If you poked your head into the deep recesses of enthusiast gaming social media this weekend, you’ll have no doubt discovered avid discussion about the potential of a high profile Xbox first-party game coming to rival consoles. While the discussion has largely occurred in riddles – as is so often the case with this industry’s so-called “insider” information – it appears that Microsoft is plotting a port of rhythm game Hi-Fi Rush for at least Nintendo Switch, and potentially the PS5 as well.
The origins of the story trace all the way back to a podcast, where a notorious tipster known by the name Nate the Hate hinted at the unexpected conversion. This then prompted further discussion on the ResetEra message boards, where other supposedly reliable sources reinforced the speculation. Windows Central has since followed up with a feature, where it claims to have heard from “very trusted, proven sources that Microsoft has been exploring bringing some of its back catalogue to other platforms”.
So, where does this leave us? Well, to be fair, Hi-Fi Rush is a Bethesda game, and Microsoft did say all along that it would determine multiformat releases from the acquired publisher on a “case-by-case” basis. Undeniably, the game would reach a much larger audience on multiple platforms, and while its situation is admittedly different, we’ve also seen the announcement of former console exclusive As Dusk Falls for PlayStation recently as well.
To be honest, this all remains social media scuttlebutt right now, so it’s probably not worth paying too much attention to it – but it’ll be interesting to see if Microsoft really is considering bringing more of its games to Sony’s systems moving forwards.
[source youtube.com, via resetera.com, windowscentral.com]
Comments 35
Just bought it on steam... but will happily buy it again if it comes to the ps5.
Them porting Hi-Fi Rush to switch or PS5 would be my favorite and worse mistake they could make. I am genuinely considering picking up a Steamdeck for Hi-Fi Rush, and if Xbox makes a native gamepass app for Steamdeck I honestly might subscribe. However, I’d rather just get it on switch or PS5. The worst part is how this signals what Microsoft believes to be their priorities. I do not care at all for really any other Xbox first party series or games. However, Hi-Fi Rush just clicks with me so much that it makes me the most envious I’ve been of an Xbox game since forever. If they don’t think Hi-Fi Rush is worthy enough to be a system seller, than why should I buy an Xbox if the games that matches what I want are likely to be ported to other platforms?
I would cut my nose off to spite my face on this one. I wont buy anything that puts money in MS pockets. Great game tho as i remember.
@Kidfunkadelic83 so you don't own a PC or laptop?
Well, as Xbox becomes more Gamepass first, and increasingly gets itself onto more people’s phones, TVs, etc, sales of consoles will increasingly be less important for MS. Other consoles will likely be increasingly seen as just another outlet for sales. I doubt Sony will ever let Gamepass on their system, but of course they will allow MS developed games, and it may well be that compared to the billions of potential new phones and TV owning customers, MS risking their 30mil console sales to Sony would be seen as no big deal.
@TrickyDicky99 Sony is doing very well, though. The games have been good and the hardware is great. The vast majority of players are very happy with the platform.
@jedinite no buddy, i dont. I have no need for either.
It's a bizarre situation. Is exclusivity a MS aim or not? That's the question. They are sitting on a wealth of money by releasing their studios games on other platforms. They already do it on PC. But... then where does this leave their console and gamepass sub? Gamepass will always be value for money if the current service continues but whats the draw? Is it just timed exclusivity? In which case, will they get the sub rush when new games are released or will people wait?
I mean Hi Fi Rush is great and I did play it on Gamepass (for PC) and it was one of their big successes last year. It will do business on PS5 if it releases so more money but hey, who knows?
I can’t say I’m glad or sad Xbox gonna third party I just hope another console maker step in after Microsoft gone.
@TrickyDicky99 sure, sure. Last gen, Sony did well because xbox messed up, this gen is doing well because of xbox. Wonder who we're going to blame next generation for Sony's success. Obviously we can't attribute it to Sony doing something right. It has to be someone else's fault.
Honestly, I'm not going to buy a Xbox. I do not have room for it under my TV. I'm not against the idea, but I already have a PS5 under there. If they do this, Microsoft will get £60 from me they otherwise wouldn't get. It's up to them if they want it.
Thought Bethesda was owned by Microsoft now though?
Doubt Hi-fi rush will be on PlayStation.
Would love to play Hi-Fi rush on PS5 but I’m not sure if it will be on PS
@Jay767 Xbox isn't going anywhere. Microsoft is treating Xbox like they do there Surface PCs. Its one of many entry points to the eco system. PC, PlayStation & Nintendo Switch could be like 3rd party vendors to Microsoft.
