Following heavy criticism of the monetisation surrounding the new Final Fantasy VII Rebirth event in Apex Legends, EA has made adjustments so that getting the full set of items on offer should cost considerably less. Previously, the item packs were going to cost 1,000 Apex Coins (around $10) each, meaning you'd need to cough up $360 to get the full set of 36 trinkets. Now, roughly half of those packs have dropped in price by 90 per cent.
For the first 15 item packs you buy, you will be charged 100 Apex Coins. Then, once you own 16 or more items from the event, the cost of each pack goes back up to 1,000 Apex Coins. You're still looking at spending more than $200 if you want to own everything — including the special One-Winged Angel Deathbox — but this is a slightly more reasonable ask.
Most players will be able to get their hands on a good selection of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth items before stopping as the price returns to where it was originally set. You can also opt for a four-pack bundle at 1,600 Apex Coins, which guarantees you a legendary or iconic item.
Would you ever spend this sort of money on a single game? Let us know in the comments below.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 30
I've definitely spent that much money on Final Fantasy XIV, but spread out over the last 13 years.
Just thinking about spending that much money on cosmetics in one event gives me anxiety.
Wow, F2P games cost money nowadays... Nonsense!
To be honest I'm OK with supporting devs for making good games and this usually leads to buying some skins I like or even battle passes or item packs in something like PoE, League of Legends, some other minor games.
But bringing monetization aspects straight from greedy mobile garbage games is something I won't accept. And the best way to show your attitude towards these things is to stop buying anything in the game.
Having a $200 death box feels like an open invitiation to be tea bagged.....
While lower prices are always appreciated, who really needs ALL of them? I don't go to the shops and decided to buy the whole aisle. We're making it seem like this is normal behaviour and in doing so enabling addictive tendencies. Buy one or two and be done.
Of course if you personally want to buy them, and have the money, go ahead, you do you. Personally will never spend on digital tat like this.
Man when will Battle Passes and buying in game cosmetics die out…. even Character Passes irk me….
Remember when you unlocked everything and every character in game just by playing? Good times.
Or you could just buy final fantasy 7 intergrade, crisis core and rebirth for that money.
Seiously tho you could be a little less blatant about being greedy games industry. At least they aren't charging for blue (maybe)
@danzoEX When either governments get involved or the live service juggernauts like Fortnite die. The combination of governments regulating loot boxes and the gigantic success of Fortnite is the reason why loot boxes got replaced by battle passes.
My nephew is the type to spend every dollar he comes across on FTP items and characters. Who knows how much birthday and Christmas money he has spent on Genshin Impact! I personally don’t play FTP, but have spent money on EverQuest, WoW, and FFXIV subscriptions over the years.
@Danloaded You could probably buy the entire FF7 game series from all generations for less and the movie on top!
@Grumblevolcano unfortunately Fortnite will never die… it is as people say, the start of the Metaverse.
Seeing more "fan outcries" as of late. Maybe some day this exploiting system will change....into probably something worse but better obfuscated xD
How many people will eat beans on toast for a month so they can get all this?
@Tomato_Goose the problem is, no one would ever spend that much money on, say, God of War. If you've spent more on a free game than you would on a priced upfront game, that blows my mind.
If I played F2P game, I wouldn't spend more than £30-50 over the entire course of the game life, as a rule.
Well they got it half right.🤑
For clarification, did you need to buy all other items before getting the final box, or could you buy it as 1 of your cheaper items? If anyone can pick any item for $1 then they start charging more with your 16th purchase then I suppose I’m ok w/ that, people need to take some personal responsibility. If you need to buy all of them before the last one, we’ll just don’t.🤷🏻♂️
@MattBoothDev there are different cases. For example, I've been occasionally playing League of Legends from the early access times and I've bought dozens of different skins throughout the years. Hundreds (if not even thousands, can't even remember now) of pounds throughout 15 years. But I've never felt robbed by Riot, because all those deals were transparent and clear - I give them money and they give me cool skins to enjoy.
