Sony’s had its head in the cloud streaming business for much longer than its rivals, as you may recall it snapped up Gaikai prior to the launch of the PS4, and spent years peddling PS Now before transitioning the service to PS Plus Premium a few years ago. Despite this, it’s largely been considered irrelevant in the space, with bigger names like Microsoft and Google muscling their way into the market more recently.
It turns out, however, that PlayStation is doing a bang-up job with its cloud streaming service. An extensive Eurogamer.net report – which we recommend you read in full – reveals that recent upgrades to the service have seen it leapfrog Xbox’s xCloud solution, delivering PS5 games at 60fps in 4K with HDR, as well as with high-quality surround sound and Tempest Audio where available.
While there are still flaws related to the technology, Sony’s service is dramatically outperforming Microsoft’s, with vastly superior image quality. Xbox is, bafflingly, using Xbox Series S instances of its games for cloud streaming, so already finds itself at a disadvantage to the native PS5 versions leveraged by Sony. But the report notes of A Plague Tale: Requiem: “The Xbox solution is not even close to Sony’s, with a hugely compressed image that simply can't handle elements like swaying grass, fire, or even the shaded detail of a house.”
Due to the fact Microsoft is using Xbox Series S instances, PS Plus’ cloud streaming also posts a framerate advantage over its rival, although it should be noted Sony’s solution comes at the cost of slightly higher input lag. Nevertheless, the results are surprising, and perhaps not what anyone would have predicted based on the importance each platform holder has placed on the technology recently.
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 63
I was really surprised by this result. The last time I used it was playable on slow paced retro games but a MASSIVE downgrade on anything newer. Will have to give it another go
Ive never really had a problem with streaming on psnow or xcloud
and why is Geforce now not included in the test thats the best of the bunch
to me the test is a bit redundant as surely the point of game streaming is so you can play a game on something other than native hardware?
I don't use the cloud at all as far as gaming goes but if I did I would imagine I would go towards whoever has the lowest input lag first. So while the Xbox streaming looks worse I would imagine I'd still prefer theirs even if the input lag is only slightly better.
But like I said I don't really have any interest in cloud streaming my games anyway so what do I know?
Still largely pointless though. Would be a much better service if you could stream your owned PS5 games through anything other than a PS5 where I already have the games installed. There’s the real advantage in the XBOX service,
The psplus cloud streaming is working awesome, i use it in my PC with the App and also in the PS5, the Quality is MUCH better than other Services, comparing with GFN. What they could do in a future is allowing PS5 games in the PC app, or launch an app for other devices like smart tvs, also they can launch a kind of tv stick that allow You to connect your controller and do cloud streaming. At least for now is great, i'm not downloading games anymore.
@Syeiko13 this would be a serious win for Sony and us the consumers. I believe Microsoft is working towards this.
@Korgon the game they compared latency on, Back 2 Blood, was already laggier playing natively on PS5 (around 30ms slower) so the PS+ cloud streaming only added around 10ms more than Xcloud. That’s pretty negligible, and it’s more likely things like your networking setup, how close you are to the data centre, and if you use Ethernet will make a larger difference.
But more importantly testing just ONE game isn’t very scientific, results could be very different on others. I’d take that result with a large pinch of salt. It might be better, it might be worse.
This doesn't surprise me, the playstation portal has been the best experience I've had with cloud/streaming gaming so far, whereas Xcloud on mobile was awful. Even Google Stadia had better cloud infrastructure than Microsoft, could run games easily at 1080p with 50mbs internet (at the time).
@UltimateOtaku91 I love my PS Portal but the source of the streaming is my own router and PS5. It’s has nothing to do with Sonys cloud streaming service. I wish it did though.
@ZippyR3 Ah yeah my bad, well hopefully they can add an app to the Portal in the future for cloud streaming, would be a missed opportunity otherwise.
From my perspective, Streaming is NOT really the Primary way gamers will choose to play their games - its a 'bonus' option for certain situations where using 'hardware' to play isn't an 'option'.
If you are playing on PS5 or Series X for example - Why? The only reason is likely to be to 'try' a game to see if its worth waiting to download and install. Otherwise, its just a way to play games 'away' from your Primary hardware choice.
Additional lag is a bit like lower resolution/PQ on a handheld - you should 'expect' it for that flexibility as input signals have to travel far further from you to 'hardware' running the game and send a picture to your display.
Yeah, watched this yesterday, and the more I think about it, the more it looks like a massive win for Sony. I was so surprised I couldn't believe it was that better and was grasping at straws to give xCloud some pros.. but yeah, flawless victory it seems.
Funny considering Sony uses Azure (Microsoft) for all its cloud stuff and for PlayStation streaming ect ect
@Stickleman They're using AWS afaik. Don't know if that is related to Azure in some way though.
@ZippyR3 Got to imagine that’s the next step.
I have a terrible Internet connection where I am but honestly I was amazed at how good some games look with PS Plus cloud when I tried it recently.
Not sure I’d ever play an action game with it, but stuff like visual novels are perfect.
