We suspect the vast majority of our readers will have moved on to the PS5 by now, but there are still millions upon millions of lingering PS4 users around the world. Sony has remained committed to the console, despite it now being over a decade old, and earlier this week it released a brand-new firmware update which actually makes some improvements to the user experience.
We’re not going to overplay these, though, because they are minimal. According to the platform holder’s official website, the new patch will “improve” the messaging system and its “usability on some screens”. The manufacturer has also bundled in its tried-and-true performance and stability enhancements. Standard.
So, there you go – the patch is out now, and in case you missed it, there’s also a new PS5 firmware update available as well.
[source playstation.com]
Comments 35
It's still getting games as well.
Wait till you hear about the ps3 fw update that came out 2 weeks ago lol. Ps4 is not even an old console yet and thanks to its massive success it'll most likely keep getting support and games up to the release of PS6.
I booted up my PS4 by accident and noticed a sudden spike in performance and stability. This explains it.
I still game on my PS4 even though I mostly game on my PS5.
I noticed the update last night after losing internet connection think that might have been why
Not a big deal, honestly. We can be sure that PS4 would get updates for many more years to come.
PS4 - the most stable console in the universe!
Keep going, old stager, at this rate you'll outlast the PS5!
Good old PS4. No reason to move on to PS5. I've got games to play for years.
This is not surprising. The PS4 has amazing longevity. To put things into perspective:
PS3 release date: November 2006
PS4 release date: November 2013
PS5 release date: November 2020
We're in March 2024, 10⅓ years post-PS4 launch and 3⅓ years post-PS5 launch. The vast majority of games being released are available on PS4. The next FFXIV expansion, Dawntrail, will also be released on PS4.
The equivalent of this was March 2017, 10⅓ years post-PS3 launch and 3⅓ years post-PS4 launch. The only games released on PS3 that year were Persona 5, PES 2017, NBA 2K18, FIFA 18, and barely half a dozen of small indie titles. The FFXIV expansion of that year, Stormblood, was not released on PS3.
The PS4 sure is impressive, what an achievement.
@GloriosaDaisy Crikey, I thought you were joking but yes, my PS3 is now getting updated to firmware 4.91!
@GloriosaDaisy Yep updated mine a couple of weeks ago too, happy days. Just started playing Batman Arkham Origins.
@Foxhound I think that also says a lot about the state of the current AAA gaming market. There was a time when the mere suggestion that you could get four years into a console cycle and still be playing last gen games would have been laughable.
the better playstation by the way
-Better game library in its time and even supposed “ps5 games” are on it
-More durable controller than the DriftSense and better battery life
-Better UI & More features
-Can fit in your home
-Can download multiple things at once
-PS Plus was cheaper with better deals back then
did i miss anything?
N.i.c.e. ps4 the g.o.a.t. 🐐 👑.word up son
@nomither6 "Can fit in your home" - absolute classic!
@sanderson72 nothing compared to Nintendo Switch. That is more stable than Mt. Everest. 😂
I'm still using my PS3 for Resistance and Killzone sessions. Even the PS2 and PS1 get booted up every now and then just to make sure they still work and to listen to their boot up sounds!
My PS4pro is my dedicated PSVR machine, so still gets use, if not as much as my PS3. That wonder sits next to my PS5 in the living room and is currently being used to entertain me with Just Cause 2.
Sony’s latest PlayStation is a good machine and I have no regrets with mine, but I do get the feeling it won’t get full chance to shine, unlike its’ older siblings.
My backlog is waaay too big so I’ll no doubt still be playing FF7 and Baldur’s Gate 3 when the PS5pro or PS6 comes out !
It’s a nice first world issue to have, knowing I don’t need to buy another game again for years to come!
Amongst my friends, I'm still the only one, that has upgraded to PS5. If it keeps getting great games, it might even survive the entire PS5 generation. This far into the next generation, the PS2 and PS3, was either dead, or only got Fifa games.
And PS4 still has the better UI.
Yeah, I still got my PS2 hooked up. I've been playing through Maximo 2 and Darkwatch, two games I didn't get the chance to play back then. And I'm actually having more fun discovering "new" games on the PS2, than playing on my PS5.
@nomither6 OK, I am semi trolling/joking but you missed
@belmont i forgot that the ps4 could do that, that’s a big one. i’d love for memory cards or USB saves to come back. I remember exchanging memory cards with my peers back in the day for game saves , it was pretty cool.
@belmont @nomither6 Weird thing is that's a facility that they have copied over to the PS5 OS - but still only for PS4 saves! Bonkers...
I've just recently set my PS3 up again to make sure it still works and got the newest update.
I can't stop playing it and my PS5 hasn't been switched on since. Such a brilliant console with an amazing library.
I'm still on a ps4! I've set my sights on a ps5 for next year, in time for Grand Theft Auto 6. I've been working through all the games I bought on sale over the years, there's a lot of them so I have a lot to do before next year, ha. Luckily, the sales have been such crap lately that I haven't even been tempted by anything in quite a while.
I use mine still for the original PSVR it always setup nicely 🤜🤛
Still on PS4 for the time being.
I’m surprised we haven’t had a mid-gen ui refresh. But then Sony only seems to like updating the share play system as opposed to including a decent update to trophies or implementing stars in some way
@RainbowGazelle Same here. I still haven't gotten a PS5, mostly due to most of the games I'm interested in are still coming out for PS4
@Czar_Khastik Joking aside the PS4 still is a nics console and even has a superior OS to me. Plus if you don't have a lot of cash its quite a fantastic console to own with tons of games.
@nomither6 For me the easy backup of saves or even better the easy way of backing up my console which i did every month.
Hm, seems like the latest PS3 fw update has stirred even more attention than the PS4 one
Best Console Ever.
I'm still Using My PS4 and i enjoying every Game that i play.
There are still many games that I haven't tried and I don't plan to transfer to PS5 at the moment.
Every new game that is released for PS4, I will be happy and buy it.
@michaelf I wish I'd held on to my Pro for exactly that reason. Instead I flirted it for space as I still had my original 4 to set up, but that thing seems to struggle with VR so it's basically just a display piece now...
My PS3 and PS2 still get some legwork every now and again too...
@LiamOliver I was just lucky that I was in a position to do that. I appreciate some people will need to sell their existing console to help fund their next one (I did exactly that with my PS4).
We still have 4 PS4's in the house. Why wouldn't you? Even with a couple of PS5's, we can still play 6p linked burnout paradise etc..
No one is lingering... The idea that everyone would have sold their PS4 to buy a PS5 is odd, and who do you think bought them? Not gonna be people who don't use them, is it? Of course the PS4 is still alive and well.
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