Dreams remains a tremendous hub for imaginative players (and is home to some truly excellent creations), but the underplayed PS4 exclusive will, sadly, remain a PS4 exclusive. Outcry from fans about the game's potential were it to be released on more platforms — particularly PC — have been around since the start, but unfortunately, ports to PS5 and beyond never materialised. Now that ongoing development of the PS4 version is over, ports will never happen, but there are now rumblings that they very nearly did.
Lance McDonald, a modder known for getting Bloodborne running at 60 frames-per-second, recently spoke about what he'd heard from connections at Media Molecule. During a Twitch livestream, he claims that Media Molecule "finished the PC port" of Dreams, and the game was also due to get an "enhanced edition for PS5" with support for keyboard and mouse controls as well as ray tracing. McDonald says he knows all this because he "knows a guy that was testing it".
Unfortunately, this was all cancelled around the same time we heard about staff layoffs at the studio, says McDonald, despite the PC port in particular supposedly being ready to go.
A PS5 and PC port of the game was never officially confirmed, so we have to treat this as a rumour for now. It is, ultimately, just hearsay. However, it seems relatively likely, especially as the studio talked around the idea of bringing Dreams to PC long before it was released.
Media Molecule told us it stopped live support of Dreams because it couldn't find a sustainable path for the game. While it remains active and playable on PS4, it'll sadly never make it to other platforms, despite — apparently — getting very close.
[source twitch.tv, via gameinfinitus.com, resetera.com]
Comments 25
I never played it, was it any good? Looking for honest opinions.
Also, I realised that December this year marks playstations 30th anniversary. I feel old.
Reckon we will get some tasty news and updates closer to the time?
This is very odd, especially, as Dreams is a game that is tailor-made for a PC release.
If it was only ready for release by the time the layoffs came then thats still far too late.
Seems like product of their own downfall unfortunately.
They should have released then let it sail off with PSVR2 support.
@MrGilly69 really good from the dabble I had with it at release… it’s a lot though (as I’m sure it needs to be for peoples’ creative needs to truly be fulfilled). It quickly became a little intimidating to me though and I returned to just playing games rather than trying my hand at making them 😅
Id have loved for this to get psvr2 support. There are some wonderful things that people made in this that would have been amazing on it.
How this didn't get a PS5 release, therefore supporting PSVR2 for years to come is beyond me,
Some of the decisions made by PlayStation these days are truly baffling.
Ultimately nowhere near enough people bought it.
Colin Moriarty made a very damning point last year that when Dreams went into early access MM said that "their only allowing a million copies to be sold so the servers don't get overloaded"
from that point till it's full release it never went off the store. So the game must fell very short of the 1m threshold.
The best thing they could have atleast done is give the game a PSV2 port. I don't mind the lack of a PS5 port as you can still play on it with improved performance but the fact that you are forced to have a PSVR1 just to play the game on VR is infuriating. Sony always say how much they care about live service but between this and the cancelled Spiderman and TLoU multiplayer projects, I'm starting to have my doubts.
It probably would have done significantly better on PC. Console isn't exactly the most ideal place to do art/game development.
They should have bundled a PS5 port with the console, imagine creating games with haptic feedback options. I still like to boot up the game every now and then to play any new horror creations.
A PC port would've been fantastic. Mouse+keyboard and an increase in scope would've been a great thing for the game.
Another good decision 😂 would of loved this on ps5.
@MrGilly69 I’ve put 3000 hours into it, and it sparked my game dev career, so I’d say it’s absolutely amazing to me personally, though it may differ for you if you have no interest in game dev
We gotta start a petition for Mm to release the PC port if it truly was ready to go, shouldn’t be that hard to release then, right?
I’m surprised Media Molecule still around there games doesn’t appeal to enough people.
@GamingFan4Lyf Interms of controls and creativity PC for sure but I wonder how profitable PC ports are given and quickly and frequently PC games go on sale and how deep the discounts are. Sony may have deemed the gains vs having to support servers for longer as not worth it.
@DiamondCore I don't have a creative bone in my body so I doubt it's for me. If it's more complex than say lbp level creator, 100% not my game.
If this is true, then I'm pretty gutted. I used Dreams a lot to create a number of games that I was passionate about. The PS4 held it back massively. For anyone still dabbling, you can see some of my creations under the profile "tony1979". My horror game "Check Out at the Bellevue" was very well received, but an audience on PC?! ... next level.
Honestly if they had the PC version ready, they really should of just released it. I think a PC version could of really given Dreams a shot in the arm, since a lot of people maybe wanting to try out game creation, already have a PC
Noooooo! Noooooooooo!
Instead of GaaS generic shooters Playstation should have had some dedicated time to Dreams. Creative games can be huge (Roblox, etc), it just needs to be invested in. This game launched and was rarely spoken about again. PSVR2 support, a PC port, and maybe a "special" spot somewhere in the game store would have done wonders.
Should have just used the TLOU Factions money they pissed away to support MM
Oft, if that's true that's so dumb. Dreams would thrive on PC and would have been kept alive for so much longer by modding communities.
Maybe it's just me (although given how many tutorials called for the move controllers, I suspect it's not) but it seemed pretty much impossible to control in creation mode with the dualsense, because it needed the extra axis provided by the gyro, but the gyro drifts like crazy (which is a common issue with the technology in general, and I tend to see it as more of an addition to stick assuming, rather than another 2-3 axes) on both my controllers making it impossible to be precise. A PC release would have been great, and could have just used similar controls to Unity/Unreal/Godot, while I wonder what they could have done for PS5, other than giving it psvr2 support
@MrGilly69 "Also, I realised that December this year marks playstations 30th anniversary. I feel old."
You mean last year? We already celebrated the 30th anniversary with the special 30th anniversary boot/backgrounds on PS5/Pro...
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