Microsoft will reveal more about its new business strategy during a podcast later this week, where it’s expected it’ll announce several formerly Xbox exclusive titles for PS5 and Nintendo Switch. The strongest speculation seems to surround Hi-Fi Rush and Sea of Thieves, although others like Starfield and Gears of War are apparently being “considered” by the trillion-dollar tech titan, too.
Now, in a summary of the situation, The Verge has reported that Obsidian’s passion project Pentiment could also make the transition to Sony’s system. The release, set in 1518, attracted generally rave reviews when it first launched back in 2022, and will likely represent another PS5 must-play when it allegedly arrives.
Despite the ongoing speculation, no one seems to know exactly how far Microsoft’s multiplatform plans go, although The Verge speculates that Xbox’s unprecedented growth – accelerated by its unfathomable $69 billion acquisition of Activision Blizzard – paired with Game Pass’ stagnating subscriber base has forced it to explore new ways to make money.
All will hopefully be cleared up during Thursday’s podcast, and we’ll of course bring you all of the details as soon as we’re privy to them.
[source theverge.com]
Comments 36
Thursday can't come fast enough. Pentiment and HiFi Rush are my two favorite games on Xbox by a mile. Don't get games like that from AAA devs anymore.
@Jayslow same here I beat hi fi but I’ll def play it again on ps5 for trophies and started pentiment and loved it but got sidetracked by other games only like three hours in so I’ll def buy that too
So they're starting with Xbox's two most interesting exclusives this generation. That's more than fine with me.
The pattern so far leans heavily towards small, well-received titles having 1+ year exclusivity window. Even more so when Ori and cuphead switch ports are included. We will see if there is a threshold for a size of game that is untouchable for PS. Hellblade 2 will be interesting to watch for over the next year or two. It's bigger than Hi Fi but still firmly in the smaller title category
Like the Activision fiasco I want to get this over with one way or the other, it shouldn't take this long for a multi trillion dollar company to communicate something by now.
GREAT game that should have been on PS5 ages ago
Pentiment is the perfect game for Switch. It’s not indie but it has a lot of that similar energy, plus it’s just very high quality in general. Hi-Fi Rush is gonna be my priority Xbox title I pick up tho (if they release a physical I might even pick that up over FF7Rebirth and Granblue Fantasy)
Never heard of it. I don't think it's gonna be a huge success in terms of sales units
Oooh, yes, I’ll be there for Pentiment too if it comes across.
Those smaller games like Hi-Fi Rush and Pentiment would make perfect sense for MS. They're not the type of exclusives that sell Xboxes so it wouldn't really move the needle, but it gets them some additional sales and might draw some extra users into their ecosystem.
They're also the type of games I'd love to try, so from a selfish point of view I'd be perfectly happy if they kept the big titles exclusive and made these multiplatform.
I wouldn't mind if exclusives disappear completely. PS games on Xbox and vice versa. I don't think it would change much. People have their digital libraries and will stick with what they know.
So bored of all this now. Just wait until the Xbox event on Thursday.
Lol. So we went from Indiana Jones and Starfield to Pentiment, Sea of Thieves and Hi-Fi Rush?
Like, don't get me wrong, both Hi-Fi Rush and Pentiment are great. But it will hardly hurt Microsoft's position on console market when they will port those games. They were not a system sellers and they were not supposed to be one. Not to mention Sea of Thieves which is 6 years old.
It's literally like if Sony decided to port Concrete Genie to Xbox.
@Rjak I still think big exclusives are an important way for platform holders to draw players into their ecosystems. It's true that digital libraries make it harder for people to switch platforms in the short-to-medium term, but there will always be new generations of players, that battle never ends.
Anyway and more importantly, just wanted to compliment you on an excellent choice of avatar. It's not often I see Carpenter Brut on video game forums.
I hope this happens as it makes good business sense.
All the wild speculation about Xbox shutting down their console business should be crushed tomorrow.
My guess is Xbox will be with us for years to come and maintain its AAA exclusives, but that Microsoft will port select games for profits on other consoles and try draw some in with them.
Pentiment is very much a game for ‘The Rest is History’ fans - it even has a bibliography and it did interest me enough to want to read more about the Protestant Reformation.
I'd like Microsoft to do well and give Sony a run for their money, competition is important. I'd also like to play their more unique recent titles - Pentiment, Hi-Fi Rush - on my PS5 or Switch as I don't own an Xbox or PC. So Win-Win for me basically. Not too fussed about their tentpole titles, there are similar experiences on PS5 anyway.
