Ever wanted to play a trio of PS1 games in native 4K at an unrelenting 120 frames-per-second? Well, now you can. A new update for the likeable Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered collection fixes a bunch of graphical and bug issues across all three titles – and quietly bundles in 120fps support on Sony’s new-gen console. You’ll obviously need a compatible television to take advantage of the rapid refresh rate, but if you’ve already got a top-of-the-range screen, you should be good to go.
We’ll include the full patch notes for all three titles below:
Tomb Raider
- Fixed image sizes so paintings were no longer cropped in Lara’s Home
- Resolved partial missing door in the Egypt level
- Updated textures on key pickups to be more visible
- Updated lava textures to not be transparent when viewed at certain angles
Tomb Raider 2
- Resolved a crash that would occur in the Home Sweet Home level
- Updated hitbox for spiders in the The Great Wall level
- Updated misplaced secrets in Golden Mask levels
- Snowmobile no longer rides backwards when firing in Modern Controls
- Updated door handles to include proper textures in Diving Area level
- Updated HD molten gold texture in the Kingdom level
- Updated snow camouflage in HD mode in The Cold War level
Tomb Raider 3
- Updated quicksand textures in HD mode
- Waterfall no longer disappears when switching the levels in the control room of Nevada Desert
- Gem is now visible in the Furnace of the Gods level
- Secret level All Hallows now triggers properly
- Skybox details are now visible in HD mode at beginning of Shakespeare Cliff
Remember, you can find a full list of All PS5 Games Running at 120fps through the link, as well as our Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered review. We rather enjoyed the release on day one, but these improvements are understandably only going to improve our overall impressions of the outing.
[source tombraider.com]
Comments 28
Have they fixed the total lack of a hop backwards control for the new controller method?
I got these on Xbox because I have all the other Tomb Raider games there. It's a really good collection IMO.
All well and good, but no platinum means no ps5 version. In fact, I’ll be holding off until patches fix the broken trophy issues period. How Sony can justify games releasing in this state is beyond me. It’s like they don’t even test them first, or hold devs to account.
@sanderson72 simply pull your guns out temporarily and then it works. But no, its not fixed.
It does a whole lot better though. Really shows how a remaster should be done. Perfect.
Awesome, definitely going to enjoy the 120fps! I finished TR1, TR2 and both extra levels, was almost done with TR3, but took a break to play Rebirth.
@thefourfoldroot1 genuinely do not understand why they did that. Absolutely idiotic
This is all great, and I really hate seeming this petty (and I do want to play the games regardless) BUT - I'm holding out for a physical release.
@thefourfoldroot1 the trophy issues were fixed on this patch, eventhough it is not listed
at least the ps4 trophy issues that is...
Not all unfortunately. Not even the ps4 ones. At least last I checked (post patch) the All Hallows and Flying Fox trophies were unobtainable. And another requires a glitch work-around. Would be happy to be wrong though.
Well if you look at them on PSNprofiles a bunch of people suddenly popped the platinum for 1 & 3 yesterday.... i am a ways from it anyway so hopefully it will be fixed by the time i get that far if its not already
@thefourfoldroot1 Well if you look at them on PSNprofiles a bunch of people suddenly popped the platinum for 1 & 3 yesterday.... i am a ways from it anyway so hopefully it will be fixed by the time i get that far if its not already
they did however patch out the level skip glitch to get the hard boiled and no med kit trophies on TR1, making that platinum A LOT harder
Still no platinum trophy for them though?
What a messy release what i hear about here well ill waif for a LRG release or a physical one.
You guys really holding off a value £25 remaster of 3 of the finest games ever made, put in to one compilation with nothing taken out, and shined up with one of the finest remaster treatments ever because some virtual gold stamps from year 2 primary aren't perfect? Wow. Hate to see what you thought of TLOU remaster.
@Ahoyman Some of the trophies were fixed but sadly not all. The unobtainable pickup in TR1 has been sorted but the trophy in Unfinished Business to collect all pickups is still glitched.
Well atleast Unfinished Business isn’t required for the TR1 platinum.. but yeah hopefully they get that one sorted also
Genuine questions for those who go after trophies.
Would a game having an incomplete trophy list stop you from buying the game?
I ask because I genuinely can't remember the last time I even thought about getting a trophy of any kind.
the reason i didn't buy this game day one is because the studio's decision to not make a physical copy.
@__jamiie lol yeah exactly this. Even thinking, going back through different console variations I've had , not once have I bothered about trophies. I think it's more of a 'me' generation thing.
Though tbf I never go after MS rewards on GP either. If they pop up, meh, ok.
Article states ps one games, this a remastered trilogy not ported classics.
I still don’t understand Sony’s decision with not doing multiple platinums for each game from single game launcher though.
Still won’t stop me for getting them but will most likely will for trophy hunters
No I plan on getting the remastered trilogy for PS5 when I’ve finished a lot of other games first.
Trophy hunters may not go for the PS5 versions though as they like going for the platinum trophies
Never understood the ‘Trophy Hunt’.. I’m a big time RPG gamer with thousands of hours in my PS5 since Nov 2022.. had a PS4 for years before this as well.. if a trophy pops up I may hit the PS button to see what it is but it’s never my goal.. and forget replaying a game that i already know the ending of lol I have kids n a job
@__jamiie "Would a game having an incomplete trophy list stop you from buying the game?"
In this case the PS4 version is complete so I will stick with that version, is not like they are very demanding games that need 4K 120fps. If there was only a PS5 version without the platinums I would just wait for a sale.
I'm just glad they fixed the texture for the walls with netting that you can climb (TR2 Lara's home is the first place you see them). In the HD mode, the background and foreground were swapped and it looked really jarring.
I haven't bought the collection yet but I'm glad to see the patch is adding some new features.
I’m really hoping a rewind or autosave feature is added in a future update just to help take the edge off some of the rougher design elements. Autosave would be enough tbh, like they had in TR Anniversary - because I’m so used to not manually saving, I just forget to do it!!
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