Insomniac Games has confirmed the long-awaited Marvel's Spider-Man 2 update that'll add New Game+, new suits, and much more will arrive on 7th March 2024. A tweet states a complete list of features will be shared closer to release, but until then, we know New Game+ and more Spider-Man suits are in.
The developer originally wanted to get the PS5 patch out before the end of last year, but it was delayed to early 2024 for "more testing". Now, we know it's exactly one month away. Other features like the ability to change the time of day, the option to replay missions, and tendril colour customisation were mentioned in the past, though this confirmation tweet doesn't. Expect them to be revealed in the full feature list closer to launch.
Unfortunately, some Spider-Man fans became overly agitated by the wait and started to hurl abuse at Insomniac Games online. This led to statements from members of the team like James Stevenson, who said the studio is "working to get things to you as fast as we can". Less than a week later, we have our answer.
Will you replay Marvel's Spider-Man 2 via New Game+? Let us know in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 45
So that’s it for Spider-man 2 huh? 🤣
I wonder what the more is? Online or new side missions maybe?
@colonelkilgore they had a devastating company wide hack cut them some slack let em get content out at whatever pace they need considering how much got leaked including personal employee information
I was waiting for new game+ to start my second playthrough. Excellent!
@JPEGMakima 🤣🤣🤣🤣 it was actually an in-joke at people who have been moaning about this on the forum:
People are starting to expect live service type updates in single player games and it's ridiculous. Spider-man 2 is a complete game. Anything added at this point is just a nice bonus.
Only took 5 months to get what should've been in the game day one..
Hopefully we'll get some reveal on post launch DLC soon, because that story length was pitifully short imo (still an 8/10 game overall tho!)
Hoping for some DLC, not too bothered about NG+ now since I've finished and got the plat
@DonJorginho completely agree. I don't know how to code a game but how difficult can it be to include a NG+ option day one. Then to make a song and dance when it's announced.
Glad they announced it but i'm a bit annoyed we had to wait this long for content it should have launched with, like come on you can't even the change the time of day something the previous two games had at launch. Still i get the feeling this update will have more then the planned Dec had so that's good. I hope the costumes have comic suits and a return of suits from the first game, i know some original suits are coming but i want some comic suits as well.
@Pinkman i dont know how to code a game either but prob harder than you think. Its not just adding a re run of the campaign. You have to ballance increased enemy health/strength/numbers in comparison to a fully upgrade spiderman for starters. Not saying it shouldnt or couldnt have been there from day 1 tho.
I guess those horrible people who was harassing insomniac games can be happy🤔.word up son
@colonelkilgore I see what you did there 🤣.
@SJR Same. I got the platinum and there’s too much exciting stuff in the backlog to bother with NG+ but some DLC would probably be a day one purchase for me….and I rarely care about DLC
Really messed up that the devs got childish death threats over something as trivial as this.
@Korra Only time I feel that it's not finished is when they decide to just not add in NG+ when japanese devs such as Fromsoft, Capcom, Square Enix, Sega(Ironic because of Infinite Wealth), and Atlus add that in at launch without any issue. Most of the time with western devs they dont add it in at launch. Especially now when we've never had this issue in the 360 era.
Wake me up when current gen, or next gen, or the gen after, have sandbox games with better physics than PS2 and PS3 games.
At some point I'll jump back on this, I've only played a couple of hours but got distracted by other games
Halfway through at the minute. Is it better to push on or wait until the patch is out then continue? Don't want to risk losing the enjoyment
If I were insomniac I would say we were due to release the update on the 7th of march but due to all the threats we have recieved we will now release on the 7th of April
I’m planning on doing a NG+ run when I platinum it so this is nice! I’ll save it for the summer tho
@MegaManX-7 well she has powers now so maybe they will make a Jackpot game eventually? Which could be really cool. Her powers are insane.
@Ryu_Niiyama Don't remind us of the goddawful state of 616 Spider-Man please, giving her powers and having her cheat on Peter with a gaslighting creep is just Marvel assassinating her hard. The sooner this run ends the better.
Will they add new trophies?
I’ll wait til a major sale, perhaps. The game is too short, has absolutely no enjoyment after completing the story and fire starter/sandman side quests (which are short and repetitive), and honestly felt more empty than even Miles Morales. Definitely don’t feel it justifies the price, or its current state in existence. New game plus will just add more opportunities to play more of the same. Hard pass.
That being said, don’t harass the devs. It’s fine to not be happy about a game, to not like it, whatever. But be a decent human being.
I mean, talk about entitled gamers guys. Not every game has to have new game+, or even new content.
Wonder if there will be new trophies
No expansion like The City That Never Sleep?
@MegaManX-7 I want to play the entire campaign as Atreus, and I want to be incredibly underpowered. Near useless melee, a hundred arrows to kill basic mobs. I’ll accept nothing less. Or more.
