Almost 15 years ago, this author received a press kit from Sony Online Entertainment for superhero MMO DC Universe Online on the PS3. Fast-forward to the present day, and the developer – renamed Daybreak Game Company, of course – is still supporting the game, with the free-to-play affair now available to download and play natively on the PS5. That’s three PlayStation console generations of support.
“The native version of DC Universe Online on the PS5 can better take advantage of the system’s hardware for stronger performance, smoother framerates, faster load times, and natively runs at 4K,” the studio explained. “The game itself is identical to the PS4 version of the game.” You’ll also be able to transfer all your progress back-and-forth between the two versions.
The native PS5 version also has its own Trophy list, with a whopping 123 gongs to unlock overall. If you’ve been building up your PS4 save all these years, then expect to auto-pop many of the trinkets when you login to the new-gen version.
[source dcuniverseonline.com]
Comments 4
Ah yes, the successful online DC video game. Kinda sad that they did it better over a decade ago, even if this and thou who shall not be named are very different conceptually-wise.
I'd forgotten about this game! May download it just to see if high level players still camp outside the post-tutorial spawn area just to beat on new low level players...
This is funny, I remember how much it lagged on my PS3 and I was so excited to play it on my PS4 only to get slightly less lag. Wonder how good it lags this time around
And the game lasting longer than DCEU.
That's something.
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