The people have spoken. Amid countless rumours that Xbox is planning a pivot to bring some of its games to other consoles, we now know what's top of the list when it comes to what fans want to see make the jump to PlayStation. We held a poll earlier this week asking our readers which Xbox franchise they'd most like to play on PS5 and PS4, and the results are now in.
After nearly 12,000 votes, it's Gears of War that takes the top honour. Yes, the gory third-person shooter is the most wanted Xbox series to come to PlayStation, according to our readers at least. It pips Halo to the post, which took nine per cent of the votes compared to Gears' 11 per cent. Third in the rundown is Bethesda's RPG series, The Elder Scrolls, with eight per cent.
Beyond that, things are relatively evenly spread between the likes of Indiana Jones, Fable, Forza Horizon, and Starfield. After that, things taper off somewhat. Interestingly, there are a number of Xbox franchises that received less than one per cent of the total votes; games like Crackdown, Battletoads, Grounded, Pentiment, Viva Piñata, and several others didn't get much love at all.
Here's the top 20 most wanted Xbox-owned franchises our readers want on PlayStation:
- Gears of War (1,147 votes)
- Halo (999 votes)
- Indiana Jones (810 votes)
- The Elder Scrolls (807 votes)
- Forza Horizon (701 votes)
- Fable (688 votes)
- Starfield (624 votes)
- Fallout (549 votes)
- Marvel's Blade (380 votes)
- Hellblade (365 votes)
- DOOM (356 votes)
- Hi-Fi Rush (325 votes)
- Microsoft Flight Simulator (310 votes)
- Banjo-Kazooie (272 votes)
- Forza Motorsport (251 votes)
- Wolfenstein (210 votes)
- Sunset Overdrive (206 votes)
- Avowed (202 votes)
- Age of Empires (199 votes)
- Sea of Thieves (196 votes)
We suppose there are no huge surprises here, although we'd have expected Crackdown and one or two others to be a little higher. Anyway, Gears of War is the winner here. Did you vote for this series? Would you play it or any other Xbox franchises on PS5? Discuss in the comments section below.
Comments 88
Gears of War is far and away Xbox’s best first party ongoing series and one of my favourite series of all time.
Also I remember Naughty Dog saying a lot of the gameplay in Uncharted 1 was inspired by the first Gears of War.
Yeah would like to play the first three again, but I've heard the later versions aren't up to scratch.
I want Lost Odyssey port most.
The original Halo and Gears of War trilogies were Xbox at their peak, no doubt.
GoW is the closest thing Xbox Studios have made to what PlayStation is known for - I only played the first one (as it released on PC when I still used that for gaming) but it was everything I like in a action-adventure game.
When I've bought XsX a couple of years ago, the very first thing to install was Halo Infinite, praised by critics and players... Well, to be honest I could not make it through the campaign. Seemed boring and dull. But Gears of War felt awesome even despite it's initial release date. Maybe it's just me, but I'd place Gears much higher than Halo on the list.
@AndyKazama I voted for Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon 😁
There are dozens of us! Dozens!
Pfft had Gears back in the day on 360, it was great but nothing too special. If it came to that, I'd want Forza Horizon but I think they should just keep their Studio exclusives and let the Bethesdas go back to being multiplat. Else all exclusives should cease and let's see Uncharted and co. on Xbox to be fair.
Getting ports of Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie with trophies on PS would feels so good. New Wolfenstein and especially Sunset Overdrive would love to see on PS5
@Tomato_Goose nah I agree. GOW is mad unadulterated fun, I'll never understand the halo hype.
Actually quite liked infinite and played its mp for a while but it's nowhere near my fav ever fps games.
Sadly the old ones are outdated.
On another note, granted Doom and Wolfenstein are already on ps as is but do that many people not want a new game in the series on ps yo 😭
Also not even a mention of Dishonored wtf
@Tomato_Goose I voted for GoW and didn't vote for Halo.
Tbf though, I could see the argument that Halo is the kind of game that's kind of missing on PS, while GoW is pretty close to the typical PS Studios output.