Whoever created the image of Jim Ryan in the clouds deserves a raise 😂
It's great for certain games, but was to go with others such as FPS or competitive
I've recently started streaming my games (a newborn is on the way, my entertainment room is gone). I use my phone with the dualsense and a good phone holder, and I'm stunned at how good it is.
I've got a quite good internet connection, and the PS5 is wired. Once in a while I get connection issues but it's extremely rare.
All in all it's a great way to play games without committing to sitting on the couch and switching on the big tv in the living room. Every indie game I've played played flawlessly, and I enjoyed even bigger 3D games for short sessions.
The only issue I have is for menu heavy games (like Baldur's Gate or Civilization) where the writings can get too small. I don't play online or FPS in general, so I can't comment on them.
But to all who doubt it, just try with your phone and dualsense and see if your connection handles it well, you may be very surprised.
I use the cloud version a lot on my PS5 but never on my Series X. Medium quality 1080P stream does not cut it for me with a 4K screen.
If the article image depicts actual heaven and God, then no wonder why living on earth is worse every day
This was absolutely expected from me. Ive never had any issue with streaming on PS since PSNow, but I've had issues with xbox cloud.
I wasnt aware that if you stream your Series X game, you get the series S version! Thats awful imo..
Nothing beats a local host for me, but I rarely leave home and appreciate many others appreciate access away from your machine.
I only tend to use it to check out a game on the services that Im not sure about, before I commit to the download 👍
Saw the DF video and tried streaming some PS5 games and it genuinely is impressive. Always felt sceptical about a potential streaming-only future, but now I'm beginning to believe. Just need to get that latency down.
Doesn't matter how good it is as long as my town refuses to improve the internet infrastructure
Both systems are not good enough
Input lag is just as important as everything else when playing a video game
140ms is borderline unplayable for any slightly faster paced game
Both Sony and Microsoft need to improve their streaming services if they actually want people to use it and for it be a viable alternative to playing a game natively
Question: do I need to have a PS5 to access the cloud services or can I use it with just the subscription and a phone for example?
Last time I used it on my 500mbps connection it was still terrible with too much input latency.
I just don't see Cloud Gaming as viable until everyone has at least 1Gbps connections. Latency is king.
Completely agree with others sentiments here. Focusing on the quality of the image on screen as the determining factor is very narrow. It's the input lag that really crushes the viability of cloud gaming for any titles that require precision.
MS use Series S versions??!?? Why!?!!!
I mean they are all virtual machines and surely the bandwidth could handle series X too?
MS and another bad decision there, amazing really. Instead of offering the best experience they offer the worst version, it's really weird!!
Guess those cheques finally stopped huh 🤔
Don't playstation use Microsoft servers for their cloud gaming or something lol
@TwoDents sorry if it looks like a dumb question but I really don't know how it works.
Relating to the thumbnail for this article...
In the teletubbies opening start with the baby laughing Jim Ryan reminds me of it, maybe it is him.
@TwoDents sure thing, just googled it and found my answer. Sorry for touching an apparently sensitive point for you, I didn't mean to offend, I was honestly asking.
Sometimes I get my hopes up thinking that instead of googling something the community would help, maybe I'm just too naive.
Tbh hell no for me. Im okay with digital game,but cloud? Not a chance
Was this not the same report that showed latency is better on xbox though, not the big win stated if the games are borderline unplayable
My old broadband was 22Mbs and it was unable. On 1Gig it’s a pretty good experience. I wish though they’d enable it on PSPortal/Remote Devices lay.
I tried playing God of War 1 from the PS3 and the action prompts were almost ridiculously impossible. I had to quit despite liking the combat because the game’s streaming wasn’t registering my inputs fast enough. I was so excited to dive into PS3 streaming too since I missed that generation. The experience turned me off from it
@amatmulisha yeah technical issues aside, streaming seems like a bad time for gamers even if it ran fine. Your gaming library will be constantly at the mercy of the off switch, I really hope gaming manages to avoid the streaming route.
Gosh that Jim Ryan in the clouds Photoshop is reminding me of the sun baby from teletubbies!
@Futureshark Cause xCloud is meant for phone and 720P window tablets and laptops. It not meant to used on 4k screened devices. It also something that is designed to used on cellular services.
It does no one good being able to stream the Series X version on a 6 inch screen.
@Futureshark Also, using the Series S version instead of the Series X allows them to run multiple instances on one Series X blade which helps limit queue that plague services like GeForce Now.
I think every Series X blade can run
2 instances of Series S. When they was stream One S games, it was 4 instances.
It much easier to allow a 4k HDR stream when you only have to stream to two type of devices… PC and PS5, and one of the devices they designed and made the hardware for, so know the hardware limitations.This is why Stadia and GeForce Now had originally locked their 4k stream to their own hardware. Not every device had the required hardware to decode the correct codecs of the stream.
@AverageGamer - "Cause xCloud is meant for phones and 720P window tablets and laptops. It is not meant to used on 4k screened devices."
I didn't realise it wasn't on Samsung TVs yet?
Sony actually has some experience in high bit rates and 4k compression through their work with with movies and Cinema quality cameras etc. They have also worked with iSize before and recently acquired them so I wouldn't be surprised if they also had something to do with this as well.
iSize builds AI-powered solutions to deliver bitrate savings and quality improvements for the media and entertainment industry.