But 99% of mobile games which force you to buy things in order not to fall behind paying players during different events or PVP stuff and different lottery mechanics such as loot-boxes and so on - those are horrific. Alongside with crazy prices like modern Blizzard does with their in-game items in OW2 and Diablo 4.
We just had to keep feeding the little monster, didn’t we?
It started with mobile games. Companies learned that people would pay small fees to feed their addiction. “Free” games that would make their hooked junkies pay for more tries.
Then we had F2P games where people paid for content. Then loot boxes for cosmetics. Then buying cosmetics themselves. The human need for the latest item to flex on random strangers online.
Developers played us like crack heads hooked on a drug. And now when we are finally waking up it’s too late. The little monster is now a behemoth.
£200 for all this stuff is £200 too much. I’d argue £2 should be enough to unlock a FF7 battle pass that permanently allows people to unlock these items at their leisure. But the companies would never be so kind.
@Tomato_Goose Spending thousands on a game still blows my mind, though.
I agree that the mobile game tactics are really bad but, still, the abilities to spend thousands on a single game is just mind blowing.
This is just sickening. If any normal product were to drop in price by 90%, you would think they would be losing money on it, or losing any margin at least. Microtransactions are a complete scam
@MattBoothDev even if we talk about £1000 throughout 15 years it is less than £70 per year. Still good value for a game in which I spend more time per year than in any AAA title. And it is absolutely optional, especially nowadays, when you can get so many skins for free.
But I agree with you that our world could be a much better place without all those insane amount of money wasted on F2P and mobile gaming segments.
I can't fathom how people spend that much money on a game. The game that I spent the most money was Elder Scrolls Online and it was probably around £120, but on expansions and subscription over the course of 6 years and almost 800 hours of playtime.
@themightyant I agree in a way but dont forget there are a bunch of people that just dont understand how to handle money and they will spend tons of money on this not knowing they wont be able to pay rent later on. The worst in my opinion are the random boxes, They promise you these high chances on getting legendary skins etc but in the end its gambling for kids, which really should be illegal.
@Dr_3ck1g That first part of your comment is why companies keep doing it and why there is FOMO for everything because it works.
Actually these useless crossovers are advertisements where they have the audacity to expect the consumer to foot the bill.
Square-Enix wants some exposure among gen z's who mainly play f2p, then they should pay ea for it and have it in the game for free. Or you could just lower your ad expenses and set your sales expenses to a realistic level.
@Nepp67 Totally, but I think the main reason they keep doing this aside from being effective are whales no? Im playing Marvel Snap on the side and the prices in that game are outright insane and its just getting worse. And when on reddit, it seems like there are plenty people spending the money cause they can.
@Dr_3ck1g While whales are one of the main issues I think fomo is main problem just because it encourages that type of whale spending. If players could buy whenever they wanted without a timegate I dont think we'd be at the problem we're at rn, but devs are scared and have no faith in their product to keep players invested.
I'm glad I don't participate in shenanigans like this
Worrying about the price of cosmetics that represent one game, in a totally different game, sounds like the definition of a first world problem.
Not ragging on people who care to customise their character but I've never seen the appeal of digitally playing dressup in a video game; I prefer games where either you don't choose the outfit, or you do and it doesn't matter. I don't get the conceit that people can "express individuality" via character outfits etc, all you often end up with is a mess of kiddy dayglo clown nonsense in first person shooters etc.
Just my opinion of course, acerbic as ever, before some smartass goes "how dare you state opinion as fact" when I didn't 😂
@Kienda OW devs say they make close to 5 mill a day on microtransactions alone its why every company is doing it ; streamer, sponsors, youtubers, even tournament organizers buy all the cosmetics for any given tourney for players and then you have whales helping out too so this practice is never ever going to go away
@Ray_Ray_Regasis yeah, I know it’s not going away but I’m going to rage against it for as long as I live. Haha
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