....and for the price of buying all those ports brand new, you could have bought a Series console and had access to them now. 😛
Okay, yes, in this case I am purposefully trolling for fun! Sorry, not sorry...this time. 🤣
I didn't vote because I have access to all of them.
Blue Dragon probably has the most improvement when played on a Series X. No more slowdown and terrible screen tear!
Lost Odyssey looks pretty good with AutoHDR!
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Gears was top of the list. It is the most "PlayStation" game on the list.
No one really cares for Xbox exclusives anymore.
Probably the only care is for
Forza and the original trilogies of halo and gears.
I mean the newer halo games are meh and the newer gears games are meh.
I'm intrigued that the list of games over half of them are from franchises which were and have a deep history as a multiplatform game.
GOW and 2, but especially the first is a stone cold classic. Ive never got why people rave about Halo really. Ive completed them all apart from the latest one and i didnt think any were more than a reasonable shooter with spongy enemies with regenerating shields. Wolfenstein was really good tho although it felt really long for some reason. Forza has been trash since the sublime Forza motorsport 4.
Yeah gears of war is more interesting to me than halo.but its all good also.a new doom game is welcome.the blade game looks cool.word up son
Gears is excellent and i would happily replay them on PS5 despite owning them on Series S already.
You cowards didn't vote for Killer Instinct?
It's a freaking GEM. It is literally the one IP Microsoft actually did justice with. Best fighting game of the PS4/X1 generation imo.
Playstation crowd votes the third person cinematic action game as the franchise they'd most like to see. Colour me surprised
PlayStation folk mostly like stories with there games, and I know Halo has lore, but is it really worth sinking your teeth into?
I voted for lost odyssey... was always intrigued by that Xbox exclusive. From the new stuff though I want Indy and Blade, though I'm cautious since it's made by arkane.
i liked Gears and I've played them all until 4 but I don't know whether I like them enough to rebuy them. The only ones I'd buy immediately without thinking twice are the three Fable games.
I only played the first 3 Gears and thought they were massively over-rated. 3 of my picks made the top 5. They were The Elder Scrolls, Indiana Jones and Forza Horizon, the other 2 I picked were Wolfenstein and Sea of Thieves.
Despite what the comments might have made you think (Forza Horizon and Starfield). Gears of War easily ranks as one of the best game series one ever played. I haven't played the last two entries, but the trilogy man... It was PERFECT. The sound of shotgun kills and headshots... Perfection.
I completed Gears of War Ultimate Edition when I had the Series S, was pretty decent but kinda weird they haven't gave the same treatment to 2-3 yet as for me they were unplayable after playing the Ultimate version of the first game.
I also played Halo Infinite and tbh visually it wasn't great and the enemies/weapons didn't impress me, it felt all too much arcade, and the open world design was one of the worst I've seen in a major exclusive.
I thought PlayStation players claim xbox games are trash ? now the readers want Xbox games on Ps..
Hard pass on Gears for me. Never understood the appeal of the series. As a console agnostic, it may be the least appealing tentpole exclusive to me.
I would definitely be happy to play Gear of War on PlayStation, the original game was probably the main reason why I bought an Xbox 360. Halo is a different thing. I am really not a fan of that series at all, I’ve tried to like it but I just never really enjoyed the games all that much.
i'd happily replay the gears trillogy on ps5.
On the one hand, everyone has their own tastes and preferences and the data is both interesting and eye opening to what Microsoft has in its pockets.
On the other, I can’t think of a series more mundane, uninspiring and dull as the Gears games. Played through the campaigns of the original trilogy more out of an obligation than actual desire. Used to either rent the games from Blockbuster or wait till I found second hand copies for a Fiver or less.
@ConsoleGamer86 I agree, but if you notice the games that most PS users wants to play are the OG Halo 1-3 and GoW 1-3, games from the golden era of 360 (Halo1 from OG XBOX), I couldn't care less for XBOX from X1 onwards...
