Things have been quiet on the Suicide Squad front since the game was released in February. Publisher Warner Bros was disappointed by the game's poor sales but doubled down on making its live service dream a reality. A free DLC update is now available, adding The Crown Prince of Crime himself to the game.
Kicking off the game's first live season, players can expect to face down Green Lantern and ultimately unlock The Joker as a playable character. Which Joker? That's kind of complicated. There's also a Battle Pass, new shop items for sale, additional Incursions and Strongholds to engage in, and More Infamy Sets and Notorious Gear to collect.
What do you think? Is the prospect of The Joker enough to draw you back to Suicide Squad, or perhaps you never left? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.
Comments 17
The six people still playing this are going to be thrilled!
You couldn't pay me to play as this wannabe Joker.
That's awesome that Joker is being added, but why is the clip showing Mary Poppins flying around a neon laser light show?
They didn't even try and entice us trophy hunters back in by adding DLC trophies. Perhaps they don't need the players.
Sorry, but genuinely - who even cares at this point?? This isn't the Rocksteady that gave us Arkham, so just stop it Rocksteady - you're embarrassing yourself 🙄
It's already like half off. Good job, Rocksteady.
Thank you for remind us that this game still exist.
Game just looks real boring even if it didn't have the many other issues, overwatch 2 escort payload missions and shooting what i assume are just clayface style clones brainiac uses?
This game is what you'd get if you purchased an agents of mayhem key from a grey market site, i would play AoM numerous more times before i ever touched this, wouldn't play this if it was free.
And there I was thinking you couldn't make a worse joker than Leto Joker... impressed
@Anke Do you have the plat?
As a fellow hunter with the plat, I am never playing this title ever again. What a miserable endgame, I think I actually gave myself acute brain damage playing it
The model is awful...but the VA seems spot on from the little I've seen. Silly Mulltiverse Joker.
There isn’t even any story content in the update. No explanation of why the players are rescuing Joker, why Metropolis changed, how they even know this Joker exists, or any specific missions about rescuing Joker. Even Avengers had more substantial expansions than this in its dying days. Honestly a complete disgrace and anyone who worked on this game should be blackballed from the gaming industry for creating something so bad.
This is much worse that you think.
You’d assume that you have access to all content right away since you bought the game, nope, you have to grind dozens of hours to be level 35 just to be able to get this character and beat this season’s boss, oh and the progress from the main game doesn’t count so you start at level 0.
But of course if you don’t want to grind all that you can just buy it because who wouldn’t want to spend even more in this $70 game…
This game is making Avengers look like a masterpiece.
@IOI oh my god what a confusing and misguided approach. so glad to have stayed away from this
@LordAinsley yup it was a grind and a half that's for sure, and now I saw that the DLC is just more of the exact same I'm glad there's no trophies
@Anke yeah the same missions with more mastery it sounds like, and another copy paste brainiac.
It's honestly totally insane they thought this would fly.
I'm so grateful I did not buy this game.
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