@Splat reading this just made me realize how bad game development has gotten and the expectations of the consumers
@colonelkilgore Exceptional work 🙌
That’s cool and all but I already moved past this game
Huge update? New Game+ and some new suits doesn't scream huge update to me so the title implies you know what the more is? Or do you mean huge in size digitally and we are going to need to clear some space for this one.
It’s strange how some throw around the word “entitled” and they don’t really know what it means.
You are entitled to expect value for money. You are entitled to have certain expectations as a consumer. So if you mean that then yes people are entitled to feel that way.
It’s not “entitled” the way you mean. Just accepting whatever a company does just because it’s your fave bit of plastic is ridiculous.
Reviewers are also an issue here, did they make people aware of all the stuff missing on launch? As a consumer do you need to research everything so throughly? Is it fair to assume a sequel would have the similar features to the first title? I’d say yes it is. Especially on some of the features listed above.
I’ve yet to buy the game. It’s great they are adding this stuff and I will pick it up soon.
@Savage_Joe read up…. No they aren’t. People are complaining above.
Ooooh I love me some Spiderman don't mind miles morales, I'm an old Spiderman fan since the 80s
I'm genuinely curious — why isn't New Game+ a day one feature?
@DennisReynolds cheat on peter? You can’t cheat on someone you aren’t in a relationship with. One more day irrevocably changed their dynamic and renew your vows didn’t fix it. Nobody cared when Pete was with Felicia (who spends more time with MJ now anyway…so maybe he just has bad luck with women), so why care if MJ has moved on? Pete isn’t the only character she can fall for. Honestly One More Day character assassinated him and 616 Pete can’t really recover from that. But there is a new run of ultimate spiderman on the way…where he is dissatisfied with marrying MJ and them having two kids in lieu of being Spiderman so no telling how he will throw that away. It seems you are only a fan of MJ as one specific role, so you do you. I’m looking forward to the new Jackpot and Black Cat miniseries on the way. Loved their last team up.
@MegaManX-7 Oh sorry, didn’t catch the tone of your post. Well to each their own. My hope for a MJ game was legitimate though. Personally I would like to see Exiles MJ but that will not happen anytime soon. But Jackpot? Jackpot’s powers are nuts. I sorta hate the limiter she has though even if it keeps her power consistent it also keeps her from going Omega Level mutant (she isn’t a mutant just using it as a comparison) on villains. But that might be for the best. MJ depending on the writer has a lot of hidden pain and while i don’t think she would ever abuse her powers others might not accept her brutalizing a non demon villain. Although her as Iron Spider again might be cool.
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@Ryu_Niiyama Um before she cheated on Peter with Paul in that weird dimension place her and Peter were back together and had been for ages, before she was trapped Peter was even planning on asking her to move in with him. Have you even been reading current Spider-Man? I won't bother going over everything but yeah she cheated on him with Paul a creep who basically gaslighted MJ into being with him and played a part in genocide something MJ is cool with. MJ has basically been nothing but a cow to Peter since who done nothing wrong except destroy his relationship with the F4 and Cap so all so he could rescue MJ. Yeah he's currently with Cat as she's his rebound something she's well aware off. This current run is dreadful and is just another "let's sh$t on Peter yet again".
@DennisReynolds I have been reading the current run Amazing Spiderman and Mary Jane and Black Cat. There was a time dilation and they weren’t together for 4 years with no way of knowing if they would ever get MJ back to 616. I misremembered and thought they had broken up before he left so I acknowledge your point. But also given the circumstances feel that MJ and Paul built a relationship (as much as the inherent shallowness of comics allows) and MJ did break up with Peter pretty quickly when she saw him again. If Peter had just been away for 4 years and MJ had been on 616 as well then sure she broke his trust, but stranded in an entirely different universe and no way home, no contact with Peter, she fell in love and moved on. It’s unfortunate but nothing he could do. She’s not his wife or fiancée anymore so she could move on. Plus they essentially trauma bonded, the kids weren’t real but to her and Paul they were. I still say she has a right to move on. Pete/Marvel made his relationship with her expendable long ago. So I will just see what happens. They likely won’t let her stay with Paul anyway because of fans like you but it sucks that these characters don’t get to grow outside their initial role because essentially what amounts to tradition. (Storm and Jean Grey are also stuck in the orbit of their “traditional “ love interests as well and it’s such bad writing)
Personally I would like to see them stay apart and MJ keep growing as a character beyond Pete but time will tell. I’m gonna ignore the rest of your misogynistic language towards her. Either way I would still love a Jackpot game.or some other iteration of MJ but I like her Jackpot powers.
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@Ryu_Niiyama "misogynistic language towards her." What? She's been pretty horrible to Peter since she returned and has been VERY out of character so much people were thinking she was brainwashed. I'm calling her out because yeah due to bad writing she's been a cow to Peter and its worse because Paul gaslighted her and played a part in genocide, a well written MJ would never be with someone like Paul nor would she be horrible to Peter over something he played no part in. As for misogynistic funny because this run killed Kamala to fuel a males story.
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