Still, I don't like this polls, wait until an official announcement before start butchering XBOX, maybe you all will get a surprise with their announcement and not in a good way.
How did Doritos Crash Course not get top spot? This is clearly rigged.
Well the way Xbox studios have performed since the series consoles released only expect to play a lot of old games as so far we not had many new ones or anything that good.
Gears of war was very good first time round but what the hell do we want to play very old games for again.
Even Naughty Dog are joining in now the masters of the remaster ND.
Gaming industry new game wise is becoming a desperate sham of old games.
I voted for Crackdown, but I guess there weren't many others.
The poll was totally broken. A lot of the games in the list were not Xbox games.
Fallout, Doom, TES, etc are NOT Xbox games. They're games that are potentially being held hostage by Microsoft, but they're not Xbox games. Fable, Halo and Gears of War are examples of a Xbox games.
@Loamy your are 100% right. It's not "entitlement" either. They are all multiplatform games taken over by Microsoft, not Xbox games.
Truly, before the Bethesda deal, the one and only Xbox franchise I had the slightest interest in was Forza. Had the future ES games and Starfield still be on PS, I wouldn't have ever cared about this at all.
Gears 1-3, halo mcc collection and sunset overdrive with 60 fps support is all I need from xbox 😃
And I want rare replay too.
Halo should never come to playstation… Halo itself IS the soul of XBOX
I played some Gears of War 4, and it was surprisingly mediocre game. combat wasn't crunchy and lacked impact, difficulty was wonky, and someone but a giant red hear in the middle of the screen whenever you got hurt like an intern made a game in 2008.
For these reasons, Gears did not get any of my votes.
Killer Instinct not even making the top 20 depresses me beyond words ☹️ Microsoft has a top tier fighting game franchise and just let it die (like many other of their IPs) and rot to the point that people forgot it even exists.
Sunset Overdrive and Hi-Fi Rush that low guys???
Only reason I ever owned an Xbox 360 then Xbox one. Unfortunately after that I sold em. Nothing else interested me on Xbox.
@CharlieChooChoo the new ones are still solid
@MattBoothDev Xbox owns them they are Xbox games
It was always going to be either Gears or Halo at the top. These are two of the best of their genre and Playstation doesn't have anything that really fills the void of those two currently.
Uncharted filled the 3rd person shooter spot nicely but we haven't gotten one in a while now and Naughty Dog doesn't sound like they want to do multiplayer anymore so Gears is a great fit here.
As for Halo, it's still one of the best FPS series out there and both Resistance and Killzone are nonexistent so there you go.
Hellblade and and Avowed
OG gears was incredible. It was one of the reasons the 360 was amazing. Such a shame they literally ruined the series tbh, if EPIC still had it, it could potentially be a different situation.
@Toot1st Nope. All those games are multiplatform.
Definitely wouldn't say no to a nice bit of Halo and Gears on the PS5 to be honest. That would be epic. Could get rid of my Xbox One then.
Good to see the people making the right decision. Halo peaked in the first 2 games and fell off hard after 3. Gears would be fantastic to have.
@Korgon Resistance 1 and 2 were as good as Halo 1 and 2. They just didn't get pushed as hard and R3 had a weird and kind of pointless story.
I agree with them. Gears has a better story, characters, and gameplay. I still play Gears 5 multiplayer to this day on PC.
@BeautifulCreatures the gameplay is still awesome though in 4 and 5. I'd consider it perfected honestly.
Would be interesting to see what PS games Xbox gamers would most want on their console.
Maybe pure xbox could run a theoretical poll?
Sunset Overdrive in 17th is criminal. Just feels right to hit PS after Insomniac were purchased by Sony
Don't care about Gears or Halo :shrug:
@Moonmonkey 4 and 5 were still pretty good fun, but aside from a few new weapons they feel like more of the same. IMO still worth playing, but I wouldn’t buy them at $70 if they were released today.
