Update: Updated marketing material from PlayStation strongly suggests that Helldivers 2 is still releasing on the 8th February. Last night, a trailer from CES 2024 contained small print that seemed to confirm a delay, but it looks like that was just a typo (unless the new date has actually been leaked, but that seems unlikely at this point).
With Helldivers 2 dropping in just under a month, we should be seeing a lot more of the co-op shooter very soon.
Original Story: Anticipated shooter sequel Helldivers 2 is officially due out on 8th February – heck, Sony even tweeted about it earlier this week. But as part of a PlayStation trailer during its CES 2024 press conference overnight, the company appeared to confirm a small delay. As part of a montage, the Arrowhead Studios developed outing was listed as “available 28th February, 2024”.
Now it’s possible whoever edited the trailer made an error here, but we’ll still check with the platform holder to find out for sure. Obviously, this new date would put it right alongside Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and while we can’t imagine there’s too much crossover between intended audiences, your PS5’s probably going to get a workout that week if the delay is accurate.
[source youtu.be]
Comments 20
That would be a pretty concerning delay in my opinion, since we're so close to release. Still, I'm always in favor of delaying it until you get the release as perfect as possible
@zhoont don't be concerned, if there is a studio that communicates their focus and confidence that's Arrowhead and they sound really happy with what they have to show.
@zhoont Nah not really, a little extra polish maybe. It's probably a good thing because they're so close they could have had the attitude of "just ship it and patch it later".
Anyway, will update the article once I know whether this is true or a mistake.
Not the first time sony "interns" f*ck up trailers. PC players are still waiting for Demon's Souls (that may happen someday tho)
Same day as FF7 ReBirth 😬, that's not a good idea although it works for me as I get paid at the end of February so January's money can go on other games.
Okay for me, Infinite Wealth and Granblue Fantasy are gonna take me a while to play through anyway. Launching around the same time as FF7 is rough though, I hope it doesn't harm their sales too much.
According to the Helldivers discord it is just a typo
Ok, but... February IS FF Rebirth.
This game has ps plus material.
Actually only one of very few games that I was looking forward. Well, and maybe HI-FI once it's released on ps5, since it was given rating in Australia. Also sea of thieves.
If the game isn’t ready, delay is a must! In this case I want to believe it’s for some more polish.
Since this is the beginning of the year I wonder already how many games are going to get delayed in 2024? (as a metric)
Skull & Bones is finally getting released and I also wonder if the game is actually ready? (haven’t played the Closed Beta but I have my doubts tbh)
The first quarter is too stacked. Admittedly that's a good problem to have and I'm looking forward to this one, also if it needs a bit more polish so be it.
Probably just a mistake. I am curious how this game performs. I loved the first Helldivers. But the switch to 3rd person doesn't interest me. I felt the same about Returnal tho and that ended up fantastic.
And that would put it alongside FF7R. Its already in a bad spot with like a dragon, persona 3, and granblur there. Either way its gonna be a wait for me
Have never played Helldivers, or really know much about it, but the sequel looks interesting. Just got the first game on sale on Steam yesterday.
FWIW reddit has screenshots of the HD community manager saying on Discord that its still coming Feb 8
I wonder if we'll get a beta.
FF can wait, I need my cup of democracy and liberty!
With the heavy emphasis on multiplayer it would make more sense to make it a pseudo free to play and put it on premium or extra, then make your money selling cosmetics and dlcs.
I doubt it was a typo, I think that was the date they set it to release but then Suqare announced FF7 ReBirth for the same date so they felt like they had to bring it forward to its current release date.
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