Reminds me of a time when people would baulk at the idea of Sonic the Hedgehog appearing on a Nintendo console.
We all know how that turned out!
I think it will come to Switch (or Switch 2 😮)- not sure about Playstation but who knows.
@PixelDragon I think it’s that Xbox finally has its exclusive train going, so seems to be shooting itself in the foot by putting one of them everywhere. Spiderman going on Xbox, for example, would probably not change much unless it started to become a pattern. It’s mixed messaging from Xbox for sure.
Many are thinking it’s Hi Fi Rush, but I heard it was either Microsoft Flight Simulator or Sea of Thieves. Either way it’s all a rumor till it gets announced.
I heard Phil Spencer has finally agreed to bring Mario Kart 64 to PlayStation Vita.
@PixelDragon I hear you - Time, Money, Space and sneaking it past the wife and pretending it was always there, are definitely factors.
It’s just Xbox seems to be the only one with the attitude of “all games everywhere”, even if (big “if”) Playstation gets there eventually.
I just want Xbox hardware to keep going.
Hi Fi rush on the Switch 2 would be perfect, i doubt it's gonna be released on PS5, at least for now.
I'd love to have more reasons to go in on an XBox, but aside from Hi Fi Rush, I don't really have any; the Bethesda games I've tried like Fallout and Elder Scrolls have left me tepid at best. Plus I've never really fancied the idea of Gamepass — I've become way more selective with the games I devote my time to, and don't really like the idea of only playing what available titles a paid subscription service dictates to me.
Xbox makes a ton of money selling 3rd party games through their consoles. They won't be letting that go anytime soon. It's already known that a new Xbox gen is coming in 26 so you're looking at least another decade of Xbox hardware, probably longer. They don't care about the number of units they sell but it's still a highly profitable sector for them.
Hi fi Rush is speculation. The rumor is just a highly acclaimed game that was in game of the year discussions at the time of the release. That doesnt necessarily mean the Keighley's, it doesnt even mean its a recent game. It could be forza horizon 5, flight sim, age of empires 2, pentiment or even then the Ori games to ps5.
I'd love Hi-Fi Rush on PS5, it's pretty much the only Xbox console exclusive currently out that I'd really like to try.
It kinda makes sense, it is not a console seller and is a GREAT game- would definitely buy it on PS5. I am still in shock they let Cuphead be published on Sony systems.
But MS is so shady and unclear about their partnerships I can’t really say anything. Persona 3 still hiding other platforms too 🥴
@Savage_Joe not really my business here, but I had the impression Apple laptops and smart phones were kind of popular
I really hope Hi-Fi releases on other console platforms, I played and beat the game on PC last summer and it's an absolute blast. The game is filled to the brim with so much charm.
@Savage_Joe hahah If I had that thing as the only access to the internet, I swear I would consider not browsing at all 🤨
I feel like Hi-Fi Rush has more chance of coming to Switch than PS5 but if it came to either I'd gladly buy it again. Absolutely loved it on Steam Deck and we'd actually stand a chance of a physical release on other systems
The only worthwhile game Microsoft has got from the Bethesda acquisition. Naturally it takes a Japanese studio to shine within a creatively bankrupt publisher/studio.
@TrickyDicky99 You nailed it. The first party output the last two years has been trash, and the pivot to GaaS will make the years to come even worse.
Hell if we getting xbox exclusive games I'll take lost odyssey
@Savage_Joe 😂 Oh no, the Wii browser! You win the contest. I once tried browsing the web on PS and it’s like making a PowerPoint using your smart phone: you can technically do it but it is probably considered a form of torture in some counties.
Jeff Grubb reporting that Sea of Thieves might also be coming, in addition to a few others.
@Ken_Kaniff trash? You're entitled to an opinion, but when it ignores excellent games like God of War, then it's completely invalid.
@naruball I'm not saying the few games they've put out are trash, but the amount is. 2023 for example had one first party game release and this year looks even worse.
@get2sammyb I'm always Sony first and foremost. Can't deny that they're successful financially, and release great first party games. Nevertheless, I'm annoyed at how creatively risk averse they've become (hyper focus on tentpole AAA, CoD, FIFA, GaS), how tone deaf they're towards the community (state of play, psblog) and how they leave their own innovations out to die in obscurity (psvr2, handhelds, remote play, premium streaming and the lack of mobile apps, dreams, studio Japan,...)
When I go through my ps1-ps3 & psp collection I'm always blown away at all the oddities these platforms had.
@Kidfunkadelic83 fair enough.
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