Who is the real-life model Eve is based on in Stellar Blade? Eve's curves and revealing attire has attracted a lot of fans to Shift Up's console debut, but is she inspired by a real person and who is it? On this page, as part of our Stellar Blade guide, we're going to answer the question: who is the real-life model Eve is based on?
Who Is the Real-Life Model Eve Is Based on in Stellar Blade?

Stellar Blade's protagonist Eve is based on real-life South Korean model Shin Jae-eun. We spent months searching for confirmation of the Instagram star’s inclusion after she was originally rumoured to be associated with the game, and so we went directly to the source, asking Game Director Hyung-Tae Kim if the rumours were true.
“Yes, we did base the character of Eve on the model Shin Jae-eun,” he confirmed. “We thought that her body shape would be a good reference for the character that we were pursuing. But the face was created originally in-house – it’s just the body of the model that we scanned for the game.”

Asked why the team settled on Jae-eun as the game’s model, Kim elaborated: “Of course it depends on how you define beautiful bodies, but for us we wanted to come up with the most attractive looking body for the user, so this is why we made the decision to work with her.”
You can see more of Eve, and subsequently Shin Jae-eun, in our All Outfits and How to Get Them guide for Stellar Blade.
Where Can You See More of the Real-Life Model Eve from Stellar Blade Is Based On?

You can follow Shin Jae-eun — the real-life model developer Shift Up scanned into Stellar Blade to create Eve's body — on Instagram, where she currently has over 700,000 followers. Shin Jae-eun also has an X (or Twitter) account with over 200,000 followers, a YouTube account with 140,000 subscribers, and a TikTok account with 2,000 followers. For more exclusive content, you can also subscribe to her Likey account for direct messaging and more.
Who Are Eve from Stellar Blade's Official Cosplayers?
In order to promote Stellar Blade's launch in Asia, Sony hired a slew of models and influencers to cosplay as the Stellar Blade heroine. These included, Korean cheerleader Lee Dahye, Indonesian influencer Larissa Rochefort, Singaporean star Rurusama, and Malaysian model Le Josette. All four appeared at various launch events around the Asian region.
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Did this page answer your question: who is the real-life model Eve is based on in Stellar Blade? Let us know if you love the look of Eve in the comments section, and be sure to refer to our Stellar Blade guide for more information.
Comments 86
Eve looks awesome. The gameplay needs to be great, though. I'll be the first to admit I love some 'fanservice' but if the gameplay lacks substance, I tune out pretty quickly. It looks good in videos, so I'm hopeful, but can't judge until I get a chance to experience it myself.
@Gamer83 More to come from this interview! They sound very confident about their combat gameplay!
The video game eve definitely have a nicer body than the real life than that model shin jae -un.i never seen a asian woman that got sir mix a lot baby got back.black women definitely got the best body.onion booty😀.haha.word up son
So much for 'unrealistic proportions'. Looking forward to April. Hopefully it doesn't get delayed.
While she is very beautiful, the model's thigh do not compare to how thiccc they are in game lol
They've definitely embellished her form more than IRL
It's admirable that Asian developers still strive to make attractive female characters in their games.
That's good, glad they're confident and to be honest, I'm confident enough in what I've seen that I'll pre-order it as soon as Gamestop starts taking them.
She certainly looks nice, but that in itself wouldn't be enough to sell me a game. Fortunately the gameplay and setting looked great as well, so I'll be looking forward to this whenever it comes to PC.
@Kidfried She deserved to be fired as she was causing unnecessary issues for the company. You can't just get a job at a company known for 'fanservice' and then demand things change. Its pure entitlement.
Ah yes, only the most attractive body for the main character they can market for us boys because "Ooooooo boobies" and nothing much else, at least it seems in my eyes considering Shift Up and their gatcha game NIKKE
Digital Foundry will still be upset knowing this. 😂
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@Fighting_Game_Loser According to Sensor Tower, NIKKE made $27 million last month. Only Genshin Impact made more.
I saw the story floating around and it seems there was more to it than just her being feminist. Maybe I lack morals, but I don't let any of this change whether I purchase games or not. If I did, I wouldn't buy anywhere near as many games as I do, especially from the big 3, because almost all these do scummy stuff.
Surprised it's not on consoles yet if it's doing that much $. Surely there's even more to make.
A great looking body is nice, don’t get me wrong, but you can find that anywhere on the internet or streaming these days. How is the gameplay though? THAT is the real question. From what I’ve seen so far, it looks promising but then again, so have a lot of games that didn’t measure up upon release. Time will tell…..
@Gamer83 Agreed. I wouldn't boycott a game over this stuff too.
Happy that all the outfits will be obtainable in game by just playing.
@Gamer83 Yeah, I'm surprised too. (Although the gameplay is basically non-existent, it's very much made for phones.)
I asked them about this last year and they said no plans: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2023/11/stellar-blade-dev-has-no-plans-to-port-saucy-shooter-goddess-of-victory-nikke-to-ps5
I'm very offended with this objectification of female body. Also, I must say it is not easy typing this with only one hand.
