. It should've been cranked up on the PS5 version, but it's not. Pisses me off.
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