If you're the least bit interested in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, it's likely that you're already doing your best to avoid spoilers — but we just wanted to point out that key plot points are already being banded about the internet in pretty much plain sight.
Naturally, there will be plenty of people who want to know what happens in Rebirth — and how it adapts the original Final Fantasy 7's most important scenes — and this has seemingly spurred a spoiler epidemic across sites like YouTube in particular.
Now, we've obviously played through Rebirth for review, and so we know what actually constitutes as a major spoiler — and guess what? YouTube's already peppering our recommended videos with thumbnails that completely ruin certain parts of the game. It's a sad sight as channels clamour for clicks, and arguably the worst part is that the spoilers will inevitably spread from here on out.
So, if you even slightly care about how Rebirth unfolds, we're recommend extreme caution across YouTube and social media. For a game like this, all it takes is a single screenshot to unravel key moments and potential surprises.
Will you be going dark while you play through Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth? Let out a deep sigh in the comments section below.
Comments 29
Thanks for the info. I uninstalled Facebook and wont open youtube as well until i finish it!
Thanks for the PSA
Like omg like. Hope we all survive somehow
1. The game's available 2. The plot is well known, so I don't see any harm here at all.
Removed - trolling/baiting
Here's the greatest spoiler of all... it was cup noodles all along!
Well, to be expected.
I played a bit yesterday before bed. I still like the combat like I did on the first part of the remake, but last year's game had better combat imo. This one just starts so complicated right from the start...if you press O and attack you do a range attack, but if you hold you do a air attack, but if you hold with dodging first it does other attack, and if you press R1 you can do synergy attacks with a different bar from the ATB bar that does special attacks...omg
"The game is 24 years old! What even is there to spoil?" 🤓
Are we forgetting Remake made it very clear that this trilogy is more pseudo sequel than a straight remake, and that things can and will change, events that aren't in the original will be included? Or are we just being smartasses?
You have to love Youtube, pay scale so toxic that ruining the most anticipated game of the year is profitable.
Best advice I give to people that wanna avoid spoilers on YouTube is add the Video Blocker for YouTube extension on your Chrome and add any relevant words to the game you are trying to avoid
I’ve been training YouTube for a month to now show me any Final Fantasy content plus blocking words from social media.
YouTubers who put spoilers in the thumbnail are the worst king of *****…
I don't see anything on my YT stream except F U Biden videos.
I’m ignoring everything I possibly can. I just got done playing the intro and it was sublime.
Thanks!! I don't know when I will play the game, so some spoilers will unfortunatelly reach me, but I will use less youtube this week specially.
I hate rushing media to avoid spoilers so as @freddquadros said, some will probably get to me. Hate that people do it but can’t stop them unfortunately. Just don’t click that *****. Who is clicking it?
The first rule of gaming is to not be on the internet if you don’t want the story ruined for you lol.
Yeah this is when i hate Youtube as its impossible to avoid this stuff if you go on there.
@nocdaes Guess you never played Remake as the plot isn't well known considering its a new plot.
@nocdaes It's been less than 24 hours and the game dropped in the middle of the work week. Just because it's available doesn't mean everyone who's interested has played to the end, and it doesn't give license to people to spoil plot points (which as others have said may very well be brand new).
I turned off recommendations from youtube abour a year ago. Such a good decision!
I beat the original back in 97, so idk what can be spoiled for me personally unless they changed something but I'll steer clear of YT anyway
@GrandValkyrie They went full kingdom hearts in this one
Leaks was out weeks ago when the review copies was out. I am glad I checked them out saved me money on buying this game. That's moment literally defined this game and of course they had to mess it up with their kingdom heart multi verse bs
@DennisReynolds Remake is the exact same plot as Disc 1 of the original!
There is plenty of new content to pad out the experience, but the plot is identical. As are all the key moments.
@nocdaes It wasn't part of the original plot that Zack is still alive, as shown in the ending. Or that Sephiroth and other characters are aware of future events. Or that Biggs doesn't die. The new events are spoilers too; that's what a spoiler usually is - a new thing that the player hasn't seen yet. So things like Barret being killed but being resurrected by the Whispers should be considered a spoiler.
Also, it's not the plot of if disc 1, it's just the first 5 or 6 hours. Most of disc 1 is Rebirth. After 4 years we're still on disc 1. 😄
@nocdaes Congrats you either never played Remake or can't remember the plot of FF7.
@DennisReynolds a plot is the main events. The main events are the exact same. You need to look up what a plot is lol
@nocdaes You haven't played FF7R thanks for confirming.
@DennisReynolds of course I have! You clearly haven't played the original to think there are some key differences in the plot of the game!
Why not enlighten us as to these big game changing differences in the plot between the original and the remake?!
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