@MrMagic It on Samsung TV and Quest, but they haven’t really done anything to improve the service at all for larger screens, and a lot people says it horrible. A lot of their effort has always been pushing the service for smaller devices and lite devices… It great on my Surface Go. Can’t say the same for PS Streaming since they don’t offer any web streaming, and you technically can’t download non Microsoft stores on a surface Go.
@AverageGamer Yeah it actually makes sense they prioritise handhelds like mobile phones and tablets because mobile gaming is the biggest gaming market.
Man remember when people think streaming and subscription is the future for games, in the end it's traditional games and live service games that win out in the end.
Most gamers didn't want streaming services (that's why they fail all the times), and the rest of casual gamers just play mobile games rather than streaming assasssin creed/call of duty on their phones.
Streaming services don't fail because gamers don't want them.
Starfield doesnt require a £2500 PC.
@TwoDents and what if they don't? So people that don't have the same "know how" as you shouldn't be allowed to ask a information of Playstation on a dedicated site for Playstation? What a nice point of view you got there sir. Really impressive.
@TwoDents wow! At first I thought you were the moderator of this website by the rules you spit here (and that just by creating the account this week). But after this comment I've just realized...you are the moderator of the whole internet! Amazing!
Not surprised by the result. Used both services and xCloud always looked fugly on anything larger than a mobile phone. Then however, at least xcloud has a mobile app which Sony for some unexplainable reason is still keeping from us cashcow premium members!
But yes, streaming on the ps5 has it's merits, especially for game trials and demos.
And to the usual comment echo chamber, everybody knows and agrees that native gaming is the superior options. Nobody would ever think otherwise! Still this can be a nice option for underpowered devices or on the go.
At home we use phone's Wi-Fi router as internet connection and once games are downloaded I play most of them offline (I deactivate the Wi-Fi on the phone). Cloud gaming is not for me.
I love it, I always stream new games added to PS+ when I want to check them out before downloading, when I like it I download the game, when I don't like it I just close it and don't have to worry about it.
I realised there were no lags even for new released games so I could continue playing like that, but i still prefer to download games.
So I can play games without downloading them to the console? I didn't know.
@ZippyR3 the 2 companies have different strategies. MS is a tech company and Sony an entertainment one. So MS doesn't care if it doesn't sell its consoles, but Sony relies on ps5 sales
I mean to depends what your after xcloud has better latency. I tend to play Indy games on the cloud so not to bothered about the best graphics
@ZhuckelDror But it is though, when most people go online to play games, they play live service games or multiplayer games, not streaming single player games. There's still people that use the service, but it's just a small part compared to people that play locally.
@dschons fair enough. I know like in 2021 I think Sony announced a partnership with Microsoft using Azure for most of their stuff incl PS now and any game streaming stuff but 🤷might changed tbf
@2here2there I don’t disagree that Sony want to sell hardware but the fact you can stream PS3 and PS4 titles using a DualShock 4 on a windows laptop if you have the highest tier PS+ subscription shows that Sony are deliberately holding their cloud service back when it comes to PS5 games and mobile cloud streaming which Microsoft do quite well at.
I like having the versatility to play my games where I like when away from home or commuting. Most have a smart phone capable of cloud streaming, and controller options are plentiful (back bone etc).
@ZippyR3 you're explaining what I've already said. Sony is not willing to make everything available anytime everywhere because it's an entertainment company to keep the source of the entertainment with themselves and provide it with limitations. MS is the tech company that provides an infrastructure anytime everywhere. Nintendo is the extreme version of Sony, because it only works on one type of entertainment. In terms of long-term game quality, which one is working better? I believe Sony and Nintendo. MS is just making money by making things readily available and cares less about the quality of the entertainment, just quality of service, similar to a grocery store that cares about its service even if its products are not of high-quality
@2here2there I respect your opinion even if I disagree, the quality of recent Xbox exclusives has clearly been an issue for MS but to say they don’t care about it probably isn’t true in my opinion. The recent changes in Xbox leadership point towards a desire for better games. MS knows the Xbox brand has been harmed recently and will want prove themselves. Hopefully that means better games in the future.
The article and discussion point is on the quality of the cloud streaming services and its value to the consumers. I’m simply making a point that despite higher resolutions on Sony’s service, great value is found on the Microsoft service by virtue of ‘play anywhere’. There is nothing wrong with hoping Sony change their stance and provide the same service as MS across multiple devices, in the same way I hope the headlines generated make MS strive for better streaming resolutions. To me it just feels like Sony only has one foot in the cloud streaming game and I want more from them as their customer. Who wouldn’t want to play some Helldivers 2 on their commute or lunch break without having to double dip for a steam deck version?
I’m still in the camp that cloud streaming at home is largely pointless and doesn’t make full use of the infrastructure that both Sony and MS have invested in. I accept other people think it’s fine as a way of testing games before committing to a big download and that’s fine for them.
As for Nintendo, they have always marched to the beat of their own drum. And good for them! I’m a fan of all three companies and own a Series X, a PS5 and a switch. It’s a good time to be a gamer!
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