@playstation1995 Onion booty 😂, Word up son! for real home dawg.
I forgot about that article. But I know I saw it because I commented, concerned it would get censored (like I was concerned about Stellar Blade too before the recent re-reveal). Will be interesting to see what happens if Stellar Blade sells well and if the companies enjoyed working together, maybe that would lead to PS4 and 5 ports, even if the gameplay is very simplistic. There's probably more simple, worse games already available on PSN.
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A certain Dove advert about gaming comes to mind 🥲
Don’t be stupid, the female bodies all too often displayed in film and videogames are completely unattainable. To suggest a real woman looks like this is just so misogynistic and …oh, you have proof.
Is this confirmed? No DLC that can’t be found in game or bought by collecting in game currency? Some things I don’t mind grinding on…
For this role, I would have expected at least a Taekwondo practitioner, not a barely naked skinny model from your classical adult magazine. I wonder if this game has any interest for someone above 15 years old.
@Zenos That is ofcourse total nonsense in every normal country if you get fired for that reason they will be totally destroyed legally.
I don't mind pretty women but your reaction is a joke. I will be still buying the game but I really disagree with your standpoint.
Everyone has the right to talk their mind and if it's a good reason should someone accept this with your reasoning we would still live in the 50's.
You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.
@thefourfoldroot1 It's in the article. They said everything can be obtained in-game.
Of course, this doesn't necessarily mean they can't add more outfits as DLC later, but everything that's currently planned (apart from a few pre-order bonuses I believe) can be earned by playing the game.
@Kidfried I salute you for not immediately disparaging people who enjoy the character.
Having said that, if you notice nobody ever gets fired because they were a bad employee, so just believing rumors because they are a " hot button topic" is a slippery slope.
She is absolutely gorgeous. No doubt about that! I bet she probably felt pretty good to hear people thought her looks were too good to be true. Talk about a flex!
The game looks like a fun time too! Looking forward to April.
@B0udoir What's so unreasonable to think it can't be both. I lived in Korea for 2 years, and the sport is fairly popular.
Also walking in the big cities seeing women that looked like anime was pretty common
More than a few times friends and myself may have stopped and dropped jaws
@Kidfried the same for me
Every body is unattainable to most. Genetics. Does that mean no body type should be shown, or do we just choose which body type is “good” and “bad”?
Must have missed that bit - danger of reading at work lol. Thanks.
@Flaming_Kaiser I disagree with the false equivalence in your post.
I've heard the game was heavily inspired by Nier Automata, which is the exact vibe I got from watching the latest trailer.
So I'm sold on it already.
Also it's like they went the route that Yoko Taro did with 2B i.e. they just like girls.
@Deadlyblack They’re using the same composer for some of the music too!
@thefourfoldroot1 It's called Filters and Professional Artist Make Up, take her make up off and have a natural phone camera take the picture and you won't be saying she's unattainable. Same goes for guys in films as well with flawless looks and smooth skin and those in their 60's looking like they just hit 30 lol.
Who cares? Really?
@get2sammyb I'm apprehensive about the difficulty level. I would be curious to see if there are difficulty levels because they have made it sound like it will be a pretty challenging experience which I might struggle with which is disappointing.
Edit looks like IGN Japan confirmed difficulty options which is a relief! but looking forward to the combat article as I still like a bit of a challenge.
All these characters that look nothing like the mo cap actors, but supposedly meant to be based on them, should stop letting these jackasses use their likeness if all they are doing is making them look LESS attractive. It's disrespectful to the actors!
@get2sammyb Exactly lol. They know how to generate revenue very well
@Czar_Khastik lolz I was waiting for this comment 🤣
@Steel76 To me its even more confusing because onlyfans is so popular and the women on there are cheered on. "get your bag girl!". But then we see a hot girl in a game and its a problem? I cant keep up with this crap anymore.
I love their honestly, instead of PC crap. We wanted a hot woman, so we found one. Truth!
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I’m so ready for this game. April can’t get here soon enough.
We’re talking body shape not make up. I’ve seen lots of pictures now, including film which is far harder to manipulate that pictures. Fact is there is no reason not to have ideals for men and women based on what millions of years of evolution has led us to think is healthy and attractive.
This art style is quite good so far. I like the colors and character design. I could be wrong, but it seems like Eve was a bit bouncier in earlier reveals, and perhaps she was toned down a bit. This is a good thing, as I was never a fan of the super bouncy Dead or Alive style of many anime games from a decade or so ago. Eve looks pretty awesome.
@Kidfried 100% agree
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If you don't like the character's body - just don't buy and play the game.
I won't be buying any more Horizon games, but I'll be day 1 on Stellar Blade. Glad some developers still don't budge on social agendas.
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@thefourfoldroot1 I see plenty of girls IRL who have bodies like, similar, or close to this, or just as attractive with different natural proportions. We have way overstated "unattainable".
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She’s gorgeous and I couldn’t care less, I just want awesome gameplay and a good story.