All I want is Rare Replay and Hi Fi Rush on Switch, keep the rest
As usual it seems the only console not getting any games is X Box. It honestly feels like they have turned their business into an absurdist comedy and I've got my popcorn ready for the stream. I feel bad for their customers, but X Box were incredibly naive not to realise putting all their exclusives and many expensive new releases on Gamepass day one would lead the corporate beast to consume itself and as a fan of competition I'm not celebrating that either.
Seriously though, what did they expect ? It's been like watching a car crash in slow motion. 69 billion in addition to vast over spending elsewhere while they forgot to make regular exciusives games for their games console !!! It just blows my mind 🤯
Gamepass was always unsustainable without insane growth and their projections were obviously never achievable and their addiction to outrageous spending without a good returns in reasonable timeframes meant they inadvertently lit the fuse on a ticking time bomb that was always going to blow sooner rather than later ! I'm just surprised the purse holders let things get this far.
I'm sure X Box will survive for now, but the bean counters will be demanding very drastic cut backs and customers were expecting a mass of rewards for their years of patience but instead just got told their most interesting exclusives are being released on their biggest competitor. I just don't know how much longer their patience will last and I'm not surprised many X Box users are reportedly jumping ship.
The problem is they need to reward their customers patience and loyalty by giving them what they've been promising for years now which won't come cheap while at the same time they must drastically reducing their spending and no matter how I look at it those two things are totally incompatible and there in lies the problem X Box have right now. I imagine they will only announce a couple of minor titles to reduce panic among the fold but it is obvious they are being forced to act now to stop hemorrhaging money and I would be shocked if most X Box exclusives were not on PlayStation by the end of the year because at this point they don't have many options left.
Thursday is going to be fun.bring on the games.word up son
After all the rumours if its just a couple of smaller AA games it's going to me such an anticlimax.
NatetheHate was backtracking his Starfield rumours yesterday and said he doesn't expect it on PS now (I read an article yesterday about it)
Let's see Thurdsay
This, sea of thieves and hi fi rush is all they'll say Thursday. The rest will be about their commitment to Xbox and it's exclusives.
But in truth the heads at Microsoft, not Xbox have already forced a multiplatform strategy on them because of the huge amount of money that division has spent in 5 years without return.
I expect every big Xbox game to appear on playstation and switch 2 no longer then 12 months post release.
Starfield is all but certain as is Indiana Jones
Kudos for the title since pegging seems to be the best way to describe the relationship between Sony and Microsoft right now.
I thought it looked great , unfortunately bored me to tears after an hour
@Kienda they're not gonna make much money from hi fi rush and this game to be fair ,if they want to make money its gonna have to be their big hitters , otherwise what's the point, they've alienated their user base for the sake of a few quid.
@Pranwell I've played both already and didn't enjoy Pentiment, found it very boring, but your mileage may differ
If we are unfortunate enough to have Starfield barfed all over our hallowed console I will be expecting significant compensation from PlayStation and hopefully free counseling 😭
I don't understand the hype around Pentiment. I played it, and lost track how many times I fell asleep with my controller in my hand playing this game.
So boring and unengaging.
Never forget Bethesda titles would have come to PlayStation and sold best there if it were not for Microsoft's meddling. It's not a gift when Bethesda titles come to PlayStation; it's the status quo.
Yeah, they can keep pentiment. I lasted like 15 min on a free gamepass month
@Shushibda profits are still profits.
The games are already made. They will cost little to port and they will make money. I can imagine Hi Fi Rush selling well on Switch, for example.
I don’t understand what you mean by alienating their user base though?
@Kienda The main points that I've seen debated in the context of feeling alienated are:
This is uncharted territory so it's very much understandable to be concerned. For me, at the moment I'm just happy that I'll be able to play stuff like Hi-Fi Rush on Switch (I could've gotten it for Series X last year but Switch lineup was so packed that I couldn't justify getting it on Xbox).
Thank you for explaining.
If Xbox goes full out porting games to PS5/Switch then I think you are right. But while that is wild speculation at the moment, I don’t think that will be the case.
I don’t see why Xbox would fight so hard for the right to exclusivity of Activision/Blizzard if they were suddenly going to kill their own console business. The rumours are hyperbolic and show the immaturity of the gaming community and the state gaming journalism is in right now.
With that in mind, I don’t think porting 2 or 3 games will be alienating their user base. It can only be a benefit since those games have been times exclusives on Xbox already.
That’s my take at least. And if we find out tomorrow all the rumours are true, I’d agree that alienation is a thing. 😁
Yes, I need any new Josh Sawyer joint on my ps5.
One of the games I voted for in the recent Push Square poll on which Microsoft games I'd like to see on PS5. Glad it's at least being considered.
Once Microsoft starts basking in the glow of PlayStation money, everything Xbox “exclusive” will be released on PlayStation. Completely redefines Xbox exclusivity. Is it? Isn’t it? How long is it?
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