The first Xbox game has launched on PS5 and PS4: it’s historical adventure Pentiment, from developer Obsidian. By all accounts thus far, it’s a strong port of an exceptionally well-liked game, and we’re looking to bring you a review as quickly as possible. In the meantime, there’s one thing we noticed about the conversion that Microsoft may need to get to grips with moving forwards.
Pentiment’s list of Trophies matches its Xbox Achievements identically, with the same descriptions, titles, and icons. The only difference between the two versions is that PlayStation has 42 Trophies to unlock, while Xbox has 41 Achievements to earn. The difference, of course, is the Platinum Trophy – the silvery-blue gong you obtain when you’ve earned every other trinket in the set.
As it’s not part of the original game, the developer hasn’t even given the Trophy a name, which means it’s listed as placeholder string ‘PlatinumTrophy’. It’s something that’s already sparked amusement among Trophy enthusiast communities. “Not only did they come up with one of the most generic names for the Platinum Trophy, they also managed to f*ck it up,” one fan said.
Obviously, this is an extremely minor oversight in the grand scheme of things, and it could probably be easily rectified with a simple update or patch. We like to think, as it gains more experience with PlayStation development, that Microsoft’s command of the Trophy system will improve – after all, those Platinums are hard to earn, and deserve a more memorable name.
[source psnprofiles.com]
Comments 32
I can't believe Phil Spencer would do this to spite PlayStation fans
Obsidian has been releasing games on PlayStation with trophies since PS3. This story doesn't make any sense.
@xDD90x I was thinking the exact same thing. It's not like this was Rare putting its first title on Playstation.
It could just be Obsidian and MS putting low effort into a feature most normal gamers won't care for. Platinums are rare as it is and Pentiment requires multiple playthroughs to Platinum while not really having enough juice to sustain it for that (dialogues and plot won't change too much based off your choices).
Sounds like MS doesn't care about the quality and had Obsidian (a former 3rd party that has PlayStation development experience across multiple generations) rush to get this on PS4/5. This is not a good look for Microsoft, but honestly reflects the level of quality their "Play Anywhere" initiatives have had over the last decade. Even Gears of War 4 & 5 were pretty problematic on PC. I'd still say the PC version of Halo titles aren't exactly the best either.
why make a big thing out of the name of this platinum trophy but dross like my name is mayo is fine carry on. tomb raider remastered on ps5 no platinum's at all
the trophy system on PlayStation has more problems than the name of a trophy
PlatinumTrophy. I don't see anything wrong here. Looks like a cool trophy name to me.
It's clumsy and all they're getting out of it is bad PR, unless it means a lot that die hard exbots are smiling at this piece news.
Meanwhile, Phil is saying: Buy it, or we walk away!
@breakneck "most normal gamers" sounds like a huge stretch LOL, isn't people who call themselves "gamers" people who want the maximum challenge? People who want to master everything there is in the games they like? Well ... good trophies that are actually planned are exactly that lol and this comes from a NOT-gamer just a platinum enjoyer.
MS has the best devs (at least that's what people in this site say) but they sure lack cleverness to name stuff lol.
Achievement unlocked! Would have been a good plattie name.
Resistance 3 platinum is also just platinum trophy, and all the platties in the uncharted collection are just Platinum so let’s get retro angsty boys!!!
@xDD90x Exactly, and Obsidian have named most of their past platinums variations of “platinum trophy”. This is nothing new.
@xDD90x And Obsidian wasn't even responsible for Pentiment port on PlayStation. All recently announced ports were outsourced to third-party studios.
Sorry but if you think that's generic, try looking at the list for burnout paradise or even more recently horizon zero dawn which is a first party playstation title. Generic or low effort trophy names have been around a long time.
Obviously the issue with PlatinumTrophy is that it's PascalCase and it would be better in camelCase or snake_case
Unless the achievement title is an amusing pun or reference they may as well be called Silver 1, Gold 2, Bronze 3 etc. I can't inagine anyone aims to get a trophy just because it has a good name.
Aren't those Minecraft spin off games the real first ones to come out on PS?
Every XBox game will end up on Playstation... BUT with an added super-grindy trophy (walk 500 miles in Starfield/100 laps on a Forza track/Swim for 5 days in Sea of Thieves etc).
What a bizarre article all round. I have no idea why push square has brought this up was there an article each time the Uncharted games were released? I know some people seem to think trophies are the be all and end all but dont think I have ever seen anyone complain about the name of the trophy!
What a really weird article. This isn't Obsidians first PS release and also many PS games before it have had Plats literally called Platinum. People who think MS are being petty need to get a grip.
The first XBox platinum would be a fun name.
I mean to be fair, there are a number of games that have their platinum just called "Platinum Trophy" but as two words. Pretty sure I have a few of them myself. This is the first time I've seen it as one word which yeah, makes it sound like a little bit of laziness went in lol.
Edit: curiosity got the better of me. I have at least 24 platinums that are just called "Platinum Trophy".
The list surprised me. Too many to list but it includes most of the Sniper Elite games, L.A. Noire, SW Battlefront II, Subnautica, Bioshock 1 and Bioshock 2, Battlefield 4, and even Batman: Arkham Asylum.
@AFCC Techincally yes, but Mojang self-publish rather than being published by Microsoft. It’s the equivalent of Bungie I guess (Sony own them but they aren’t a “PS Studios” dev).
Psychonauts 2, however, most definitely counts (credits Microsoft as the publisher on the PS Store). So that was probably the first.
Meh. They can call trophies whatever they want, I tend to play games with the intent of having fun, trophies are a nice occasional bonus I guess, although I will try for all trophies if I particularly enjoy a game. Unless I get bored.
When I saw this, I just kind of laughed. I won't be getting the platinum in Pentiment (at least not any time soon). But the Pascal Case made me laugh in any event. I was honestly kind of surprised there even was a PlatinumTrophy. I figured Xbox would just skip it.
I would have called it ‘1000G’ 😂
They used to have platinum equivalent achievements back on the 360 then they stopped doing those when Xbox One came out
Anyone ever stop to think that this was intentional just to be funny?
First-party developers don’t live in a bubble where the whole concept another consoles ecosystem is lost to them.
I kind of hope all Microsoft games that get a Platinum Trophy just use PlatinumTrophy - make it a trademark of Xbox Game Studios on PlayStation.
I don't care about Trophies or Achievements to be honest.
Doesn’t PlayStation have a certification process that should be checking for stuff like this…? So clearly they are perfectly fine with the way Microsoft named it.
XBox being lazy. XD
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