Oh I love Resistance 1 and 2. I don't think I'd put it quite on par with Halo 1 and 2 but they are all great games. Would love to see Insomniac take another crack at Resistance but well we know that's not happening anytime soon. 😂
Hifi rush and Forza 4 or 5 that is all
Oh my goodness I dislike gears of war so much the problem is probably with me. I'm glad other people are happy it's always a good thing to get new games.
@pip_muzz brains have been turned into mush i doubt anyone here could play a first person game unless it has x-ray vision
I see two outcomes of this. Either it is just Activision Blizzard games will stay multiplatform or they will put older IP on PS to get people hooked then have the latest ones exclusive. Make money off the old and get migration for the new
I would agree. Never got into Halo even when the first was released in 2001. Gears is a much more interesting IP.
"Xbox has no good exclusives I'd ever want!" - Sony Fanboys 2 weeks ago.
Amusing. Xbox replies: Oh so you want all those do you? Hmm, well here you go ...
Have Hi-Fi rush and Sea of Thieves. Oh and please take Starfield too 😉.
There's very few Xbox games I'm absolutely clamoring for. No full series really. Hi-fi Rush is probably the one I'm most interested in. And I am definitely interested in that Blade game. Aside from that, mild interest in Forza, Indiana Jones, and that's about it.
Gears of war trilogy would be my second. I mean I know it’s more than one but I’d like masterchief collection on ps5. Running 120 would be great. And my favorite will always be Reach. The last great halo and of course Bungie made it. My opinion that was the pinnacle of halo. 3 great reach greater. Just me
@Ken_Kaniff I had a 360 for a while before RROD (those were the days) and I loved the original Crackdown.
Part of me really wants GOTY editions of Fallouts 3 and New Vegas as well as Oblivion on PS5. I know some can be streamed but it's not the same plus the streaming versions tend to be update free which is a particular pain considering the original Fallout 3 ending
Wow lost odyssey not even in the top 20 is sad 😞
@Maaster89 Yea the first Crackdown was a banger. I remember becoming really addicted to that game out of no where.
Halo and gears have been awful for over a decade so I guess even after spending 80 billion Microsoft still doesn’t have any good exclusives
With the new rumor that Starfield info was false it is looking like it is back to AA level games like Hi Fi Rush, pentiment and live service like Sea of Thieves. Nate the Hate is saying that he can confirm the starfield information was wrong but the January report(hi fi rush/sea of thieves) is still correct.
Basically undoes all the wild speculation of the last week.
Weird, The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Hellblade, DOOM and Wolfenstein are already on PlayStation.
Not surprised people would prefer Gears as it's still a great series even if the recent entries, which were very good, didn't match 1-3.
I liked the game when I played it way back in the day… the first one that is… and I always thought the characters were weirdly bulging. I lump that style in with the chibi style. It’s just off-putting.
Quality game though from what I can remember!
I’d rather Halo personally, if only for nostalgia.
And still I haven’t played a single Gears of War after buying my first Xbox a year ago. Are there any games in the series that are still cool when you don’t feel the nostalgia? I have GP so probably have access to them all.
I watched a friend play HALO at their place many times and never understood why people like it as much. Mediocre FPS.
@Tielo Correct, although the studios involved in the production of said titles have all been hoovered up by Microsoft.
Removed - trolling/baiting
@Korra So good lol
My favorite fighting game roster tbh
Keep dreaming Playstation Fanboys. You will never see Gears or Halo on a playstation.
@Dodoo ratchet and clank please 😍 also love jak n Dexter shame they never kept it going 😭
@Decimateh-xblz well you clearly have a good taste in games!
@Korra Nice!!! I love Orchid but wasn't great playing as her myself. I'm a Spinal guy ☠ lol
@Dodoo but he left out sly cooper
@nomither6 I soooo nearly mentioned that! 🤣
Was State of Decay not in this poll? It’s the main reason I bought an Xbox a few years ago.
GoW by far the biggest title.
Jade Empire would be great too
@AndyKazama definitely the map music alone is a good enough reason to want that port. For me gears 1, halo 1-2 & 3, Jade empire and Fable 1
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