This guy needs glasses
Bayonetta has 3 excellent games. Nier Automata is a masterpiece. FF7 Remake is amazing. All have strong, confident female characters in them. Keep up the good work devs 👍🏻
@B0udoir Because only 15 year olds like attractive women I suppose?….
@Kidfried i mean they made a right decision to fire a feminist from the development cycle, especially if their view start or tried to meddle the vision of the project
@Kidfried Korean gender politics are fairly nuts, it's not like the west. I wouldn't consider the firing a bad thing.
@Kidfried Maybe do some research before posting inaccurate statements online like others. She was fired for creating "turmoil" and making her coworkers uncomfortable, you can't attempt to bully/pressure people into your beliefs and not expect to be fired. People are also never just fired on a first offense, it always comes with write ups and warnings unless it's an extreme situation.
@Jaz007 exactly!! People have become delusional, there are countless stunning women all over the world, need to get out of their house. Now if the argument was against social media and what that has done then sure. Whether your in Tulsa, OK, Beaumont TX or Yerevan Armenia or any other corner of the world, beautiful women are far more the norm than the exception
@Kidfried @InsaneWade Bodies unattainable for most is a defeatist attitude and much bigger problem then anything this developer is putting in their game. There are some due to health issues I completely agree with you but that's a minority. Most people won't put in the work & discipline needed to accomplish this. It can take 12-14 hours a day of work to accomplish this type of body for somebody not gifted with the genetics to have it more naturally as others. If it's not a priority for a person or they don't care then sure more power to that person and I just want them to be happy but unattainable is a complete falsehood. There is so much more I can share as I've spent years with a personal trainer to get my health in order as I deal with a disability but it is possible.
Listen, it's just really great when devs make a beautiful body for their characters, especially when it's contextually acceptable. Would I want Ellie to have been rocking some ripped jeans with a phat ass- no, never. It just doesn't make sense. But if you're going to make a Bayonetta-esque character for your Asiatic action game gimme that eye candy baby You can add beauty to your game in all sorts of ways, graphics, textures, animations, faces, BODIES. My God, what a body the main character has. I got more invested in Baldur's Gate 3 because Shadowheart and my character were both hot as hell and had beautiful faces. It's just part of being human and I'm all-in for sexualization if it fits.
@playstation1995 you spelled "Latina" wrong. And yes, I am a Black Man 🤙
It's nice to see developers that make attractive protagonist rather than editing them to make them less attractive, like, you know, every western AAA developers
@Dreamfire. Latina.i didnt say nothing abouut latina.i say black women got the best body.and yes im a black man also.queens new york represent.word up son
Let's hope its a good game and not just a game about a good looking girl. The first gameplay trailer looked quite good.
Got to wonder if blokes had all women look at them just for a "body" and literally nothing else and when that body wanes they get ditched or shat on opinions would probably be different. Also wondering if these same men as present in this comment section are peak male attractiveness to be calling out women like Aloy as "ugly" doubt it. Game looks hack n slash selling of T/A bit judging by what I read through these comments it seems to be working.
Is a cigarette smoker not allowed to tell others not to smoke?
Do you have to be a professional chef to judge someone's cooking?
Why do I have to be a Chad in order to judge someone else's attractiveness?
Men are "looked at" and get judged by women for their level of success/accomplishments all the time. Men and women are different. We look for different things in our mating partners.
The only thing that is stale are your "progressive" talking points from 2018.
@GreatAuk Your examples are bs mate. Yeah people criticise things all them time, everyone's a critic and all that but at the end of the day your criticism means jack if you have no idea or very little experience in what your critiquing to begin with. Look at all the people who do it with sport and yet most of them have no idea whatsoever what it's like to be a professional. So yeah your free to do so and have an opinion of course, whether it's valid or means something is very different.
Of course some women look for financial success or life accomplishments in a man. Not denying it. But how many women do you know that SOLELY look at a male purely for his body. I'm talking real life, not your red pill alpha male crying bs from the internet. Bet you won't find much. Now try it with blokes. The point I was making is most female characters exist just for this, not depth of character, not personality, not ability. Just an image for men to stare at hence why this character has had special attention paid to it's arse which is pretty pathetic in and of itself, but hey, sells the game and gets it out there right?
And don't bring male character design into this because you know full well they are power fantasies but generally they are still developed as people. Marcus Fenix wasn't shat on because he was a grizzled "ugly" character, no he's a bad ass. Aloy comes out and the little men get offended.
Take it as you will, at the end of the day we're just people on the net.
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@LadyHamiltonsMeow. I know right.but they need to have more black female.the real model of eve look good but her butt is not big in real life😀.word up son
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@jedinite Can't believe people are still replying to this. As for woke, I am not. All I'm trying to get across is a general sense of why some, not all, feel that way from hearing these things from, well, women.
It's an old article and no point debating anything on the internet, least not with someone who uses the word "woke"
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-all in order I can see an ever more polarized world; the weebs and those from the other side of the tracks
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